[PDF] Mathcentre The second two addition formulae:

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degree radian sin cos tan cot sec csc 0 30 45 60 90 120 135 150

Table of Trigonometric Functions degree radian sin cos tan cot sec csc. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0 undefined. 1 undefined. 30 ?. 6. 1. 2. 3. 2. 3. 3. 3. 2 3. 3. 2. 45.

MODBUS tables of DIRIS Digiware I-45

Cos(phi) : phiI1h1V1h1. - / 1000. S16. 18746. 0x493A. 1. Cos(phi) : phiI2h1V2h1 0x4C45. 2. Minimum Active power : P2.

Tabelle mit Werten von Sinus und Cosinus

Prof. Dr. Karin Melzer. Mathematik 1. Tabelle mit Werten von Sinus und Cosinus ?. 0? bzw. 360?. 15?. 30?. 45?. 60?. 75?.

Table trigonométrique (de cosinus) - angles ( ) cosinus 22 5 0

Table trigonométrique (de cosinus) angles (? ) cosinus. 0 0?. 1

Kommentarer til kapittel 2 - Trigonometri

Vi må kunne sinus cosinus og tangens for 0

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The second two addition formulae: cos(A ± B) sin(A ? B) = sin A cosB ? cos A sin B ... sin(45? + 30?) = sin45? cos 30? + cos 45? sin 30?.


Calculer la valeur exacte de cos 45°sin 45° et tan 45°. En utilisant la relation trigonométrique liant sinus

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An arbitrary point on the plane is a linear combination of the points (1;0) and (0;1) and one can see that multiplication by ei will act as rotation by on any such linear combination knowing that it does so for the cases of (1;0)

Searches related to cosinus 45° PDF

Sketch a 45 angle and a 135 angle in a coordinate plane Give the coordinates of the vertices of the special right triangles that the angles make with the x-axis X Y rj rj rj Give the hypotenuses a length of 1 unit 5 Find the sine cosine and tangent of 45 2___ 2; 2___ 2; 1 6 Find the sine cosine and tangent of 135 2___ 2;

  • Proof

    The exact value of cos 45 degrees is 1/?2 (in surd form), which is also equal to sin 45 degrees. It is an irrational number, equal to 0.7071067812… in decimal form. The approximate value of cos 45 is equal to 0.7071. Therefore, 0.7071 or 1/?2 is a value of a trigonometric functionor trigonometric ratio of standard angle (45 degrees).

  • Solved Examples

    Suppose we have a right-angled triangle, in which the other two angles are equal to 45 degrees. Now, if the angles of a right triangle are 45 degrees, then the adjacent sides are equal in length. Let us take the length of adjacent sides equal to ‘l’ and hypotenuse is ‘r’. According to the Pythagoras theorem, we know that, Hypotenuse2= Perpendicular...

What is the value of cos 45° in trigonometry?

The value of cos 45° is equal to 1/?2. In trigonometry, the three primary ratios are sine, cosine and tangent. If the trigonometric ratio of any angle is taken for a right angled triangle, then the values depend on sides of the triangle. Cos of angle is equal to the ratio of the adjacent side and hypotenuse. Cos ? = Adjacent Side/Hypotenuse

What is cosine in trigonometry?

Cosine function, along with sine and tangent, is one of the three most common trigonometric functions. In any right triangle, the cosine of an angle is the length of the adjacent side (A) divided by the length of the hypotenuse (H) What is vaue of Cosine 0°?

What are the different degrees of Sine and cosine?

Below Table Values of sine, cosine, tangent, cosec, secant and cotangent at various degree of angles (0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°).

What is cos 45 degrees in radians?

Cos 45 degrees in radians is written as cos (45° × ?/180°), i.e., cos (?/4) or cos (0.785398. . .). In this article, we will discuss the methods to find the value of cos 45 degrees with examples. Cos 45°: 0.7071067. . . Cos (-45 degrees): 0.7071067. . . Cos 45° in radians: cos (?/4) or cos (0.7853981 . . .) What is the Value of Cos 45 Degrees?

The addition formulae

mc-TY-addnformulae-2009-1 There are six so-calledaddition formulaeoften needed in the solution of trigonometric problems. In this unit we start with one and derive a second from that. Then we take another one as given, and derive a second one from that. Finally we use these four tohelp us derive the final two. This exercise will improve your familiarity and confidence in working with the addition formulae. The proofs of the formulae are left as structured exercises for you to complete. In order to master the techniques explained here it is vital that you undertake the practice exercises provided. After reading this text, and/or viewing the video tutorial on this topic, you should be able to:

•work with the six addition formulae



2.The first two addition formulae:sin(A±B)2

3.The second two addition formulae:cos(A±B)3

4.Deriving the two formulae fortan(A±B)5

5.Examples of the use of the formulae 6

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1. IntroductionThere are six so-calledaddition formulaeoften needed in the solution of trigonometric problems.

