[PDF] 1 Setting Up the Coffee Empire: The United States and Brazil in the

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1 Setting Up the Coffee Empire: The United States and Brazil in the

Feb 24 2022 1 “Coffee and the coffee trade” The Merchants Magazine and ... 81-106; Topik

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1 Setting Up the Coffee Empire: The United States and Brazil in the 1 th




The New York Times, August 1, 1859

1. Introduction

hadbecomeafamil iaranddesiredscent. Accordingtothemagazine,"until1830 ,the 1 beforethedawnofthetwentiethcentury termsofvalue. 2 historyofcoffeeconsumptioninthe U.S.Whatscholar shipdoesexist attributes 1 "Coffee and the coffee trade" The Merchants Magazine and Commercial Review Vol. 42 1859 p.165 2

Topik, Steven: "The world Coffee Market in the Eighteen and Nineteenth Centuries, from Colonial to National

Regimes" GEHN Conference (London: London School of Economics, 2004) p.1. 2 3 4 .In coffeeeconomy 5 ofthe transnationallinksthatmadeitsexpansionpossib le.Infact, Brazil'straditional haslimiteditsanalysestoBrazil's nationalborders.This approach,althoughuseful to understandhowcoffeewas grown,harvested,transported,andsold,providesno opportunitytoobservehowsupplyanddemand - twodifferenthistoricalprocessesatafirst glancedisconnected - wereactuallyintertwined.Asaresult,"theresearcher,liketheexport 6 3

See especially Morris, Jonathan Coffee: A Global History (London: Reakiton Books, 2019); Topik Steven: "Coffee as

a Social Drug" Culture Critique 2009 pp. 81-106; Topik, Steven and Michelle Craig McDonald "Why Americans Drink

Coffee: The Boston Tea Party or Brazilian Slavery?" In: Robert Thurston, Jonathan Morris, and Shawn Steiman

Coffee: A Comprehensive Guide to the Bean, the Beverage, and the Industry. (London: Rowman and Littlefield,

2013) pp295-303. Although Topik does mention Brazil as one the reasons of the expanding demand for coffee in

the US, his focus is the second half of the nineteenth century. 4

See for example: Celso Furtado Formação econômica do Brasil (São Paulo: Companhia das Letras,2006 [1967])

pp.251-262. Francisco Vidal Luna and Herbet Klein: An Economic and Demographic History of São Paulo 1850-1950

(Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2018); William Summerhill: Summerhill, William: Order Against Progress:

Government, Foreign Investment, And Railroads in Brazil 1854-1913. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003);

Stein, Stanley Vassouras: A Brazilian Coffee County, 1850-1900 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985) Love,

Joseph: São Paulo in the Brazilian Federation 1889-1937 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1980)


Although it is not its main period of focus, Warren Dean: Rio Claro: A Brazilian Plantation System 1820-1920

(Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1976) is one of the few books that addresses the coffee economy in Brazil

during the first half of the nineteenth century. 6

Topik Steven; Marichal, Carlos; and Zephyr Frank (eds): From Silver to Cocaine: Latin American Commodity Chains

and the Building of the World Economy 1500-2000 (Durham: Duke University Press, 2006) p.9 3 7 .Thatwashow,in empire,anempireofcoffee. theinternationalarena.Withoutthisconnec tion,theastonishingexpansionofcof fee

2. Thecriticalyears1822-1850


Certainly, many other factors affected the increase in demand for coffee in the United States. For example, the

significant demographic changes given by the immigration, the colonization of new territories in the west, the

creation of urban spaces, among other social transformations of this time could potentially have impacted directly

or indirectly the demand for coffee. 4 8 .Today,thetraderelationship th centurycontinuestobea largelyunderstudiedmat ter.Withinthenineteenthcentury,however,there arestark centuryhasreceivedevenlessattention. 9 .Inthe amongthemorestudiedsubjects 10 lessresearchedandlessunderstood. andhardlycomparable - particularlyinthecaseofforeigntrade.Asithasbeenmentioned 8

