[PDF] 2019 - 2024 ??????? - Martes - Úterý - Tirsdag - Dienstag

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Le salaire du sniper dans Passages denfer de Didier Daeninckx

Le salaire du sniper dans Passages d'enfer de Didier Daeninckx. Audio Partie 1. Audio Partie 2. « Il n'y a rien de pire qu'un conflit qui s'éternise. La 

2) Question dont la réponse est personnelle… 3) On comprend le

Explication de texte : Le salaire du sniper. 1. Qu'as-tu compris de la nouvelle ? Résume-la avec tes propres mots. 2. Aimerais-tu être le personnage de 

Je lis et je comprends – QCM- Le salaire du sniper

Quel est le métier de Jean-Yves Delorce ? Militaire Je lis et je comprends – QCM- Le salaire du sniper ... De faire un reportage sur un héros de guerre ...


Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division of the Library of Congress. Fear (aka Le salaire de la peur 1953


Quelle est la représentation de la presse dans les Romans et la Nouvelle ? Informer est-ce toujours déformer ? Supports : 1. « Le salaire du sniper.

cartographie des médias numériques : - le maroc

03-Sept-2013 contenu audio et vidéo les contenus spécifiquement multimédia sont quasiment ... telles que le salaire du roi et les arrestations de hauts ...

Canada Gazette Part II

22-Dec-2021 La Partie II de la Gazette du Canada est le recueil des ... including live use of automatic weapons sniper rifles and.

LIMSI - Scientific Report 2012

31-Dec-2015 ANR: Agence Nationale de la Recherche - National Research Agency ... Three main aspects are concerned: audio analysis.

2019 - 2024 ??????? - Martes - Úterý - Tirsdag - Dienstag

08-Mar-2022 15 - Integración de la perspectiva de género en el Parlamento ... StratCom must become more independent and a much stronger voice in the EU.

a short history of - film

Lee de Forest demonstrates Phonofilm his sound-on-film process

[PDF] Le salaire du sniper dans Passages denfer de Didier Daeninckx

Le salaire du sniper dans Passages d'enfer de Didier Daeninckx Audio Partie 1 Audio Partie 2 « Il n'y a rien de pire qu'un conflit qui s'éternise

Le salaire du sniper - Didier Deaninckx - Livre audio - YouTube

30 jan 2022 · La nouvelle « Le salaire du sniper » appartient au recueil Passages d'enfer publié en 1998 L Durée : 20:47Postée : 30 jan 2022

la salaire du sniper Partie 1 - YouTube

22 mar 2020 · Livre audio - Les Misérables - Partie 2 Cosette - Chapitres 1-2-3 Idea Lettres Idea Lettres Durée : 7:26Postée : 22 mar 2020

Le salaire du sniper

19 jan 2023 · DOCUMENT N°1 DOCUMENT N°1 PDF texte integral Nouvelle le salaire du sniper de Didier DAENINCKX more_vertical 

Découvrir « Le salaire du sniper » Lelivrescolairefr

La nouvelle « Le salaire du sniper » appartient au recueil Passages d'enfer publié en 1998 L'histoire se déroule à Kotorosk ville imaginaire d'Europe de 

Collège [4e] Séquence 3 Une nouvelle contemporaine Le Salaire

6 jan 2020 · Support : œuvre intégrale Le Salaire du Sniper une nouvelle contemporaine tirée de Passage d'Enfer de D Daeninckx Plan de travail

Le salaire du Sniper - partie 1 - Audioblogs

Vous êtes perdu ? L'erreur est humaine enfin cette fois elle est plutôt informatique ! Revenir à la page d'accueil


Séance 1 : La vie quotidienne de Jean-Yves Delorce reporter de guerre Problématique : Quelles sont les conditions de travail du reporter ? Support : Incipit 

Le Salaire du sniper - Vikidia lencyclopédie des 8-13 ans

Il y a une guerre à Kotorosk (ville imaginaire d'Europe de l'Est) et deux journalistes Jean-Yves Delorce et Philippe doivent faire un reportage sur cette 

  • Quel est le salaire d'un sniper ?

