[PDF] Solving the Heat Equation (Sect. 10.5). Review: The Stationary Heat

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2 Heat Equation - 2.1 Derivation

Consider the example above where we looked to solve the heat equation on an interval with Dirichlet boundary conditions. (A similar remark holds for the 

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Solution of the Heat Equation by Separation of Variables

Jan 26 2007 The problem is to determine u(x

Solving the Heat Equation (Sect. 10.5). Review: The Stationary Heat

? The Initial-Boundary Value Problem. ? The separation of variables method. ? An example of separation of variables. Review: The Stationary Heat Equation.

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Feb 25 2014 Solving the Heat Equation. Case 1: homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. We now apply separation of variables to the heat problem.

Solving the Heat Equation (Sect. 10.5).

?Review: The Stationary Heat Equation. ?The Heat Equation. ?The Initial-Boundary Value Problem. ?The separation of variables method. ?An example of separation of variables.Review: The Stationary Heat Equation. Review:The Stationary Heat Equation describes the temperature distribution in a solid material in thermal equilibrium. The temperature is time-independent.Problem:The time-independent temperature,T, of a bar of lengthLwith insulated horizontal sides and vertical extremes kept at fixed temperaturesT0,TL, is the solution of the BVP:T ??(x) = 0,x?(0,L),T(0) =T0,T(L) =TL,T 0 xLy z xL insulation insulation 0 T Remark:The heat transfer occurs only along thex-axis.

Solving the Heat Equation (Sect. 10.5).

?Review: The Stationary Heat Equation. ?The Heat Equation. ?The Initial-Boundary Value Problem. ?The separation of variables method. ?An example of separation of variables.The Heat Equation.


?The unknown of the problem isu(t,x), the temperature of the bar at the timetand positionx. ?The temperaturedoes notdepend onyorz.?The one-dimensional Heat Equation is: tu(t,x) =k∂2xu(t,x),wherek>0 is the heat conductivity,units:[k] =(distance)2(time). ?The Heat Equation is a Partial Differential Equation, PDE.0 u(t,x)t t t u = 0u < 0u > 0 t is held constant. xLu

Solving the Heat Equation (Sect. 10.5).

?Review: The Stationary Heat Equation. ?The Heat Equation. ?The Initial-Boundary Value Problem. ?The separation of variables method. ?An example of separation of variables.The Initial-Boundary Value Problem.


TheIBVP for the one-dimensional Heat Equationis the following: Given a constantk>0 and a functionf: [0,L]→Rwith f(0) =f(L) = 0, findu: [0,∞)×[0,L]→Rsolution of tu(t,x) =k∂2xu(t,x),I.C.:u(0,x) =f(x),B.C.:u(t,0) = 0,u(t,L) = 0.u ( t, L ) = 0 xt 0Lt x2d u = k d u u ( 0, x ) = f ( x )u ( t, 0 ) = 0

Solving the Heat Equation (Sect. 10.5).

?Review: The Stationary Heat Equation. ?The Heat Equation. ?The Initial-Boundary Value Problem. ?The separation of variables method. ?An example of separation of variables.The separation of variables method.


?The idea is to transform the PDE into infinitely many ODEs. ?We describe this method in 6 steps.

Step 1:

One looks for solutionsugiven by an infinite series of simpler functions,u n,that is, u(t,x) =∞? n=1c nun(t,x),whereu nis simpler thanuis the sense, u n(t,x) =vn(t)wn(x).Herecnare constants,n= 1,2,···.

The separation of variables method.

Step 2:

Introduce the series expansion foruinto the Heat Equation, tu-k∂2xu= 0? n=1c n?∂tun-k∂2xun?= 0.A sufficient condition for the equation above is:To findu n, for n= 1,2,···,solutions of tun-k∂2xun= 0.Step 3: Findu n(t,x) =vn(t)wn(x)solution of the IBVP tun-k∂2xun= 0.I.C.:u n(0,x) =wn(x),B.C.:u n(t,0) = 0,un(t,L) = 0.The separation of variables method.

Step 4:(Key step.)

Transform the IBVP foru

ninto:(a)IVP forv n;(b)BVP forw n.


tun(t,x)=∂t?vn(t)wn(x)?=wn(x)dvndt (t).∂

2(x).Therefore, the equation∂tun=k∂2xunis given by

w n(x)dvndt (t) =k vn(t)d2wndx 2(x)1 k v n(t)dv ndt (t) =1w n(x)d 2wndx

2(x).Depends only ont=Depends only onx.

The separation of variables method.


k v n(t)dv ndt (t) =1w n(x)d 2wndx

2(x).Depends only ont=Depends only onx.?The Heat Equation has the following property:

The left-hand side depends only ont, while the right-hand side depends only onx.?When this happens in a PDE, one can use the separation of variables method on that PDE.?We conclude that for appropriate constantsλ mholds 1 k v n(t)dv ndt (t) =-λn,1 w n(x)d 2wndx

2(x) =-λn.?We have transformed the original PDE into infinitely many

ODEs parametrized byn, positive integer.The separation of variables method. Summary Step 4:The originalIBVPfor the Heat Equation, PDE, is transformed into:(a)The IVP forv n, 1 k v n(t)dv ndt (t) =-λn,I.C.:v n(0) = 1.(b)The BVP forw n, 1 w n(x)d 2wndx

2(x) =-λn,B.C.:w

n(0) = 0,wn(L) = 0.Step 5: (a)Solve the IVP forv n. (b)Solve the BVP forw n.

The separation of variables method.

