[PDF] Booklet Harison English.indd de Conservation de l'Espè

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Grenouille agile - Rana dalmatina

La protection de ses habitats (dont les lieux de reproduction) interdit toute intervention sur ces milieux particuliers à l'espèce et tout type de travaux 

Phénologie des amphibiens en Pays de la Loire

Feb 3 2016 Adulte Jusqu'à 2 km des habitats de reproduction. Grenouille agile ... absence de la Grenouille rousse et du Crapaud commun dont les tétards.

Influence des paramètres environnementaux sur la stratégie de

stratégie de reproduction de la Grenouille agile Date de soutenance : 21 juin 2005 ... la Grenouille agile (Rana dalmatina Bonaparte 1938).

Reproductive biology of a cave-associated population of the frog

Grenouille des marais Rana palustris (Anura : Ranidae) dans une grotte situCe aux abords du plateau Males were sampled on 13 dates from July through.

Risk analysis report of non-native organisms in Belgium - American

La Grenouille taureau met en place des stratégies de survie flexibles qui reproduction in Flanders dates back to 2001 at several places in the Grote ...

Caractéristiques biologiques de la reproduction de la Grenouille

Une petite population de Grenouilles rousses (Rana temporaria) a été étudiée la date de départ de la reproduction (NEVEU comm. pers)

Reproduction of the Northern Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens) in

BREEDING ECOLOGY OF LEOPARD FROGS ilar to breeding dates in Ohio (Zenisek 1963)

Grenouille agile

Date. Auteurs. Page. Grenouille agile. 6.1. 16.06.2009 Ses sites de reproduction sont des plans d'eau situés dans ou à proximité immédiate de la.

Booklet Harison English.indd

de Conservation de l'Espèce Mantella auranfiaca (grenouille dorée) 2011-2015. on the coordination research and monitoring

Grenouille Taureau (Ranidés)

La première mention écrite signalant la naturalisation de l'espèce (dans la région de Bordeaux) date de 1990. Cette population est issue d'individus relâchés à 

Science en ligne

Science en ligne

GRENOUILLE - Practical issues: a quick manual - arXivorg

GRENOUILLE - Practical issues: a quick manual A Christian Silva Department of Physics and Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics University of Maryland College Park College Park Maryland 20742? (Dated: February 2 2008) This paper is the result of setting up GRENOUILLE in the Nonlinear Dynamics Laboratory at

  • Reproduction Des Grenouilles

    Les grenouilles sont des amphibiens dioïques, ce qui veut dire qu'elles ont des sexes séparés et qu'il existe des différences entre les mâles et les femelles (dimorphisme sexuel). Quand commence le printemps, c'est lorsque les femelles pondent leurs œufs matures, moment où elles entreront dans l'eau pour trouver un mâle avec lequel s'accoupler. L'a...

  • Comment Naissent Les Grenouilles ?

    Des œufs naissent des larves appelées têtards. Ces derniers vivent dans l'eau, alors que les adultes peuvent mener une vie semi-terrestre (d'où leur nom d'amphibien) mais ils devront tout de même vivre près de lieux humides ou proches d'une source d'eau. Chez les grenouilles il existe des soins parentauxqui, bien qu'ils peuvent être rares chez cert...

  • Métamorphose de La Grenouille

    Une fois que les têtards sont sortis de leurs oeufs, ils passent par un processus de transformation, appelé métamorphose, afin d'atteindre leur forme adulte. A continuation nous prendrons le temps de vous parler de chacune des phases du cycle de vie de la grenouille.

Quelle est la maturité sexuelle d'une grenouille ?

Certaines atteignent leur maturité sexuelle autour des 8 mois, alors que d'autres doivent attendre 3 ans avant de pouvoir commencer à se reproduire. Vous trouverez tous les détails à propos de la reproduction des grenouilles dans cette vidéo de la chaîne Designmate publiée par Maria Teixera

Qu'est-ce que la reproduction des grenouilles ?

La description antérieure correspond à ce qui se passe pour la majorité des anoures. Néanmoins, la reproduction des grenouilles peut varier chez certaines espèces. Par exemple, la Colostethus machalilla pond ses œufs dans la terre, si cette dernière est bien humide.

