[PDF] The Contribution of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

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2 May 2018 Allocution prononcée par Son Excellence M. le juge Jin-Hyun Paik. Président du Tribunal international du droit de la mer


9 Dec 2014 Unies sur le droit de la mer que j'appellerai "la Convention" dans la ... Président et M. le juge José Luis Jesus


5 Sept 2014 6 Allocution de M. José Luis Jesus Président du TIDM


tenue le lundi 12 septembre 2011 à 10 heures

The Contribution of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

La contribution du Tribunal international du droit de la mer à l'état de Opening Statement of the President of the Tribunal Judge Vladimir. Golitsyn 3.


5 Sept 2013 au Tribunal international du droit de la mer Hambourg


27 Nov 2013 Parties à la Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer (ci- ... Allocution de M. le Juge José Luis Jesus Président du Tribunal ...

SPLOS/317 Réunion des États parties

26 Mar 2018 Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer. SPLOS/317 ... réunissant le juge José Luis Jesus et le Greffier M. Philippe Gautier

SPLOS/191 Réunion des États parties

7 Apr 2009 Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer ... Le 1er octobre 2008 les juges ont élu le juge José Luis Jesus Président et

SPLOS/191 Réunion des États parties

7 Apr 2009 Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer ... Le 1er octobre 2008 les juges ont élu le juge José Luis Jesus Président et


CONVENTION DES NATIONS UNIES SUR LE DROIT DE LA MER LE 13 JUIN 2023 PRIÈRE DE VÉRIFIER À L’AUDITION Tribunal international du droit de la mer Tél : +49 (40) 35607-0 Fax : +49 (40


TRIBUNAL INTERNATIONAL DU DROIT DE LA MER Les procédures devant le Tribunal international du droit de la mer Allocution prononcée par M Rüdiger Wolfrum Président du Tribunal international du droit de la mer à l’occasion du Déjeuner des ambassadeurs des pays de la région Asie - Pacifique à l’Hôtel Intercontinental de Berlin


allocution prononcÉe par s e m albert j hoffmann prÉsident du tribunal international du droit de la mer À l’occasion de la prÉsentation du rapport annuel du tribunal pour 2021 À la trente-deuxiÈme rÉunion des États parties À la convention des nations unies sur le droit de la mer le 13 juin 2022 madame la présidente

The Contribution of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea to the

Rule of Law: 1996-2016

La contribution du Tribunal international du droit de la mer à l"état de droit?: 1996-2016

The Contribution of the

International Tribunal

for the Law of the Sea to the

Rule of Law: 1996-2016

La contribution du Tribunal

international du droit de la mer à l"état de droit?: 1996-2016

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International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

Tribunal international du droit de la mer

Am Internationalen Seegerichtshof 1

22609 Hamburg, Germany

Table of Contents/Table des matières

List of Abbreviations?

Liste des abréviations?



Philippe Gautier

Opening Statement of the President of the Tribunal, Judge Vladimir


3 The Tribunal's Jurisprudence and Its Contribution to the Rule of Law La jurisprudence du Tribunal et sa contribution à l'état de droit The Tribunal"s Jurisprudence and Its Contribution to the Rule of Law 13

David Anderson

The Tribunal"s Jurisprudence and Its Contribution to the Rule of Law 29

José Luís Jesus

The Precautionary Approach in the Advisory Opinion Concerning the Responsibilities and Obligations of States Sponsoring Persons and Entities with Respect to Activities in the Area 45

Elsa Kelly

The Tribunal"s Jurisprudence and Its Contribution to the Rule of Law 58

Jin-Hyun Paik

The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Rule of Law 69

Tullio Treves

The Contribution of the Tribunal to the Progressive Development of International Law La contribution du Tribunal au développement progressif du droit international The Contribution of the Tribunal to the Progressive Development of

International Law


Shunji Yanai

The Elaboration of Due Diligence Obligations as a Mechanism to Ensure Compliance with International Legal Obligations by Private Actors 83
The Contribution of the Tribunal to the Progressive Development of