    Salaires Sniper - 1 salaires292 869 €/anSalaires Sniper - 1 salaires31 714 $US/anSalaires Sniper - 1 salaires1 025 $US/moisSalaires Sniper - 1 salaires12 134 $US/an
  • Quel est le métier de Jean-yves Delorce ?

    L'employé de Polex, Jean-Yves Delorce, est un journaliste honnête qui ne veut pas désinformer, il est bienveillant, correct et il essaie de trouver un moyen simple, déontologique et légal de faire de l'audience.
  • Qui est le Gavroche de Kotorosk ?

    Gavroche est un personnage du roman Les M de V . Gavroche est le symbole du c , de l'entraide, de la r , de la persévérance. Il ose affronter tous les pour défendre la liberté.
  • On apprend à la fin de la nouvelle que le caméraman resté à Kotorosk a payé un sniper pour tirer sur l'enfant. 3) On comprend le titre de la nouvelle à la toute fin du récit lorsque le caméraman paie le sniper d'un montant de 250$. La moitié de la somme soit disant demandée par « Yochka » pour se laisser filmer.

ȂDzǹǺȃǼǴDzǿǷ ...................................................................................................................................................80

08-03-2022 4 ES ÍNDICE 1 - Apertura del período de sesiones .........................................................................................................27 2 - Apertura de la sesión ..............................................................................................................................27 3 - Injerencias extranjeras en todos los procesos democráticos de la UE (debate) .............................28 4 - Reanudación de la sesión ......................................................................................................................71 5 - Día Internacional de la Mujer - Alocución de Oksana Zabuzhko ...................................................71 6 - Turno de votaciones ...............................................................................................................................79 7 - Reanudación de la sesión ......................................................................................................................79 8 - Composición de las comisiones y delegaciones ................................................................................79 9 - Deterioro de la situación de los refugiados a raíz de la agresión rusa contra Ucrania (debate) ..80 10 - Situación en Bosnia y Herzegovina (debate) .................................................................................130 11 - Anuncio de los resultados de las votaciones: véase el Acta .........................................................136 12 - Situación en Bosnia y Herzegovina (continuación del debate) ...................................................137 13 - Aumento de los precios de la energía y manipulación del mercado del gas (debate) .............143 14 - Composición de los Grupos políticos ............................................................................................172 15 - Integración de la perspectiva de género en el Parlamento Europeo - Informe anual 2020

(debate) ........................................................................................................................................................172

16 - Plan de Acción en materia de Género III de la UE (debate) ..........................................................184 17 - Explicaciones de voto: véase el Acta ...............................................................................................197 18 - Correcciones e intenciones de voto: véase el Acta ........................................................................197 19 - Orden del día de la próxima sesión .................................................................................................197 20 - Cierre de la sesión ..............................................................................................................................197

08-03-2022 5 CS OBSAH 1 - Zahájení Ā zasedání ....................................................................................................................27 2 - Zahájení denního zasedání ...................................................................................................................27 3 - Ā Ďő do všech demokratických ş v Evropské unii, ĀĎ dezinformací

(rozprava) ......................................................................................................................................................28

4 - Ā denního zasedání .............................................................................................................71 5 - Mezinárodní den žen - Projev Oksany Zabužkové ..........................................................................71 6 - Hlasování .................................................................................................................................................79 7 - Ā denního zasedání .............................................................................................................79 8 - ÿ ve výborech a delegacích ........................................................................................................79 9 - Zhoršování situace ş v ş agrese Ruska şĀ Ď (rozprava) .......................80 10 - Situace v Ď a Ď (rozprava) .....................................................................................130 11 - Oznámení ş hlasování: viz zápis .......................................................................................136 12 - Situace v Ď a Ď Ā rozpravy) .............................................................137 13 - ş cen energií a manipulace na trhu s plynem (rozprava) .......................................................143 14 - ÿ v politických skupinách ....................................................................................................172 15 - Genderový mainstreaming v Evropském parlamentu - Ā zpráva za rok 2020 (rozprava)