Step 5(a):Solving the IVP forv

n. v ?n(t) +kλnvn(t) = 0,I.C.:v n(0) = 1.The integrating factor method implies thatμ(t) =ekλnt. e kλntv?n(t) +kλnekλntvn(t) = 0? ?ekλntvn(t)? ?= 0.e kλntvn(t) =cn?vn(t) =cne-kλnt.1 =vn(0) =c?v n(t) =e-kλnt.The separation of variables method.

Step 5(a):Recall:v

n(t) =e-kλnt.

Step 5(b):Eigenvalue-eigenvector problem forw

n: Find the eigenvaluesλnand the non-zero eigenfunctionswn solutions of the BVPw ??n(x) +λnwn(x) = 0B.C.:w n(0) = 0,wn(L) = 0.We know that this problem has solution only forλ n>0.


n=μ2n.Proposingwn(x) =ernx,we get that p(rn) =r2n+μ2n= 0?r n±=±μniThe real-valued general solution is w n(x) =c1cos(μnx) +c2sin(μnx).

The separation of variables method.


n(t) =e-kλnt,w n(x) =c1cos(μnx) +c2sin(μnx).

The boundary conditions imply,

0 =wn(0)=c1?wn(x) =c2sin(μnx).0 =wn(L)=c2sin(μnL),c

2?= 0,?sin(μnL) = 0.μ

nL=nπ?μn=nπL?λ n=?nπL

2.Choosingc2= 1, we getw

n(x) = sin?nπxL

We conclude that:u

n(t,x) =e-k(nπL )2tsin?nπxL ?,n= 1,2,···.The separation of variables method.

Step 6:Recall:u

n(t,x) =e-k(nπL )2tsin?nπxL Compute the solution to the IBVP for the Heat Equation, u(t,x) =∞? n=1c nun(t,x).u(t,x) =∞? n=1c ne-k(nπL )2tsin?nπxL .By construction, this solution satisfies the boundary conditions, u(t,0) = 0,u(t,L) = 0.Given a functionfwithf(0) =f(L) = 0, the solutionuabove satisfies the initial conditionf(x) =u(0,x) iff holdsf(x) =∞? n=1c nsin?nπxL?

The separation of variables method.


u(t,x) =∞? n=1c ne-k(nπL )2tsin?nπxL ?,f(x) =∞? n=1c nsin?nπxL This is a Sine Series forf. The coefficientscnare computed in the usual way.Recall the orthogonality relation L 0 sin?nπxL sin?mπxL dx=? ?0,m?=n, L2 ,m=n.Multiply the equation foruby sin?mπxL nd integrate, n=1c n? L 0 sin?nπxL sin?mπxL dx=? L 0 f(x) sin?mπxL dx.c n=2L L 0 f(x) sin?nπxL dx,u(t,x) =∞? n=1c ne-k(nπL )2tsin?nπxL .The separation of variables method.

Summary:IBVP for the Heat Equation.


u(t,x) =∞? n=1c nvn(t)wn(x).where ?v n: Solution of an IVP. ?w n: Solution of a BVP, an eigenvalue-eigenfunction problem. ?c n: Fourier Series coefficients.


The separation of variables method does not work for every PDE.

Solving the Heat Equation (Sect. 10.5).

?Review: The Stationary Heat Equation. ?The Heat Equation. ?The Initial-Boundary Value Problem. ?The separation of variables method. ?An example of separation of variables.An example of separation of variables.


Find the solution to the IBVP 4∂tu=∂2xu,t>0,x?[0,2], u(0,x) = 3sin(πx/2),u(t,0) = 0,u(t,2) = 0.Solution:Letun(t,x) =vn(t)wn(x).Then


(t) =vn(t)d2wdx 2(x)?


n(t)=w??n(x)w n(x)=-λn.The equations forvnandwnarev ?n(t) +λn4 vn(t) = 0,w ??n(x) +λnwn(x) = 0.We solve forvnwith the initial conditionvn(0) = 1. e n4 tv?n(t) +λn4 eλ n4 tvn(t) = 0? ?eλ n4 tvn(t)??= 0.

An example of separation of variables.


Find the solution to the IBVP 4∂tu=∂2xu,t>0,x?[0,2], u(0,x) = 3sin(πx/2),u(t,0) = 0,u(t,2) = 0.Solution:Recall:? eλ n4 tvn(t)??= 0.Therefore, v n(t) =c e-λn4 t,1 =vn(0)=c?v n(t) =e-λn4 t.Next the BVP:w ??n(x) +λnwn(x) = 0, withw n(0) =wn(L) = 0. Sinceλn>0, introduceλn=μ2n.The characteristic polynomial is p(r) =r2+μ2n= 0?r n±=±μni.The general solution,w n(x) =c1cos(μnx) +c2sin(μnx).

The boundary conditions imply

0 =wn(0) =c1,?wn(x) =c2sin(μnx).An example of separation of variables.


Find the solution to the IBVP 4∂tu=∂2xu,t>0,x?[0,2], u(0,x) = 3sin(πx/2),u(t,0) = 0,u(t,2) = 0.Solution:Recall:v n(t) =e-λn4 t, andw n(x) =c2sin(μnx).

0 =wn(2) =c2sin(μn2),c

2?= 0,?sin(μn2) = 0.Then,μn2 =nπ,that is,μn=nπ2

.Choosingc2= 1, we conclude,λ m=?nπ2

2,wn(x) = sin?nπx2

.u(t,x) =∞? n=1c ne-(nπ4 )2tsin?nπx2

An example of separation of variables.


Find the solution to the IBVP 4∂tu=∂2xu,t>0,x?[0,2],quotesdbs_dbs20.pdfusesText_26
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