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HSK Word List - Level 3

11 May 2011 hewgill.com/hsk/hsk3.html. HSK Word List - Level 3. 1. ?? ?yí maternal aunt; step-mother; childcare worker;.

?HSK??????——???-??? New HSK Level 3

New HSK Level 3 Vocabulary (Chinese-English). ??. No. ?. Word 3. ???? bàba n. father; dad; daddy. ?????? ... words. ???????

Hsk 6 vocabulary list and sentences pdf

vocabulary list level 2 enables you to conduct basic daily Chinese conversations for the aim of communication (300 words). HSK level 3 vocabulary list 

HSK 3 Word List

HSK 3 Word List. MandarinBean.com. ? Access graded listening and reading materials. ? Access HSK Grammar Exercises. ? Access HSK sample tests 

University of Johannesburg Confucius Institute Application and

in studying Basic Mandarin?Intermediate Mandarin?HSK Mandarin1 2 3 4 5 and 6. to the HSK exam structure HSK 3 vocabulary lists

New HSK 1 Vocabulary list

of New HSK 1- Vocabulary List. 1 29. Character. ??. Pinyin. ??. Meaning. ??. Your notes. ????. 1. ??. Àihào. Hobby. 2. ?. B?. Eight. 3.

HSK 3 Vocabulary List

HSK 3 Vocabulary List http://www.digmandarin.com/hsk-test. HSK Test Guide: fàngu?n restaurant. ?? f?ngbiàn convenient. ?? fángji?n. Room. 3 ...


The HSK Level 4 Course run by the Confucius Institute at the University of 600 words (please refer to the following page for the HSK 3 vocabulary list).

The HSK (Level III) assesses test takers abilities in the application of

For each item one or two sentences will be provided

The Effect of Pinyin in Chinese Vocabulary Acquisition with English

Chinese vocabulary words were from the vocabulary list. approximately spend 3 hours a day learning Chinese the HSK level two vocabulary words were.


放⣧烘瀌灺aunt ⑉aah 䛭烗濼short 䄰灭濼love ⪈晘烘瀁濽灹瀁濺Be quiet 濵烘Eight ㆉ濵烗hold 䄷䄷濵灭濵濴Dad ⌦ba 䕼濵灮濼white 䕽濵烗濼hundred 䋬濵烘瀁class ㌫濵烘瀁turn; pull ≉濵灭瀁half ∄濵烘瀂package 桰濵烗瀂full 垪濵灵濼cover 㘫濵烞瀁book 㫓濵烣than ⻄杺濵灹瀋烸Must

HSK 3 Vocabulary List


HSK Test Guide:

1 ᴌ⪡㬓濵炇濾灵瀄濼You are welcome ᴌ濵炆No ㅒ䫭䌂濷烗濿灮瀁瀄濼炇Play basketball ⠦濷灭large ⴥ濷灭濼belt 2 ⹒䀵濷烘瀁濺瀅灮瀁Of course ℯ濷灭瀂reach ☯de 䖃de 㽮濷烟瀁濺lamp 䩈濷烞瀁濺etc. ṍ濷烥low ⸞⸞濷灹濷濼Younger brother ☯◽濷灹瀇炇Map 㾸濷濼烗瀁spot ᴛ濷热瀁濺east ₫濷热瀁濺winter チ濷烬瀁濺understand 忼濷热瀈all 嫺濷炇read 䛬濷瀈烗瀁short 㪴濷瀈灭瀁paragraph 携㾻濷瀈灭瀁濿濼灭瀁Physical exercise ⫸濷瀈灹Yes ⠙濷瀈热many ⠙⬐濷瀈热瀆濻濴瀂how much 桾灵hungry ⋐㿦濹烘瀆濻烘瀂Have a fever 3 㐽濹灭瀁濺discharge 㐽⻂濹灭瀁濺瀋烥瀁Don't worry ℅濹烟瀁branch 㑡濺烗瀁dare 槗濺烘瀂high ᴩ濺灵individual ䷘濺烞濼to 峞濺烟瀁with 㜸㉭濺烟瀁濽炆according to 㗳濺灵瀁濺more 䇖濺烬瀈Dog ⁲濺瀈烘瀁shut ⁲⻂濺瀈烘瀁瀋烥瀁Care for 尴濺瀈灹Expensive 廆⊺濺瀈灿瀄炆Past times 廆guotoo 廗濻灮濼still 4 ⡼濻烗瀂good ⒜濻烟drink 淐濻烟濼black ⺇濻烞瀁very 䐺濻瀈灭painting ♎濻瀈灭濼bad 廗濻瀈灮瀁still 䊮➂濻瀈灮瀁濽灹瀁濺Environmental Science ㉡濻瀈灭瀁change ◝濻瀈灺return ⃟濽烣several ⪵濽濼烘home ᷵濽濼灭瀁piece 㑘濽濼烘瀂teach 壑濽濼烗瀂horn 5 候濽濼烗瀂foot ⋪濽濼灭瀂call ἞濽濼灵borrow 廐濽灹瀁near ᵜ濽濼烳Nine ᵄ濽濼烳long 㓦濽濼炆used ⷿ濾烘濼open 䘊濾灭瀁see 㴳濾烞thirsty ℺濾灵moment 嫽濾灵course 䥹嬂濾热瀁濺瀇濼灮瀂Air conditioner ⋢濾烬瀈mouth 6 ♖濾瀈灭濼block ⻪濾瀈灭濼fast 伀濿烗瀂old 䰮濿灵濼tired 䢺濿灺leave 惋濿烣in 䠻䅨濿烣瀊炆gift 倷濿濼烗瀁face ᴣ濿濼烗瀁濺Two 庅濿濼灭瀁濺Car 旵濿灺瀁濺Zero 濿濼炆Six 㡻濿炀瀈floor 峮濿炆road ⢇⢇瀀烘瀀濴Mom 楫瀀烗Horse 楫ᴉ瀀烗瀆濻灭瀁濺Right off ⌖ma ᵯ瀀烗濼buy ≕瀀灭濼sell ち瀀灭瀁slow ⻘瀀灮瀁濺busy 䈪瀀烘瀂cat 㫎瀀烞濼each ⢸⢸瀀灵濼瀀濸濼Younger sister 7 䭲瀀烣rice 䭲桬瀀烣濹灭瀁Steamed Rice ㇾ瀁灮take ≖瀁灮瀁south 施瀁灮瀁disaster; blame ⍡ne ṟ瀁烣you ⵳瀁濼灮瀁year 洞瀁濼烗瀂bird ⾧瀁灺瀁you 䄫⭰瀃灮瀆濻烘瀁Mountain climbing 俕瀃灭瀁濺fat 䡧瀃濼灭瀂ticket ᴂ瀄烥Seven 8 榐瀄灺ride ≂瀄濼烘瀁thousand 掰瀄濼灮瀁money 㕳瀄灺瀁濺Sunny 䣊瀄濼烸autumn ⊺瀄炆go ⊺⵳瀄炆瀁濼灮瀁Last year 媨瀅灭瀁濺Give Way 㿬瀅灵heat ᴈ瀆烘瀁Three ḝ瀆烗瀁umbrella ᴉ䋬瀆濻灭瀁濺濵烘瀁go to work ᴉ乐瀆濻灭瀁濺瀊烗瀁濺Surf the Internet ⬐瀆濻烗瀂less 䐞䓄瀆濻烟瀁濺濵灹瀁濺Fall ill 䐞㬓瀆濻烟瀁濺瀄灹get angry ≀瀆濻灺Ten Ṿ瀆濻烣send 9 㔮瀆濻灹yes ㅊ坧瀆濻烬瀈濵濼烗瀂Wrist Watch ㅊ㘹瀆濻烬瀈濽烥Mobile phone 䔥瀆濻灿瀈thin ᵥ瀆濻烸book 㜐瀆濻炆tree 㬳瀆濻瀈烣water 开瀆灿瀁濺give ⮀瀆瀈灹year ᷕ瀇烘he ⡸瀇烘she ⪂瀇烘it ⠩瀇灭濼too 䯕瀇灮瀁濺sugar 崡岲䌂瀇烥瀍炇瀄濼炇Play football 林瀇灺topic 䐛瀇濼灮瀁sweet 㙠瀇濼灮瀂strip ⌫瀇烥瀁濺hear 10 偾瀇瀈烣leg ⠕瀊灭濼abroad ⪋瀊灮瀁finish 䊨瀊灮瀁play 䞖瀊烗瀁bowl ᴆ瀊灭瀁ten thousand ⒁瀊灵濼feed ᴹ瀊灵濼by Ṍ瀊灵濼position 擭瀊灵瀁ask ㄐ瀊烬I 塾瀋烥west 㰖瀋烣wash 㰖㺠瀋烣瀍烗瀂Take a shower ᴊ瀋濼灭lower ⠎瀋濼灭summer ⁇瀋濼烘瀁before 11 ⬎瀋濼烗瀂Small ⬎⻂瀋濼烗瀂瀋烥瀁Look out 䨐瀋濼灭瀂laugh ₘ瀋濼烞write 嬡嬡瀋濼灵瀋濼濸Thank you 㒯瀋烥瀁new Ỡ瀋灹瀁letter ⣒瀋灹瀁濺surname 早瀋瀈烞Snow 剮瀌灭瀂drug 墀瀌灭瀂want ᵞ瀌烞also ᳿瀌烥One ᳿ḙ‾瀌灺濻瀈灹瀅A little while 12 ᳿庸瀌灹濵濼烘瀁One side 攳瀌烥瀁Yin 䐧瀌灿瀁濺use 㘈瀌烬瀈have ⋇瀌灿瀈also 死瀌炇fish ⁂瀌瀈灮瀁element 廛瀌瀈烗瀁far 〾『瀌瀈灭瀁瀌灹Be willing 㘇瀌瀈灵month 岉瀌瀈灵The more ☧瀍灭濼stay ₌瀍灭濼again 䧘瀍濻灭瀁station 摾瀍濻烗瀁濺longquotesdbs_dbs1.pdfusesText_1
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