Quel est le cycle de vie d’une grenouille ?

Schéma du cycle de vie de la grenouille (6 stades) : Des oeufs / un têtard après éclosion / un têtard de 2 mois (pattes de derrière) / un têtard de 2 mois et demi (4 pattes) / un têtard de 4 mois (queue raccourcie, sorti de l’eau) / une grenouille adulte

Quelle est la phase de métamorphose de la grenouille ?

La phase de métamorphose de la grenouille pourrait être divisée en deux, car dans chacune d'elles se produit des transformations différentes. Une fois que le le têtard sort de l’œuf, il compte sur les caractéristiques suivantes : Bouche en position ventrale.

Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 2 (The Golden Mantella Frog), 2011-2015. This document is cited as: Randrianavelona R., Randrianantoandro J. C., Rabibisoa N., Randrianasolo H., Rabesihanaka S., Randriamahaleo S. and Jenkins R. K. B. 2010. Stratégie Madagasikara Voakajy, B.P. 5181, Antananarivo (101), Madagascar

Nirhy Rabibisoa

Harison Randrianasolo

Antananarivo 101, Madagascar

Sahondra Rabesihanaka

Naturelles, Ministère de l'Environnement et des Forêts, B. P. 243, Antananarivo, Madagascar

Sahoby Randriamahaleo

de l'Environnement et des Forêts, B. P. 243, Antananarivo, Madagascar

Richard K. B. Jenkins

University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom and, Madagasikara Voakajy, B.P. 5181,

Antananarivo (101), Madagascar

Ambinanilemafy, Mangabe, Commune Ambohibary, Moramanga District, (by Roma

Randrianavelona in 2009).

3 Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca


FOREWORD................................................................................................................. 4

ACKNOWLEDGMENT................................................................................................. 5

ACRONYMS................................................................................................................. 6

INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................... 7

1-1 Name of the species....................................................................................... 9

1-2 Photographs of the species........................................................................... 9

1-3 Status of the species....................................................................................... 9

IUCN Red List.............................................................................................. 9

CITES............................................................................................................. 9

EDGE............................................................................................................. 9

Morphology................................................................................................. 10

4- Historical background............................................................................................ 11

5-1 Recent studies................................................................................................. 12

5-4 Demographical analysis.................................................................................. 17

5-5 Habitat types and follow-up........................................................................ 18

6- Analysis of the threats.......................................................................................... 21

B -DECLARATION OF THE VISION............................................................................ 24

C-GOALS ................................................................................................................... 24

D- RESTRICTIONS...................................................................................................... 25


F- PARTICIPANTS......................................................................................................... 39

G- LIST OF THE DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS............................................................ 41

H- BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................................... 42

Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 4


5 Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca


Forêts in Moramanga, the Chef Cantonnement , the Antsily, Ampahatra, Manakana-Est and Ambodirotra Fokontany village leaders, the Lakambato village chief, the local leaders l'Environnement Moramanga, Oĸ ce Régional du Tourisme Alaotra Mangoro (ORTALMA), de base Miaradia, VOI (Vondron'Olona Ifotony) TARATRA Torotorofotsy, VOI Hafasahona Mangabe, VOI Faniry Ambodirtotra, VOI Miara-mirindra Manakana-Est, VOI Fanazava Andranomandry, VOI Soamiafara Ampahatra, VOI Fitahiana PK 33, VOI Mahasoa Mahatsara


not cited, who contributed closely or from afar to the carrying out of this strategy. We also

Funded by:

Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 6


COAP: Codes des Aires Protégées

CR : Gravement Menacée (selon la liste rouge de l'IUCN

FKT: Fokontany

MEF : Ministère de l'Environnement et des Forêts

MEM: Ministère de l'Energie et des Mines

NAP: Nouvelle Aire Protégée

SAPM : Système des Aires Protégées de Madagascar management of natural resources is transfered) 7 Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca


The Madagascar amphibian fauna is unique in the world because of its high (almost 100%) level of endemism (Vietes et al. 2009). This future of Madagascar's frogs is threatened by habitat loss and climate change, as plan for amphibians (ACSAM) was created in 2006 to help Madagascar to amphibians produced by the IUCN/SSC Amphibian Specialist Group in 2005. protected areas, commerce, climate change and the development of the

2008). Given the lack of resources to implement the whole SAP, and the

Sahasarotra-Ranomena forest block into the System of Protected Areas of forests block then obtained preliminary protected status according to the

Interministerial decree n°52005/2010.