Topik, Steve Gunboats and Trade: The United States and Brazil in the Age of Empire (Stanford: Stanford University

Press, 1996) p. 5


See for example: Wright, Gavin Slavery and American Economic Development (Louisiana State University Press,

2006). Gavin Wright, Old South, New South (Louisiana State University Press, 1986); Misa,Thomas A Nation of

Steel: The Making of Modern America (Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1999). A different perspective,

arguing the positive effect of slavery on American economic growth can be found in Beckert, Sven & Seth Rockman

Slavery's Capitalism (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016) and Levy, Jonathan Ages of American

Capitalism: A History of the United States (New York: Random House, 2021) 10

On railways, see Summerhill, Order Against Progress, on slavery see: Luna Vidal, Francisco and Herbert Klein

Slavery in Brazil (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010); on São Paulo see Love, São Paulo, on immigration

see Holloway, Thomas Immigrants on the land: Coffee and Society on São Paulo 1886-1934 (Chapel Hill: The

University of North Carolina Press, 1985)

5 11 .Theseconstraintsimposed sources - primaryandsecondary - frombothBrazilandtheUnitedStatesrelatedtothe thetwocountriesisoftenreported. commercialrelationship.Indeed,j ustasthe UnitedSt atesbecamet heworld'slargest betweentheUnited StatesandBrazi lsignifi cantlyincreased,asdidtheird omestic economies. secondlargestexporter - Java - exportedonly80,000,000pounds 12 .Evidently,bythemid- 11

Topik, Steven "The World Coffee Market..." p.4

12 "Coffee and Coffee Trade". The Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review Dec. 1, 1851; 25,6. p.690 6 halfofthenineteenth century.Indeed, asChart 2shows,atcons tantprices,coffee priceoftherepresentativeRio7fromBrazil - thussuggestingthatfromthistime-periodon, Junguitopointout,"itmust benotedth attheun paralleledgrowth ofsugarand coffee occurredduringa periodinwhichinternationalpricesweregenerallydeclining." 13 pricesbutdespiteadeclineinprices. 14 .Celso 13

Absell, Christopher David and Antonio Tena-Junguito; "Brazilian export growth and divergence in the tropics

during the nineteenth century" Working papers in Economic History Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2015 p.19


Ibid., p. 3

7 firsthalfofthe19 th century 15 growthpercapitafor Brazilbetween 1800-1850 16 .Evenoff icialreportsappearedto th century" 17 Americansourcesalsor eflecttheboomin Brazil'sc offeeexp orts.In18 59,for ratio" 18 19 andrelativelyexpensive. 15

See De Paiva Abreu, Marcelo and Luiz Aranha Correa do Lago "A Economia Brasileira no Imperio, 1822-1889"

Texto para discusão Nº 584 Departamento de Economia, Pontificia Universidad Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, p. 4


See: Maddison Project Database, available on:

https://www.rug.nl/ggdc/historicaldevelopment/maddison/?lang=en (02/24/22) 17 Absell, Christopher David and Antonio Tena-Junguito; "Brazilian export growth..." p. 3 18 The Merchants Magazine1859 p. 166 "Coffe and the Coffee Tarde" 19

The formula is CAGR=(Vfinal/Vbegin)^(1-t) -1, where Vfinal is the year of interests, Vbegin is the baseline year

(1822 in this case), and t is the number of years between Vfinal and Vbegin. 8 consequenceoft hereduceddut y."Itals ostatedthattheconsumpti onperheadhad quadrupledbetween1821and1842 20 coffeefromtheAmericas ,graduallymakingtheUnitedState sthemaindest inationfor


Whenexaminingt heimportsintotheU.S.,wehave additionalevide nceoft he addition,datapre sentedbyDePaivaandDoLago showthatfrom 1822,whenBraz il 21
Thisbuildingofthec offeeexporteconomycameintand emwithde epsocial, changeswere tosomeex tentbothacause andconsequ enceofthecoffeeeconomy's millionin1850 22

"Department of Commerce. 1. Commercial Navigation of the United States and Great Britain" De Bow's Review

of the Southern and Western States. Devoted to Commerce, Agriculture, Manufactures. Aug. 1852; XIII, 2 p. 185.

