[PDF] PLC Programming for Industrial Automation

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pour réaliser la partie commande. Le GRAFCET de niveau 03 est basé sur la programmation des automates programmables en utilisant par exemple le langage ladder ( 


Programmation d'un GRAFCET en langage LADDER LADDER (notamment quand l'automate ne prends pas en charge le langage GRAFCET). Les étapes de GRAFCET ...


Méthode à partir d'exemples de GRAFCET codés en langage LADDER à l'aide de Step7 La programmation ensuite n'utilise que des éléments « symboliques ».

La Programmation

Langage LD : langage à contact (LADDER). Langage FBD : diagramme fonctionnel (logigramme). Diagramme fonctionnel en séquence (GRAFCET). La Norme CEI 1131.


La programmation du GRAFCET en langage LADDER consiste à associer à chaque étape i du. GRAFCET un bit interne de l'API Xi. Le programme est alors constitué 

Fiche de programmation PL7 Pro

Programmation sans langage grafcet : voir annexe page 7. Pour faire apparaître un bloc fonctionnel dans un programme LADDER cliquez sur.

Programmation Grafcet pour lAPI S7-300 en Ladder

Automatismes & API –SE1. Mme EL HAMMOUMI. 1/2. Programmation Grafcet pour l'API S7-300 en Ladder. Grafcet niveau2 : Tableau des références S7-300.

PLC Programming for Industrial Automation

(GRAFCET) methods but the obvious popularity of ladder logic persists. The solution is to plan the program using a sequential function chart and then to 

Fiche de programmation Unity

Programmation en langage LD d'un grafcet : voir annexe 5 page 22. Programmation des sorties dans une section LADDER « Actions_externes » :.


12.8.2009 Perax a donc ajouté aux fonctionnalités du P400Xi

Reference manual - CERN

Grafcet language Grafcet language is used to represent the operation of a sequential automatic sys-tem in a structured and graphic form Example of how to program in Grafcet language ST : MAST - SR10 ( * Searching for the first element which is not zero in a table of 32 words Determining its value ( MW10 ) its rank ( MW11)

Du GRAFCET au Ladder - Automatic Solution

Coder du Grafcet en langage LADDER (ressource) Page 1/10 Retour page de garde 84 200 Carpentras 1 CONTENU DU DOCUMENT Méthode à partir d’exemples de GRAFCET codés en langage LADDER à l’aide de Step7 (TIA PORTAL) Le codage reprend les 5 règles qui définissent le GRAFCET


Exercice : donner le programme en ladder du GRAFCET suivant d’une perceuse automatisée Condition de désactivation Condition de d’activation Auto maintien Etape Condition d’activation : une étape est activée si l’étape immédiatement précédente est active ET que la transition associée est vérifiée

Comment traduire un grafcet en langage Ladder ?

On va voir dans ce qui suit comment traduire un GRAFCET en langage Ladder en se basant sur l’exemple d’illustration suivant : La première étape c’est de traduire le GRAFCET en équations logiques : Soit Xi l’étape i, Xi-1 l’étape qui la précède et Xi+1 l’étape qui la suit. Ti-1 et Ti les réceptivités associées aux transitions.

Comment transposer un grafcet en Ladder ?

La transposition d'un Grafcet en Ladder n'est pas une tche complexe. Elle demande de travailler avec mthode et de respecter scrupuleusement les rgles dictes. Pour un fonctionnement correct, il faut d'abord calculer toutes les transitions, ensuite faire voluer les tats des tapes et enfin calculer l'tat des sorties.

Comment fonctionne un grafcet Crit ?

Votre Grafcet crit, vous pouvez passer la phase de programmation. Le Ladder est aujourd'hui le langage le plus rpandu pour la programmation des automates. Il consiste en un ensemble de rseaux de contacts, semblables des schmas lectriques. La barre de gauche reprsente VCC et celle de droite GND.

Comment faire une programmation propre en grafcet ?

Une programmation propre, en Grafcet comme en C, passe par une division du programme en un ensemble de tche ou de sous-programme testables de faon unitaire. Vous pouvez concevoir un programme comprenant plusieurs grafcet interagissant entre eux. Pour programmer cela, voici quelques conseils: A chaque graphe, on associe un programme.


