[PDF] alyssum murale fact sheetpdf

Where does Alyssum murale grow?

Alyssum murale (yellowtuft) is a perennial herb (family Brassicaceae) with tiny yellow flowers and narrow leaves found in the southern and northeastern ranges of Oregon. It is native to Southeastern Europe. It favors woodland habitats. It spreads via wind and human activities. Its seeds attach to nearby growing plants.

Does Alyssum murale accumulate nitrate?

Two contrasting plants, Alyssum murale, a herbaceous perennial plant of the Brassicaceae family, possess the capacity to accumulate Co from contaminated soils, and Trifolium subterraneum, a nonhyperaccumulator of Co, when treated with varying levels of Co, showed changes in nitrate and organic acid concentrations.

What is the difference between Alyssum Murale and Ni hyperaccumulator?

In the Ni hyperaccumulator Alyssum murale Ni accumulates in the epidermal tissue of the leaves, whereas Co is excreted from the apoplast and forms Co-rich mineral precipitates on the foliar surface 42. A similar extracellular detoxification mechanism for Co was noted in oat plants 26.

Is Alyssum an ornamental plant?

It has been grown as an ornamental in North America for at least a century, being a prized rockery plant grown for its attractive habit and long bloom period. Alyssum murale showing clump-forming habit and umbel arrangement of the flowers.

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