In general, the methodology adopted in this strategy follows the various steps described in the guide developed by the IUCN in 2008 (Strategic Planning Task Force Species Survival Commission, IUCN Version 1.0). According to this Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 8 coherence between these various components be in order to ensure the be obvious. and a few work post-workshops sessions, the fi nal product consists of: a to be undertaken over the next fi ve years. 9 Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca

1-1 Name of the species

Vernacular name: Golden Mantella (English), Sahona Mena (Malagasy),

1-2 Photographs of the species


1-3 Status of the species

IUCN Red List:



th rank out of the 4,339 threatened amphibians ( www.edgeofexistence.org). Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 10 from M. milotympanum and M. crocea (Chiari et al. 2004). The red form, proposed as a sub-species but this was later rejected by Vences et al. (1999) because of a lack of evidence.


A small but stout and vividly colored frog varied between bright orange mm, but occasionally large females reach 31 mm (Glaw and Vences 2007). males were signifi cantly smaller than females (Woodhead et al. 2007). Formicidae (non-winged), Diptera, Thysanoptera and Isopoda (Woodhead et al. 2007). Uses of this species also include commercial display in zoos, aquaria as well available but living individuals are held in a farm (Croc farm) in Antananarivo, at the Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimbazaza (Antananarivo) and the 11 Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca of the Mantella frogs exported from Madagascar between 1994 and 2003 (Rabemananjara et al. 2008a). North America (United States and Canada) and Western Europe were the largest importers of Mantella frogs from Madagascar (Rabemananjara et al. 2008). Since 1995, the trade in wild M. quota of 2,500 frogs was agreed by CITES in 2009 and 550 frogs in 2010. RAMSAR site and of the Moramanga District. It is also the key species to promote the new protected area of Mangabe.

4- Historical background

present (Figure 1). The holotype was collected from between Moramanga the sites in Andasibe (Perinét), but Vences et al. (1999) consider these to reported from the Torotorofotsy wetland which is located at less than 15 km from Andasibe (Zimmermann and Hetz, 1992; Zimmermann 1996). Vences et al. (1999) verifi ed a number of specimens and concluded that M. Anosibe An'ala and the Torotorofotsy swamp. The unpublished report of in subsequent assessments (Vences et al. 1999; Glaw and Vences, 2007). which was not formally accepted as a diī erent species by herpetologists area east of Fierenana (Bora et al. 2008) and could only account for two Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 12 listed by Behra et al. (1995) and three in Ramilison (1997). Other sites listed by Behra et al. (1995), but ignored by later authors include Maromizaha outside of its current range (J. C. Randrianantoandro, pers. Obs.). Vieites et al. (2009) surveyed Maromizaha, Vohidrazana, Ambavariasy and fi ve other m in areas without humid forest. However, Vences et al. (1999) reported the presence of M. cowani in the forests south-east of Ambatolampy and near the humid forest corridor south-east of Ambatolampy. The recent