De Paiva Abreu, Marcelo and Luiz Aranha Correa do Lago "A Economia Brasileira..." pp.23-24 22

United States Census Bureau, "Chapter B. Population Characteristics and Migration: (Series B 1-315)." in

Historical Statistics of the United States: 1789 - 1957, 16-38, Washington D.C: U.S.Government Printing Office,

9 internationalimmigration 23
sameperiod 24
hadincreasedto7,5 25
estimatedthatBrazil's GDPpercapitagrew atanannualaveragerateo f0.36perc ent between1800and1860 26
regionoftheUnitedStates - wherethecoreofthecottoneconomywaslocated - wentfrom

12.8percent in1860.Incontrast ,NewEngland wentfromhaving onequarte rofthe




Haines, Michael R. "The population of the United States, 1790-1920," NBER Workin Paper Series, Historical Paper

No. 56. (Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1994) 24

Sutch, Richard. "National Income and Product." in Historical Statistics of the United States: Earliest Time to the

Present, edited by S. B. Carter, S. S. Gartner, M. R. Haines, A. L. Olmstead, R. Sutch & G. Wright. New York:

Cambridge University Press, 2006.

De Paiva Abreu, Marcelo and Luiz Aranha Correa do Lago "A Economia Brasileira..." p. 2 26
Coatsworth, John "Obstacles to Economic Growth in Nineteenth-Century Mexico" The American Historical

Review (1978) pp.80-100

De Paiva Abreu, Marcelo and Luiz Aranha Correa do Lago "A Economia Brasileira..." p. 7 28

Dean, Warren with the Broadax and Firebrand: The Destruction of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (Berkeley and Los

Angeles: University of California Press, 1995) p. 181 10 29
.RiodeJaneirowasnotonlyBrazil'smain slaveportintheworld 30
Brazilduringthefirst halfofthe century,wereconnectedto thesocioeco nomic quotidiancargoinBaltimore'sport 31


importantportforBrazilia ncoffee.Anarticl einTheDailyUn ion,anews paperfrom growthinBrazil,an dtheann uallyaugmentingimportat ionofiti ntotheNew Orleans market." 33
tea(1$ perpound),andsugar (10c)" 34
.Althoughthedietofthe urbanworkers was notoriouslylimited - meatwasusuallyabsent - coffeewasprese ntbecauseitwas affordableandeasytofind. 29

Frank, Zephyr Dutra's World: Wealth and Family in Nineteenth-Century Rio de Janeiro (Albuquerque: University

of New Mexico Press, 2004) p.46 30

Ibíd. p. 3


Rockman, Seth Scraping By: Wage Labor, Slavery, and Survival in Early Baltimore (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins

University Press, 2009) p.78


"Department of commerce. 1. The Wabash Valley.Its outlets and Inlets" De Bow's Review of the Southern and

Western States. Devoted to Commerce, Agriculture, Manufactures. Sep. 1850; IX, 3, p.336 And "Commercial

Statistics. Statistical View of the Coffee Trade" The Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review (1839-1870)

Sep.1845;13,3, p. 273

"Editor's Correspondence" The Daily Union Washington D.C. September 20, 1845 34

Rockman, Seth Scraping By, p.179

11 35
.Therefore,itisclear thatinthe firsthalfof thenineteenthcent urycoffeewasalrea dyadiffusedbeverage, sugarplanternone.InCubawasthereverse". 36


as1831,OJornaldoComercio - Brazil'smostimportanteconomicnewspaperatthetime - them,theycannotcompetewithBrazilians" 37
.Inthefollowingyears,thesamenewspaper 38

Ibid., p.204

"Coffee and the Coffee Trade" Littell's Living Age (1844-1896) Nov. 9 1850; 27,338; p.254 37

