[PDF] Case study: Numbering and dialling plans for France

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Country Country Code EU Programmländer außerhalb der EU

Deutschland. Germany. DE. Estland. Estonia. EE. Finnland. Finland. FI. Frankreich. France. FR. Griechenland. Greece. GR. Irland. Ireland. IE. Italien. Italy.

International Dialing

Dial the country code. 3. Dial the phone number you wish to reach. Example: To call a number in France first dial the International Dialing prefix of "011" 

Typesetting telephone numbers with LaTeX

01.07.2022 phonenumber[country=FRarea- code=place-and-number. ]{0199006789}. Île-de-France 0199006789. phonenumber[country=FR

France (country code +33) Communication of 20.X.2017: The

national numbering plan in France: a). Overview: The minimum number length (excluding the country code) is Mobile numbers. 640 to 652. 9 digits.

Country Codes for Form 1042?S (2016) Country Codes Country Code

residence does not appear on the list. If the withholding agent is a U.S. withholding agent leave box 12f

Case study: Numbering and dialling plans for France

Country Codes are both a geographic and tariff " marker". Le plan de numérotage international E.164 E.212 Mobile Network Codes for France – similar.

Country codes and currency codes in research datasets - Technical

France and Monaco. Monaco is subsumed under France as are most of the French overseas territories and the like. Code Country. Comment. FR. France.

International Calling Country Codes

From U.S. phone number to other locations: 011 + country code + area code + France. 33. French Antilles. 596. French Guiana. 594. French Polynesia.

INTERNATIONAL CALLING CODES International calls may be

For example to place a direct-dialed call to. Paris


29.03.2022 countries to rapidly contact travellers with the goal of protecting the health of ... code and their phone number

Case study: Numbering and

dialling plans for France and how they fit into the international numbering plan

Orange Labs

Philippe Fouquart, Orange expert

All rights reserved. The information contained within this document is the property of Orange. Orange, the Orange logo, Orange Business Services and product and service names are trademarks of Orange Brand Services Limited. 2


ƒThe presentation provides an overview of the dialling and numbering plan of France and the E.212 identification plan ƒIt is essentially about the E.164 structure and how it can be changed

ƒThe presentation is intended to:

1.Provide basic notions of the dialling/numbering plan for


2.Describes where it comes from, the changes it went

through and how it relates to the international numbering plan ƒOther topics such as policies, tariffs, portability, fees, but questions are welcome during the interactive sessionOrange Labs

3Orange Labs

Dialling plan overview

ƒShort codes:

3BPQ (added value services

118XYZ (directory services)

ƒEmergency numbers: 112, 15 (ambulance), 17 (Police), 18 (fire brigade), 114 (emergency SMS), 115 ("social urgency»),

116 000 : missing children hotline, 116 111 (child helplines), 116 117

(non-emergency medical number), 119 : Emotional support child helpline, 191 (Air transport hotline),196 (Maritime rescue hotline),197 : "red alert"

ƒOperatorservices: 10XY

ƒCarrier selectioncodes: 16XY or "E"(insteadof national prefix0) ƒThe dialling plan of France is a 10 digit plan generally represented as


This isthe focus of

ourtalk 4

Dialling plan 10 digit numbers

ƒZ=1 to Z=5: geographic numbers

More than 500 basic geographic zones called Zone de Numérotation Elementaires (overseas departments not shown) National location portability to be introduced soon

ƒZ=6 and 7: mobile numbers

Including M2M, roaming numbers, portability prefixes

Exception M2M numbers are 14 digit in length

ƒZ=8 added value services including freephone, shared cost/revenue, premium rates ƒZ=9 non geographic national numbers (in general VoIP)Orange Labs


1. International context of the

E.164 numbering plan

6Orange Labs

ƒE.164 is both

A format

Ex. values allocated/assigned in a tree-like structure

CC (country codes) assigned by the ITU

To Member States eg Brazil 55, and administered by administrations or private entities through delegations To the ITU itself and administered directly by the ITU eg 800, NDC/SN assigned by Member States (or by delegation) in ranges generally ƒCountry Codes are both a geographic and tariff " marker"

Le plan de numérotage international E.164


National (significant) number

Max (15-n) digits 1 to 3 digits

Max 15 digits

International public

telecommunication number for geographic areas

7Orange Labs

General structure of the "French E.164 plan"

ƒThe E.164 plan(s) consist of number of the form:

9 (few), 11 (most), 12 (some) and 15 (few) digits

Generally noted I1I2(I3)(ZAB)PQMCDU(xyz)

ƒAlso known as "

So only "long» numbers belong to the E.164 numbering plan Short numbers/codes, special numbers are not part of the international numbering plan And as a result they cannot be dialled from abroad numbering plan nonetheless Ranges dedicated to mobile roaming belong the E.164 numbering plan ("MSRN") ƒThe breakout/structure between national and international is the result of a number successive decisions of (re)structuring the plan

8Orange Labs

Historic distribution of the E.164 numbering plan

"Zone" 1

Zone 5

Zone 6

Zone 2

Zone 3 et 4

"Zone" 7

Zone 8

Zone 9

North American

numbering plan (shared code)

