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???????????Am?MA???? CDM. Clean Development Mechanism. ??????????? ... Ceskoslovenska Komise Pro Atomovon.

1F-2Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

1F-2Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

1F-4Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

1F-5Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

1F-6Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

2F-1Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station

2F-2Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station

2F-3Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station

2F-4Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station





Thermal Recycleࣜࢧ࢖ࢡࣝࡢ㸱㹐㸻≀㉁ᅇ཰ࠊ⇞ᩱᅇ཰ࠊ⇕



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4SSeparate Steam Seal Systemࢱ࣮ࣅࣥࢢࣛࣥࢻࢫࢳ࣮࣒ࢩ࣮ࣝ⣔




5GThe 5th Generation Mobile Networks


Measurement and Environment㸳㹋㸦ேࠊ࣐ࢩ࣮ࣥࠊ᪉ἲࠊᮦᩱࠊ ᐃ㸧࡜





A&MTexas A&M (Agricultural and Mechanical)

- 2 -

A/RAir Reserver✵Ẽ㈓ᵴ

AAAktiebolaget Asea-Atom࢔ࢭ࢔࣮࢔ࢺ࣒♫㸦ࢫ࢙࣮࢘ࢹࣥ㸧

AAAuswartiges Amtእົ┬㸦⊂㸧

AAAIAmerican Association for Artificial

AAAMAmerican Association of Aircraft

AAASAmerican Association for the

AAICAsia Africa Investment and Consulting

AAMAir-to-Air Missile✵ᑐ✵࣑ࢧ࢖ࣝ

AAPCAmerican Automotive Policy Council⮬ື㌴ᨻ⟇ホ㆟఍ࠊཪࡣ⮬ື㌴㈠᫆ᨻ⟇ホ㆟

AAPGAmerican Association of Petroleum

AARAssociation of American Railroads࢔࣓ࣜ࢝㕲㐨༠఍㸦⡿㸧

AARBApplication for Authorization of

AAVNTAlgerian Association of Victims of

Nuclear Tests࢔ࣝࢪ࢙ࣜ࢔᰾ᐇ㦂⿕ᐖ⪅ࡢ఍㸦࢔ࣝࢪ࢙ࣜ

AAWAir Acetylene Welding✵Ẽ࢔ࢭࢳࣞࣥ⁐᥋ ABAutomatic Blow-down System⮬ືࣈ࣮ࣟࢲ࢘ࣥࢩࢫࢸ࣒ ABAuxiliary Boiler⿵ຓ࣎࢖࣮ࣛ ABAxial Blanket࢔ࢡࢩࣕࣝࣈࣛࣥࢣࢵࢺ ABAAmerican Bar Association࢔࣓ࣜ࢝ἲ᭪༠఍㸦⡿㸧

ABAACArgentine Brazilian Agency for

Accounting and Control of Nuclear

- 3 - ABBAir Blast Breaker✵Ẽ㐽᩿ჾ

ABBAsea Brown Boveri࢔ࢭ࢔ࣈࣛ࢘ࣥ࣎࣋ࣜ♫㸦ࢫ࢖ࢫࠊࢫ࢙࣮࢘

ABB-CEAsea Brown Boveri Combustion

ABCAtarimae no koto o Baka ni sinaide

ABDAdhesive Bonding᥋╔

ABDANAssociacao Brasileira para

Desenvoivimento de Atividades Nucleares

= Brazilian Association for the

ABETAccreditation Board for Engineering and

ABIAuxiliary Building Isolation⿵ຓᘓᒇ㝸㞳 ABRActinide Burning Reactor࢔ࢡࢳࢽࢻᑓ↝⅔ ABRAdvanced Burner Reactor᪂ᆺ⇞↝⅔