PLC Programming for

Industrial Automation

Kevin Collins

Formatted & updated by

Scott Willis

December 2014(Note: This is not a completed document)


Introduction................................................................................. 1

1.PLC Basics................................................................................... 1

1.1Function of a PLC........................................................... 2

1.2Inputs and Outputs......................................................... 2

1.3PLC Architecture and Wiring Diagrams...................... 4

1.4Network Protocols........................................................... 5

Questions.......................................................................... 5

2.Ladder Programming.................................................................. 8

2.1Conditional Logic............................................................. 8

2.2Ladder Diagrams............................................................. 9

2.3Normally closed contacts................................................10

2.4Outputs and latches.........................................................11

2.5Internal relays..................................................................15

2.7The Pulse Generator........................................................19

Questions and exercises....................................................24

3.Sequential Programming..............................................................29

3.2A Simple Automation Sequence.......................................29

3.3Evolution of the Sequential Function Chart....................32

3.4Programming using the Sequential Function Chart.......33

3.5Entering the SFC program into the PLC.........................35

3.6Modifying an SFC Program...............................................43

3.7Use of Timers and Counters in SFC Programming.........44

Questions and Exercises......................................................51

4.Selective Branching..........................................................................60

Questions and Exercises.......................................................79

5.Parallel Branching.............................................................................89

5.2Parallel Branching and the SF chart....................................89

Appendix A: Using the TriLogi software........................................A1


I have been teaching PLC programming for fifteen years and the question that I hear most often from students is "Can you recommend a book on this?" In response I have trotted out the titles of various standard text books but I have never come across a book that really develops the skill of PLC programming instead of telling the reader what PLCs are all about. I have finally decided to fill this gap in the market myself. "What sort of PLCs do you use?" is another popular question. It implies that familiarity with one make and model of PLC will leave the programmer struggling when asked to use a different type. I deliberately teach a generic style of programming that allows the learner to switch between types of PLC as easily as between different makes of electronic calculator. Every skill needs practice however and my thanks are due to TriLogi for permission to use their excellent PLC simulator software throughout this book. The students can load the software onto a computer and practice the examples and exercises provided. The third problem that authors have failed to address is the variety of programming languages available. Ladder logic is by far the most popular programming language in use because of its resemblance to hard-wire control diagrams. On its own, however it is unsuitable for complex programs. As the automation task grows so the ladder program expands organically, until only the original programmer can find his way through the tangle of inputs and outputs, relays and function blocks. This problem has been solved by the use of Sequential Function Chart (GRAFCET) methods but the obvious popularity of ladder logic persists. The solution is to plan the program using a sequential function chart and then to enter it into the PLC using ladder logic. In this way program is highly structured, standardised and easy to debug and modify, while the familiarity of ladder logic is preserved. The first two chapters of the book are used for programming basics. The remainder concentrates on the control of automation sequences commonly found in industry. The examples used in the book have all been thoroughly tested and their suitability for use in the classroom and in industry established. 1

Chapter 1

PLC Basics

1.1 Function of a PLC

A PLC is a microprocessor-based controller with multiple inputs and outputs. It uses a programmable memory to store instructions and carry out functions to control machines and processes. The PLC performs the logic functions of relays, timers, counters and sequencers. It has the following advantages:

Low cost



Fig 1.1 A programmable logic controller

1.2 Inputs and Outputs

The PLC inputs give it information about the machine or process that it is controlling. These are typically switches and sensors. The switches are connected to an input module that provides the interface between the switches or sensors and the PLC. Input module circuits have opto-isolators to protect the internal PLC circuitry from damage.

Fig 1.2 An Opto-Isolator



transistor The PLC outputs are connected directly or indirectly (e.g. through a relay) to actuator controls. Examples include solenoids on directional control valves, motors, motor contactors, alarms and warning lights.

There are three main types of output module:

Relay (volt-free): The signal from the PLC operates a relay within the output module connecting the control voltage to the output port and hence to the actuator.

Fig 1.3 PLC Relay Output

Transistor: A transistor is used to switch on the output. This is faster than a relay output but is only suitable for low power direct current applications. Triac: This solid state device is used for switching alternating current devices. It requires some form of over current protection.


relay contact


portOutput Port


Voltage (+)Solenoid

1.3 PLC Architecture and Wiring Diagrams

Fig 1.4 PLC Connections

Fig 1.5 PLC wiring diagram

Fig 1.4 shows a pictorial view of the PLC with its connections. In practice we work with a simplified diagram as shown in Fig 1.5.


1.4 Network Protocols

The wiring diagram in Fig 1.5 shows the inputs and outputs connected directly (hard wired) to the PLC. The devices shown are on/off or digital in nature but the signal to the PLC is analog. Many commonly used devices conform to a 4-20 mA standard whereby 4mA and 20mA form respectively the minimum and maximum values of an analog signal. With analog devices, a separate cable needs to be run between the end device and the control system because only a single analog signal can be represented on the circuit. The 4-20 mA standard is slowly being replaced by network or fieldbus communications. Fieldbus is a multi-drop digital two-way communication link between intelligent devices. Fieldbus allows the connection of a number of sensors all located in the same area to the same cable. Fieldbus comes in many varieties depending on the manufacturer and application. Examples include ASibus, Profibus,

Devicenet and Modbus.