Pacific zone


America including

Caribbean islands

Zone 6

Africa and Indian


Shared code

Pacific zone

Zone 2

"Western Europe"

9Orange Labs

E.164: geographic distribution and "geopolitical dynamics"


+37 is assigned to German Democratic Republic

ƒ1968 (White Book)

Mexico and Honduras leave the North American NP +1 Turkey leaves Zone 3 (Europe) to Zone 9 (Middle East/Asia)

ƒ1972 (Green Book)

Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama leave Zone 1 for Zone 6 (Central/south America) ƒ1989: German reunification: former German Democratic Republic joins +49 Zone 3 (Europe): 1993: Lituania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova (etc.) Zone 9 (Moyen/Proche Orient -Asie): Azerbaijan, Georgia

Kazakhstan remains +7 shared with Russia

ƒ1997: split of former Czechoslovakia: +42 is plit into 3 digit CCs

10Orange Labs

11Orange Labs

12Orange Labs





Nlle Calédonie



St Pierre

et Miquelon


et Futuna

Terres australes


1 2 3 4 5 66
7 2 8 9

13Orange Labs

France: geography and consequences for


ƒ11 "regions"

Located in 5 different zones of the E.164 numbering plan ƒA variety of regional statuses and degrees of autonomy, as a result of


So called Territories

Departments (close integration)

others Consequence: several degrees of integration with the dialling plan of



Réunion island: fully integrated in the 10 digit dialling plan Wallis et Futuna: autonomy and independent NP management Mayotte: originally shared with Republic of Comoros and then integrated within the national dialling plan and +262 as a consequence of the chnage of status

14Orange Labs

The French E.164 country codes





Nlle Calédonie



St Pierre

et Miquelon

Terres Australes et Antarctiques


et Futuna


+33 is a French country code, not the Country Code for

France as a Member State.

15Orange Labs

French E.164 Country codes: from CCIT to today

ƒThe structure of the numbering plan for France is the result of a series of successive assignments:

ƒ1960 "Red book": +33 Metropolitan France

ƒ1964 "Blue book"

+262: Réunion,
+594: Guyane,
+689: Polynésie,
+687: Nlle Calédonie

ƒ1968 "White book" : +681 -Wallis et Futuna

ƒ1976 "Orange book" : +590 : Guadeloupe, +596 : Martinique

16Orange Labs

Calls from abroad





Nlle Calédonie



St Pierre

et Miquelon


et Futuna



0033+ number

00262 + number00687 + numéroNo difference b/w the French country codes: each E.164

numbering is seen independently from the others

Terres Australes et Antarctiques

2. The national numbering


18Orange Labs

General structure

ƒThe dialling plan of France is

Closed (no local / regional dialling procedures)

10 digit numbers, generally represented as 0ZABPQMCDU

It covers all 6 E.164 country codes:

Métropolitan France




Réunion, Terres Australes and Antarctiques Françaises, Mayotte

Saint Pierre et Miquelon*

ƒCalls within this plan (6 integrated CCs) cann be made with a national dialling format with 10 digits ƒCalls within a country code are also 10 digit * ƒOther French territories are reachable only through the international (dialling) format (Polynésie, Wallis et Futuna, Nlle Calédonie) l from France and from abroad

19Orange Labs

Two types of E.164 country codes





Nlle Calédonie



St Pierre

et Miquelon


et Futuna

Terres australes


-CCs integrated to the 10 digit dialling plan -CCs outside of the 10 digit dialling plan

20Orange Labs





Within the dialling plan, calls can be made with 10 digit numbers regardless of origin / destination The French territories (Wallis et Futuna, Polynésie, Nlle Calédonie) belong to the E.164 numbering plan of France but they do not belong to the 10 digit dialling plan

21Orange Labs

Mapping b/w dialling and numbering


National format


International format E.164


How can we map the I1I2I3 (CC) ie the Country code to the national dialling format? The value of the E.164 country code dependson the value of the ZAB or ZABP ƒFor example, ZAB=590 and 690 are under E.164 Country

Code 590.

22Orange Labs

A brief history of the dialling plan

ƒThe dialling plan of France results from a series/history of changes :

1955: dialling structure in (AB) PQMCDU and (A) BPQMCDU (IdF)

1996: the dialling plan is closed and becomes10 digit based

Paris/province call dialling 16 (1)ABPQMCDU ceases to exist

0Z is added to ABPQMCDU to identify a "region"

New range for mobile

2001: the overseas departments join the 10 digit dialling plan

Change to E.164 à 3/2+9 digit format

Distinction between fixed and mobile

=> assignment of separate ZAB(P) value to each DOM+service (ex. Réunion+mobile: ZAB=692, Réunion landlines :ZAB=590)

2005: Z=9 is opened for non geographic numbers (in practice set-top boxes)

2008: Change of Mayotte 269 to 262

2009/2010: Z=7 is opened

2011/2012 : M2M extension for Z=7, for Metropolitan and overseas

departments All other decisions are not directly relative to the structure (policies,

