[PDF] Security Council Resolution 2242 (2015) on Women Peace and

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Security Council resolution 2242

13 oct. 2015 Resolution 2242 (2015). Adopted by the Security Council ... provisions of Security Council resolutions on women peace and security

Résolution 2242 adoptée en octobre 2015

13 oct. 2015 La résolution aborde notamment la question des atteintes sexuelles commises par le personnel de maintien de la paix de l'ONU ainsi que celle des ...

Femmes jeunes


FTPU - Office 2010

13 oct. 2015 Résolution 2242 (2015). Adoptée par le Conseil de sécurité à ... Réaffirmant qu'il tient à ce que ses résolutions 1325 (2000) 1820 (2008)

31. Les femmes et la paix et la sécurité

13 octobre 2015 sa résolution 2242 (2015) marquant l'examen de haut niveau de l'application de la résolution 1325 (2000) et le quinzième anniversaire de.

2242 anniversary - factsheet_VS

? Recent counter-terrorism resolutions address gender considerations with regard to the nexus between trafficking in persons sexual violence and terrorism; 

LÉgalité des Genres et Les Femmes La Paix et la Sécurité

La résolution 2242 (2015) porte création du groupe informel d'experts chargé de de genre est prescrit par les résolutions 1960 (2010) 2106 (2013)

Twentieth Anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325:

pandemic as Resolution 2242 (2015) recognises health pandemics as part of the peace and security agenda

Parlement européen

Résolution du Parlement européen du 5 mai 2022 sur l'impact de la guerre contre résolution 2242 du 13 octobre 2015 la résolution 2467 du 23 avril 2019 ...

Security Council Resolution 2242 (2015) on Women Peace and

This briefing paper lists the key new points of UNSC Resolution 2242. It is the most comprehensive of its kind by 2015. The Political Settlements Programme 

Resolution 2242 (2015) / - United Nations Digital Library System

Security Council resolution 2242 (2015) [on women and peace and security] AccèsEnglish: S_RES_2242_(2015)-EN - PDF ; Español: S_RES_2242_(2015)-ES - PDF 

[PDF] Résolution 2242 adoptée en octobre 2015 - Association Adéquations

13 oct 2015 · La résolution aborde notamment la question des atteintes sexuelles commises par le personnel de maintien de la paix de l'ONU ainsi que celle des 

[PDF] S/RES/2242 (2015) - Security Council Report

13 oct 2015 · Resolution 2242 (2015) Adopted by the Security Council provisions of Security Council resolutions on women peace and security and the

[PDF] Femmes jeunes paix et sécurité

les résolutions 2242(2015) et 2250(2015) du Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies sur les Femmes les Jeunes la Paix et la Sécurité

[PDF] Security Council Resolution 2242 (2015) on Women Peace and

This briefing paper lists the key new points of UNSC Resolution 2242 It is the most comprehensive of its kind by 2015 The Political Settlements Programme 

[PDF] Lhistoire du programme pour les femmes la paix et la sécurité à l

Adoption de la résolution 2242 du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU qui demande une augmentation du financement pour l'action FPS et

[PDF] Mise en œuvre des résolutions du Conseil de sécurité des Nations

Appendice I : Résolution 2242 du Conseil de sécurité (2015) Disponible à l'adresse suivante :

[PDF] Projet : - Humanitarian Response

la construction de la paix au Mali en soutenant la mise en œuvre des résolutions 1325 1820 et 2242 du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies » 

[PDF] Le Plan daction national sur la prévention de lextrémisme violent et

La résolution 2242 presse les États membres du Conseil de sécurité et l'ONU de « garantir la participation et le leadership des femmes et des organisations 

[PDF] Troisième Plan dAction National Femmes Paix Sécurité (2017-2021)

résolution 1325 intitulée « Femmes paix et sécurité » La Résolution 2242 est également la première des résolutions de suivi qui réclame explicitement 


Security Council Resolution

2242 (2015) on Women,

Peace and Security

Nahla Valji

On October 13th, 2015, the Security Council convened a High Level Review on implementation of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000), assessing 15 years of the women, peace and security agenda. Global Justice Academy, School of Law, Old College, University of Edinburgh, South Bridge, EH8 9YL PSRP is funded by the Department for International Development (DFID), UK

Summary of critical elements and


Political Settlements Research Programme (PSRP)

Global Justice Academy

School of Law

Old College

South Bridge

www.politicalsettlements.org 1 On October 13th, 2015, the Security Council convened a High Level Review on implementation of Security Council

resolution 1325 (2000), assessing 15 years of the women, peace and security agenda. The Review was informed by

Secretary General commissioned report

. During this debate, an eighth resolution on women, peace and reaching resolution on this agenda to date. Places the Women, Peace and Security agenda in a broader context.

Development. The resolution also places the 15 year review of women, peace and security alongside the two other peace

relevant recommendations and encouraging their implementation by all relevant actors. Recognizes the changing peace and security context and need for women, peace and security to be mainstreamed across all areas.

numbers of refugees and internally displaced persons, the impacts of climate change and the global nature of health

pandemics. This is the most progressive language on the current peace and security context of any resolution to date,

. The resolution notes the and security

Greater resourcing, accountability, political

will and attitudinal change, and concerted leadership, consistent information and action, and support, to build women's


Countering Violent Extremism

terrorism and violent extremism through creating counter narratives and other appropriate interventions,

including empowerment of women

2 S

of their mandates, including in assessments and reports and technical assistance to Member States, as well as


Security Council consistent implementation

country situations. and relevant thematic areas

and commits to ensuring that the relevant expert groups for sanctions committees have the necessary gender expertise

peace and security efforts, including in ensuring the necessary gender analysis and technical gender expertise is included

throughout all stages of mission planning, mandate development, implementation, review and mission drawdown.

Reiterates the need for consistent implementation of resolution 2122 by the system, which references the need to ensure

future posts. 3 technical support of these entities.

participation in international and regional peace and security forums including donor conferences and consultations on

one avenue to attract new resources and accelerate implementation. their design.

Valji, N. (2015). Security Council Resolution 2242 (2015) on Women, Peace and Security: Summary of critical

elements and progress

4 S

About Us

The Political Settlements Research Programme (PSRP) is centrally concerned with how political settlements can be made both more stable, and more inclusive of those affected by them beyond 1.

How do differ

ent types of political settlements emerge, and what are the actors, institutions, resources, and practices that shape them? +RZFDQSROLWLFDOVHWWOHPHQWVEHLPSU 3. How , and with what interventions, can external actors change political settlements?quotesdbs_dbs44.pdfusesText_44
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