[PDF] Shopee Feed User Guide 21 oct. 2020 Feed and

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These items will be part of an Instagram “repost to win” competition where followers can repost the image for an entry to win the items. The purpose of this 

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For brands to stand out in Instagram their content marketing strategies must be humana e o reposting no envolvimento do consumidor no Instagram.

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Shopee Feed User Guide

21 oct. 2020 Feed and share to Instagram. ... Shopee Feed post on Instagram ... Screenshot good reviews and repost in Feed.

As a Matter of Fact

23 oct. 2021 QAnon influencers and audit supporters repost ... tweet is shared on a popular QAnon influencer's Instagram account (see Figure.

How do I repost on Instagram?

On iOS tap on the ‘...’ icon, tap the ‘Share’ option, and then tap ‘Copy Link’. If you're an Android user, tap ‘Copy Share URL’. 3. Repost on Instagram Now that you’ve got the link, open up the reposting app of your choosing and the content you’d like to share should appear automatically (most apps will read your copy clipboard automatically).

How do I repost content to my Story?

To repost content to your story, follow these steps: Tap on the paper airplane icon on the post or Reel you want to share. Tap on the option to add this to your story. Customize your post with GIFs, stickers, text, and caption options in the top-right corner.

What are the benefits of reposting on Instagram?

Reposting on Instagram is a way to ride the momentum of conversations that are already getting lots of engagement among your followers and target audience. It’s a win for both you and the original poster as it garners engagement for you and widens their own exposure. Here are some of the specific benefits of reposting on Instagram:

How do I repost a video?

Step 1: Find the video you want to repost. Step 2: Tap the paper airplane button below the video (right next to the like and comment icons). Step 3: A pop-up menu will appear. Tap “Add post to your Story.” Step 4: The video will appear as a Story draft. Customize the story by adding text, stickers, hashtags, etc.

  • Past day


Shopee Feed

User Guide

Edited: 21/10/2020


Table of contents

1. Introduction & Research Findings

2. Content ideas & tips for Shopee Feed

3. Content guidelines for Shopee Feed

4. Examples of Shopee Feed posts and stories

1. Introduction to Shopee Feed & Features


What is Shopee Feed?

A platform for sellers to actively engage with their followers through well designed posts. Sellers can

share posts regarding their store promotions etc. to engage buyers and increase sales. 4

What is Shopee Feed?

A platform for sellers to actively engage with their followers through well designed posts. Sellers can

share posts regarding their store promotions etc. to engage buyers and increase sales. 5

Tap on Me

page 1

How do I post on Shopee Feed?

Tap on Posts Ready to PostTap Next Choose your


Choose create

postTap on + icon



What are Shopee Feed Voucher Tags?

Voucher tags are a feature on Shopee Feed

Shopee Feed posts. All posts with voucher

tags will be accumulated in the voucher tab of Shopee Feed. The two types of voucher tags; 7

How do I set up Voucher Tags on Shopee Feed?

Go to Meprofile &

click on My Shop

1Click Marketing

CentreClick on Vouchers

Select Create New


Select Create

Shop Voucher


7b) To create Regular Shopee Feed Vouchers

1.Select Voucher Display Settings

2.Select Display on all Pages


7a) To create Shopee Feed Exclusive Vouchers

1.Select Voucher Display Settings

2.Select Display on specific page(s)

3.Select Shopee Feed

Fill in the Voucher


Shopee Feed

Exclusive Vouchers

Shopee Feed

Regular Vouchers


Select photo/video

to post

Select the sticker


Select thevoucher


Select voucher to

be featured in postPost with featured voucheron Feed 12345

What are Shopee Feed Product Tags?

Product tags are a feature that allows for

interested buyers to easily access the product listing on the post. This increases likelihood of users purchasing the products featured in the post. 11

Select photo/video

to post

How do I set up product tags in Shopee Feed?

1Post with product

tag on Feed

Adjust tagging on


Select which

product listing to tagSelect the tag icon3245 12

What is Shopee Story?

