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SK Telecom: A Global New ICT Leader

2021. 7. 13. the UN Global Compact (UNGC) LEAD companies SK Telecom ... An annual net profit of KRW 1.6601 trillion was recorded

ON NET: SyncGlobal Fiber OFF NET:

OFF NET: ? Private Line ? Ethernet Transport ? MPLS. Telecom. ncGlobal. GROUNDED LOCALLY REACHING GLOBALLY. Sy. Telecom. ncGlobal.

Introducing the GS net zero carbon models and sector frameworks

2021. 6. 23. Power generation is at the heart of the energy transformation with renewable power supporting the abatement of c.50% of global CO2 emissions...

Acces PDF Telecommunication Networks And Computer Systems

4? ? Revolution - Worldwide Web (A Global Net- work Of Computer Base Communication. System) Telecommunication : Computer.

Global New ICT Leader

2021. 7. 13. In 2007 SK Telecom became a member of the UN Global Com- ... An annual net profit of KRW 1.6601 trillion was recorded

CommPortal and CommPortal Assistant User Guide

2011. 3. 22. You can use http://comportal.syncglobal.net/portal to navigate to the login page. Enter your telephone number followed by your password/PIN.


Main net. BlueBrick. Mart Shopping. MARTYO. Auto Translation. Social Network. Global Friends. Mobile Fax. Thankyou Fax. Global Acceleration.

3.4 Madagascar Telecommunications

Fixed telephony service provided by the incumbent TELecom MAlagasy (TELMA) Data transmission service offered by Telma Global Net and Gulfast Madagascar.


thereby strengthening the social safety net. In order to move beyond a telecom business and become a global ICT company SK Telecom.


Full endnotes and data: see online at www.ren21.net/gsr Telecommunications); Yongping Zhai ... Global efforts to decarbonise buildings through net.




Rana Adib

Arthouros Zervos







NGOS 3 global community decentralised intelligence

2,000 community members

Our annual publicationRenewables Global Status Report


Acknowledgements ................................ 9 Foreword .......................................... 13 Executive Summary ................................ 14 Buildings .......................................... 37 Industry ........................................... 40 Transport .......................................... 42 Power ............................................. 46

REN21. 2020.

(Paris: REN21 Secretariat). ISBN



Cross-sectoral Targets and Policies

................. 56 Renewable Energy and Climate Change Policy ...... 58 Heating and Cooling ............................... 60 Transport .......................................... 64 Power ............................................. 70

Systems Integration of Variable

Renewable Electricity

............................... 74 Bioenergy ......................................... 81 Geothermal Power and Heat ....................... 92 Hydropower ....................................... 98 Ocean Power ...................................... 103 Solar Photovoltaics (PV) ............................ 107 Concentrating Solar Thermal Power (CSP) .......... 120 Solar Thermal Heating and Cooling ................. 124 Wind Power ....................................... 131 01 52
02 80
03 4


REN21 releases issue papers and reports to emphasise the importance of renewable energy and to generate discussion on issues central to the promotion

of renewable energy. While REN21 papers and reports have benefited from the considerations and input from the REN21 community, they do not necessarily

represent a consensus among network participants on any given point. Although the information given in this report is the best available to the authors at the

time, REN21 and its participants cannot be held liable for its accuracy and correctness.

The designations employed and the presentation of material in the maps in this report do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever concerning the

legal status of any region, country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, and is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the

delimitation of international frontiers or boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.

Overview of Energy Access ......................... 149 Technologies and Markets .......................... 150 Business Models ................................... 155 Investment and Financing .......................... 156 Policy Developments ............................... 159 New Programmes and Initiatives .................... 160 Investment by Economy ............................ 167 Investment by Technology .......................... 170 Investment by Type ................................ 171 Investment in Perspective .......................... 172

Advances in the Integration of

Variable Renewable Electricity

...................... 176 Enabling Technologies for Systems Integration ...... 179 Renewables and Primary Energy Eiciency .......... 190 Renewables and Final Energy Consumption ......... 192 Factors Behind Public Support for Renewables ...... 198 Levers to Build Public Support and Encourage Action .. 201 146
04 186
07 196
08 164
05 174
06 Reference Tables .................................. 204 Energy Units and Conversion Factors ............... 248 Data Collection and Validation ...................... 249 Methodological Notes .............................. 250


