[PDF] [PDF] Presented by Jodi McGraw MD - UW Health

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Patiente de 37 ans G4P3

Patiente de 37 ans G4P3. ▫ accouchement difficile 3 ans auparavant sous péridurale. ▫ à terme 4200 g forceps +épisiotomie+ déchirure+= Périnée complet.

Primary Bilateral Tubal Pregnancy: A Case Report and Review of

This is a case of a 32 year- old G4P3 (4004) who presented with amenorrhea of 5 weeks vaginal bleeding

Que faire quand des unités RH:-18 ne sont pas disponibles

2 sept. 2019 Définition du phénotype RH:-18. Un phénotype RH:-18 mais plusieurs ... (G4P3) Détresse foetale => césarienne en urgence. IAT-IgG IAT-IgG ...

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Cervical pessary in prevention of preterm birth: A case series* Cervical pessary in prevention of preterm birth: A case series*

G4P3 (3003). 0.58 hodge. 19 3/7 weeks. 33 2/7 weeks. 13 6/7. AS 89. BW 1950. BL 44 This definition applies to all three cases in this series. The incidence ...

Sans titre Sans titre

Mobilisation utérine : deux doigts placés sous le col mobilisent l'utérus qui peut alors être palpé par la main placée sur l'abdomen : on recherche :.

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Définition et diagnostic - Patiente âgée de 29 ans G4P3

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18 oct. 2013 -Définition: Hémorragie de 500mL dans les 24 heures suivant l'expulsion fœtale. - ... G4P3. G4P3. G3P2. G2P2. ATCD obstétricaux. /. Stérilité.

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[PDF] Presented by Jodi McGraw MD - UW Health

?Elevated blood pressure and ?Proteinuria ?(edema not required) ?Worst complication is seizure/HELLP (hemolysis elevated LFT's low platelets)


The patient is gravida 3 3-0-0-3 GPA terminology with GPA as the abbreviation for gravida para abortus Accompanied by arabic numbers G P and A (or Ab) describe the patient's obstetric history Roman numerals are not used G gravida (number of pregnancies) P para (number of births of viable offspring) A or Ab abortus (abortions)

Primary Bilateral Tubal Pregnancy: A Case Report and Review

old G4P3 (4004) who presented with amenorrhea of 5 weeks vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain The triad of symptoms elevated serum ?-HCG levels along with a transvaginal ultrasound finding of a right adnexal mass led to the impression of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy probably tubal Patient underwent laparoscopy and intraoperative findings

FGS Maternity Care and Delivery Slide15 - AAPC

Indications: 23 y/o G4P3 at 38 and 4/7 weeks 1 admitted in labor She has been followed in the OB clinic with no complications 2 Stage I: Patient was admitted with a cervical exam of 3/c/-1 She slowly progressed to 5 c dilation She had SROM at 0500 which showed light meconium

FGS Maternity Care and Delivery Slide15 plain - AAPC

Indications: 23 y/o G4P3 at 38 and 4/7 weeks admitted in labor She has been followed in the OB clinic with no complications She has been followed in the OB clinic with no complications Stage I: Patient was admitted with a cervical exam of 3/c/-1

  • Gravidity in Human Medicine

    In human medicine, "gravidity" refers to the number of times a woman has been pregnant, regardless of whether the pregnancies were interrupted or resulted in a live birth. “Gravidity” is an important component of a patient’s reproductive history, as it provides insight into the risk factors that the patient has for pregnancy outcomes, such as risk ...

  • Gravidity in Biology

    In biology, the term "gravid" (Latin: gravidus "burdened, heavy") is used to describe the condition of an animal (most commonly fish or reptiles) when carrying eggs internally. For example, Astatotilapia burtoni females can transform between reproductive states, one of which is gravid, and the other non-gravid. In entomology it describes a mated fe...

