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Sir 3:6-16:26 in continuous script. 11 th cent. CE. MS B: Hebrew Ben Sira Manuscript B. Twenty-one leaves. Sir 10:19c-11:10; 15:1-16:7;.

Florida State University Libraries

Sir 3:6-16:26 in continuous script. 11 th cent. CE. MS B: Hebrew Ben Sira Manuscript B. Twenty-one leaves. Sir 10:19c-11:10; 15:1-16:7;.

FANUC CNC custom Macros

Other con trol sys tems no ta bly Fanuc 10/11/12 as well as Fanuc 15

FANUC CNC custom Macros

FANUC CNC Custom Macros

Copyright 2005, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY - www.industrialpres s.com

FANUC CNC Custom Macros

Copyright 2005, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY - www.industrialpres s.com

Fanuc CNC

Cus tom

Mac ros

FANUC CNC Custom Macros

Copyright 2005, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY - www.industrialpres s.com

FANUC CNC Custom Macros

Copyright 2005, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY - www.industrialpres s.com

Fanuc CNC

Cus tom

Mac ros

Pro gram ming Re sources for Fanuc Cus tom Macro B Us ers

Pe ter Smid

In dus trial Press, Inc.

200 Mad i son Av e nue

New York, NY 10016-4078, USA

http://www.industrialpress.comFANUC CNC Custom Macros Copyright 2005, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY - www.industrialpres s.com In dus trial Press Inc.200 Mad i son Av e nueNew York, New York 10016-4078 Copy right © 2005. Printed in the United States of Amer ica

All rights re served

This book or parts thereof may not be re pro duced,stored in a re trieval sys tem or trans mit ted in any form with out theper mis sion of the pub lisher

Cover De sign: Janet RomanoMan ag ing Ed i tor: John Carleo

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 FANUC CNC Custom Macros

Copyright 2005, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY - www.industrialpres s.com To

Joan, Mi chael and Michelle

Thank you for ev ery thingFANUC CNC Custom Macros

Copyright 2005, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY - www.industrialpres s.com

Ac knowl edg ments

In this first edi tion of the Fanuc Cus tom Mac ros, the author would like to ex press much de served and sin cere thanks and re peated ap pre ci a tion to Pe ter Eigler for never turn ing away from a chal lenge and al ways be ing able to pro vide working so lu tion to a prob lem. Many thanks are also re served for Eu gene Chishow, who can rightly claim many mac ros bear ing his name. My fam ily has al ways pro vided a great sup port to me - thanks to you all. In the handbook, there are ref er ences to sev eral man u fac tur ers, soft ware de vel op ers and some trade names. It is only fair to ac knowl edge their names: oFANUC and CUSTOM MACRO or USER MACRO or MACRO B are reg is tered trade marks of Fujitsu-Fanuc, Ja pan oGE FANUC is a reg is tered trade mark of GE Fanuc Au to ma tion, Inc.,

Char lottes ville, VA, USA

oMASTERCAM is the reg is tered trade mark of CNC Soft ware Inc.,

Tolland, CT, USA

oWINDOWS is a reg is tered trade marks of Microsoft, Inc.,

Redmond, WA, USA

oFADAL, OKUMA, MAKINO, YASNAC, MITSUBISHI, MELDAS, MAZAK, MAZATROL - are also trade names that appear in the handbookFANUC CNC Custom Macros Copyright 2005, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY - www.industrialpres s.com

About the Au thor

Pe ter Smid, the au thor of the best-sell ing CNC Pro gram ming Hand book and a num ber of other pub li ca tions, is a pro fes sional con sul tant, ed u ca tor and speaker, with many years of prac ti cal, hands-on ex pe ri ence, in the in dus trial and ed u ca tional fields. Dur ing his ca reer, he has gath ered an ex ten sive ex pe ri ence with CNC and CAD/CAM ap pli ca -

tions on all lev els. He con sults to man u fac tur ing in dus try and ed u ca tional in sti tu tions on