16 - Ā plán EU pro rovnost žen a ŭş III (rozprava) .................................................................184 17 - Ď hlasování: viz zápis ........................................................................................................197 18 - Opravy hlasování a Ď o úmyslu hlasovat: viz zápis ............................................................197 19 - ʼn jednání ʼnő denního zasedání .......................................................................................197 20 - Ā denního zasedání .............................................................................................................197

08-03-2022 6 DA INDHOLD 1 - Åbning af sessionen ...............................................................................................................................27 2 - Åbning af mødet .....................................................................................................................................27 3 - Udenlandsk indblanding i alle demokratiske processer i Den Europaeiske Union (forhandling)

4 - Genoptagelse af mødet ..........................................................................................................................71 5 - Kvindernes internationale kampdag - Tale af Oksana Zabuzjko, ukrainsk forfatter ..................71 6 - Afstemningsrunde ..................................................................................................................................79 7 - Genoptagelse af mødet ..........................................................................................................................79 8 - Udvalgenes og delegationernes sammensaetning ..............................................................................79 9 - Den forvaerrede flygtningesituation som følge af Ruslands angreb på Ukraine (forhandling) ...80 10 - Situationen i Bosnien-Hercegovina (forhandling) ........................................................................130 11 - Bekendtgørelse af afstemningsresultaterne: se protokollen .......................................................136 12 - Situationen i Bosnien-Hercegovina (fortsat forhandling) ...........................................................137 13 - Stigende energipriser og markedsmanipulation på gasmarkedet (forhandling) .....................143 14 - De politiske gruppers sammensaetning ..........................................................................................172 15 - Integration af ligestillingsaspektet i Europa-Parlamentet - årlig betaenkning 2020

(forhandling) ...............................................................................................................................................172

16 - EU's kønshandlingsplan III (forhandling) ......................................................................................184 17 - Stemmeforklaringer: se protokollen ...............................................................................................197 18 - Stemmerettelser og -intentioner: se protokollen ..........................................................................197 19 - Dagsorden for naeste møde: se protokollen ..................................................................................197 20 - Haevelse af mødet ...............................................................................................................................197

Ukraine (Aussprache) ..................................................................................................................................80

08-03-2022 10 EN CONTENTS 1 - Opening of the session ..........................................................................................................................27 2 - Opening of the sitting ............................................................................................................................27 3 - Foreign interference in all democratic processes in the EU (debate) ...............................................28 4 - Resumption of the sitting ......................................................................................................................71 5 - International Women's Day - Address by Oksana Zabuzhko ........................................................71 6 - Voting session .........................................................................................................................................79 7 - Resumption of the sitting ......................................................................................................................79 8 - Composition of committees and delegations ....................................................................................79 9 - The deterioration of the situation of refugees as a consequence of the Russian aggression

against Ukraine (debate) ..............................................................................................................................80

10 - The situation in Bosnia Herzegovina (debate) ...............................................................................130 11 - Announcement of voting results: see Minutes ..............................................................................136 12 - The situation in Bosnia Herzegovina (continuation of debate) ..................................................137 13 - Rising energy prices and market manipulation on the gas market (debate) ............................143 14 - Composition of political groups .....................................................................................................172 15 - Gender mainstreaming in the European Parliament - annual report 2020 (debate) ..............172 16 - EU Gender Action Plan III (debate) .................................................................................................184 17 - Explanations of vote: see Minutes ...................................................................................................197 18 - Corrections to votes and voting intentions: see Minutes ............................................................197 19 - Agenda for next sitting .....................................................................................................................197 20 - Closure of the sitting .........................................................................................................................197

08-03-2022 11 FR SOMMAIRE 1 - Ouverture de la session annuelle ..........................................................................................................27 2 - Ouverture de la séance ...........................................................................................................................27 3 - Ingérence étrangère dans l'ensemble des processus démocratiques de l'Union européenne

(débat) ............................................................................................................................................................28

4 - Reprise de la séance ................................................................................................................................71 5 - Journée internationale des droits des femmes - Allocution de Oksana Zaboujko .......................71 6 - Session de vote ........................................................................................................................................79 7 - Reprise de la séance ................................................................................................................................79 8 - Composition des commissions et des délégations ............................................................................79 9 - La détérioration de la situation des réfugiés en raison de l'agression russe contre l'Ukraine

