[PDF] A Guide to Microsoft Excel 2013 for Scientists and Engineers

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A Guide to Microsoft Excel 2013 for Scientists and Engineers

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A Guide to Microsoft

Excel 2013for Scientists and Engineers

A Guide to Microsoft

Excel 2013for Scientists and Engineers

Bernard V. Liengme

St. Francis Xavier University, Canada





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usefulness of Microsoft Excel in solving a wide range of numerical problems. Excel does not compete with the major league symbolic mathematical environments such as Mathematica, Mathcad, Maple, and the like. Rather it complements them. Excel is more readily available and is easier to learn. Furthermore, it generally has better graphing features and ways of han- dling large datasets.

so the reader is invited to try them all. Do not be put off by an exercise that is not in your area of

interest. Each exercise is designed to introduce and explain an Excel feature. The two modeling chapters will help you learn how to develop worksheets for a variety of problems. This is very much a practical book designed to show how to get results. The problem sets at the ends of the chapters are part of the learning process and should be attempted. Many of the ques- tions are answered in the last chapter. TheGuideis suitable for use as either a textbook in a courseonscientificcomputerapplications, asupplementarytextinanumericalmethodscourse, or a self-study book. Professionals may find Excel useful to solve one-off problems rather than writing and debugging a program, or for prototyping and debugging complex programs. A few topics are not covered by theGuide, such as database functions and making presentation work- sheets.These arefullycoveredin Excelbookstargeted atthe businesscommunity,andthetech- niques are applicable to any field. Iwas agreeably surprisedby thewarm receptiongiven tothe first andsubsequent editions ofthe Guide. I am grateful for the many e-mailed comments and suggestions from readers and aca- demics. This edition has involved a major rewrite since Excel 2013 has several features that differ from earlier versions. The opportunity has been taken to add new exercises and problems. I wish again to thank David Ellert, John Quinn, and Robert van den Hoogen for their earlier assistance. I am honored that Microsoft awarded me the Most Valuable Professional in Excel in 2014 for the eighth consecutive year. My final thanks go to my wife Pauline for her encour- agement and word skills; without her, this book would never have seen the light of day. How- ever, I claim responsibility for all errors and typos. I welcome e-mailed comments and corrections, and will try to respond to them as soon as I can. Please check my web site and the Guide's companion web sitehttp://booksite.elsevier.com/

9780128028179/for supplementary material.

I hope you enjoy learning to "excel."

Bernard V. Liengme

bliengme@stfx.ca http:/people.stfx.ca/bliengme xi


Information boxes in the margins are used to convey additional information, tips, shortcuts, and the like. A distinctive font is used for data that the user is expected to type. This avoids the problems of using quotes. For example: In cell A1, enter the text Resistor Codes. Italics are used for new terms, to highlightExcel commands, foremphasis, andto avoid the confusionsometimes associated with quotation marks. Nonprinting keys are shown with a graphical font. For example, rather than asking the reader to press the Control and Home keys, we use text such as: Press . When two keys are shown separated by +, the user must hold down the first key while tapping the second. An asterisk against a problem number at the end of a chapter indicates that a solution is given at the end of the book. Excel files for some answered problems and additional files may be found on the companion web site:http://booksite.elsevier.com/9780128028179/. xiiPreface (VARIABLE ERROR - unrecognised syntax)dotfd"Chapter 1

Welcome to Microsoft

Excel 2013


Exercise 1: Customizing the QAT5

Exercise 2: Customizing the Ribbon Control6

The Worksheet6

Excel 2013 Specifications and Limits9

Compatibility with Other Versions9

Exercise 3: The Status Bar9

that inFigure 1.1. From there, you may (i) select from the left panel a recently opened workbook, (ii) click on Open Other Workbooks, or (iii) click on the icon Blank workbook to start a new project. Note that while in Word, we speak of adocument, in Excel, we use the termworkbook. In either case, we are referring to a file. In this chapter, we shall not explore using SkyDrive (now renamed by Microsoft to OneDrive) so we can ignore theSign inoption in the top right corner. face.Figure 1.1is a screen capture from the author's computer with the Excel window "restored down" to occupy about half of the monitor screen. The Excel window on your computer may differ slightly depending on your monitor size and resolution. It is helpful to know the correct name for the various parts of the window. This makes using the Help facility more productive and aids in conversing with other users. As a new term is introduced, it is displayed in italics, and the reader should try to remember the meaning of such terms. It is recommended that you read this chapter while seated at the computer keywillback you out of an action you do not wish to pursue. A Guide to Microsoft Excel 2013 for Scientists and Engineers #2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.1 Title bar:This is at the very top of the window. To the left is theQuick Access Toolbar(QAT), which is described below. In the center, we have the name of the currently opened file together with the wordExcel.To the right are a button to activate the Help facility, a button to control how the Ribbon is displayed, and the three controls to minimize, restore, and close the Excel window. Quick Access Toolbar (QAT):When Excel 2013 is first installed, the QAT holds the commands Save, Undo, and Redo. However, it may be cus- tomized to hold others. Furthermore, one can change the location of the QAT from above the ribbon to below the ribbon. Click on thelauncher button at the far right of the QAT to open the QAT customization dialog box. As you work through this chapter, you will be asked to save Excel files. It is strongly recommended that you create a separate folder (perhaps called