prac ti cal use of Com put er ized Nu mer i cal Con trol tech nol ogy, CNC part pro gram ming, CAD/CAM, ad vanced ma chin ing, tool ing, setup, and many other re lated fields. His com - pre hen sive in dus trial back ground in CNC pro gram ming, ma chin ing and com pany ori - ented train ing has as sisted sev eral hun dred com pa nies to ben e fit from his wide-rang ing knowl edge. Mr. Smid's long time as so ci a tion with ad vanced man u fac tur ing com pa nies and CNC ma chin ery ven dors, as well as his af fil i a tion with a num ber of Com mu nity and Tech ni cal Col lege in dus trial tech nol ogy pro grams and ma chine shop skills train ing, have en abled him to broaden his pro fes sional and con sult ing skills in the ar eas of CNC and CAD/CAM train ing, com puter ap pli ca tions and needs anal y sis, soft ware eval u a tion, sys tem bench mark ing, pro gram ming, hard ware se lec tion, soft ware cus tom iz ation, and op er a tions man a ge ment. Over the years, Mr. Smid has de vel oped and de liv ered hun dreds of cus tom ized ed u ca - tional pro grams to thou sands of in struc tors and stu dents at col leges and uni ver si ties across the United States, Can ada and Eu rope, as well as to a large num ber of man u fac - tur ing com pa nies and pri vate sec tor or ga ni za tions and in di vid u als. He has ac tively par tic i pated in many in dus trial trade shows, con fer ences, work shops and var i ous sem i nars, in clud ing sub mis sion of pa pers, de liv er ing pre sen ta tions and a num ber of speak ing en gage ments to pro fes sional or ga ni za tions. He is also the au thor of many mag a zine col umns and ar ti cles as well as in-house pub li ca tions on the sub ject of CNC and CAD/CAM. Dur ing his many years as a pro fes sional trainer in the CNC in dus - trial and ed u ca tional field, he has de vel oped tens of thou sands of pages of high qual ity train ing ma te ri als. Pe ter Smid is cur rently com plet ing a new book CNC Pro gram ming Tech niques, sched -

uled for re lease by In dus trial Press, Inc., in the Spring of 2005.The au thor wel comes com ments, sug ges tions and other in put from ed u ca tors,

stu dents and in dus trial us ers

You can e-mail him from the Fanuc CNC Custom Macros page at www.industrialpress.comFANUC CNC Custom Macros

Copyright 2005, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY - www.industrialpres s.com Dis claimerIn dus trial Press (the Pub lisher) and Pe ter Smid (the Au thor) pro vide this pub li ca tion and the in cluded CD files in the form of 'as is', with out war ranty of any kind, ei ther ex pressed or im plied, in clud ing, but not lim ited to, the im plied war ran ties of mer chant abil ity and fit ness for a par tic u lar pur pose. The au thor may make im prove ments or changes in this pub li ca tion and/or the in cluded CD files, or in the pro gram ex am ples used in this pub li ca tion, at any time and with out no tice. Nei ther the Publisher nor the Au thor as sumes any re spon si bil ity for any er ror that may ap pear in the pub li ca tion or the CD files. Use of names of com pa nies and prod ucts in this pub li ca tion does not re flect

an en dorse ment by ei ther those com pa nies or by the Pub lisher or the Au thor.FANUC CNC Custom Macros

Copyright 2005, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY - www.industrialpres s.com

Pref ace

For more than twenty five years, con trol sys tems for CNC ma chines have been de - signed with many more fea tures than necessary just to pro cess a man u ally writ ten part pro gram. A whole group of con ver sa tional pro gram ming sys tems has been of fered by several con trol man u fac tur ers for many years. From the orig i nal Fanuc FAPT sys tem to the mod ern on-ma chine pro gram ming avail able from com pa nies such as Mazak and their Mazatrol sys tem, this method has proven very suc cess ful for CNC lathes, and to a smaller de gree, to CNC mill ing systems as well. While most con ver sa tional pro gram ming of fers a great num ber of ben e fits for a va ri ety of suit able parts, it does not of fer the flex i bil ity of most CAD/CAM sys tems, within the area of so called CAM pro gram ming. The ma jor ity of CAM sys tems of fer off-ma chine CNC pro gram ming us ing graph i cal toolpath gen er a tion com bined with many fea tures to pro duce pro grams of ex cel lent qual ity. For this rea son, they have be come the most pop u lar method of part pro gram gen er a tion. With all the ben e fits and some in ev i ta ble dis ad van tages, the tra di tional pro gram ming meth ods of fer thou sands of CNC us ers the choice be tween the three com mon op tions - man ual pro gram ming, on-ma chine con ver sa tional type of pro gram ming, or a CAM soft - ware, in or der to de velop the part pro gram. Pro gram de vel op ment us ing mac ros of fer an ad di tional method, com ple ment ing - not com pet ing with - the other meth ods. The pur pose of this hand book is not to com pare be tween the part pro gram de vel op - ment meth ods, but to bring at ten tion to the type of part pro gram de vel op ment that has not been used as of ten as it should - mac ros (known as Cus tom Mac ros or User Mac ros). CNC program de vel op ment us ing mac ros does not re place any other pro gram ming method. In fact, it be longs to the cat e gory of man ual pro gram ming - and as an ex ten sion - it of fers much higher level of so phis ti ca tion. This hand book is all about mac ros - what they are and how to de velop them and how to use them. It of fers many do's and don'ts, and it cov ers all the pop u lar Fanuc con trol sys tems. Al though there are other con trols of fer ing mac ros, this hand book cov ers Fanuc mac ros ex clu sively. Mac ros for dif fer ent con trols share the com mon ap proach and mainly differ in their syn tax. Learn ing mac ros for one con trol will be come a ben e fit when learn ing a macro for a dif fer ent con trol. Mac - ros pres ent an extremely wide and rich field of pro gram ming tools that a pro fes sional CNC pro gram mer or CNC tech ni cal person can ex plore in great depth. This hand book has been de signed as a train ing and ref er ence text that can be used in a pro duc tion en vi ron ment - not as a pro duc tion ori ented text that can be used for train ing. In no way the handbook is in tended to re place man u als sup plied with the ma chine tool or the con trol sys tem - they are vi tal part of the learn ing pro cess. Pe ter Smid, Jan u ary 2005FANUC CNC Custom Macros Copyright 2005, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY - www.industrialpres s.com

