[PDF] RESOLUTION Mar 22 2022 Resolutions

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UN Resolution 1514 (1960)

Takes note of the report of the Security Council to the General Assembly covering the period from 16 July. 1959 to 15 July 1960.36. 1492 (XV).


colonial peoples in the attainment of their right to self-determination and independence in accordance with General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV).


Mar 1 2018 the adoption of Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960. A huge mass of. General Assembly resolutions were adopted in this field


943ème séance plénière. 12 décembre 1960. 1514 (XV). Déclaration sur l'octroi de l'indépen- dance aux pays et aux peuples coloniaux.


Feb 25 2019 Recalling the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial. Countries and Peoples


Resolutions adopted on the reports of the Fourth Committee the Cook Islands13 and the information on Nations under General Assembly resolution 1514.

General Assembly resolution 2131 (XX) of 21 December 1965

resolution 1514 (XV)). After invoking Article 1 paragraph 2

International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial

(General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV)) has affirmed and solemnly proclaimed the necessity of bringing them to a speedy and unconditional end.


Mar 22 2022 Resolutions

108 - particular the dispatch of visiting missions to those Territories

Dec 14 1973 Recalling its resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December. 1960

[PDF] UN Resolution 1514 (1960)

1 Urges that all countries in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations refrain from actions likely to aggravate international tensions;

A/Res/1514(XV) - UNdocsorg

A/Res/1514(XV) ??????? ?? English Français ??????? Español

Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries

SymbolA/RES/1514(XV) TitleDeclaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples AccessEnglish: A_RES_1514(XV)-EN - PDF ; Español: 

Déclaration sur loctroi de lindépendance aux pays et aux peuples

Déclare ce qui suit : 1 La sujétion des peuples à une subjugation à une domination et à une exploitation étrangères constitue un déni des droits fondamentaux 

[PDF] 1513 (XV) Rapport du Conseil de sécurité LAssemblée générale

1 Prie instamment tous les pays de s'abstenir con- formément à la Charte des Nations 1514 (XV) Résolutions adoptées sans renvoi à une commission

Assemblée Générale - Nations Unies - Wikisource

9 mai 2021 · Page:Résolution 1514 (XV) de l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies pdf /1 Cette page a été validée par deux contributeurs

Résolution 1514 de lAssemblée générale des Nations unies

11 nov 2021 · Livre:Résolution 1514 (XV) de l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies pdf ; Publication originale Résolution 1514 (XV) de l'Assemblée générale 

[PDF] 258 167 joint declaration of judges cançado trindade and robinson

The Court should have paid more attention to the value of key resolutions of the General Assembly such as resolu- tions 1188 (XII) of 11 December 1957 1514 ( 

[PDF] 338 247 DÉCLARATION DE M LE JUGE SALAM [Texte original en

Above all it noted the importance of General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) which it views as a defining moment in the evolu- tion of the position of States on 

[PDF] Resolutions adopted on the reports of the Fourth Committee - WorldLII

eral Assembly resolution 1514 (XV); 4 Strongly condemns the exploitation of the colonial Territories and peoples and the methods practised in the 





S pain's foreign policy towards Western

Sahara has taken a historic turn with the

sending of a letter from the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, to the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, as well as subsequent state- ments by the head of the Government and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European

Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Alba-

res, expressing Spain's intention to accept the autonomy plan for the Sahara proposed by the Moroccan authorities in 2007.

Thus, for the first time since Spain abando-

ned Western Sahara, a Government of Spain has officially positioned itself in favour of one of the parties to the conflict, in this case the occupying power, Morocco. Against this po- sition, the Polisario Front, as the legitimate representative of the Sahrawi people, has always defended the need for a referendum on self-determination.

Faced with this new, unexpected and surprising

turn of Spanish foreign policy, the Executive Committee of CCOO expresses its total re-jection of the content of this Spanish governmen- tal position, which once again betrays the

Sahrawi people and contravenes the main

resolutions of the United Nations on Western

Sahara, the African Union, the European

Union, the International Court of Justice and

the European Court of Justice.

