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C1 Wordlist Unit 1

Let's brainstorm first then choose the best ideas from the list. breakdown n Coursebook. You can insert your own translation. Words marked with a key ...

The Ethics of Life

umes the purple

The Warwick ELT Archive Catalogue - Published material up to

Common Errors in Gold Coast English. London. Macmillan. Brown

Answer key

The first couple are definitely cycling fanatics. They must really love the So show your summary to friends – would it make them want to read the book?


Each unit in the First Certificate Gold Coursebook provides an integrated package containing the presentation and practice of grammar and vocabulary as well as 

5 Eat your heart out

minutes to re-read the article and answer the questions. If students finish early encourage them to check their answers carefully. 4 Students compare their 

pre-first pre-first

14 дек. 2011 г. computer. The Gold Pre-First Audio CD-ROM provides students with the full Coursebook audio so they can listen again at home. Teachers who choose ...

Gold First New Edition - Unit 1 • Bands and fans

6 The part of the book Leo enjoyed most was when. Worsley … 7 What does Leo admire about. Shackleton? 3 See 4 below. 4 (key phrases in brackets).


By doing the exercises in these sections you can practise and revise the grammar points you have studied in the. Gold B2 First Coursebook. Once again

3-Gold-First-Teachers-Book-PDF.pdf 3-Gold-First-Teachers-Book-PDF.pdf

Gold First follows the same identity and approach as FCE Gold Plus but has been comprehensively updated to reflect the 2015 Cambridge English: First exam 

Gold First New Edition - Unit 1 • Bands and fans

6 The part of the book Leo enjoyed most was when. Worsley … 7 What does Leo admire about. Shackleton? 3 See 4 below. 4 (key phrases in brackets).

Answer key

4 The cookery book was wrote written by a famous 5 We can't leave because it's too early. ... 2 1 I remember meet meeting my friend for the first.

New Edition First Certificate Gold Coursebook Exams [PDF] - m

14 jun 2022 Gold Pre-First Teacher's Book Clementine Annabell 2013 The trusted Gold ... Gold First New Edition Coursebook Jan Bell 2014 'Gold First' ...

Pearson Gold First Coursebook With Key [PDF] - m.central.edu

We offer Pearson Gold First Coursebook With Key and numerous book collections from fictions to scientific research in any way. among them is this Pearson Gold 

Gold First 2015 Wordlist English / German / French / Italian

Gold First 2015 - Wordlist English / German / French / Italian. Gold First 2015 spaventoso inquietante The book is both scary and funny.

First Certificate Gold Coursebook [PDF] - m.central.edu

16 jun 2022 Eventually you will enormously discover a extra experience and completion by spending more cash. still when? get you agree to that you ...


review r??vju? n. Kritk Besprechung critique critica

B2 First - Handbook for teachers

31 mar 2021 coursebooks and practice tests. These materials are available in both print and digital formats. cambridgeenglish.org/exam-preparation.

5 Eat your heart out

students to prepare the questions in pairs first and check the questions for accuracy before students ask and answer them in pairs. Answers.


6 This is the book which/that I bought for Sue's birthday. Reading. 2 1 D 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 C. Grammar.


Wordlist Gold B2 First (chronological)

Wordlist Gold B2 First (chronological)


Part of

speechGermanFrenchItalianDefinition absolutely



accustomed toԥޖ achieveԥޖtݕiޝ to successfully complete something or get a good result, especially by working hard ambitious¨Pޖbܼ anti-establishmentޖ¨QPL ޖܼVP¨NOܼ gegen das




contro l'establishment, contro il sistema opposed to or working against the government or another power structure in society appealԥޖpiޝ attractionԥޖ a feature or quality that makes something seem interesting or enjoyable baking-hotޖbeܼkܼč Oܥ bandN¨QGnBandgroupe band, gruppo musicale a group of musicians, especially a group that plays popular music basedbeܼ


niedergelassen seinbasé àcon sede a if you are based somewhere, that is the place where you work or where your main business is bloggerޖblܳܥ someone who writes about their experiences, opinions, etc., on a website, often with images and links to other sites campsiteޖN¨PSVMܼ an area where people can camp, often with a water supply and toilets

Unit 1

© Pearson 20181

Wordlist Gold B2 First (chronological)


nicht ausstehen N¸QQHQne pas supporternon sopportareto have a strong dislike for something or someone cater forޖkeܼtԥ fޝܧ jmd versorgen, verpflegen pourvoir aux besoins de provvedere alle


to provide a particular group of people with the things they need or want clubbingޖklݞbܼ frequentare locali notturni, andare in discotecathe activity of going to nightclubs computer gamekԥmޖpjuޝtԥ ܳeܼ confirmkԥnޖfޝܮ to show that something is definitely true, especially by providing more proof crashNU¨ݕvMNVP¾U]HQplanter smettere di funzionare, bloccarsi an occasion when a computer or computer system suddenly stops working cultural eventޖkݞltݕԥrԥl ޖܼ kulturelle

Veranstaltungévénement culturelevento culturalean event relating to an artistic or social theme

dried-upޙdraܼd-ޖ enjoyܼnޖdݤܼܧ


finden anaimer, se jouir depiacere, gradireto get pleasure from something exerciseޖeksԥsaܼ physical activities that you do in order to stay healthy and become stronger exploitܼkޖsplܼܧ to treat someone unfairly by asking them to do things for \RX NXP JLYLQJ POHP YHU\ OLPPOH LQ UHPXUQ Ȃ XVHG PR VORR disapproval extravagantܼkޖVPU¨Yԥܳ


extravagantexcessif eccessivo, stravagante spending or costing a lot of money, especially more than is necessary or more than you can afford facilitiesfԥޖsܼlܼtiz, fԥޖsܼ



rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose festivalޖfestԥvԥl, ޖfestܼ an occasion when there are performances of many films, plays, pieces of music, etc., usually happening in the same place every year flockflܥ



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