FANUC CNC Custom Macros

Copyright 2005, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY - www.industrialpres s.com


General Introduction........................1

Review of G-codes, M-codes and Subprograms............2

System Parameters....................2

Data Setting......................2

Custom Macros.....................3

Probing Applications....................3

Overall View......................3

Macro Programming........................4

Macro Op tion Check....................4

What is a Macro Programming?.................4

Typ i cal Features.....................5

Main Pro gram with Macro Fea tures................5

Using Macros...........................6

Groups of Similar Parts...................7

Offset Control......................8

Custom Fixed Cycles....................8

Nonstandard Tool Motions..................8

Special G-codes and M-codes.................8

Alarm and Message Generation.................8

Replacing Control Options ..................9

Hiding and Protecting Macro Programs...............9

Probing and Gauging....................9

Various Shortcuts and Utilities.................9

Skills Requirements........................102 - BASIC PROGRAM CODES11

Preparatory Commands.......................11

Default Settings.....................11

Modal Values.....................12

Programming Format...................12

Miscellaneous Functions.......................12

Programming Format...................12

M-codes with a Motion...................12

Custom M-codes....................12

Reference Tables....................13

G-codes for Milling.........................13

Three-Digit G-codes....................15

M-codes for Milling........................16

G-codes for Turning........................16

M-codes for Turning........................19

Standard Program Codes.......................20

Op tional Pro gram Codes.......................20xiFANUC CNC Custom Macros Copyright 2005, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY - www.industrialpres s.com


Subprogram Example - Mill......................21

Rules of Subprograms.......................25

Subprogram Repetition.......................27

Subprogram Nesting........................27

Subprogram Documentation .................29

Subprograms vs. Macros.......................30

Unique Features.....................30

CNC Lathe Ap pli ca tions.......................31 Subprogram De vel op ment..................324 - SYSTEM PARAMETERS33

What are Parameters ?.......................33

Saving Parameters.........................34

Backing Up Parameters...................34

Parameter Identification.......................35

Numbering of Parameters..................35

Parameter Classification.......................35

Parameters Grouping...................36

Parameter Display Screen......................37

Parameter Data Types........................37

Bit-Type Data Type....................37

Relationship of Parameters..................40

Byte Data Type.....................41

Word Data Type.....................42

2-Word Data Type....................42

Axis Data Type.....................43

Important Observations...................44

Binary Numbers..........................45

Setting and Changing Parameters....................46

Protection of Parameters..................46

Battery Backup.....................46

Changing Parameters...................47

System Defaults.........................47

Default Values Settings...................485 - DATA SETTING49

In put of Offsets..........................49

Data Setting Command.......................50

Coordinate Mode.........................50

Ab so lute Mode.....................50

In cre men tal Mode....................50

Work Offsets...........................51

Standard Work Offset Input..................51

Additional Work Offset Input.................52

External Work Offset Input..................52xiiTable of ContentsFANUC CNC Custom Macros Copyright 2005, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY - www.industrialpres s.com Offset Memory Types - Milling.....................53