Excel Practice

) in which to keep these. The first tool on the QAT, dis- playing an icon of a floppy disk (something no one uses anymore!), will open the File Explorer where you can make folders and save files. Ribbon:TheRibbonstretches across the window under the title bar. It con- sists ofa numberoftabs(File, Home,Insert, Page Layout, etc.). TheRibbon File, contains commands displayed ingroups. A command is activated by clicking on its icon. InFigure 1.2, the Home tab is open - note the box nFIGURE 1.1

Warning regarding Undo: Excel

keeps a single undo stack. This meansthatifyouissueanundo command, you may undo changes made to worksheets other than the currently active one. If more than one workbook is open, you may even undo an action in another workbook.

2CHAPTER 1Welcome to Microsoft Excel 2013

aroundHome. The Home tab holds mainly formatting commands. Use the to add the Developer tab to the Ribbon. Additional tabs (contextual tabs) get displayed when you are performing certain operations; for example, the Charts tab appears when you are working on a chart. Other tabs may appear after you install certain software.

Some groups have a launch button

on their far right and some command icons have a similar button . In each case, clicking on one of these buttons expands the choice of commands available to the user. We shall discuss these on an as-needed basis. File tab:This tab (the only one to have a color) gives the user access to the so-called backstage to do things like open, save, or print a file. It also gives us access to the Options dialog box where we can customize certain Excel features. We will look at this in later chapters. Title bar tools:To the far right of the Title Bar, we have five icons Help facility:Clicking the first icon opens the Microsoft Excel Help dialog box. By default, this connects you to the online help facility at the Microsoft Excel 2013 site. Unless you are a power user, it is advised that you skip over any article in Help that has the term DAX (Data Analysis

Expressions) in its title.


3Welcome to Microsoft Excel 2013

Ribbon Control:Bydefault, the Ribbondisplays tabs, their groups, and commands.TheRibbonControltool givesustheoptionsofbothtabs and commands, showing only the tab or having the Ribbon autohide. working area of the window. Minimize, Maximize, and Close:The last three buttons are familiar to all users of Microsoft products and need no further explanation. Formula BarandNameBox:JustundertheRibbonistheFormulaBarwith the Name Box to the left. InFigure 1.2, the Name Box is displaying E6. You willnotice thatboththe E columnand the 6 row headingsare highlighted and (or address) of the active cell. When the active cell contains a literal (text or erally displays the result of that formula. Quick experiment: Type

B4in the

Name Box and press

; note how this takes you to cell B4. Worksheet window:The worksheet window occupies most of the Excel space. A workbook (i.e., a single Excel file) may containworksheetsand chart sheets(collectively calledsheets); we will concentrate on worksheets for now. A worksheet is divided intorows(horizontally) andcolumns (vertically); the intersection of a row and a column is called acell. Sheet tabs:Below the worksheet window, we have tools to navigate from a new workbook with one worksheet; this number can be changed in the

Options setting. To the left of the first sheet

tab are arrows for navigat- To the right of the last sheet tab is a tool to insert a new worksheet. To the the right side of the worksheet. We will see later how to rename sheets. If your mouse has a wheel, you can use it to scroll up and down a worksheet. To the left is the mode indicator. When you move to a cell, this displays READY; when you start typing, it becomesENTER; if you double click a cell (or press the F2 key), it becomesEDIT. Other status conditions like POINTINGandCopy/Pastewill be discussed later. We will ignore the sec- ond tool (macro recorder) for now. To the right, just before the Zoom tool, ways - Normal, PageBreak Preview,PageLayout,and CustomViews (more on this topic later). Finally, there isZoomtool that enlarges/reduces the dis- play. You can also change the magnification of the worksheet by rotating the mouse wheel while holding down the key.