In this unit we start with one and derive a second from that. Then we take another one as given, and derive a second one from that. And then we are going to use these four to help us derive the final two. This exercise will improve your familiarity and confidence in working with the addition formulae.

2. The first two addition formulae:sin(A±B)

The formula we are going to start with is

sin(A+B) = sinAcosB+ cosAsinB This is called an addition formula because of the sumA+Bappearing the formula. Note that it enables us to express the sine of the sum of two angles in terms of the sines and cosines of the individual angles.

Key Point

sin(A+B) = sinAcosB+ cosAsinB We now want to look atsin(A-B). We can obtain a formula forsin(A-B)by replacing the

Bin the formula forsin(A+B)by-B. Then

sin(A-B) = sinAcos(-B) + cosAsin(-B) We now use the following important facts:cos(-B) = cosB, butsin(-B) =-sinB. Then sin(A-B) = sinAcosB-cosAsinB

This is the second of our addition formulae.

Key Point

sin(A-B) = sinAcosB-cosAsinB www.mathcentre.ac.uk 2c?mathcentre 2009

Exercise 1


1. By using right angled triangle OSR, in which the length of OS equals 1, determine the

length of OR in terms of angle B.

2. By using the answer of part 1 and right angled triangle ORQ determine the length of QR

in terms of angles A and B.

3. By using the answer of part 2 determine the length of PT.

4. What is?TRO?

5. What is?TRS?

6. What is?RST?

7. By using right angled triangle OSR determine the length ofRS.

8. By using the answer of part 7 and right angled triangle RST determine the length of TS.

9. By using the answers of parts 3 and 8 determine the length ofPS.

10. By using the answer of part 9 and right angled triangle OSPdeterminesin(A+B).

3. The second two addition formulae:cos(A±B)

This time, the addition formula we are going to start with is cos(A+B) = cosAcosB-sinAsinB

Key Point

cos(A+B) = cosAcosB-sinAsinB www.mathcentre.ac.uk 3c?mathcentre 2009 We want to use this to derive another formula forcos(A-B). To do this, as before, we replace

Bwith-B. This gives

cos(A-B) = cosAcos(-B)-sinAsin(-B)

Butcos(-B) = cosBandsin(-B) =-sinB, and so

cos(A-B) = cosAcosB+ sinAsinB

Key Point

cos(A-B) = cosAcosB+ sinAsinB So we"ve now got four addition formulae. We will summarise them all here:

Key Point

sin(A+B) = sinAcosB+ cosAsinB sin(A-B) = sinAcosB-cosAsinB cos(A+B) = cosAcosB-sinAsinB cos(A-B) = cosAcosB+ sinAsinB

Exercise 2

Refer back to the figure in Exercise 1. Use a similar strategy to that of exercise 1 to determine lengths PQ (=TR), OQ and hence OP. From this determinecos(A+B). www.mathcentre.ac.uk 4c?mathcentre 2009

4. Deriving the two formulae fortan(A±B)

From the four formulae we have seen already, it is possible toderive two more formulae. We can derive a formula fortan(A+B)from the earlier formulae by noting that tan(A+B) =sin(A+B) cos(A+B) Then, tan(A+B) =sin(A+B) cos(A+B) sinAcosB+ cosAsinB cosAcosB-sinAsinB This result givestan(A+B)in terms of sines and cosines. We now look at how we can write it directly in terms oftanAandtanB. We do this by dividing every term, both top and bottom, on the right-hand side bycosAcosB. This produces tan(A+B) =sinAcosB cosAcosB+cosAsinBcosAcosBcosAcosB cosAcosB-sinAsinBcosAcosB

Cancelling common factors where possible produces

tan(A+B) =sinA???cosB cosA???cosB+???cosAsinB???cosAcosB ???cosA???cosB ???cosA???cosB-sinAsinBcosAcosB so that tan(A+B) =tanA+ tanB


We can do the same withtan(A-B)which would produce tan(A-B) =tanA-tanB

1 + tanAtanB

Key Point

tan(A+B) =tanA+ tanB


tan(A-B) =tanA-tanB

1 + tanAtanB

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5. Examples of the use of the formulaeLet"s have a look at some fairly typical examples of when we need to use the addition formulae.


