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Students Guide to Slovakia

(type “D”) allowing the entry into Slovakia (for further information on visa application Applications are submitted online at www.vladnestipendia.sk;.

International Students Guide to Slovakia

Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica (www.aku.sk; in Slovak only). Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Slovakia you can apply for a national visa (type “D”).

Students Guide to Slovakia

Use of Foreign Documents in Slovakia on shepherds' fifes (www.terchova.sk in Slovak only). ... Application for National Visa (Type D – Long Stay).


14 sept. 2012 The International Researcher's Guide to Slovakia ... www.vladnestipendia.sk. ... You can also use IOM's visa check application at:.

International Students guide to Slovakia

quarter around a fine 18th?century synagogue (www.bardejov.sk). Wooden Churches of the Slovak part of Application for National Visa (Type D – Long Stay).

Students Guide to Slovakia

quarter around a fine 18th-century synagogue (www.bardejov.sk). Application for National Visa (Type D – Long Stay). National (long-stay type D) visa ...


Do you want to check if you need a visa to enter the Slovak. Republic? Use the VISA CHeCK – http://mic.iom.sk/visacheck/en/homeweb application to check. SR 


This guide contains over $200000


Use the VISA CHeCK – http://mic.iom.sk/visacheck/en/homeweb application to check. SR entry requirements according to the country of origin. The application 

Manual of application vladnestipendiask Applicants

In menu 1 Application forms following is displayed (image no 10): - a school year for which you are registering - a serial number assigned to your Application form - state (status) - an option to edit the Application form - after submitting the Application form PDF format of the Application form „Document“




This guide contains over $200,000,000 in scholarships that are offered every year by 65 Governments to students like you to live and study in their countries.


This guide contains over $200,000,000 in scholarships that are offered every year by 65 Governments to students like you to live and study in their countries.


How to start preparing your

successful scholarship application RIGHT NOW!


How to start preparing your

successful scholarship application RIGHT NOW! www.heysuccess.comProduced by:

HeySuccess Limited

1 Charterhouse Mews

London, EC1M 6BB, U.K.


We have repeated for thousands of times so far that studying abroad is the best experience that you can

have in your 20s and in general, one of the most enriching experiences in your entire life. It will give you

the opportunity to meet new people, new cultures and find out a different perspective on many things.

You will be able to see your life, your own country and your field of study in a different light. Not to

mention that studying abroad allows you to experience and share moments that you would never have the possibility otherwise.

And yes, studying abroad is not for the rich only. In every moment there are thousands of scholarships

available for studies abroad offered by Universities, Governments even companies. We would suggest you

to use these powerful features in order to never miss any opportunity. The most lucrative of those are foreign Government scholarships targeted to international

students. Many foreign Governments want to attract foreign students to their countries and they usually

offer very generous scholarships and conditions in order to attract the best and the brightest. Here is the list of all 65 Governments' scholarships available to international students.

At the end of this e-book, you will find a bonus chapter that helps you to start preparing your application

from today! Good luck in getting your life-changing scholarship for studies abroad!

Do you want to study abroad?


OFID Scholarships - All over the world!


Master studiesScholarships for:

Global - You Choose The Destination

With this scholarship you can study anywhere in the world! Do you already have a perfect one year master program that you want to study? And is that

program anywhere in the world? Well, then OFID scholarship is perfect for you! It is a scholarship offered

by OFID, a finance institution of OPEC countries for aiding development in all parts of the world.

Scholarship is just one of their ways in which they try to stimulate economic growth and alleviate poverty

in developing countries.

Although you can choose any university and any program in the world you would like to fund, there is the

condition that your program has to center on subjects that are related to OFID core mission and focus areas, such as: economics of development (poverty reduction, energy and sustainable development), environment (desertification), or other related science and technology fields. Prior

scholars have studied a range of diverse programs from Global Health Sciences, Human Rights, Conflict

and Justice to International Management, so the scholarship definitely covers many subjects! You can read

more about prior scholars and their stories here.

What does it offer?

The scholarship award covers tuition fees, health insurance, relocation grant, monthly living expenses and a round trip flight ticket from your home country to your university. Sounds amazing, right?

How to apply and when?Fine print

The call for applications is announced at the beginning of each calendar year and requires you to submit an online application through the official web portal on OFID Scholarship website. Deadline for the application is usually around beginning of May. Before applying for the scholarship you need to already have been admitted for the program you would like to study, so have in mind

that you need to start looking for programs and apply well before you apply for the scholarship. If you are

worried you might miss the deadline HeySuccess has developed a solution for you. You can log in to

your HeySuccess profile and then set an email reminder that will notify you when applications open and a

couple of days before the deadline so you do not miss it. You can find out how to do that here. www.heysuccess.com4 Visegrad scholarships for studies in any of their members' country 02

Undergraduate, Master, PhDScholarships for:The Visegrád Groupor V4, is a cultural and political alliance of four countries of Central Europe, all of which

are members of the EU and of NATO, to advance co-operation in military, cultural, economic and energy

matters with one another and to further their integration to the EU. Visegrad scholarships support Bachelor, Master and post-Master students and researchers in all disciplines and in any language for up to four semesters at more than 190 higher education institutions across Central and Eastern Europe. Concretely, • Visegrad scholarship for Bachelor students from Visegrad countries (citizens of Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) to study abroad at any accredited university in other

Visegrad country.

• Visegrad scholarship for Master and post-Master students from Visegrad countries (citizens of Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) to study abroad at any accredited university/ institute in other Visegrad country and in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Serbia and Ukraine. • Visegrad scholarship for Master and post-Master students who are citizens of Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Serbia and Ukraine to study abroad in the Visegrad countries.

What they offer?