O Jornal do commercio Jun 11. 1831 ed. 239 p.1


O Jornal do commercio December 29, 1835,ed.287p.3

12 39
Chart7confirmsthetraveler's observationsthattheOJorn aldoCommercio exportsofcoffeetend todecrea seafter1832while importsalways increase. Wecan interpretthisgapbetweenimp ortsandre-exportsastheamountof coffeea llottedto periodbutalsoconsumption. 39
O Jornal do commercio January 19, 1837 ed. 015 p.3 13 tenyearsafterithaddoubledonceagain 40
theU.S. 41
.Therefore,itisfairtostatethat hadonthepriceofcotton 43
onlysevencentsin 1845:" areductionofnine cents,w hichhas giventhespurtothe consumption" 44

"Commercial Statistics. Statistical View of the Coffee Trade". The Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review

(1839-1870); Sep 1, 1845; 13, 3; pg. 273 41

O Jornal do commercio August 14, 1830 Ed. 003 p.1

F.W. Taussig "The Tariff, 1830-1860". The Quarterly Journal of Economics 1888. pp.314-346., p. 314 43

"Commercial Statistics. Statistical View of the Coffee Trade". The Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review

(1839-1870); Sep 1, 1845; 13, 3; pg. 273 44

"Commercial Statistics. Statistical View of the Coffee Trade". The Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review

(1839-1870); Sep 1, 1845; 13, 3; pg. 273 14 percentor155,000,000 lbs.Int hesameperiod,theconsumptioninth eUnitedState s




.TheAmericanpresshighlightedinthemidof averageannualincrease wasabout5percent inallconsumingcountries " 48
.While 49

Department of Commerce. 1. Commercial Navigation of the United States and Great Britain" De Bow's Review of

the Southern and Western States. Devoted to Commerce, Agriculture, Manufactures. Aug. 1852; XIII, 2 p. 185


Francis B.Thurber, Coffee, From Plantation to Cup (NY: American Grocer Publication Association, 1881), p. 212.

Quoted by Topik, Steven "The World Coffee Market..." p. 14. According to Thurber, British consumption went from

1.25 pounds per capita in 1846-1860 to 0.96 pounds in 1880.


"Department of Commerce. 1. Commercial Navigation of the United States and Great Britain" De Bow's Review of

the Southern and Western States. Devoted to Commerce, Agriculture, Manufactures. Aug. 1852; XIII, 2 p. 185

"Coffee and the Coffee Trade" Littell's Living Age (1844-1896) Nov. 9 1850; 27,338; p.254 49
Ibid. 15


thewholeconsumptionoftheUnitedStates 51
ninepoundsa hundred yearslater .Topikarguestha ttotalcoffeeimport sduringthe duetoincreasedUnitedStatespurchases. 52
vastevidence confirmsthatalreadybymid-nineteenthcentury theUSwasacoffee coffeesint heUnited States 53
.Certainly,theinternationalcof feemarketc ontinuedto

3. AnEmpireofCoffeeinPlace

.Fiftyyearsafter,theimports 55
.The 50

"Department of Commerce. 1. Commercial Navigation of the United States and Great Britain" De Bow's Review

of the Southern and Western States. Devoted to Commerce, Agriculture, Manufactures. Aug. 1852; XIII, 2 p. 185


"Coffee and Coffee Trade". The Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review (1839-1870) Dec. 1, 1851; 25,6.

p.690 52

Topik, Steven "The World Coffee Market" p.24


"Commercial Statistics. Statistical View of the Coffee Trade". The Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review

(1839-1870); Sep 1, 1845; 13, 3; pg. 273 54

Hewitt Robert, Jr.: Coffee: its history, cultivation, and uses (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1872) p.63


Usually, a bag of coffee contained between 60 and 70 kilos. Therefore, the equivalent to 600,000,000 lbs would

be around 4 million bags. 16 annum" 56
lessthan$16,091,714 57
.Inasimilarway, 59


hasbecomeanecessaryandnationalbeverage" 60
"Notes from Brazil-The Coffee Trade". The New York Times, August 1, 1859 p.2 57
Ibid. 58
Ibid. 59

The Commercial Magazine 1859 p.167


The Commercial Magazine 1859 p.169

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