5-1 Recent surveys

confi rmed (Bora et al. 1998; Randrianavelona et al, 2010). The second main cluster is located north-east of Moramanga town around the Torotorofotsy wetland (Bora et al. 2008; Randrianavelona et al. 2010). The most curious outliers occur to the north-west of Moramanga in the Ambakoana area, In sum, three sites occur west of the Mangoro River, all of which are rather isolated and are found in small forest fragments (Bora et al. 2008). With 13 Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca the polygons shown in Figure 3, the extent of occurrence is 1,189 km 2 and the area of occupancy is 112 km 2 to 626 km 2 and 89 km 2 Mangoro River tributaries or the Torotorofotsy wetland and its tributaries. the sites around the Torotorofotsy wetland are distributed in forest that are occur in diī erent watersheds. exist, or are predicted, at each site. The Mangabe forest is the only forest massif that stretches across the boundary between the districts of Moramanga and Anosibe An'ala. The northern part of this forest, in the Mangarivotra and Ambohibary communes, is a provisional protected area whilst the southern part of the forests has been allocated for sustainable forest management. A single site occurs west of the Mangoro River (Fatakana, Vodiriana commune). Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 14 15 Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca colored in green and the black squares are the commune towns. Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 16 commune towns. 17 Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca These sites occur in the Ambohibary commune. They are expected to the forest that shelters them is removed by the mine. The exact limit of the mine footprint could shiŌ within the buī er zone proposed in response the life of the mine

3 Torotorofotsy: Zahamena-Ankeniheny corridor (New Protected Area

with 1 known site), Ambatovy Pipeline (Ramsar zone with 1 known site,

Torotorofotsy inside Ramsar (3 known sites).

These sites are located in the commune of Andasibe and are managed by wetland. These sites are located in the commune of Andasibe and are managed by wetland.

5-4 Demographic analysis

between 500 and 3,000 individuals per hectare (Behra et al. 1995) and between 836 and 1,371 ha -1 (Rabemananjara et al. 2008b). There is no breeding season is of limited value (Rabemananjara et al. 2008b). Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 18

5- 5 Habitat types and follow-up

the breeding season (Randrianavelona et al. 2010). The extent to which is associated with humid forest between 873 and 1,054m above sea-level (Randrianavelona et al. 2010). The species is reported to live in swamp

Anon 2008; Vences et al. 1999).

19 Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca yellow), Analabe (in green) and Torotofotsy (in blue). Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 20 Figure 5: A map showing the various land tenure and use: in grey: protected area IUCN Category II; in yellow and red: protected areas IUCN category VI having temporary status in 2005; green protected area IUCN category VI having global temporary status in 2008 and in blue: the RAMSAR site. 21
Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca et al. 2007). Humid forests closest to the main road and Moramanga town suī ered the most notable declines during the period between 1997 and 2000.
A signifi cant part of the humid forest around Moramanga is now included in protected areas (Figure 5). There are two protected areas managed forests. The Zahamena-Ankeniheny corridor is a new protected area that is awarded provisional protected area status in October 2008. Both Zahamena- Ankeniheny Corridor and Mangabe will have sustainable use management areas within their boundaries and are thus diī erent category (category IV) to II). Torotorofotsy is a RAMSAR site and some areas of this watershed form part of the Ambatovy mining project.

6 Threat analysis

threats. These are likely to be compounded in the future by other threats

6-1 Agriculture and aquaculture:

Humid forest is cleared using slash and burn to provide new agricultural land for crops such as rice, cassava and others. Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 22

Mining and quarrying

through the removal of waterside trees and increasing turbidity. Some of of nickel mine whilst other sites are within the 100 m buī er zone of the mine's footprint and will also inevitably be impacted.

6-3 Biological resource use:

for commercial purposes according to surveys in the villages. The impact of to be minimal (Andreone et al. 2005). Nevertheless, it is conceivable that certain sites. Forest in Mangabe is subject to ongoing working for commercial and but introduces notable changes to the forest structure by increasing light Fires

Invasive alien species

The disease Chytridiomycosis caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium (2008) screened 527 frogs of which 79 species were from Madagascar and 23
Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca

Garbage and solid waste


6-7 Climate change:

warming. Species are forced to follow the shiŌ ing microclimate into areas that are unsuitable (Raxworthy et al. 2008). There is also concern that the change may be diminished. Species most at risk are montane endemics Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 24


protected, restored and monitored and equitably managed in a legal and ecosystem services and, over the long term, secure natural resources and


Goal 4: To maintain ecological services for human well-being (water, clean 25
Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca


Lack of Awareness:

in, or responsible for the mangement of, the sites were larely unaware published in foreign languages and such reports are usually too technical. concerning the species have been insuĸ cient. Thus, its endemism, direct confl ict exists. To date, there have been minial tangilble benefi ts to Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 26