Note: It is becoming common

to talk about tabs when worksheets are meant. This is very poor practice since it can cause confusion and will not benefit a user searching in Help.

4CHAPTER 1Welcome to Microsoft Excel 2013

If we experiment with theWorkbook Viewsbuttons, we may notice that the worksheet gets vertical and horizontal dotted lines. These show how much that allows you to customize the status bar. We will show more features of the status bar inExercise 3.


Any of the Excel commands can be reached by opening the appropriate tab and locating the command within one of the tab groups. If there is an oper- the QAT, which explains its name. As a demonstration, we will add the

Open command to the QAT:

a.Start Excel and let the mouse pointer hover over the QAT launch button with the textCustomize Quick Access Toolbar.

b.Now click on the launch button to open the dialog box as shown inFigure 1.3. On this dialog box, we see the more commonly needed

commands. To add one of the common items to the QAT, just click on it mark to remove it. The dialog box closes immediately so it must be reopened to make further selections. c.If the command you need is not shown, then click onMore


...to bring up a second dialog box (Figure 1.4). To add a command to the QAT, select an item in the left panel and click the Add button. To remove a command, click it in the right panel and click the the dialog box by clicking the OK button (or Cancel button to correct a mistake). +C)forthispurpose.Rightclickonthe Copy command on the QAT (it looks like two sheets of paper) and use the Remove command in the pop-up menu. e.It is sometimes said, tongue in cheek, that there are always three ways of doing the same thing in Excel! To demonstrate that this is not too great an exaggeration, open the File tab, on the left side, and locate and click onOptions. Thisopensadialogbox;clickonQAT intheleft panel.This again brings us to the dialog box shown inFigure 1.4. Close the dialog box by clicking the Cancel button. As you become more familiar with Excel, we will condense the second and third sentences in the above to the simple instruction: useFile / Options /

Quick Access Toolbar.

Note: If a Print command is

needed on the QAT, it is recommended that one uses

Print Preview and Print rather

than Quick Print. This lessens the risk of wasting paper at home or mistakenly printing confidential material in an office setting environment.

Note: The procedure above

shows how to add any commandtotheQAT,butthere is a much simpler method for commands that are already on the Ribbon. Just right click the command icon and selectAdd to Quick Access Toolbar

5Exercise 1: Customizing the QAT


The Ribbon may be customized using the steps discussed in (c), but this is not a suitable topic for this chapter. Rather, we shall change how the entire Ribbon is displayed, not what commands are displayed on it: a.To the right on the Title Bar is the Ribbon Control tool . Click on it and experiment with the three options.

b.In your own words, state how the Ribbon behaves with (i) Auto-hide,(ii) Show Tabs, and (iii) Show Tabs and Commands. What are theadvantages/disadvantages of each setting?


enter and work with data. It is helpful to learn some terms. Columns and rows:A worksheet is divided vertically into columns and horizontally into rows. The intersection of a column and row forms a cell. Atthe topofthe worksheet,we have thecolumn headers(theletters A,B,C, etc.) and to the left the row headers (the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc.). The last nFIGURE 1.3nFIGURE 1.4

6CHAPTER 1Welcome to Microsoft Excel 2013

column is XFD (there are 16,384 columns); the last row is numbered

1,048,576; thus, a single sheet has some 17 billion cells. Your computer

would need to have a very large amount of memory if you planned to fill every cell. Cell:A cell is the unit on the worksheet; it may be empty or it may hold data. Generally, cells are outlined by gridlines. However, it is possible to request Excel not to display gridlines for a particular worksheet. Note that gridlines are not printed unless otherwise specified inPage Layout /

Sheet Options.

a solid border. We call this theactive cell. The reference (such as A1) of the active cell is displayed in the Name Box. The correct term for the combina- tion of column letter and row number (as in A1) isreference, butaddressis acceptable. What is not acceptable isnamesince this has a very special meaning in Excel. It is possible to configure Excel to use another reference system in which the top left cell is referred to as R1C1 but we shall not be concerned with that method. As noted above, the Name Box displays the reference of the active cell. Range:A range is a group of contiguous cells. The shaded areas (see Figure 1.5) B2:B109, D2:G2, D5:F9, and H8 are examples of ranges. Tech- nically, a single cell is also a range - it is a range consisting of just one cell. We refer to a range using the addresses of the top left cell and the bottom right cell separated by a colon. Data and Formulas:A cell may contain either data or a formula. Data and formulas are frequently entered by typing in the cell. You can complete (commit) your entry in a number of ways: pressing Enter key, pressing nFIGURE 1.5