ABSAlkyl-Benzene-Sodium Sulfonate࢔࣭ࣝ࢟ࣝ࣋ࣥࢮ࣭ࣥࢫࣝࣇ࢛ࣥ㓟ࢯ࣮ࢲ

ABSAnti-lock Brake System࢔ࣥࢳࣟࢵࢡࣈ࣮ࣞ࢟ࢩࢫࢸ࣒㸦⮬ື㌴࡛ᛴ

ABSTAuxiliary Building Sump Tank⿵ຓᘓᒇࢧࣥࣉࢱࣥࢡ

ABSVSAuxiliary Building Special Ventilation

ABVAuxiliary Building Ventilation System⿵ຓᘓᒇ᥮Ẽ⣔ - 4 -

ACArc Cutting࢔࣮ࢡษ᩿

AC(Primary Containment) Atmospheric

ACACIAAdvanced Atomic Cogenerator for

ACBAir Circuit BreakerẼ୰㐽᩿ჾࠊཪࡣ✵Ẽ㐽᩿ჾ ACBAir-operated Circuit Breaker✵Ẽసື㐽᩿ჾ

ACCAdvanced Combined CycleᨵⰋᆺࢥࣥࣂ࢖ࣥࢻࢧ࢖ࢡࣝⓎ㟁㸦ࣉࣛࣥ

ACCAllied Chemical Corporation࢔ࣛ࢖ࢻࢣ࣑࢝ࣝ♫㸦⡿㸧

ACCAsbestos Cement Container࢔ࢫ࣋ࢫࢺ࣭ࢭ࣓ࣥࢺ࣭ࢥࣥࢸࢼ

ACCWSAuxiliary Component Cooling Water

ACEActions for Cool Earthᨷࡵࡢᆅ⌫ ᬮ໬እ஺ᡓ␎ࠊཪࡣ⨾ࡋ࠸ᫍ࡬

ACEAdvanced Containment ExperimentsᨵⰋᆺ᱁⣡ᐜჾ㸦㸿㹁㹃㸧ᐇ㦂

ACEAtlantic City Electric Co.࢔ࢺࣛࣥࢸ࢕ࢵࢡ࣭ࢩࢸ࢕㟁Ẽ఍♫㸦⡿㸧

ACEAAssociation des Constructeurs Europeens

d'Automobiles = European Automobile

ACECAssociation of Consulting Engineers of

ACECAteliers de Construction Electriques de

ACEJAdvanced Cogeneration and Energy

- 5 -

ACGIHAmerican Conference of Governmental

ACIAuto-Closure Interlock⮬ື㛢࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࣟࢵࢡ

ACMIAbsorber Cladding Mechanical

ACMUIAdvisory Committee on the Medical Use

ACNFSAdvisory Committee on Nuclear Facility

ACNMSAdvisory Committee on Nuclear Materials

ACOSAdvance Comprehensive Operating

ACOSAutomatic Climate Observation System⮬ືẼೃほ ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ ACPAdvanced China Power᪂ᆺ୰ᅜ⅔㸦୰ᅜ㸧

ACPAdvanced Spent Fuel Conditioning

ACPDAlternating Current Potential

ACPRAdvanced Chinese Pressurized Water

ACPR1000Advanced Chinese Pressurized Water

ACRAdvanced CANDU Reactorḟୡ௦㹁㸿㹌㹂㹓⅔㸦࢝ࢼࢲ㸧

- 6 -

ACRDFPAdvisory Council on Research and

ACROAssociation pour le Controle de la

Radioactivite de l'Quest࢔ࢡࣟ㸦௖࣭ᨺᑕ⬟ ᐃ࡜ࡑࡢⓎ⾲ࢆ⾜࡞࠺

ACRPAdvisory Committee on Radiological

ACRSAdvisory Committee on Reactor

ACSAuxiliary Cooling System⿵ຓ෭༷タഛ

ACSAAcquisition and Cross-Servicing

ACSNIAdvisory Committee on the Safety of

ACTAdvanced Centrifugal Contactor Test

ACTAdvanced Core Thermo-hydraulic Analysis

ACTEAdvanced Center for Tissue Engineering

ACWDCAbandoned Chemical Weapon Disposal

ADAnodic Dissolution㝧ᴟ⁐ゎἲ ADAnnual Doseᖺ㛫ᨺᑕ⥺㔞ࠊཪࡣᖺ㛫⥺㔞

ADACAllgemeiner Deutscher Automobil Club

ADAMSAgency-wide Documents Access &

Management System㸦⡿࣭㹌㹐㹁ࡢࠊ࢙࢘ࣈୖࡢ㸧ᅗ᭩᳨⣴ࢩࢫ

ADASAutomatic Data Acquisition and Storage

ADBAdvisor to the Board┦ㄯᙺ

ADCAntibody Drug Conjugateᢠయ⸆≀」ྜయ - 7 - ADDAttention Deficit DisorderὀពḞ㝗㞀ᐖ

ADEKSOThe International Association of

Cooperation of Far East Power Complexes

with Organizations of Countries of

ADELAAtlantic Community Development Group

ADEPAssociation for the Development of

Earthquake Prediction㸦㈈㸧ᆅ㟈ண▱⥲ྜ◊✲᣺⯆఍㸦᪥㸧

ADHDAttention Deficit / Hyperactivity

ADIAustempered Ductile Cast Iron࣮࢜ࢫࢸࣥࣃ࣮⌫≧㯮㖄㗪㕲

ADITL'Agence pour la Diffusion de

ADIZAir Defense Identification Zone㜵✵㆑ูᅪ ADMAir-launched Decoy Missile✵୰Ⓨᑕ࠾࡜ࡾ࣑ࢧ࢖ࣝ