Geometry Offset....................53

Wear Offset......................53

Which Off set to Up date?..................54

Memory Type A.....................55

Memory Type B.....................56

Memory Type C.....................57

Mem ory Type and Mac ros..................57

Offset Memory Types - Turning.....................58

Adjusting Offset Values.......................59

Absolute Mode.....................59

Incremental Mode....................59

Tool Offset Program Entry......................60


G10 Offset Data Settings - Milling Examples.............61

Valid Input Range.........................62

Lathe Offsets...........................62

P-Offset Number....................63

Tip Num ber Q.....................63

G10 Offset Data Settings - Turning Examples.............64

Data Setting Check in MDI......................65

Programmable Parameter Entry....................65

Modal G10 Command...................66

N-address in G10 L50 Mode.................67

P-address in G10 L50 Mode.................67

R-address in G10 L50 Mode.................67

Program Portability........................67

Setting Machine Axes to Zero.................70

Bit Type Parameter Example.................70

Differences Between Control Models...............72

Effect of Block Numbers..................72

Block Skip......................726 - MACRO STRUCTURE73

Basic Tools...........................73


Functions and Constants..................74

Logical Functions....................74

Defining and Calling Macros......................75

Macro Definition....................75

Macro Call......................75


Vi sual Rep re sen ta tion...................78

Macro Program Numbers......................79

Macro Pro gram Pro tec tion..................79

Set ting Def i ni tions....................79

Program Numbers - Range O0001 to O7999.............80 Program Numbers - Range O8000 to O8999.............80 Program Numbers - Range O9000 to O9999.............81 Program Numbers - Range O9000 to O9049.............82

Difference Between the O8000 and O9000 Program Numbers........82Table of ContentsxiiiFANUC CNC Custom Macros

Copyright 2005, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY - www.industrialpres s.com


Types of Macro Variables......................83

Variables in Macros........................84

Definition of Variables...................84

Cal cu la tor Anal ogy....................84

Vari able Data.....................84

Variable Declaration........................85

Real Num bers and Integers..................85

Variable as an Expression..................86

Usage of Variables.........................86

Decimal Point Usage...................87

Metric and English Units..................88

Least Increment.....................88

Positive and Negative Variables................89

Syntax Errors.....................90


Custom Machine Features......................928 - ASSIGNING VARIABLES93

Local Variables..........................93

Defining Variables....................93

Clearing Local Variables..................94

Assigning Local Variables......................94

Assignment List 1 - Method 1.................94

Assignment List 2 - Method 2.................95

Missing Addresses....................97

Disallowed Addresses...................98

Simple and Modal Macro Calls.....................98

Se lec tion of Vari ables...................99

Main Program and Local Variables...................101 Local Variables and Nesting Levels...................105

Common Variables........................106

Volatile and Nonvolatile Memory Groups..............106

Input Range of Variables......................107

Out-of-Range Values...................107

Cal cu la tor Analogy....................107

Set Variable Name Function SETVN...................108 Protection of Common Variables....................1089 - MACRO FUNCTIONS109

Function Groups.........................109

Definition of Variables Revisited....................110

Referencing Variables...................110

Vacant or Empty Variables.................111

Axis Motion Commands and Null Variables.............111


Arithmetic Functions........................113


Arithmetic Operations and Vacant Variables.............114 Division by Zero....................115xivTable of ContentsFANUC CNC Custom Macros Copyright 2005, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY - www.industrialpres s.com

Trigonometric Functions......................116

Conversion to Decimal Degrees................116

Available Functions...................116

Rounding Functions........................117

Rounding to a Fixed Number of Decimal Places............119

FUP and FIX Functions..................121

Miscellaneous Functions......................122

SQRT and ABS Functions..................122

LN, EXP and ADP Functions.................124

Logical Functions.........................124

Boolean Functions....................124

Bi nary Num bers Functions.................125

Boolean and Bi nary Examples.................125

Conversion Functions.......................126

Evaluation of Functions - Special Test..................126

Order of Function Evaluation.................128

Approach to Practical Applications...................129

Using Local Variables...................129

Using Common Variables..................133

Speeds and Feeds Calculation................13410 - SYSTEM VARIABLES137 Identifying System Variables.....................137