. . . . . . . 253 List of Abbreviations ............................... 261 Photo Credits ...................................... 262 Full endnotes and data: see online at www.ren21.net/gsr




The COVID-19 Crisis and Renewable Energy ... 28

Renewable Energy-Related Jobs

in Energy Access ............................ 50

Trade Policy, Trade Agreements

and Renewables ............................. 55

The History of Ocean Power ................. 104

Renewable Electricity Generation

Costs in 2019

............................... 144

Renewable Energy Indicators 2019 ............ 35

Top Five Countries 2019 ...................... 36

Renewable Energy Targets and Policies, 2019 . 76

Distributed Renewables Policies for Electricity

Access, Selected Countries, 2019 ............ 162

Distributed Renewables Policies for Clean

Cooking Access, Selected Countries, 2019

... 163


Global Renewable Electricity Capacity, Heat Demand and Biofuel Production, 2019 ...... 204

Renewable Power Capacity, World and Top

Regions/Countries, 2019 .................... 205

Renewable Energy Shares of Primary

and Final Energy, Targets as of End-2019 and Status in 2018 .......................... 206

Renewable Heating and Cooling, Targets

as of End-2019 and Status in 2017 ........... 209

Renewable Transport, Targets as of

End-2019 and Status in 2017

................. 211

Renewable Share of Electricity Generation,

Targets as of End-2019 and Status in 2018 .... 212

Renewable Power, Targets for Technology-

Specific Share of Electricity Generation

as of End-2019 .............................. 216

Renewable Power, Targets for Specific

Amount of Installed Capacity or Generation

as of End-2019 .............................. 217

Renewable Heating and Cooling Policies,

as of End-2019 ............................. 223

Renewable Transport Mandates at the

National/State/Provincial Levels,

as of End-2019 .............................. 225

Feed-in Electricity Policies, Cumulative

Number of Countries/States/Provinces

and 2019 Revisions .......................... 231

Renewable Power Tenders Held at the

National/State/Provincial Levels, 2019

....... 232

Biofuels Global Production, Top 15 Countries

and EU-28, 2019 ........................... 234

Geothermal Power Global Capacity and

Additions, Top 10 Countries, 2019 ........... 235

Hydropower Global Capacity and Additions,

Top 10 Countries, 2019

...................... 236

Solar PV Global Capacity and Additions,

Top 10 Countries, 2019

....................... 237

Concentrating Solar Thermal Power (CSP)

Global Capacity and Additions, 2019

........ 238

Solar Water Heating Collectors and Total

Capacity End-2018 and Newly Installed

Capacity 2019, Top 20 Countries

............ 239

Wind Power Global Capacity and Additions,

Top 10 Countries, 2019

....................... 240

Electricity Access by Region and

Country, Status in 2018 and Targets

.......... 241

Clean Cooking Access by Region and

Country, Status in 2018 and Targets

.......... 244

Global Trends in Renewable Energy

Investment, 2009-2019

...................... 247




Figure 1. Estimated Renewable Share of Total Final Energy

Consumption, 2018

............................... 32

Estimated Global Growth in Renewable Energy

Compared to Total Final Energy Consumption,


........................................ 33

Renewable Share of Total Final Energy

Consumption, by Final Energy Use, 2017 ........... 33

Renewable Share of Total Final Energy

Consumption in Buildings, 2017 ................... 37

Estimated Renewable Share of Heating and

Cooling in Buildings, 2018 ......................... 38

Renewable Share of Total Final Energy

Consumption in Industry and Agriculture, 2017 ..... 40

Figure 7. Renewable Share of Total Final Energy

Consumption in Transport, 2017 ................... 42

Annual Additions of Renewable Power Capacity,

by Technology and Total, 2013-2019 ............... 46

Renewable and Non-renewable Shares of

Net Annual Additions in Power Generating

Capacity, 2009-2019

.............................. 47

Estimated Renewable Energy Share of Global

Electricity Production, End-2019 ................... 48

Employment Estimates Related to Distributed

Renewables for Energy Access in India, Kenya

and Nigeria, 2017/18 .............................. 50

Number of Countries with Renewable Energy

Policies, 2004-2019 ............................... 54

National Sector-Specific Targets for Share of

Renewable Energy by a Specific Year, in Place

at End-2019 ...................................... 56

National Targets for Share of Renewable Energy

in Final Energy, by a Specific Year, in Place at End-2019 ...................................... 57