(débat) ............................................................................................................................................................80

10 - La situation en Bosnie-Herzégovine (débat) ..................................................................................130 11 - Annonce des résultats de vote: voir procès-verbal .......................................................................136 12 - La situation en Bosnie-Herzégovine (suite du débat) ...................................................................137 13 - Montée des prix de l'énergie et manipulation du marché du gaz (débat) ..................................143 14 - Composition des groupes politiques ..............................................................................................172 15 - Égalité des femmes et des hommes au Parlement européen - rapport annuel 2020 (débat) 172 16 - Troisième plan d'action de l'Union européenne sur l'égalité entre les hommes et les femmes

(débat) ..........................................................................................................................................................184

17 - Explications de vote: voir procès-verbal ........................................................................................197 18 - Corrections et intentions de vote: voir procès-verbal ..................................................................197 19 - Ordre du jour de la prochaine séance .............................................................................................197 20 - Levée de la séance ..............................................................................................................................197

08-03-2022 12 IT INDICE 1 - Apertura della sessione annuale ...........................................................................................................27 2 - Apertura della seduta .............................................................................................................................27 3 - Ingerenze straniere in tutti i processi democratici nell'Unione europea (discussione) ................28 4 - Ripresa della seduta ................................................................................................................................71 5 - Giornata internationale della donna - Allocuzione di Oksana Zaboujko .....................................71 6 - Turno di votazioni ..................................................................................................................................79 7 - Ripresa della seduta ................................................................................................................................79 8 - Composizione delle commissioni e delle delegazioni ......................................................................79 9 - Deterioramento della situazione dei rifugiati a seguito dell'aggressione russa contro l'Ucraina

(discussione) ..................................................................................................................................................80

10 - Situazione in Bosnia-Erzegovina (discussione) .............................................................................130 11 - Comunicazione dei risultati della votazione: vedasi processo verbale ......................................136 12 - Situazione in Bosnia-Erzegovina (seguito della discussione) ......................................................137 13 - Aumento dei prezzi dell'energia e manipolazioni nel mercato del gas (discussione) .............143 14 - Composizione dei gruppi politici ...................................................................................................172 15 - Integrazione della dimensione di genere al Parlamento europeo - relazione annuale 2020

(discussione) ...............................................................................................................................................172

16 - Terzo piano d'azione dell'Unione europea sulla parità di genere (discussione) .......................184 17 - Dichiarazioni di voto: vedasi processo verbale .............................................................................197 18 - Correzioni e intenzioni di voto: vedasi processo verbale ............................................................197 19 - Ordine del giorno della prossima seduta .......................................................................................197 20 - Chiusura della seduta ........................................................................................................................197

08-03-2022 13 LV SATURS 1 - Ć sesijas ő ...............................................................................................................27 2 - Ć ő ........................................................................................................................................27 3 - ő visos Eiropas Ğ procesos (debates) ...................28 4 - Ć ő .......................................................................................................................................71 5 - sieviešu diena - Oksana Zaboujko ő ..........................................................71 6 - Balsošana .................................................................................................................................................79 7 - Ć ő .......................................................................................................................................79 8 - Komiteju un .............................................................................................................79 9 - ĆĮ Į ő Krievijas agresijas pret Ukrainu (debates) ....................80 10 - un (debates) ..................................................................................130 11 - Balsošanas ĸő protokolu) ..........................................................................136 12 - un (debašu ............................................................137 13 - Ė cenu un ś (debates) .................................................143 14 - Politisko grupu ......................................................................................................................172 15 - Ć pieeja dzimumu ĞĞ őő Eiropas - 2020. gada

ĸ (debates) .....................................................................................................................................172

16 - ES trešais dzimumu ĞĞ ĞĞ (debates) ...............................................................184 17 - Balsojumu skaidrojumi (sk. protokolu) .........................................................................................197 18 - Balsojumu labojumi un nodomi balsot (sk. protokolu) ..............................................................197 19 - Ć darba Ğ ...........................................................................................................197 20 - Ć Ćő ....................................................................................................................................197