A more recent trend is the development of Industrial Ethernet which has the capacity to transport large quantities of data not only for process control but also to integrate the process with management information systems. This book concentrates on PLC programming and while the sample wiring diagrams are of the type shown in Fig 1.5 the programs are designed to receive data from inputs and to send data to outputs regardless of the network system being used.


1.Switches, proximity devices and sensors are generally used in what way in a plc

application? 5


a. Relays b. Software elements c. Inputs d. Outputs 2.

Fig 1.6

In the diagram Fig 1.6 of a plc.

Why would it be necessary to connect a PC?

3.Which option below best describes the action of an opto-coupler?



a. To read the inputs and set the outputs. b. To store the output values c. To edit the plc program. d. To store the input values.


a. It breaks the contact when there is excess current. b. It breaks the contact when there is excess voltage. c. It transmits the input signal using fibre optics. d. It isolates the plc from the input voltage 4.

Fig 1.7

Study the diagram Fig 1.7 and pick the correct statement about it. Answer: a. When the power is switched on to the plc all the n/o relay contacts shown close. b. The 24 V supply shown is used to power the plc itself. c. The plc energises an output by closing the relevant relay contact. d. When the plc outputs are energised they are all latched on by the relay contacts shown

5."This type of plc output is solid-state and is used for switching alternating current."

The description above best describes what type of switch? 7


a. triac b. push button c. transistor d. relay

Chapter 2

Ladder Programming

2.1 Conditional Logic

The PLC scans its inputs and, depending on the program, switches on or off various combinations of outputs. The logic state of the output depends on the input conditions and so the term conditional logic is used. A simple example of conditional logic could be stated as follows: "A machine switches on if either of two start switches are closed and all of three stop switches are closed." The conditions could be realised by a hard wire solution as shown in Fig 2.1.

Fig 2.1 Hard-Wire Conditional Logic Example

The two start switches are connected in parallel. Current will flow if one or the other or both are closed. The start switches are normally open. This means that the contacts are apart and no current flows when the switches are in their normal (or unoperated or rest) state. The three stop switches are connected in series. Current can only flow if the first and the second and the third are closed. The stop switches are normally closed. This means that the contacts are connected and current can flow when the switches are in their normal state.

8Start 1Start 2

Stop 1

Stop 2

Stop 3


relay+V 0 V The relay is a switch with multiple contacts that is operated when its coil is energised. The contacts are usually capable of carrying a larger current than push- button or limit switches. Large relays for motor starting are called contactors. The schematic diagram for a typical relay is shown in Fig 2.2.

Fig 2.2 Relay

2.2 Ladder Diagrams

To realise the conditional logic statement from section 2.1 using ladder logic we connect the switches to a PLC as shown in Fig 2.3.

Fig 2.3 PLC Wiring Diagram



Y1X1X4X2X3X5Start 1Start 2Stop 2Stop 1Stop 3

Machine Relay

To avoid later confusion regarding the concept of normally open (n/o) and normally closed (n/c) it is worth looking again at Fig 2.3 and remembering that the plc scans each input and asks "Is it on or is it off?" The five switches shown are external devices and the PLC knows nothing about them. As far as the PLC is concerned, at the moment, inputs X1 and X2 are off and X3, X4 and X5 are on. I have written the ladder logic using the TriLogi software. (For details of entering program elements see the Appendix)

Fig 2.4 PLC Ladder Diagram

It can be seen from the Fig 2.3 and Fig 2.4 that the output machine will not be energised until one of the inputs Start 1 or Start 2 is switched on.Pushing any of the three Stop switches will turn off the input and so de-energise the output. It is normal practice to use normally closed push-button switches for stop buttons so that a failure of control voltage supply has the same effect as the pressing of the stop button.

2.3 Normally closed contacts

Fig 2.5 Normally closed contact.

The contact Start 1 in Fig 2.5 will be closed when the input is switched off and so the output Machine will be switched on. Switching on the input opens the contact and switches the output off. Remember that the nature (n/o or n/c) of the external switch that turns the input on, has no effect on the ladder logic. 10

2.4 Outputs and latches

Output states (on or off) can be used in programs as conditions for other actions. Fig 2.6 is the wiring diagram for the program shown in Fig 2.7.

Fig 2.6

Fig 2.7

Switching on the input S1 switches on the output DCV which in turn switches on the red light. When the output DCV is off the green light is on.


Green lightDCVRed light

Example 2.1

Write a PLC program to implement the conditional logic statements (a), (b) and (c) below. (a) A PLC output is to switch on if any of three inputs is switched on. (b) A PLC output is to switch on if any one of three inputs is switched on but not two or more. (c) A PLC output is to switch on if any two outputs are switched on, but not the third.



Fig 2.8


Fig 2.9

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