  • Parity in Medicine

    In human medicine, parityis the number of pregnancies carried by a woman for at least 20 weeks (duration varies from region to region, 20 – 28 weeks, depending upon age of viability). If a woman carries the fetus to viable age, even if ultimately the fetus is born deceased, this still counts as an instance of parity, as parity is based on the time ...

  • Parity in Biology

    In agriculture, parity in biology is a factor in productivity in domestic animals kept for milk production. Animals that have given birth once are described as "primiparous"; those that have given birth more than once are described as "pluriparous".Those that have given birth twice may also be described as "secondiparous", in which case "pluriparou...

  • Recording Systems

    A number of systems are incorporated into a woman's obstetric history to record the number of past pregnancies and pregnancies carried to viable age. These include: 1. The gravida/para/abortus (GPA) system, or sometimes just gravida/para (GP), is one such shorthand.[citation needed] For example, the obstetric history of a woman who has had two preg...

Presented by Jodi McGraw, M.D.

Gravida (gravidity)= number of pregnancies

Para (parity)= number viable gestational age pregnancies

Eg. G3P2 (third pregnancy & 2 deliveries)

G5P2 (1,1,3,2)=full term, preterm,

miscarriage or abortions, living

Trauma in OB, treat the Mom

O2, 2x large bore IV's, left lateral

position if able based on trauma.

Treat the injuries

Medical documentation obtained at

Patient visits for patient record

-Due date -Menstrual history -Prior pregnancy history -Medical history

Symptoms since LMP

genetic screening

Infection history

physical exam

Additional notes for visit

Typical format for OB visit details

Labs & education at visits

Blood type



Labs for 2

nd & 3 rd trimesters

Anemia testing

Gestational diabetes screen

Rhogam if needed

Plans & education

19 yo G1P0 at 39 EGA, no local medical care, uncomplicated pregnancy, negative GBS at 36 weeks, no meds, NKDA, healthy

Contractions q3 min

Fluid leaking (?clear), but not bleeding

+fetal movement

A few potential problems:


60# weight gain

Elevated blood pressure, leg swelling,

Bleeding, abdominal pain, SOB

•Remember PPE

•Use a towel to dry/swaddle

baby, if needed

This is what our OB tray looks like

Basic EMS kit will have essentials

•Record and document events as able

•Most important times:

infant birth time placenta delivery time

Elevated blood pressure and


(edema not required)

Worst complication is seizure/HELLP (hemolysis,

elevated LFT's, low platelets) In pregnancy, eclampsia seizures treated with Mg IV

Benzodiazepines do not stop seizures in eclampsia

IV x 2, O2, can check reflexes

Cord dangling out of vagina or cervix

Compresses baby's lifeline


Elevate pelvis and manually

Push infants head off the cord

Without compressing the cord

Emergent Cesarean! IV x 2, O2

Typically severe abdominal pain (not just with contractions)

Bleeding extent may not be apparent


Start O2, IV x 2, position

Pushing can be >2 hours in primiparous

Patient, but may be 1-2 hours in multiparous

May be precipitous

If preterm, expect precipitous & consider

Malpresentations- eg breech

Chin first does not deliver! Neck can not


Clamp x 2 & cut cord between clamps

Placenta may take ~1-20 minutes

3-4% of deliveries, injuries e.g. clavicle fractures more common

Prematurity is risk

Deliver spontaneous until umbilicus is at introitus

Then, support trunk

Remove 1 arm at a time

Head most difficult:

Flex neck


H- call for extra Help

EL- elevate legs- McRobert's

P- suprapubic Pressure to

reduce the anterior shoulder

Enter- rotational maneuvers

R- Reverse rotation

(consider hands to knees) 2 nd & 3 rd trimester bleeding: placenta previa uterine rupture placenta abruption vasa Previa

Postpartum hemorrhage- compress

O2, IV x 2, compression, position


Please feel welcome to participate and ask questions

Good history

Evaluate for complications

Shoulder dystocia





With Great Appreciation for all you do!


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