ADMIXAnalog Digital Multi-loop Integrated

ADNOCAbu Dhabi National Oil Company࢔ࣈࢲࣅᅜႠ▼Ἔ఍♫㸦㹓㸿㹃㸧

ADOPTAdvanced Doped Pellet TechnologyᨵⰋᆺ㧗ᐦᗘ⇞ᩱ࣌ࣞࢵࢺ

ADPAccelerated Decommissioning Pertners࢔ࢡࢭࣛࣞ࢖ࢸࢵࢻ࣭ࢹࢥ࣑ࢵࢩࣙࢽࣥࢢ࣭

ADPAnnealing Demonstration Project↝ࡁ㕌ࡋᐇドࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ

ADPAutomatic Data Processing⮬ືࢹ࣮ࢱฎ⌮ ADPEAutomatic Data Processing Equipment⮬ືࢹ࣮ࢱฎ⌮⿦⨨ ADRAmerican Depositary Receipt⡿ᅜ㡸クドๆ

ADRBApplication Designation of Reprocessing

ADSAmerican Depositary Share⡿ᅜ㡸クᰴᘧ - 8 -

AdSTMAdvanced Systems Technology and

ADTTAccelerator Drive Transmutation

ADUAmmonium Di-Uranate㔜࢘ࣛࣥ㓟࢔ࣥࣔࢽ࣒࢘

ADVCADVENTURE Cluster㸿㹂㹔㹁㸦ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡢᡂᯝࢆ

ADVENTUREAdvanced Engineering Analysis Tool for

AEAllegheny Electric Cooperative࢔ࣞࢽ࢖㟁Ẽ఍♫㸦⡿㸧

AEATAEA (Atomic Energy Authority)

AEA-TAEA (Atomic Energy Authority)

AEBSTAAtomic Energy Bureau of Science and

AECLTAtomic Energy of Canada Limited

AEDAnaheim Electric Division࢔ࢼࣁ࢖࣒㟁Ẽ఍♫㸦⡿㸧

AEDAutomated External Defibrillator⮬ືయእᘧ㝖⣽ືჾࠊཪࡣ㸿㹃㹂

AEDISAgile Electronic Document Information

AEEAsociacion Empresarial Eolica = Spanish

Wind Energy Associationࢫ࣌࢖ࣥ㢼ຊⓎ㟁༠఍㸦ࢫ࣌࢖ࣥ㸧


- 9 -

AEEGAutorita per l'Energia Elettrica e il

AEFArgonne Experimental Facility࢔ࣝࢦࣥࢾᐇ㦂᪋タ


AEODOffice for Analysis and Evaluation of

Operational Data㐠㌿ࢹ࣮ࢱศᯒホ౯ᐊ㸦⡿࣭㹌㹐㹁㸧

AEONAntarctic Environmental Officers

AEPNAssociation des Ecologistes Pour le

AEPSCAmerican Electric Power Service


AERESAssociation des Entreprises pour la

AESAREVA Enrichment Services LLC࢔ࣞࣂ⃰⦰ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ♫௖㸧

AESInternational Research Center of

Advanced Energy System for

AESIEAPThe Association of Electricity Supply

Industry of East Asia and The Western

AETAdvanced Engineering TeamᨵⰋᆺ㹀㹕㹐ᅜ㝿タィࢳ࣮࣒

- 10 - AFAbsorbed Fraction྾཰๭ྜ㺂ཪࡣ㺂྾཰ศ๭

AFAir Force✵㌷

AFAvailability Factorタഛ✌ാ⋡ AFAAdvanced Fuel AssemblyᨵⰋᆺ⇞ᩱ㞟ྜయ㸦௖㸧

AFATAApplication for Approval for Thermal


AFCENAssociation Francaise pour les Regles

de Conception et de Construction des

AFCRAdvanced Fuel CANDU Reactor᪂ᆺ⇞ᩱ⅔㸦࢝ࢼࢲࠊ୰ᅜ㸧

AFLActive Fuel Length⇞ᩱ᭷ຠ㛗

AFL-CIOAmerican Federation of Labor and

AFM/SThMAtomic Force Microscope / Scanning

AFNETRAir Force Nuclear Engineering Test

AFPCAuxiliary Fuel Pool Cleaning & Clean-up

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AFRAAfrican Regional Cooperative Agreement࢔ࣇࣜ࢝ᆅᇦ༠ຊ༠ᐃ