Shopee Story allows sellers to share updates and

moments of their dayin both photo and video format easily. This allows followers and potential customers to have a more immersive and

Shopee Storiesalso have a lifespan of only 24

hoursbefore being no longer available. 13

Shopee Story Features

Shopee Story that allows

on the go content that lasts 24 hrs

Chat entry point that

allows for instant replies and seamless interactions with viewers

Available product tags,

feed stickers, voucher tags, questions and mention stickers

Instant video or photo

postings 14

Click on

How do I create a Shopee Story?

1Click the + iconand

select add story

Click the bottom left

icon to access album

Add text, sticker,

product tags or vouchers

Click to finish

creating your story2345 15

Shopee Story Features

Story Product Tag Story Account TagStory Voucher TagStory Q&A 16

What is a Shopee Story Highlight


Shopee Story Highlight Collection is a group of

permanently saved storiesthat viewers can continuously view onyour shop profile page.

Sellers can curate these highlight collections to

feature only the best stories for followers and potential customers. 17

How do I create a Story Highlight Collection?


Click on the highlight

option on Your Storyto add from live stories

Select the +button to

create new highlight

At ME tab select + new

button to create a new highlight

Choose past stories to

add to the highlight collection 1212

How to use Story Template

Tab on template highlight in

Shopee Mamak official account

1Screenshot your favourite

story template 2

Fill in your answer3

Tab on Posticon4


Shopee Story Quiz & Voting Sticker

This feature is a tool to allow sellers to interact with users who view their story.

By asking the right questions, you can get a good

idea of what your followers and visitors preferences are when it comes to your products. seewhethertheygotitright manyvoteseachoption receivedandhoweachperson voted.


yourfollowersknowthemby askingquestionslikewhatare theypreferacertainproductor whichoneistheirfavourite.

Quiz StickerVoting Sticker


How do I use Story Quiz Sticker?

Tap on +icon and choose

Add Storyand choose your photo

1Tap on sticker icon and choose

Quiz Sticker

2Write your question & answer

choices, tap on Posticon

3Your quiz sticker is on your story

now! 4 21

Tap on +icon and choose

Add Storyand choose your photo

1Tap on sticker icon and choose

Voting Sticker

2Write your question & answer

choices, tap on Posticon

3Your voting sticker is on your

story now! 4

How do I use Story Voting Sticker?


Shopee Story Eraser Tool

Eraser tool improvement is a brush to delete

drawings and allows for better editing flexibility in Story

Update app to v2.58 to see changes

Example of story on Shopee Feed with

Eraser Tool


Shopee Story Text: Font & Colours

When adding text to Stories, sellers can now

select from a range of colours. Scroll to the right on the colour option to see two more pages of preselected colours to choose from.

Sellers also choose from 4 preselected font

styles when they click on the font button after having inserted a piece of text.

Example of fonts and colours available on

Shopee Story


Shopee Story Clickable Hashtag Text

This feature allows sellers to include hashtags

which are clickable on their Shopee Stories.

As users are now able to browse relevant posts

via the Story hashtag, Sellers should curate hashtags to improve Seller story interactions with buyers. 25

How do I add hashtags to my Story?

In Stories, click on the text tool

either select one of the recommended hashtags or create your own 2 26

Promote Review on Posts

Share the good news with your audience.

Customer reviews play a significant role in the

purchasing decisions of other shoppers. reviews to build your brand and attract more new customers.

Example of Posts with Buyer Review


How To Post Review on Feed

My Shopand scroll down


Repost to feed

3Your Review is now on your

Feed Posts!

4 28

Linking to Instagram

It's essential to link all your social media accounts to stay update with all your postings.

You can take photos / videos from your Shopee

Feed and share to Instagram.

Shopee Feed post on Instagram

via Instagram account linking 29

How to linking to Instagram

Select post you choose to

Read description and tap OK3

Choose your favourite option 4

Your Shopee Feed post now on

your Instagram 5 30

What is Feed Broadcast?

Use the broadcast feature to instantly notify your followers about your latest posts in Shopee Feed.

You can broadcast your new launch product,

follower giveaway contest, highlight your best selling product and let followers know about


Benefit of Feed Broadcast

followers of broadcasted post users to come back for more 31

How to broadcast post on Shopee Feed

Selecta post you choose to

1 option 3 32

Followers view on Feed Broadcast

Followers are notified of the broadcast through

Notification > Social Updates


What is Feed Insights?