This scholarship scheme has a clear set of rules and financial arrangements: The country of your citizenship, permanent residence and home university must be different from the

country of the host institution, i.e. the previous level of your university studies must be completed in a

country other than where you apply for studies with our support.

The distance between the home university and host university/institute as well as between the permanent

residence and the host university/institute must be above 150 km.

Study period/length of support is 1-4 semesters for full-time Master's level studies, or 1-2 semesters for

post-Master's full-time studies/research. The amount of the support is €2,300/semester for scholar +

€1,500/semester for the host institution.

How and when to apply?

The scholarship application cycle usually opens in January and last until March. For more information

about the application process, please refer to this page. www.heysuccess.com5

Rotary Peace Fellowship


Master's studiesScholarships for:Each year, Rotary awards up to 130 fully funded fellowships for dedicated leaders from around the

world to study at one of our peace centers in the United States, Japan, Uniited Kingdom, Australia and Sweden. Since the program began in 2002, the Rotary Peace Centers have trained more than 1,300 fellows who now work in more than 115 countries. Many serve as leaders in governments, NGOs, the military,

education, law enforcement, and international organizations like the United Nations and the World Bank.

The Rotary Peace Fellowship is designed for leaders with work experience in peace and development. Our fellows are committed to community and international service and the pursuit of peace. Through academic training, practice, and global networking opportunities, the Rotary Peace Centers program develops the capacity of peace and development professionals or practitioners to become experienced and effective catalysts for peace.

The Fellowship offers two programme streams:

Peace fellowship applicants must meet these requirements:You are not eligible if you are an active Rotary member, employee of a Rotary club, Rotary International, or

other Rotary entity. If you are unsure about your eligibility, find out by taking this short quiz.

What they offer?

These fellowships cover tuition and fees, room and board, round-trip transportation, and all internship and field-study expenses.

How and when to apply?

The application cycle usually opens in February every year and lasts about 3 months. For more information about the scholarship programmes, please refer to this page. • Master's degree programs: Accepted candidates study peace and development issues with research-informed teaching and a diverse student body. The programs last 15 to 24 months and include a two- to three-month field study, which participants design themselves. • Professional development certificate program: During the one-year program, experienced peace and development professionals with diverse backgrounds gain practical skills to promote peace within their communities and across the globe. Fellows complete field studies, and they also design and carry out a social change initiative. • Proficiency in English; a second language is strongly recommended • Demonstrated commitment to international understanding and peace • Excellent leadership skills • Master's degree applicants: minimum three years of related full-time work or volunteer experience, bachelor's degree

• Certificate applicants: minimum five years of related full-time work or volunteer experience, strong

academic background www.heysuccess.com6 The Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program 04

Master'sScholarships for:The Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP) is open to applicants from

developing countries with relevant professional experience and a history of supporting their countries' development efforts who are applying to a master degree program in a development- related topic. Please find the full list of eligible countries here. Subject to available funding, JJWBGSP offers scholarships for selected participating programmes at universities in U.S., Europe, Africa, Oceania and Japan in key areas of development, including economic policy management, tax policy, and infrastructure management. Please note that if you are not admitted to one of these university programs, you are not eligible to apply for a JJWBGSP


After earning their degree, developing country scholars commit to return to their home country to use

their new skills and contribute to their countries' social and economic development. As for precise eligibility criterion, please refer to this page.

What they offer?

The JJ/WBGSP scholarship provides the recipient with the following benefits: • Economy class air travel between your home country and the host university at the start of your

study program and immediately following the end of the scholarship period. • Tuition for your graduate program and the cost of basic medical insurance obtained through the university. • While on campus during the scholarship period, a monthly subsistence allowance to cover all living expenses (accommodations, food, etc., including books). The amount of the allowance varies depending on the host country.

How and when to apply?

The application cycle usually opens in late March every year and lasts about 2 months. For more information about the application process, please refer to this page. www.heysuccess.com7

Are you drawn to the charms of mystical

Japan? This is a unique country that offers

high standard of living, security and an unbelievable mix of traditional and modern. Just imagine all the exciting food, world heritage sites like Mt. Fuji, and culture and tradition you will get to explore.

It is a country of high educational standard

that will definitely provide you with a unique perspective. If you want to know more about what it is like living and studying in Japan, you can find out more here.

Capital: Tokyo

Population: 125 000 000

GDP per capita: 32,477.22 USD

Currency: Japanese YEN

Slogan: "Endless Discovery"

Japan produces some of the

most technologically advanced motor vehicles, electronics, and machine tools. They are a world leader in robotics. Japanese engineers are known for producing a range of human-like robots such as


Interesting fact: http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/countries/japan.htmlhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASIMO

Japan www.heysuccess.com8

Japanese Government Monbukagakusho Scholarships

05 Undergraduate, Master, PhD studiesScholarships for:

What does it offer?How to apply?Fine print

If Japan with all its wonders is your dream destination and you would like to pursue studies there, then

you are in luck as Japanese Government provides a number of diverse scholarships for all levels of study each year. In addition to scholarships for undergraduate studies and to pursue research on Master or Doctorate Level, Japanese government also offers financing for college of technology students and

Japanese studies. There are different eligibility requirements for each type of scholarship so make sure to

read more about them here. The full scholarship mostly covers paid tuition fees, monthly stipend for living and a round-trip airfare. In order to start the application process you usually have to be screened by the Japanese embassy in

your country. Make sure you contact or check the official website of the embassy in your country to read

more about the scholarship requirements and application process. To give you an idea of the timeline, the

applications usually open around April and close around May or June. Do note that the deadlines will depend on your country of origin and that they may change every year. The application process forquotesdbs_dbs31.pdfusesText_37

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