AFRPAramid Fiber Reinforced Plastics࢔࣑ࣛࢻ⧄⥔ᙉ໬ࣉࣛࢫࢸ࢕ࢵࢡ

AFSAREVA Federal Services LLC࢔ࣞࣂ࣭ࣇ࢙ࢹ࣭ࣛࣝࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ♫㸦௖㸧

AFTCAssociation for Future's Creation of

AGAdvisory Groupㅎၥࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ㸦㹇㸿㹃㸿㸧 AGAktien Gesellschaftᰴᘧ఍♫㸦⊂㸧 AGAAutomatic Gas Analyzer⮬ື࢞ࢫศᯒ⿦⨨

AGAFAverage Power Range Monitor Gain

Adjustment Factorฟຊᰯṇಀᩘ

AGALAustralian Government Analytical

AGCCAdvanced Gasification Combined Cycle

Power Plantḟୡ௦▼IV࢞ࢫ໬」ྜⓎ㟁

AGCRAdvanced Gas Cooled ReactorᨵⰋᆺ࢞ࢫ෭༷⅔㸦ⱥࠊ㸿㹅㹐࡜␎ࡍ᪉ࡀ୍

AGE-DTAging General Evaluation - Diagnostic

AGEE-StatArbeitsgruppe Emeuerbare Energien-

AGE-RTAging General Evaluation - Repair

AGFAlfa - Gamma Facility↷ᑕ⇞ᩱヨ㦂᪋タ㸦᪥࣭㸧

AGHAkademia Gorniczo Hutnicza im

AGIPAGIP S.P.A.࢔ࢪࢵࣉ♫㸦ఀ㸧

AGNESAccidentally Generated Nuclear

- 12 -

AGPInternational Symposium on Achievement

of Good Performance in Nuclearࣉࣛࣥࢺ࣭ࣃࣇ࢛࣮࣐ࣥࢫ࡟㛵ࡍࡿᅜ㝿ࢩࣥ

AGSAlfa - Gamma Section↷ᑕ⇞ᩱヨ㦂ࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥ㸦᪥࣭㹈㹌㹁㸧

AGUAmerican Geophysical Union⡿ᅜᆅ⌫≀⌮㐃ྜ㸦⡿㸧 AHCAccess Hole Cover࢔ࢡࢭࢫ࣮࣍ࣝ࢝ࣂ࣮ AHRAqueous Homogeneous ReactorỈ⁐ᾮᆒ㉁⅔ AHSAdult Health Studyᡂே೺ᗣㄪᰝ

AHTGAd-Hoc Task Group≉ูࢱࢫࢡ࣭ࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ㸦⡿ࠊ㹌㹐㹁㸧

AHVSAir Conditioning and Ventilating System᥮Ẽ✵ㄪタഛ AHWRAdvanced Heavy Water Reactor᪂ᆺ㔜Ỉ⅔

AIAnsald Impianti࢔ࣥࢧࣝࢻ࣭࢖ࣥࣆ࢔ࣥࢸ࢕♫㸦࢖ࢱࣜ࢔㸧

AIAtomics International࢔ࢺ࣑ࢵࢡࢫ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢼࢩࣙࢼࣝ♫㸦⡿㸧

AICEAmerican Institute of Chemical

AIChEAmerican Institute of Chemical

AICPAAmerican Institute of Certified Public

AICSAdvanced Institute for Computational

- 13 -


AIEEAmerican Institute of Electrical

AIESECAssociation Internationale des

Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et

AiFArbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller

AIFENL'Association des Industriels Francais

Exportateurs du Nucleaire = Association

A-IGCCAdvanced Integrated Gasification

Combined Cycleḟୡ௦▼IV࢞ࢫ໬」ྜⓎ㟁

A-IGFCAdvanced Integrated Coal Gasification

Fuel Cell Combined Cycleḟୡ௦▼IV࢞ࢫ໬⇞ᩱ㟁ụ」ྜⓎ㟁

AIHXAdvanced Intermediate Heat Exchanger᪂ᆺ୰㛫⇕஺᥮ჾ AIHXAuxiliary Intermediate Heat Exchanger⿵ຓ୰㛫⇕஺᥮ჾ