Feed insights allows users to evaluate their

overall Feed performance. Users can use this data to better analyze their own post performance to optimize their post strategy.

Feed insights is comprised of Profile Insights

and Post Insights. 34

Feed Insights Features

One-stop dashboard for

all Shopee Feed data

Measure shop and

product visits driven by your post

Identify audience insights

such as age group, locations and gender

Track weekly progress to

identify areas of improvement 35

How do I access Feed Insights?

Tap on Insights

Browse weekly Feed Insights12

Click on the information button

for detailed info of each metric 3

Read the description for each

feed metric 4 36

How do I analyze my Post Performance?

1)Measure the post engagement

a)Was post a high quality photo or video? b)Did the post include a User CTAs (call-to-action)? i)Like, comment and share

1)Review post interactions

a)Was a product/voucher tag used?

1)Measure the post discovery

a)Was the post broadcasted? i)Shop followers will receive a notification when posts are broadcasted b)Was post hashtags used? i)Hashtags allow for easier discovery in search bar or feed tabs.

Sellers can review individual post performance at any time after posting. Using this feature, sellers can easily

monitor the post performance by several key metrics such as likes, comments, views and etc.

Post engagement = Total post likes & comments

Seller Tips

3 2 1 37

1. Introduction & Research Findings

2. Content ideas & tips for Shopee Feed

3. Content guidelines for Shopee Feed

4. Examples of Shopee Feed posts and stories

Table of contents

1. Introduction to Shopee Feed & Shopee Feed features


How to Hook Users on to Feed Posts?

To hook users to your feed, sellers are encouraged to diversify their postings to engage the market thoroughly. Some methods to engage users include;

Host product giveaways on Shopee Feed1

Incorporate Call-to-Actions on your post to boost user engagement2

Add Shop Vouchers on your Feed posts3

exposure4 39

Product/Voucher Giveaways on Feed

Key HookProduct/Voucher giveaway

Objectives1.Engage users

2.Boost engagement metrics

3.Increase interaction between seller and users

MechanicsSeller to caption the post asking users to like, comment and/or share their experiences. The number of lucky users decided by the seller will then win the products/get vouchers in the giveaway to-actions e.g. like, comment and tag your friend below!

Upload photos after you shop to win

Samsung Galaxy M20!

1. Post your Super Shopping Day haul on


2. Tag each products on your post

3. Use #MySuperShoppingin your caption

#shopeefeedgiveaway 40

Engagement Posts -User CTAs (call-to-action)

Key HookLike, Comment and Share!

Objectives1.Engage users

2.Boost engagement metrics

3.Increase interaction between seller and users

MechanicsSimilar CTA (call-to-action) similar to product giveaways can also be used to drive user engagement any incentives 41

Hashtags on Your Posts

Key HookHashtags

ObjectivesIncrease post exposure on feed

current posts with the same hashtag to appear on their timeline

MechanicsSellers to add hashtag to caption

to increase chances of being discovered

Tap to View Products


Voucher Posts on Feed

Key HookShop Vouchers

Objectives1.Engage users

2.Drive order conversion

MechanicsSeller to attach shop voucher to Feed post effective order conversion [NRXAXSAPIIAQSVIARSYGLIVPARI\XAXÓQIp exposure 43

Repost customer reviews

Post high quality photos and videos

Screenshot good reviews, and repost in Feed

Screenshot good reviews, and repost in Feed

Post regularly Post at least 2-3 times per week

Create various types of post contentPost engaging content such as giveaways, quizzes Encourage audience participationAsk viewers to like, follow, comment and share Add product tags and vouchersTag your products and vouchers in posts to boost order conversion Use popular and relevant hashtagsAdding hashtags in your captions increases the likelihood of users viewing your posts 44

Table of contents

1. Introduction & Research Findings

2. Content ideas & tips for Shopee Feed

3. Content guidelines for Shopee Feed

4. Examples of Shopee Feed posts and stories

1. Introduction to Shopee Feed & Shopee Feed features


Shopee Feed Post Guidelines

High resolution images/


Max. 5 photos per post

A maximum of 2,200 characters

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