Specifi c goal 1

management by 2015;

2. To establishing a monitoring system in every site in order to determine

breeding sites within the Mangabe New Protected Areas by 2015; and Analabe. 27
Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca


1-1-5 Establish a local monitoring structure

3 years2011-2013

1-2 Produce, for each zone of occurrence, a

clear management plan developed and ac- management plan in each area3 years2011-2013 Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 28

Specifi cs goal 2

to 2015. 29
Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca and/or frequency) 1 to apply them

2011 - 2015

2011 - 2015

local community2011

ARKIVE, EDGE.Every year

2011 - 2015

1 Dina : The Malagasy name of the social contract system, conceived and developed by the members of the local community,

Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 30

Specifi c goal 3

1. To develop a sustainable and fair collecting system for frogs in

some sites of the Mangabe forest from 2011 to 2015.

2. A legal land rational management of timber and non-timber

products is applied in all M. aurantiaca breeding sites by 2015. 31
Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca

3-1 To improve management for an equal

projects.4 years

2011- 2015

3-2 To inform and communicate the econom-

3-2-6 Strengthening the responsibility of the "local commi

Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 32

4-1 To contribute to the

2011 to 2015

2011 - 2014

species5 years

2012- 2015

2011 - 2015

4-1-4 Looking for the means of controlling the sector

involved.4 years

2011 - 2014

4-1-5 Establishing a (pilot) commercial centre in order

basic community4 years

2012 - 2015

Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca

Goal 4: To maintain ecological servicesfor human


Specifi c goal 4

Mangabe and Torotorofotsy from 2012 to 2015.

involved, especially the basic community from 2012 to 2015. Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 34
or frequency) concerning the environment, at schools and in the villages in the

2011 - 2015

2011 - 2013

primary schools.3 years

2011 - 2013

2011 - 2012

Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca

Specifi c goals 5

2. To make sure that the measures conceived shall be applied and

at a large diī usion the research and follow-up data, coming from the Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 36
frequency) according to the needs.2011

2011 - 2013

6-1-4 Carrying out a long-term follow-up of climate change eī ects on

6-1-5 Organizing refl exion sessions for the carrying-out without

specimens, means of conveyance,..).Yearly session


6-2 To support the management

authority of CITES Madagascar

2011 - 2015

6-3 To develop the possibility

necessary.2013 - 2015 37
Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca

6-4 To determine the exact

yearly density/abundance of


2011 - 2015

data. Every year

2011 - 2015

6-5 To know the biology and

2011 -2012

restored sites around 2013.2013 - 2014

6-6 To know the diseases that can

spreading of the diseases.5 years

2011 - 2015

Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca 38
frequency) university, the collectors, operators, parks, site managers, land monitoring

2011 - 2015

7-1-2 Exchange and sharing, as soon as possible, of knowledge, data,

competence and news. 5 years

2011 - 2015

2011 - 2015

and managers.every 2 years

2013 - 2015

7-2-2 Giving the opportunity to the Malagasy zoo technicians and students to

2011 - 2015

Species Conservation Strategy for Mantella aurantiaca diversité et du Système des Aires Protégées)






And the Department of Animal Biology, Univer-

sity of AntananarivoDr RAKOTONDRAVONY Daniel


District of Moramanga MASO Marcelin

Ambohibary Commune RANDRIAMAHADERA Noelison

Mangarivotra Commune RAKOTOVELO

Chef Fokontany (Mankana, Beparasy, Antsily,

Andranomandry and Lakambato)RANARIJAONA Henri



JEAN Felixon

CIREF, Moramanga RAZAFINDRAHANTA Hanitriniaina


al Oĸ ce for the Environment) MoramangaRAZAFINDRANDIMBY Jaques Oĸ ce Régionale du Tourisme (Tourism Region- al Oĸ ce), Alaotra MangoroRAVAHINIMBOLA Rachel diaRAMANAKIRIJA Hery Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimbazaza RANDRIANIRINA Jasmin




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