08-03-2022 14 LT TURINYS 1 - Ċ sesijos pradžia ..........................................................................................................................27 2 - Ċŭ pradžia .....................................................................................................................................27 3 - Užsienio őţ kišimasis Ģ visus demokratinius procesus Europos (diskusijos) ..........28 4 - Ċŭ atnaujinimas ...........................................................................................................................71 5 - Ċ moters dienos Ċ Oksanos Zabužko kalba ..................................................71 6 - Balsavimas ...............................................................................................................................................79 7 - Ċŭ atnaujinimas ...........................................................................................................................79 8 - ţ ir ţ Ċ ...............................................................................................................79 9 - Ċ ĊĊţ Ċ Ċ Rusijos agresijos prieš (diskusijos) ...............................80 10 - Ċ Bosnijoje ir Hercegovinoje (diskusijos) .............................................................................130 11 - Balsavimo ţ paskelbimas(žr. ..........................................................................136 12 - Ċ Bosnijoje ir Hercegovinoje ţ Č .................................................................137 13 - Energijos ţ kilimas ir manipuliavimas rinka ţ rinkoje (diskusijos) ..............................143 14 - ţ Ċ ...................................................................................................................................172 15 - Āţ aspekto integravimas Europos Parlamente - 2020 m. Ċ ataskaita (diskusijos) ...172 16 - Ā ES Āţ Ċ ţ planas (diskusijos) ................................................................184 17 - Paaiškinimai Ċ balsavimo (žr. protokola) ...................................................................................197 18 - Balsavimo pataisymai ir ketinimai (žr. .......................................................................197 19 - Kito Ċŭ Ċ ...............................................................................................................197 20 - Ċŭ pabaiga ...............................................................................................................................197

évi éves jelentés (vita) ................................................................................................................................172

(dibattitu) .......................................................................................................................................................28

kontra l-Ukrajna (dibattitu) .........................................................................................................................80

rapport annwali 2020 (dibattitu) ............................................................................................................172

08-03-2022 17 NL INHOUD 1 - Opening van de zitting ..........................................................................................................................27 2 - Opening van de vergadering .................................................................................................................27 3 - Buitenlandse inmenging in alle democratische processen in de EU (debat) ..................................28 4 - Hervatting van de vergadering .............................................................................................................71 5 - Internationale Dag van de Vrouw - Toespraak van Oksana Zaboezjko ........................................71 6 - Stemming .................................................................................................................................................79 7 - Hervatting van de vergadering .............................................................................................................79 8 - Samenstelling commissies en delegaties .............................................................................................79 9 - De verslechtering van de situatie van vluchtelingen als gevolg van de aanval van Rusland op

Oekraïne (debat) ...........................................................................................................................................80

10 - De situatie in Bosnië en Herzegovina (debat) ................................................................................130 11 - Bekendmaking van de uitslag van de stemming: zie notulen .....................................................136 12 - De situatie in Bosnië en Herzegovina (voortzetting van het debat) ...........................................137 13 - De stijgende energiepijzen en marktmanipulatie op de gasmarkt (debat) ................................143 14 - Samenstelling fracties .......................................................................................................................172 15 - Gendermainstreaming in het Europees Parlement - jaarverslag 2020 (debat) ........................172 16 - Het EU-genderactieplan III (debat) ..................................................................................................184 17 - Stemverklaringen: zie notulen .........................................................................................................197 18 - Rectificaties stemgedrag/Voorgenomen stemgedrag: zie notulen .............................................197 19 - Agenda van de volgende vergadering .............................................................................................197 20 - Sluiting van de vergadering ..............................................................................................................197

08-03-2022 18 PL SPIS Ŋ 1 - Otwarcie sesji rocznej ............................................................................................................................27 2 - Otwarcie posiedzenia ............................................................................................................................27 3 - Obce ingerencje we wszystkie procesy demokratyczne w Unii Europejskiej, w tym

dezinformacja (debata) ................................................................................................................................28

(debata) ........................................................................................................................................................172