Countries with Selected Climate Change Policies,

Early 2020 ........................................ 58

Countries with Policies for Renewable Heating

and Cooling, 2009-2019 ........................... 60

National and Sub-National Renewable Transport

Mandates, as of End-2019 ......................... 64

Targets for Renewable Power and Electric

Vehicles, as of End-2019 .......................... 65

Cumulative Number of Countries with Feed-in

or Tendering Policies, 2009-2019 .................. 71

Estimated Shares of Bioenergy in Total Final

Energy Consumption, Overall and by End-Use

Sector, 2018

...................................... 82

Global Bioenergy Use for Heating,

by End-Use, 2010-2018 ........................... 83

Global Production of Ethanol, Biodiesel and

HVO/HEFA Fuel, by Energy Content, 2010-2019

.... 85

Global Bioelectricity Generation, by Region,


........................................ 87

Geothermal Power Capacity Global Additions,

Share by Country, 2019 ........................... 92

Geothermal Power Capacity and Additions,

Top 10 Countries for Capacity Added and

Rest of World, 2019

............................... 93

Hydropower Global Capacity, Shares of

Top 10 Countries and Rest of World, 2019

.......... 98

Hydropower Capacity and Additions,

Top 10 Countries for Capacity Added, 2019

........ 99

Solar PV Global Capacity and Annual

Additions, 2009-2019

............................ 107

Solar PV Global Capacity, by Country

and Region, 2009-2019 .......................... 108

Solar PV Capacity and Additions,

Top 10 Countries for Capacity Added, 2019

........ 109

Solar PV Global Capacity Additions, Shares

of Top 10 Countries and Rest of World, 2019 ...... 112

Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Global

Capacity, by Country and Region, 2009-2019 ..... 121

CSP Thermal Energy Storage Global Capacity

and Annual Additions, 2009-2019 ................ 122

Solar Water Heating Collectors Global Capacity,

2009-2019 ....................................... 124

Solar Water Heating Collector Additions,

Top 20 Countries for Capacity Added, 2019

....... 125

Solar District Heating Systems, Global Annual

Additions and Total Area in Operation, 2009-2019 .. 127

Wind Power Global Capacity and Annual

Additions, 2009-2019 ............................ 131

Wind Power Capacity and Additions,

Top 10 Countries, 2019

........................... 132

Wind Power Oshore Global Capacity

by Region, 2009-2019 ............................ 137

Global Levelised Cost of Electricity from Newly

Commissioned, Utility-scale Renewable Power

Generation Technologies, 2010-2019

............. 145

Top 6 Countries with Highest Electricity Access

Rate from O-grid Solar Solutions (Tier 1+), 2017 ... 148

Access to Electricity and Clean Cooking

by Region, 2010 and 2018 ........................ 149

Global Sales Volumes of O-Grid Solar Systems,

2015-2019 ....................................... 152

Sales Volumes of Ailiated O-Grid Solar Systems

in Top 5 Countries, 2018 and 2019 ................ 152

Installed Capacity of Solar PV Mini-Grids,

Selected Regions and World, 2014 and 2018 ...... 153

Production of Biogas for Cooking in Selected

Countries, 2014 and 2018 ......................... 154

Global Investment in O-Grid Electricity Access

Activities, 2014-2019 ............................. 156

Share of Investment in O-Grid Solar PV

Companies, by Type of Investor, 2018 and 2019 .... 158

Global Investment in Renewable Power and Fuel

Capacity in Developed, Emerging and Developing

Countries, 2009-2019

............................ 166

Global Investment in Renewable Power

and Fuels, by Country and Region, 2009-2019 ..... 168

Global Investment in Renewable Energy

by Technology, 2019 ............................. 170

Global Investment in New Power Capacity by Type

(Renewables, Coal, Gas and Nuclear Power), 2019 ... 173

Share of Electricity Generation from Variable

Renewable Electricity, Top Countries, 2019 ....... 176

Electric Car Global Stock, Top Countries

and Rest of World, 2015-2019 .................... 181quotesdbs_dbs1.pdfusesText_1
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