7The Worksheet

one of the arrow keys (,,,or) or the Tab key, or clicking the checkmark ( ) to the left of the Formula Bar. There is another method - clicking on another cell - but this is a very poor habit to pick up since the result when entering a formula is generally not what you want! The key generally takes you down to one cell below, but we can change this with an option setting to move one to the right. Data and formulas can also be placed in cells by copying (or cutting) them from other cells and then using the Paste command. The source cells can be in the same worksheet or in another worksheet or even from another workbook. Data:The data we enter into a cell can be one of four types. It could be text (such as the word Experiment), a number (123.45), a date (1/1/2013), or a Boolean constant (TRUE or FALSE). Later, we shall see that a date is actu- ally a number with a special format applied. Formulas:A formula always begins with an equals sign (¼) followed by a combination of constants and cell references (e.g.,¼2*1.2345 and¼2*A2). It may also contain one or more functions (e.g.,¼SUM(A1:A10) and ¼4*MAX(A1:A5)+2). A formula normally displays a value in the cell; this can be any one of the data types listed above. So the cell containing the formula may display a value such as 6.28318, but when it is the active cell, the Formula Bar may display the formula¼2*PI(). If the formula fails, it may display (we say it returns) an error value. We start to use formulas in

Chapter 2.

Formatting:This is the term used to describe changing how the value in a cell is displayed. We may format a cell to alter the font (typeface, size, or color) and to adda border or a fill color. By far,the most importantaspect of this topic relates to numbers. In a newly opened worksheet, every cell is for- matted in what is called General. If I type 1.23456789 into a cell, I may see seven digits and the decimal. So my entry is rounded. The Formula Bar will display the actual number 1.23456789. We may widen the cell to display more digits. This rounding occurs only with real numbers (numbers having decimal parts) and not with integer numbers. If I type 1234567890, Excel will widen the cell, but when more digits are used, as in 123456789012, Excel displays it in scientific notation as 1.234567E+11 (meaning


11 ). Had the column been formatted to a narrow width before- hand, the result would show fewer digits. We will see later that we may change the format of a number. What is important to remember is that changing the format does not alter the actual stored value. We examine this displayedvalues.

8CHAPTER 1Welcome to Microsoft Excel 2013


As with the vast majority of Windows mathematical applications, Excel is card number as a number in Excel, but since it is not actually a number (you is to store it as text by typing a single quote (apostrophe) before the number. this topic when we look at the IEEE 756 convention inChapter 2.

In earlier version of Excel, if you typed

specificationsin the Help query box, you were shown all sorts of details: What is the size of the largest number that can be stored? (9.99999999999999E+307) What is the maximum width of a column? (255 characters). Likewise, you could find that the max- puter memory.Currently, the specificationsfor Excel 2013are notavailable on any website, buthttp://office.microsoft.com/en-ca/excel-help/excel- specifications-and-limits-HP010342495.aspxshows the specifications and limits for Excel 2010, and these have remained unchanged.


Some people are still using Office 2003 so we need to know how to com- municate with them. Starting with Office 2007, Microsoft made a radical change to the format of Office files, even the extensions changed. So an Excel 2003 user cannot open workbook generated in one of the newer ver- sions (e.g., an Excel file with the extension XLSX) unless the Microsoft Office Compatibility pack is installed on the computer. Alternatively, an Excel 2013 user may save a workbook in the older file format making a file with the extension XLS. However, neither of these methods will help if the original Excel 2013 file made use of new features (e.g., advanced condi- tional formatting) or functions introduced since Excel 2003 (e.g., Unicode). One can open an old Excel file (extension XLS) in Excel 2013. The title bar that both Excel 2010 andExcel 2013introduced new features and functions. So opening an Excel 2010 file in Excel 2007 or an Excel 2013 file in either

Excel 2007 or Excel 2010 can result in problems.


Open an Excel workbook, and on Sheet1 in A1:A10, type some numbers. Now, using the mouse, select A1:A10. The status bar should display to the right something like that shown inFigure 1.6. If this is not shown, right

9Exercise 3: The Status Bar

click the status bar to bring up its customization dialog box and put check marks in the required boxes with the mouse. Note also that one can have the status bar display Caps when Caps Lock is on. The reader may wish to experiment with other options on the status bar.quotesdbs_dbs1.pdfusesText_1
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