AIIBAsian Infrastructure Investment Bank࢔ࢪ࢔࢖ࣥࣇࣛᢞ㈨఍♫

AIJAtoms in Japan࢔ࢺ࣒ࢬ࣭࢖࣭ࣥࢪࣕࣃࣥ㸦㹈㸿㹇㹄ࡀⓎ⾜

AINSEAustralian Institute of Nuclear Science

AINSTAsian Institute of Nuclear Science and

- 14 -

AIPPIAssociation Internationale pour la

AIPSAssociation of Imaging Producers and

AIRISAdvanced Inspection System for Reactor

and InternalsᨵⰋᆺ⅔ෆ᳨ᰝ⿦⨨㸦᪥࣭㹇㹆㹇〇㸧


AISAutomatic Identification System⮬ື⯪⯧㆑ู⿦⨨

AISCAmerican Institute of Steel

AISIAmerican Iron & Steel Institute࢔࣓ࣜ࢝㕲㗰༠఍㸦⡿㸧

AISTAgency of Industrial Science and

AISTNational Institute of Advanced

AITAugmented Inspection Teamᣑ኱᳨ᰝࢳ࣮࣒㸦⡿࣭㹌㹐㹁㸧


AJCEPASEAN Japn Comprehensive Economic

AJISSThe Association of Japanese Institutes

ALAccidental Loss஦ᨾ࡟ࡼࡿᦆኻ ALAction Level࢔ࢡࢩࣙࣥࣞ࣋ࣝ

AlAlfven Number࢔ࣝ࣋ࣥᩘ

ALARAas low as reasonably achievableྜ⌮ⓗ࡟㐩ᡂྍ⬟࡞㝈ࡾపࡃ

ALARPAs Low As Reasonably Practicableྜ⌮ⓗ࡟ᐇ⾜ྍ⬟࡞⛬పࡃࠊཪࡣྜ⌮ⓗ࡟ᐇ

ALCAutoclaved Light ConcreteⓎἻ㍍㔞ࢥࣥࢡ࣮ࣜࢺ

ALCSCAsian Linear Collider Steering

- 15 -

ALEArbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian௵ពࣛࢢࣛࣥࢪ࣭ࣗ࢜࢖࣮ࣛἲ㸦ゎᯒᡭἲ㸧

ALFREDAdvanced Lead Fast Reactor European

Demonstrator (Project)㸦ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ㸧㸦ࠊᐇド ALIVERAdvanced Loop in Vessel Reactor㸯ḟ⣔㸯యᆺ⅔ ALKEMAlpha-chemie und Metallurgie GmbH࢔ࣝࢣ࣒♫㸦⊂㸧 ALLOYAlloy and Carbon Steel Company Inc.㸿㹊㹊㹍㹗♫

ALMAAtacama Large Millimeter Submillimeter

ALMRAdvanced Liquid Metal ReactorᨵⰋᆺᾮయ㔠ᒓ෭༷⅔


ALPHAAssessment of Lords and Performance of

Containment in a Hypothetical Accident஦ᨾ᫬᱁⣡ᐜჾᣲືヨ㦂㸦᪥࣭㹈㸿㹃㹐㹇㸧

ALPSAdvanced Light Water Reactor Fuel

ALTAssistant Language Teacherእᅜㄒᣦᑟຓᡭ㸦᪥㸧


Integration and Review✵ㄪタィࢩࢫࢸ࣒

ALTSApache Leap Tuff Site࢔ࣃࢵࢳ࣮ࣜࣉจ⅊ᒾࢧ࢖ࢺ㸦⡿࣭࢔ࣜࢰࢼ

ALWRAdvanced Light Water ReactorᨵⰋᆺ㍍Ỉ⅔ A-LWRsAdvanced Light Water ReactorsᨵⰋᆺ㍍Ỉ⅔ AMAccident Management஦ᨾ࣐ࢿ࣮ࢪ࣓ࣥࢺ AMAlarm Meter࢔࣮࣒࣓࣮ࣛࢱ