16 - Trzeci unijny plan Ĵ w sprawie ŋ Ĵ (debata) ..................................................184 17 - ŋ stanowiska Č w Ĵ patrz Ĵ ...........................197 18 - Korekty i zamiary Ĵ patrz Ĵ .............................................................................197 19 - obrad Č posiedzenia .......................................................................................197 20 - Č posiedzenia ...................................................................................................................197

08-03-2022 19 PT INDICE 1 - Abertura da Sessão anual ......................................................................................................................27 2 - Abertura da sessão ..................................................................................................................................27 3 - Ingerência estrangeira em todos os processos democráticos na UE (debate) ................................28 4 - Reinício da sessão ...................................................................................................................................71 5 - Dia Internacional da Mulher - Alocução de Oksana Zaboujko ......................................................71 6 - Período de votação .................................................................................................................................79 7 - Reinício da sessão ...................................................................................................................................79 8 - Composição das comissões e delegações ............................................................................................79 9 - A deterioração da situação dos refugiados na sequência da agressão russa à Ucrânia (debate) .80 10 - A situação na Bósnia-Herzegovina (debate) ..................................................................................130 11 - Comunicação dos resultados da votação: ver Ata ........................................................................136 12 - A situação na Bósnia-Herzegovina (continuação do debate) .....................................................137 13 - O aumento dos preços da energia e a manipulação do mercado do gás (debate) ...................143 14 - Composição dos grupos políticos ...................................................................................................172 15 - Integração da perspetiva de género no Parlamento Europeu - Relatório anual 2020 (debate)

16 - Plano de Ação III da UE em matéria de Igualdade de Género (debate) ......................................184 17 - Declarações de voto: ver Ata ............................................................................................................197 18 - Correções e intenções de voto: ver ata ...........................................................................................197 19 - Ordem do dia da próxima sessão ....................................................................................................197 20 - Encerramento da sessão ....................................................................................................................197

(dezbatere) .....................................................................................................................................................80

10 - ź din Bosnia Ÿ ź (dezbatere) ..............................................................................130 11 - ź rezultatelor votului: ź procesul-verbal ........................................................136 12 - ź din Bosnia Ÿ ź (continuarea dezbaterii) .......................................................137 13 - Ÿ ź la energie Ÿ manipularea ź gazelor (dezbatere) .................................143 14 - oe grupurilor politice .....................................................................................................172 15 - Integrarea perspectivei de gen în Parlamentul European - raportul anual pe 2020 (dezbatere)

2021 (rozprava) .........................................................................................................................................172

08-03-2022 22 SL VSEBINA 1 - Otvoritev zasedanja ................................................................................................................................27 2 - Otvoritev seje ..........................................................................................................................................27 3 - Tuje vmešavanje v vse Ā procese v Evropski uniji, tudi dezinformacije (razprava) 28 4 - Nadaljevanje seje .....................................................................................................................................71 5 - Mednarodni dan žena - nagovor Oksane Zabužko ..........................................................................71 6 - Glasovanje ...............................................................................................................................................79 7 - Nadaljevanje seje .....................................................................................................................................79 8 - Sestava odborov in delegacij .................................................................................................................79 9 - Poslabšanje položaja beguncev zaradi ruske agresije proti Ukrajini (razprava) ...........................80 10 - Razmere v Bosni in Hercegovini (razprava) ..................................................................................130 11 - Razglasitev izidov glasovanja: gl. zapisnik ....................................................................................136 12 - Razmere v Bosni in Hercegovini (nadaljevanje razprave) ...........................................................137 13 - Ā cene energije in manipulacija na trgu s plinom (razprava) ...........................................143 14 - ÿ v Ā skupinah ........................................................................................................172 15 - Ā Ā enakosti spolov v Evropskem parlamentu - letno Ā 2020

(razprava) ....................................................................................................................................................172

16 - Akcijski Ā EU za enakost spolov III (razprava) .......................................................................184 17 - Obrazložitve glasovanja: gl. zapisnik .............................................................................................197 18 - Popravki in namere glasovanj: glej zapisnik ..................................................................................197 19 - Dnevni red naslednje seje .................................................................................................................197 20 - Ā seje .....................................................................................................................................197