International Law


Francisco Orrego Vicuña

The Principle of Due Regard


Bernard H. Oxman

The Contribution of the Tribunal to the Progressive Development of

International Law


Tullio Scovazzi

The Impacts of the Tribunal's Jurisprudence on the Development of

International Law


Yoshifumi Tanaka

The Contribution of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea to the Progressive Development of International Law 179

Peter Tomka

The Contribution of the Tribunal to the Rule of Law: The Point of

View of Practitioners

La contribution du Tribunal à l'état de droit∵: Le point de vue des praticiens

The Tribunal and the Rule of Law


Alan Boyle

La contribution du Tribunal international du droit de la mer au développement du droit international général - les dix dernières années 203

Alain Pellet

The Indispensable Contributions of the Tribunal: A Practitioner's View 208

Paul S. Reichler

Understanding the Advisory Jurisdiction of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea 213

Sir Michael Wood

Improving Working Methods in International Adjudication L'amélioration des méthodes de travail de la justice internationale L'amélioration des méthodes de travail de la justice internationale - Le point de vue de la Cour internationale de Justice 223

Ronny Abraham

L'amélioration des méthodes de travail du Tribunal international du droit de la mer 230

Joseph Akl


Court's Working Methods


Carl Baudenbacher

L'amélioration des méthodes de travail de la justice internationale 249

Jean-Pierre Cot

Improving Working Methods in International Adjudication 252

Albert J. Ho∵fmann

L'amélioration des méthodes de travail de la justice internationale 259

Tafsir Malick Ndiaye


Programme of the Symposium 5-6 October 2016


Programme du colloque 5-6 Octobre 2016


List of Speakers


Liste des intervenants


List of Participants/Liste des participants

Index 292

List of Abbreviations

Agreement on Part XI Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

American Journal of International Law


Assembly of the International Seabed Authority


International Seabed Authority

British Institute of International and Comparative Law

British Yearbook of International Law

Chinese Journal of International Law

Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf


United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea


Council of the International Seabed Authority


International Court of Justice

European Journal of International Law

Exclusive Economic Zone


Guidelines concerning the Preparation and Presentation of

Cases before the Tribunal

German Yearbook of International Law

International Court of Justice

International and Comparative Law Quarterly

International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law

€ International Law Commission

€ Draft Articles Draft articles on Responsibility of States for internationally [on State wrongful acts, adopted by the International Law Commission


at its "...fty-third session (2001) "...shing

Illegal, unreported and unregulated "...shing

Max Planck

Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law


Convention on the Determination of the Minimal Conditions for Access and Exploitation of Marine Resources within the Maritime Areas under Jurisdiction of the Member States of the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission


Max Planck Encyclopaedia of International Law Online nm nautical miles

Permanent Court of International Justice

Permanent Court of Arbitration

Reports of International Arbitral Awards

Rules Rules of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea


Statute of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (Annex VI to the Convention)

Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission


International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

United Nations Organization

United Nations Treaty Series

Liste des abréviations

Accord sur la partie

XI Accord relatif à l'application de la partie XI de la Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de mer


Assemblée de l'Autorité internationale des fonds marins


Autorité internationale des fonds marins

Commission du droit international

Cour internationale de Justice

Commission des limites du plateau continental


Comité du Règlement et de la pratique en matière judiciaire


Conseil de l'Autorité internationale des fonds marins


Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer Cour

Cour internationale de Justice

Cour permanente de Justice internationale

Commission sous-régionale des pêches

Lignes directrices

Lignes directrices concernant la préparation et la présentation des afaires dont le Tribunal est saisi

Organisation des Nations Unies


Pêche illicite, non déclarée et non réglementée ??? Recueil des sentences arbitrales


Règlement du Tribunal international du droit de la mer Résolution Résolution sur la pratique interne du Tribunal en matière judicaire


Statut du Tribunal international du droit de la mer (annexe VI

à la Convention)


Tribunal international du droit de la mer

Recueil des Traités des Nations Unies

Fonds Mondial pour la Nature

Zone économique exclusive



On the occasion of its 20th Anniversary, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea held a one-and-a-half day international symposium at the premises of the Tribunal on 5 and 6 October 2016, on the theme “The contribution of the

Tribunal to the Rule of Law".