AMDAtomic Minerals Directorate for

- 16 -

AMDAAutomated Mobile Decontamination

Appliance System⛣ືᘧ⮬ື㝖ᰁ⿦⨨

AMECArctic Military Environmental

AMECInternational Association for

Measurement and Evaluation of

AMeDASAutomated Meteorological Data

Acquisition System࢔࣓ࢲࢫ㸻⮬ືẼ㇟ほ ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࠊཪࡣᆅᇦ

AMFAmerican Machine and Foundry Co.࢔࣓࣭࣐ࣜ࢝ࣥࢩ࣭ࣥࣇ࢓ࣥࢻࣜ♫

AMGAccident Management Guideline஦ᨾ࣐ࢿ࣮ࢪ࣓ࣥࢺ࣭࢞࢖ࢻࣛ࢖ࣥ

AMGAlgebraic Multi-grid௦ᩘ࣐ࣝࢳࢢࣜࢵࢻἲ㸦ゎᯒᡭἲ㸧

Am-MOXMOX Pellet Containing Americium࢔࣓ࣜࢩ࣒࢘ྵ᭷㹋㹍㹖⇞ᩱ

AMMSTASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Science

AMNAnsaldo Meccanica Nucleare SpA࢔ࣥࢧࣝࢻ࣭࣓࢝ࢽ࣭࢝ࢽࣗࢡࣞ࢔ࣞ♫

AMOAccredited Material Organization㸿㹑㹋㹃ࡢㄆド῭ࡳᮦᩱ࣓࣮࣮࢝

AMOAtlantic Multidecadal Oscillation኱すὒᩘ༑ᖺ᣺ື

AMOCAge Momentum Correlation (Method)㸿㹋㹍㹁ἲࠊཪࡣᑑ࿨࣭㐠ື㔞┦㛵ἲ㸦㝧㟁

AMOCAtlantic Meridional Overturning

AMPAdenosine Monophosphate࢔ࢹࣀࢩ࣭ࣥࣜࣥ㓟 AMRRArmy Materials Research Reactor㝣㌷ᮦᩱヨ㦂⅔㸦⡿㸧 AMSAerial Measuring System⯟✵ ᐃࢩࢫࢸ࣒

AMSAerial Monitoring System⯟✵࠿ࡽࡢࣔࢽࢱ࣭ࢩࢫࢸ࣒

AMSAggregate Measurement of Supportᅜෆຓᡂྜィ㔞

AMSACAuxiliary Mitigating Systems Actuation

- 17 -

AMSACATWS Mitigation System Actuation

AMWTFAdvanced Mixed Waste Treatment FacilityᨵⰋᆺΰྜᗫᲠ≀ฎ⌮᪋タ㸦⡿㸧

ANCAPAdministracion Nacional de Combustibles

ANDRAAgence Nationale Pour La Gestion Dos

ANENTAsian Network for Education in Nuclear

ANERIAdvanced Nuclear Equipment Research

ANFActinide Nitride Fuel࢔ࢡࢳࢽࢻ❅໬≀⇞ᩱ ANFCAsian Nuclear Fuel Conference࢔ࢪ࢔᰾⇞ᩱᅜ㝿఍㆟

ANFURDAcademic Network contributing to

Fukushima Reconstruction and Reactor

ANHETNTAsian Networking of Higher Education

ANIAmerican Nuclear Insurers࢔࣓࣭ࣜ࢝ࣥࢽ࣮ࣗࢡࣜ࢔࣭࢖ࣥࢩ࣮ࣗࣛࢬ

ANIKAAdvanced Nuclear Information and

ANMAREVA Nuclear Materials࢔ࣞࣂ࣭ࢽ࣮ࣗࢡࣜ࢔࣭࣐ࢸࣜ࢔ࣝࢬ♫㸦㸿

ANMRCAdvanced Nuclear Materials Research

ANNAluminium Nitrate Nanohydrate◪㓟࢔࣑ࣝࢽ࣒࢘஑Ỉ໬≀

- 18 -

ANPArbeitsgemeinschaft Nukleare

ANPAAgenzie Nazionale per la Protezione

ANSCOAsia Nuclear Safety Consultation

ANSERAutomatic Answer Network System for

ANSTOAustralian Nuclear Science and

ANTARESAREVA New Technology based on Advanced

ANTEPAsian Nuclear Training and Education

ANTMAssociation for Nuclear Technology in

ANTTAgencia Nacional de Transportes


AOAir Operated✵Ẽసື

AOAnalog Output࢔ࢼࣟࢢฟຊ

AOArctic Oscillation໭ᴟ᣺ື

AOAxial Offset㍈᪉ྥฟຊ೫ᕪ

AOARPAsian and Oceanic Association for

AOCRPAsian and Oceanic Congress for

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AOCRP-1The First Asian and Oceanic Congress