Over the last decades, CCOO has repeat-

edly condemned the continuous attacks by the Moroccan authorities on Sahrawi inter- ests and the Sahrawi people, the violence against the Sahrawi population in the terri- tories occupied by Morocco and especially against Sahrawi women and the subhuman living conditions of the Sahrawi population in the Tindouf camps.

This turnaround in the position of the Spanish

government gives carte blanche to the King- dom of Morocco to continue to exercise all kinds of violence against the Sahrawi popu- lation and takes us further and further away from a just solution for the Sahrawi people.


From our astonishment at this news and

our deep concern about the impact that this decision may have on the lives of Sahrawi men and women, the Executive Com- mittee of CCOO reminds the

Government of Spain:

n That international law does not recognise any Moroccan sovereignty or jurisdiction over the territory of Western Sahara, nor does it consider Morocco as the administering Power of the territory. This is confirmed, among other international norms and resolutions, by the

UN Charter (Chapter 73), the UN Convention

on the Law of the Sea, the 1975 advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on Western

Sahara and the 2002 UN opinion.

n That Morocco's presence in the Sahrawi territory is only mentioned as an act of military "occupation" (UN General Assemblies Resolu- tions 34/39 of 1979 and 35/19 of 1980) and that it should be terminated. n That Western Sahara is still on the UN list of "non-self-governing territories", and its final political status has not yet been de- termined by the people of Western Sahara through the exercise of their legitimate right to self-determination, as clearly stated in all UN

Resolutions, especially UN General Assembly

Resolution 1514 of 1960.

n The systematic plundering of Sahrawi natural resources by Morocco, the EU and others and the serious and systematic human rights violations in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, widely documented and denounced by international human rights organisations and the Office of the UN High

Commissioner for Human Rights.




4 To proceed, as soon as possible, to give

the appropriate explanations for a decision that has surprised Spanish public opinion and to reconsider this position, which con- travenes all known international resolutions on Western Sahara, thus expressing its une- quivocal support for international resolutions and respect for human rights in the occupied by Morocco, and taking into account the re- commendations and rulings emanating from the European Court of Justice and other in- ternational bodies.

4 To comply with international law and as-

sume the role of decolonisation of a territory that it abandoned to its fate, signing illegal and pre-constitutional agreements without assuming the role that international law obliges to assume and violating the rights generated by the Sahrawi workers during the colonial period.

4 To respect the decisions and negotia-

tions of the legitimate representative of the

Sahrawi people, the Polisario Front, in or-

der to reach a just and definitive solution to this last case of decolonisation in Africa, based on international legality and related to decolonisation.

4 To facilitate ways for a negotiated solu-

tion to the conflict within international lega- lity, which in no case involves unilaterally supporting the theses proposed by the King- dom of Morocco on the autonomy of Western




4 To remember that the social and the

labour rights of Sahrawi workers were re- cognised in 2011. Thus, the Spanish courts approved in Law 27/2011, an additional provision that urged the Administration to prepare a report quantifying the number of

Sahrawi workers and the amounts corres-

ponding to the workers of Spanish compa- nies during the colonial era. Unfortunately, successive governments in subsequent years and up to the present have ignored and blocked compliance with this Law and its Provision, which both legitimately and legally should be assumed by the Spanish

State and which year after year the Spanish

and Sahrawi trade unions have been deman- ding without response to the failure to comply with Law 27/2011. The Spanish Government has the duty to proceed to its immediate appli- cation and compliance.

4 That not only the Spanish trade unions,

but the Spanish society as a whole in its civil, political and citizen expressions has been and continues to be deeply supportive of the cause and the needs of the Sahrawi people and that from CCOO we will not cease in our efforts to achieve justice for the

Sahrawi cause and the recognition of the le-

gal provisions approved at the international level and by the Spanish Parliament.Madrid, 22 March 2022

Finally, we insist on our ca-

tegorical rejection, with no hesitation, of the decision communicated by the cu- rrent Spanish government.

Therefore, as we have al-

ready done in the European

Parliament and in nume-

rous spaces in the Spanish and international civil and trade union society, over the years, we call to pro- mote today more than ever the support and solidarity with the Sahrawi people and their cause.quotesdbs_dbs44.pdfusesText_44
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