The aim of the symposium was to highlight the role played by the Tribunal over the last 20 years in the system for the peaceful settlement of law of the sea related disputes, set out in Part XV of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Approximately 180 international guest attended the sym- posium, which was designed for academics and legal practitioners. The sym- posium was organized with the nancial support of the Government of Japan. This publication reproduces the statements presented during the sympo- sium, in the order in which they were delivered and in their original language. The question and answer sessions have not been transcribed for this volume. This volume was nanced by the Federal Foreign O ce of Germany.

Philippe Gautier




A l'occasion de son 20 anniversaire, le Tribunal international du droit de la mer a organisé un colloque international d'un jour et demi au siège du Tribunal les 5 et 6 octobre 2016, avec pour thème "La contribution du Tribunal à l'état de droit». Le colloque avait pour but de souligner le rôle joué par le Tribunal ces 20 dernières années dans le cadre du système de règlement pacique des difé- rends relatifs au droit de la mer, mis en place par la partie XV de la Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer. Environ 180 invités venant de difé- rents pays ont assisté à ce colloque qui était destiné à un public d'universitaires et de praticiens du droit. Le colloque a été organisé avec le soutien nancier du

Gouvernement du Japon.

La publication reproduit les exposés présentés au cours du colloque, dans l'ordre dans lequel ils ont été faits et dans leur langue originale. Les séances de questions-réponses n'ont pas été retranscrites dans le volume. Ce volume a été nancé par l'Oce fédéral des afaires étrangères de l'Allemagne.

Le Greer

Philippe Gautier


Opening Statement of the President of the

Tribunal, Judge Vladimir Golitsyn

We have gathered here today to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Tribunal. On this special occasion, we are very pleased to hold this sympo- sium on “The contribution of the Tribunal to the rule of law". On behalf of the Tribunal, I extend a warm welcome to all participants, especially the many who have pleaded before the Tribunal over these twenty years. This is the second event which the Tribunal is holding in celebration of its

20th anniversary. The rst was a round table, which was held at Headquarters

in New York, in June 2016, and organized with the nancial support of the Korea Maritime Institute. Today's symposium has been made possible thanks to the nancial contribution of the Government of Japan. On behalf of the Tribunal, I wish to express our sincere appreciation to both the Government of Japan and the Korea Maritime Institute for their generous support. It is now twenty years since the Tribunal held its rst meeting on 1 October

1996. Mr Hans Corell, the then Legal Counsel of the United Nations, who repre-

sented the Secretary-General of the United Nations on that occasion, opened that meeting of the Tribunal on what he called “a historic day". The o cial inauguration of the Tribunal took place a few days later, on 18 October 1996, when the newly elected judges made their solemn declarations in the City Hall of Hamburg, in the presence of Mr Boutros Boutros-Ghali, the Secretary-

General of the United Nations.

The Tribunal began its work by devoting itself rst to the establishment of its judicial organization and, as early as October 1997, the Tribunal already ad- opted three main instruments, namely: the Rules; a set of Guidelines to assist parties in presenting cases; and a Resolution on the Internal Judicial Practice of the Tribunal. In November 1997, it received the rst application instituting proceedings, which was for the prompt release of a vessel and its crew, pursuant to article