AODArgon Oxygen Decarbonization࢔ࣝࢦࣥ⬺࢞ࢫ⢭㘐ฎ⌮

AOHAtominstitut der Osterreichischen

AOMLAtlantic Oceanographic and

AOOAnticipated Operational Occurrence㐠㌿ኻᩋ AOPAbnormal Operating Procedure␗ᖖ᫬᧯సᡭ㡰 AOQAverage Out-going Qualityᖹᆒฟ᳨ရ㉁

AOTSThe Association for Overseas Technical

AOUApparent Oxygen Utilizationぢ࠿ࡅࡢ㓟⣲ᾘ㈝㔞 APAccess Permit࢔ࢡࢭࢫチྍ APAdministrative Procedure⾜ᨻᡭ㡰

APAir Pollution Meter㹑㹍ィ

AP&LArizona Power & Light Co.࢔ࣜࢰࢼ㟁ຊ఍♫㸦⡿㸧


Pressurized Water Reactor - 600᪂ᆺࣉࣛࣥࢺ㸫㸴㸮㸮ࠊཪࡣ᪂ᆺຍᅽỈᆺཎ


Pressurized Water Reactor - 600᪂ᆺࣉࣛࣥࢺ㸫㸴㸮㸮ࠊཪࡣ᪂ᆺຍᅽỈᆺཎ

APCAtomic Power Constructions Ltds.࢔ࢺ࣑ࢵࢡ࣭ࣃ࣮࣭࣡ࢥࣥࢫࢺࣛࢡࢩࣙࣥࢬ

APCAutomatic Power Control㸦࣎࢖ࣛࡢ㸧⮬ືࣃ࣮࣡ࢥࣥࢺ࣮ࣟࣝ

APCAutomatic Palette Changer⮬ືࣃࣞࢵࢺ஺᥮⿦⨨ - 20 - APDAxial Power Distribution㍈᪉ྥฟຊศᕸ

APDMSAxial Power Distribution Monitoring

APECAsia Pacific Economic Cooperation

APE-THESEOAirborne Platform for Earth Observation

- Third European Stratospheric

APFBCAdvanced Pressurized Fluidized Bed

APIApplication Program Interface࢔ࣉࣜࢣ࣮ࢩ࣭ࣙࣥࣉࣟࢢ࣒࣭ࣛ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮

APIAmerican Petroleum Institute࢔࣓ࣜ࢝▼Ἔ༠఍㸦⡿㸧

APLArkansas Power & Light Co.࢔࣮࢝ࣥࢧࢫ㟁ຊ఍♫㸦⡿㸧

APMAluminum Powder Metallurgy࢔࣑ࣝ⢊ᮎ෬㔠

A-PODIAAdvanced-Plant Operation by Displayed

APPAsia Pacific Partnership for Clean

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APPTCAsia Pacific Plasma Theory Conference࢔ࢪ࢔ኴᖹὒࣉࣛࢬ࣐⌮ㄽ఍㆟

APRAdvanced Power ReactorᨵⰋᆺ⅔㸦㡑ᅜ㸧 APRAir Purifying RespiratorίẼᘧ࿧྾ჾ APRAnnual Percentage Rate Returnᖺ㛫ᢞ㈨ᅇ཰⋡ APRMAverage Power Range Monitorᖹᆒฟຊ㡿ᇦࣔࢽࢱ APSAuxiliary Power System⿵ຓ㟁※タഛ

APSAAge-Dependent Probabilistic Safety

APSDAuto Power Spectrum Density࣮࢜ࢺࣃ࣮࣡ࢫ࣌ࢡࢺࣝᐦᗘ㛵ᩘ

APSRAxial Power Shaping Rod㍈᪉ྥฟຊศᕸᙧᡂᲬ APSRAAxial Power Shaping Rod Assembly㍈᪉ྥฟຊศᕸᙧᡂᲬ