System Variables Groups......................138

Read and Write Variables..................138

Displaying System Variables.................138

System Variables for Fanuc Series 0...............139 Fanuc Model 0 Compared to Other Models.............140 System Variables for Fanuc Series 10/11/15.............140 System Variables for Fanuc Series 16/18/21.............141 Organization of System Variables....................144 Resetting Program Zero.......................14511 - TOOL OFFSET VARIABLES147 System Variables and Tool Offsets...................147

Tool Offset Memory Groups.....................148

Tool Offset Memory - Type A.................148

Tool Offset Memory - Type B.................149

Tool Offset Memory - Type C.................149

Tool Offset Variables - Fanuc 0 Controls.................150

Milling Control FS-0M...................150

Turning Control - FS-0T..................151

Tool Offset Variables - FS 10/11/15/16/18/21 for Milling.............152 Assignments for 200 Offsets or Less - Memory Type A..........152 Assignments for 200 Offsets or Less - Memory Type B..........153 Assignments for 200 Offsets or Less - Memory Type C..........154 Assignments for More than 200 Offsets - Memory Type A.........155 Assignments for More Than 200 Offsets - Memory Type B.........156

Assignments for More than 200 Offsets - Memory Type C.........157Table of ContentsxvFANUC CNC Custom Macros

Copyright 2005, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY - www.industrialpres s.com Tool Offset Variables - FS 10/11/15/16/18/21 for Turning............158

Tool Setting.....................158

Assignments for 64 Offsets or Less - Memory Type A..........159 Assignments for 64 Offsets or Less - Memory Type B..........160 Assignments for More than 64 Offsets - Memory Type A.........161 Assignments for More than 64 Offsets - Memory Type B.........16212 - MODAL DATA163 System Variables for Modal Commands.................163 Fanuc 0/16/18/21 Modal Information...............163 Fanuc 10/11/15 Modal Information...............163

Preceding and Executing Blocks................164

Modal G-codes.........................164

Fanuc 0/16/18/21....................165

Fanuc 10/11/15.....................166

Saving and Restoring Data......................167

Saving Modal Data....................167

Restoring Modal Data...................168

Other Modal Functions..........................168

Fanuc 0/16/18/21....................169

Fanuc 10/11/15.....................17013 - BRANCHES AND LOOPS171 Decision Making in Macros......................171

IF Function...........................172

Conditional Branching...................172

Unconditional Branching..................173

IF-THEN Option....................174

Single Conditional Expressions................175

Combined Conditional Expressions...............176

Concept of Loops.........................177

Sin gle Process.....................177

Mul ti ple Process....................177

WHILE Loop Structure.......................179

Single Level Nesting Loop..................179

Double Level Loop....................180

Triple Level Loop....................180

General Considerations..................181

Restrictions of the WHILE Loop................181

Conditional Expressions and Null Variables................182 Formula Based Macro - Sine Curve...................184 Clearing Common Variables.....................18614 - ALARMS AND TIMERS187

Alarms in Macros.........................187

Alarm Number.....................187

Alarm Message....................187

Alarm Format.....................188

Embedding Alarm in a Macro.................188

Resetting an Alarm...................190

Message Variable - Warning, Not an Alarm.............190xviTable of ContentsFANUC CNC Custom Macros Copyright 2005, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY - www.industrialpres s.com

Timers in Macros.........................191

Time Information....................191

Timing an Event....................191

Dwell as a Macro....................19215 - AXIS POSITION DATA193

Axis Position Terms........................193

Position Information........................19416 - AUTO MODE OPERATIONS195 Controlling Automatic Operations...................195

Single Block Control...................195

M-S-T Functions Control..................196

Feedhold, Feedrate, and Exact Check Control............197 Ex am ple of Spe cial Tap ping Operation..............198

Systems Settings....................199

Mirror Image Status Check......................199 Interpreting System Variable #3007...............200 Controlling the Number of Machined Parts.................20217 - EDITING MACROS203

Editing Units..........................203

Program Comments........................203

Abbreviations of Macro Functions...................20418 - PARAMETRIC PROGRAMMING205 What is a Parametric Programming ?..................205

Variable Data.....................205

Ben e fits of Para met ric Pro gram ming..................206

When to Program Parametrically................206

Planned Approach to Macro Development.................20719 - FAMILY OF SIMILAR PARTS209 Macro Development in Depth - Location Pin................209

Draw ing Eval u a tion...................210

Ob jec tive of the Macro..................210

Part Setup, Tooling and Ma chin ing Method.............210

Draw ing Sketch....................211

Stan dard Program....................211

Identify Vari able Data...................212

Creating Arguments...................215

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