Zabužkon puhe ............................................................................................................................................71

vuosikertomus 2020 (keskustelu) ...........................................................................................................172

08-03-2022 25 HR SADRŽAJ 1 - Otvaranje godišnjeg zasjedanja ............................................................................................................27 2 - Otvaranje dnevne sjednice ....................................................................................................................27 3 - Vanjsko upletanje u sve demokratske procese u Europskoj uniji (rasprava) .................................28 4 - Nastavak zasjedanja ...............................................................................................................................71 5 - Ą dan žena - govor Oksane Zabuzhko ..........................................................................71 6 - Glasovanje ...............................................................................................................................................79 7 - Nastavak zasjedanja ...............................................................................................................................79 8 - Sastav odbora i izaslanstava ..................................................................................................................79 9 - Pogoršanje stanja izbjeglica kao posljedica ruske agresije na Ukrajinu (rasprava) .......................80 10 - Stanje u Bosni i Hercegovini (rasprava) ..........................................................................................130 11 - Objava rezultata glasovanja: vidi zapisnik .....................................................................................136 12 - Stanje u Bosni i Hercegovini (nastavak rasprave) .........................................................................137 13 - Rast cijena energije i manipuliranje tržištem na tržištu plina (rasprava) ..................................143 14 - Sastav klubova zastupnika : vidi zapisnik: vidi zapisnik .............................................................172 15 - Rodno osviještena politika u Europskom parlamentu - godišnje ő za 2020. (rasprava)

16 - Akcijski plan EU-a za rodnu ravnopravnosti III (rasprava) .........................................................184 17 - Obrazloženja glasovanja: vidi zapisnik ..........................................................................................197 18 - Izmjene danih glasova i namjere Ā vidi zapisnik ...............................................................197 19 - Dnevni red dnevne sjednice ..............................................................................................197 20 - Zatvaranje dnevne sjednice ..............................................................................................................197

(díospóireacht) ..............................................................................................................................................80

10 - An staid sa Bhoisnia agus sa Heirseagaivéin (díospóireacht) ......................................................130 11 - Fógra maidir le torthaí na vótála: féach miontuairiscí: féach miontuairiscí .............................136 12 - An staid sa Bhoisnia agus sa Heirseagaivéin (díospóireacht ar lean) .........................................137 13 - Ardú ar phraghsanna fuinnimh agus cúbláil mhargaidh ar an margadh gáis (díospóireacht)

14 - Comhdhéanamh na ngrúpaí polaitiúla ..........................................................................................172 15 - Príomhshruthú Inscne i bParlaimint na hEorpa - tuarascáil bhliantúil 2020 (díospóireacht)

16 - Plean Gníomhaíochta III AE maidir le hInscne (díospóireacht) .................................................184 17 - Mínithe ar an vótáil: féach miontuairiscí .......................................................................................197 18 - Ceartúcháin ar an vóta agus intinní vótála: féach miontuairiscí ................................................197 19 - Cár oibre an chéad suí eile ................................................................................................................197 20 - Críoch an tsuí .....................................................................................................................................197

dass wir uns diesen Tag und die Ursache - die Unterschiedlichkeiten, die es heute noch machen.

08-03-2022 28 2-008-0000 Robert Roos (ECR). - Mr President, I would like to draw attention to Rule 237a on Extraordinary

measures. According to this rule, Parliament may, 'in exceptional and unforeseeable circumstances beyond its control, make a temporary derogation from Parliament's usual procedures.' Scientists have said that the effect of the COVID pass on transmission is close to zero, even though global data confirms that the pandemic has ended and we have now entered an endemic phase without serious risk to life and health. Now that Belgium and France return to normal, the time has come for the European Parliament to also return to its normal and usual procedures. It doesn't make any sense to think there is a normal world outside the Parliament where we can get together in bars and restaurants without masks, without social distancing and without COVID passes, but it's too dangerous and unsafe within the Parliament and that we still need these restrictions. Dear President, there is no logic in continuing extraordinary measures, not even a tiny bit. Let's weitere Vorgangsweise besprochen haben, die zweifelsohne zu einer weiteren Öffnung führen Wir sind hier in einem hohen Ausmaß auch gewillt, mit dem Ärztlichen Dienst des Hauses und mit dem Juristischen Dienst, aber auch mit allen Fraktionen darüber zu reden, wie wir hier weiter stattgefunden.