Suppose we know thatsinA=3

5and thatcosB=513whereAandBare acute angles. Suppose

we want to use this information to findsin(A+B)andcos(A-B). Before we can use the addition formulae we need to know expressions forcosAandsinB. We can find these by referring to the right-angled triangle in Figure 1. 35
A Figure 1. A right-angled triangle constructed from the given information:sinA=35 Using Pythagoras" theorem we can deduce that the length of the third side is 4 as shown in

Figure 2. HencecosA=4

5. 3 4 A5

Figure 2. From the right-angled triangle,cosA=45

Similarly, given thatcosB=5

13, then by reference to the triangle in Figure 3 and by using

Pythagoras" theorem we can deduce thatsinB=12

13. 1213
5 B

Figure 3. From the trianglesinB=1213.

We are now in a position to use the addition formulae: sin(A+B) = sinAcosB+ cosAsinB 3


cos(A-B) = cosAcosB+ sinAsinB 4


This is one way in which the formulae can be used. www.mathcentre.ac.uk 6c?mathcentre 2009

ExampleSuppose we are asked to find an expression forsin75◦, not by using a calculator but by using a

combination of other known quantities. Note that we can rewritesin75◦assin(45◦+ 30◦)and

then use an addition formula. We have specifically chosen thevalues45◦and30◦because of the standard results thatsin45◦= cos45◦=1 3

2. Then

sin(A+B) = sinAcosB+ cosAsinB sin(45 ◦+ 30◦) = sin45◦cos30◦+ cos45◦sin30◦ 1 ⎷2×⎷ 3




3 + 1



Suppose we wish to find an expression fortan15◦using known results. Note that15◦= 60◦-45◦

and also thattan60◦=⎷

3andtan45◦= 1.

tan15 ◦= tan(60◦-45◦) tan60◦-tan45◦

1 + tan60◦tan45◦


1 +⎷3×1

3-1⎷3 + 1

It would be more usual to tidy this result up to avoid leaving aroot in the denominator. This can be done by multiplying top and bottom by the same quantity, as follows:

3-1⎷3 + 1=(⎷

3-1)⎷3 + 1×(⎷



3-⎷3 + 1



3 2 = 2-⎷ 3 www.mathcentre.ac.uk 7c?mathcentre 2009 ExampleIn this Example we use an addition formula to simplify an expression. Suppose we havesin(90◦+A)and we want to write it in a different form.

We can use the first addition formula as follows:

sin(90 ◦+A) = sin90◦cosA+ cos90◦sinA = cosA sincesin90◦= 1andcos90◦= 0. Sosin(90◦+A)can be written in the simpler formcosA.


Suppose we wish to simplifycos(180◦-A).

cos(180 ◦-A) = cos180◦cosA+ sin180◦sinA =-cosA sincecos180◦=-1andsin180◦= 0. So we can see that these addition formulae help us to simplifyquite complicated expressions.

Exercise 3

1. Verify each of the three addition formulae (i.e. forsin(A+B),cos(A+B),tan(A+B))

for the cases: a)A= 60◦,B= 30◦and b)A= 45◦,B= 45◦.

2. Verify each of the three subtraction formulae (i.e. forsin(A-B),cos(A-B),tan(A-B))

for the cases: a)A= 90◦,B= 60◦and b)A= 90◦,B= 45◦.

3. AnglesA,BandCare acute angles such thatsinA= 0.1,cosB= 0.4,sinC= 0.7.

Without finding anglesA,BandC, use the addition formulae to calculate, to 2 decimal places, a)sin(A+B)b)cos(B-C)c)sin(C-A) d)cos(A+C)e)tan(B-A)f)tan(C+B) [Hint: Work to 4 decimal places when findingcosA,tanA, etc.]

4. By finding the anglesA,BandCin question 3 verify your answers.


Exercise 1

1.cosB2.sinAcosB3.sinAcosB4.A5. 90o-A6.A7.sinB

8.cosAsinB9.sinAcosB+ cosAsinB10.sinAcosB+ cosAsinB

Exercise 2

PQ = TR = RSsinA= sinAsinB

OQ = ORcosA= cosAcosB

OP = OQ - PQ =cosAcosB-sinAsinB

cos(A+B) = OP = cosAcosB-sinAsinB

Exercise 3

3. a) 0.95 b) 0.93 c) 0.63 d) 0.64 e) 1.78 f) -2.63

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