292 of the Convention. In December 1997, the Tribunal was seized of its rst

dispute on the merits, the M/V ∵"SAIGA" (No. 2) case. The Judgment in that case was delivered 16 months after proceedings were instituted. You will agree with me that this is a remarkably short period. The Judgment in the M/V ∵"SAIGA" (No. 2) case provided an early opportu- nity for the Tribunal to contribute to the progressive development of interna- tional law and the law of the sea. I will therefore highlight some of the most important conclusions reached by the Tribunal in that case. The ??rst contribution I wish to highlight relates to the question of “nation ality of claims". In its Judgment, the Tribunal concluded that “the Convention considers a ship as a unit", and therefore that “the ship, every thing on it, and every person involved or interested in its operations are treated as an entity linked to the ag State. The nationalities of these persons are not relevant." Another important aspect of this case concerns the question as to whether the existence of a “genuine link" constitutes a requirement for granting na tionality to a ship. Here, with reference to article 94 of the Convention, the Tribunal stated that nothing in that article “permit[s] a State which discovers evidence indicating the absence of proper jurisdiction and control by a ag State over a ship to refuse to recognize the right of the ship to y the ag of the ag State." When assessing the force used in the arrest of the vessel Saiga , the Tribunal stated that “[c]onsiderations of humanity must apply in the law of the sea, as they do in other areas of international law."

This declaration may be

seen as reading human rights law into the law of the sea, another fundamental pronouncement.

The Judgment in the

M/V “SAIGA" (No. 2) case paved the way for the Tribunal"s later jurisprudence, in which it looked further at issues of “consider- ations of humanity", “nationality of claims" and “genuine link". Thus, issues of “considerations of humanity" arose, for instance, in a case on the merits concerning the arrest of the vessel M/V “Louisa". The

M/V “Virginia G"

case provided the Tribunal with the opportunity to address the issues concerning “nationality of claims" and “genuine link". In the M/V “Louisa" case, which I have just mentioned, the Tribunal was con- fronted with the issue of the application of article 300 of the Convention on “good faith and abuse of rights" which was invoked for the ??rst time before the Tribunal. In its ??ndings in that case the Tribunal provided important clari??ca tions concerning the application of this article by stating “that it is apparent from the language of article 300 of the Convention that article 300 cannot be invoked on its own. It becomes relevant only when ‘the rights, jurisdiction and freedoms recognized" in the Convention are exercised in an abusive manner." M/V “SAIGA" (No. 2) (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines v. Guinea), Judgment, ITLOS Reports 1999
, p. 10, at p. 48, para. 106.

Ibid., at p. 41, para. 82.

Ibid., at p. 62, para. 155.

M/V “Louisa" (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines v. Kingdom of Spain), Judgment, ITLOS

Reports 2013

, p. 4, at p. 43, para. 137; see also M/V “Virginia G" (Panama/Guinea-Bissau),



Reports 2014

, p. 4, at p. 109, para. 396.

In the

M/V “Virginia G"

case, which I mentioned before, the Tribunal was confronted with a legal issue which is not directly addressed in the Convention, namely the status of bunkering activities conducted in support of foreign ves- sels ??shing in the of a coastal State. In this regard, the Tribunal provid ed in its Judgment what could be called a progressive interpretation of the Convention. The Tribunal concluded that “the regulation by a coastal State of bunkering of foreign vessels ??shing in its exclusive economic zone is among those measures which the coastal State may take in its exclusive economic zone to conserve and manage its living resources under the Convention". In its initial phase, the Tribunal"s case law developed mainly in relation to cases where the exercise of its jurisdiction was compulsory. I refer to the prompt release of vessels and crews and the prescription of provisional mea sures pending the constitution of an arbitral tribunal. With the handling of these urgent cases, the Tribunal earned a reputation for being able to adminis- ter justice in an expeditious and cost-e?fective manner. As regards prompt release cases under article 292 of the Convention, the Tribunal developed a coherent jurisprudence, in particular, in applying rel evant factors for determining a reasonable bond or other ??nancial security. It also provided important clari??cations on the ??nancial nature of the bond or other ??nancial security, the e?fects of the con??scation of the vessel, and the relationship between the provisions of article 292 and domestic procedures. During this symposium, judgments of the Tribunal in prompt release cases will be addressed in detail. I am quite sure that the contribution to the progressive development of in ternational law made by the Tribunal in its Judgments on provisional measures will also receive proper attention during the symposium. However, I would like to highlight that early decisions on provisional measures enabled the Tribunal to make an important contribution to the protection and preservation of the marine environment. This point is illustrated, among others, in the Tribunal"squotesdbs_dbs6.pdfusesText_11
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