APSSNMAdvisory Panel on Safeguarding Special

Nuclear Material≉Ṧ᰾≀㉁ಖ㞀ᥐ⨨່࿌ࣃࢿࣝ㸦⡿㸧

APUAuxiliary Power Unit⿵ຓືຊ⿦⨨

APVArbeitsgemeinschaft fur

AQAPAl Quaeda in the Arabian Peninsula࢔ࣛࣅ࢔༙ᓥࡢ࢔ࣝ࢝࢖ࢲ

AQIAir Quality Index✵Ẽ㉁ᣦᩘࠊཪࡣ኱Ẽ㉁ᣦᩘ AQLAcceptable Quality Levelྜ᱁ရ㉁Ỉ‽ AQUAFLUORAqueous and Fluoride Volatility Process࢔ࢡ࢔ࣇ࣮ࣟἲ

AQUA-SFAdvanced Simulation Using Quadratic

Upstream Differencing Algorithm -

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ARAppropriation Request≉ูᨭฟ㔠せồ



ARACAir-borne (or Atmospheric) Release

Advisory Capability኱Ẽᨺฟຓゝ⬟ຊ

ARATSAssociation for Relations Across the

ARAVSAuxiliary and Radwaste Area Ventilation

ARBAir Resources Board኱Ẽ㈨※ᒁ㸦⡿ࠊ࢝ࣜࣇ࢛ࣝࢽ࢔ࠊ㹁㸿㹐

ARCThe Advanced Reactor Corporation᪂ᆺ⅔఍♫㸦⡿㸧

ARCJoyo Area Research Center㸦㈈㸧ᖖ㝧ᆅᇦ◊✲ࢭࣥࢱ࣮

ARCICAdvanced Reactor Core Isolation Cooling

ARDArbeitsgemeinschaft der Offentlich-

Rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der



ARDUTLRAging Related Degradation Unique to

AREDESAtmospheric Release Emergency Dose

Evaluation System⥭ᛴ᫬ᨺᑕ⬟ᙳ㡪ホ౯ࢩࢫࢸ࣒

AREVAAnticoagulation et Remplacement

ARFASEAN (Association of South East Asian

Nations) Regional Forumᮾ༡࢔ࢪ࢔ㅖᅜ㐃ྜᆅᇦࣇ࢛࣮࣒ࣛࠊཪࡣ㸿

ARGAccident Review Group஦ᨾࣞࣅ࣮࣭ࣗࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ㸦⡿ࠊ㹌㹐㹁㸧

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ARHCOAtlantic Richfield Hanford Co.࢔ࢺࣛࣥࢸ࢕ࢵࢡࣜࢵࢳࣇ࢕࣮ࣝࢻࣁࣥ

ARIESAdvanced Reactivity Initiated Event

ARMAdvanced RISC Machines Ltd.㸿㹐㹋♫㸦ⱥࠊ༙ᑟయ࣓࣮࣮࢝㸧

ARMFAdvanced Reactivity Measurement

Facility᪂ᆺ཯ᛂᗘィ ⿦⨨

ARPA-EAdvanced Research Project Agency -

ARPANETAdvanced Research Project Agency

Computer Network㸿㹐㹎㸿ࡢసࡗࡓࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢱࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡ

ARPANSAAustralian Radiation Protection and

ARTAnalysis of Radionuclide Transport Code㸿㹐㹒ࢥ࣮ࢻ㸦᪥࣭㹈㸿㹃㹐㹇ࠊ㹄㹎ᣲືゎ

ARTISTAmide-based Radio-resources Treatment


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ASAugered Shaft⦪ᆙ

ASAAssociation of Southeast Asiaᮾ༡࢔ࢪ࢔㐃ྜ

ASAMApplication of Safety Assessment

Methodologies for Near Surface Waste

ASAMPSA_EAdvanced Safety Assessment

Methodologies : Expended PSAᣑᙇ

ASAPas soon as possible࡛ࡁࡿࡔࡅ᪩ࡃ

ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information

ASCOTAssessment of Safety Culture in

ASCRSAuxiliary Steam Condensate Return

ASDEXAxially Symmetric Divertor Experiment㍈ᑐ⛠ࢲ࢖ࣂ࣮ࢱᐇ㦂⿦⨨

ASDEX-UAxially Symmetric Divertor Experiment -

ASDFAir Self Defense Force⯟✵⮬⾨㝲㸦᪥㸧quotesdbs_dbs1.pdfusesText_1
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