23Orange Labs

Mapping DOMÙinternational format (M2M omitted)

Nature de la trancheNumérotation abonnéPlan de numérotage France de l'océan indien -landlines02 62PQ MC DU+262262PQMCDU

Mayotte landlines02 69PQ MC DU+262269PQMCDU

Guyane landlines05 94PQ MC DU+594594PQMCDU

Martinique landlines05 96PQ MC DU+596596PQMCDU

Guadeloupe05 90PQ MC DU+590590PQMCDU

Réunion mobile06 92PQ MC DU+262692PQMCDU

Mayotte mobile06 39PQ MC DU+262639PQMCDU

Guyane mobile06 94PQ MC DU+594694PQMCDU

Martinique -mobile06 96PQ MC DU+596696PQMCDU

Guadeloupe mobile06 90PQ MC DU+590690PQMCDU



09 762Q MC DU

09 763Q MC DU

09 769Q MC DU


Guyane -Non geographic09 764Q MC DU

09 765Q MC DU


Martinique -Non geographic09 766Q MC DU

09 767Q MC DU


Guadeloupe non geographic09 760Q MC DU

09 76 1Q MC DU

09 76 8Q MC DU


Numérotation abonnéPlan de numérotage


E.212 identification plan

25Orange Labs

E.212 Mobile Network Codes for France similar

geography => similar structure





Nlle Calédonie



St Pierre

et Miquelon


et Futuna

Terres australes





E.212 identification plan overview

ƒMain concepts on all Mobile Country Codes: 208, 740, 742,

647 and 308

ƒSeveral categories and formats of Mobile Network Codes Mainstream Mobile Network Codes for mobile operators

Including a cross territotryuse for 340

MNCs for tests (shared codes)

MNCs for "critical infrastructures»(interior and defense ministries)

MNCs for fixed Internet radio access (3 digits)

Private Mobile Networks (3 digits)

MNCs for restricted national roaming

Orange Labs


MCC 208

Orange Labs



20804SISTSociété d'ingénierie système télécom et réseaux (SISTEER)24/04/20122012-0496

20805GLOBGlobalstar Europe SARL22/04/20032003-0530

20806GLOBGlobalstar Europe SARL22/04/20032003-0530

20807GLOBGlobalstar Europe SARL22/04/20032003-0530

20808SFR0Société française du radiotéléphone04/02/20162016-0134

20809SFR0Société française du radiotéléphone08/12/20112011-1436

20810SFR0Société française du radiotéléphone08/12/20112011-1436

20811SFR0Société française du radiotéléphone08/12/20112011-1436

20813SFR0Société française du radiotéléphone08/12/20112011-1436

20814ARCEPUsage ARCEP13/11/2015

20815FRMOFree mobile23/02/20102010-0264

20816FRMOFree mobile24/07/20122012-0980


20818ARCEPUsage ARCEP09/03/2018

20819CPODAltitude infrastructure29/01/20182018-0068

20820BOUYBouygues Telecom18/07/20012001-0720

20821BOUYBouygues Telecom18/07/20012001-0720


20823SYCNSyndicat mixte ouvert Charente numérique12/04/20182018-0415

20825LYCALycamobile SARL17/03/20112011-0303

20826NRJEuro-Information telecom21/07/20112011-0865

20827CORICoriolis telecom SAS16/02/20172017-0195

20828ASSAAirbus defence and space SAS13/10/20112011-1197

20829CTFRCubic telecom France30/08/20182018-1066

20830SYMASyma mobile13/03/20122012-0356

20831MUNDVectone mobile24/04/20122012-0487


20833CG64Département des Pyrénées-Atlantiques12/04/20182018-0428

208700INFSWeaccess group27/09/20182018-1189

20885ARTUsage collectif28/08/2018


20887RATPRégie autonome des transports parisiens26/08/20182018-0887

20888BOUYBouygues Telecom16/09/20032003-1029

20890ARTUsage collectif09/03/2018


20892ARTUsage collectif09/03/2018

20893THALThales communications & Security SAS05/04/20182018-0366



20897THALThales communications & Security SAS19/10/20182018-1133

20898SOAFSociété Air France12/07/20182018-0686

20899ARCEPUsage ARCEP09/03/2018


https://extranet.arcep.fr/ portail/Op%C3%A9rate ursCE/Num%C3%A9rot ation.aspx 28

MCC 308, 340, 647, 742

Orange Labs

30801SPMTSAS SPM Telecom18/07/20012001-0726


30818ARCEPUsage ARCEP20/03/2018

30885ARTUsage collectif28/08/2018

30890ARTUsage collectif20/03/2018

30892ARTUsage collectif20/03/2018

30899ARCEPUsage ARCEP20/03/2018

34001ORCAOrange Caraïbe18/07/20012001-0721

34002OUTROutremer Telecom18/07/20012001-0724

34003STMBUnited telecommunication services Caraïbe31/01/20022002-0099

34008DAUFDauphin telecom03/12/20022002-1094

34009FRCAFree Caraïbe22/02/20182018-0205

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