3. Einflussnahme aus dem Ausland auf alle demokratischen

Prozesse in der EU (Aussprache)

Sandra Kalniete im Namen des Sonderausschusses zu Einflussnahme aus dem Ausland auf alle einschließlich Desinformation (2020/2268(INI)) (A9-0022/2022).

2-012-0000 Sandra Kalniete, rapporteur. - Mr President, today, Europe faces two major, transformative crises

which will shape our future for many years to come - the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's unprovoked, brutal war against Ukraine. There is one crucial, dark, vicious common denominator for both - the widespread, coordinated and systematic spread of hostile and targeted disinformation. Since we have discussed several times the consequences of COVID-19 disinformation campaigns, today I will concentrate more on the Kremlin's propaganda machinery working in overdrive to justify Putin's unprovoked act of aggression, shredding of international law and sending thousands of Russian people to an irrational and deadly war.

08-03-2022 29 And let's call a spade a spade. Putin's propaganda machinery was not 'turned on' only on February

24th, it has been working in Europe for decades already, attempting to poison and divide our

societies. With all this in mind, we have arrived at the moment of truth to ask a frank question - how did the democratic world get to this point? And how we can prevent it in the future? This is exactly the task of our report, which will be voted today, and I invite everyone to appreciate the great urgency of the moment. Dear members of the House, the report identifies and maps the threat of foreign interference in all of its forms, including disinformation, manipulation of social media platforms and advertising systems, cyber-attacks, threats against and the harassment of journalists, covert political funding and elite capture and co-optation. In other words, this report both provides the diagnosis of the EU's vulnerabilities and prescribes the medication for strengthening the EU's resilience. A few words about platforms and data markets. We have to shed light on the black box of social media platforms: we need truly binding EU rules for algorithms for accountability and transparency, particularly when it comes to the demonetisation of harmful content and data accountability. Today, while the war is ongoing in Europe, online platforms and tech companies need to take a stand by proactively suspending accounts engaged in denying, glorifying and justifying aggression, war crimes and crimes against humanity. They have to reinforce content in Russian and Ukrainian languages to resist the pressure from Russian government's disinformation. In short, any tech platform complying with Putin's censorship request is an accomplice to Putin's aggression. I would also like to highlight the need for data market accountability and transparency, including binding EU rules to limit the amount of data platforms can harvest, store and sell. It is completely unacceptable that loosely, regulated commercial entities can sell data of Europeans, me, you, all of us to the same authoritarian regimes that are trying to tear us apart. About resilience, we see that the Kremlin is attempting to insulate, wall off the Russian information space, by imposing new censorship rules. This shows that Putin is threatened by any independent media and narrative. This is a clear signal that we should double, triple and quadruple our support for quality and independent media, including in the EU's neighbourhood. The Kremlin is also operating with extensive cyber warfare tools. That's why we need to step up cybersecurity assistance to Ukraine, deploying there cyber rapid response team experts and using the EU cyber sanctions regime against individuals, entities and bodies responsible or involved in the various cyber-attacks targeting Ukraine. The resilience of our societies is absolutely key here. We must not allow any malicious actor to exploit our freedoms. Therefore, resilience, awareness and media literacy must be built up as our protective shields. Another factor weakening our resilience is foreign covert funding, elite capture and co-optation. For decades, we have watched former high-ranking European officials and politicians take up prominent positions on Russian energy companies, while we were channelling hundreds of

08-03-2022 30 millions into Putin's coffers and providing safe haven for his cronies and oligarchs. Look where

that has gotten us. We, with our euros, have effectively built and financed Putin's war machine, which is now being used to slaughter innocent Ukrainians. If we don't turn off the flow of gas and oil 'golden river' now, then we deserve the full consequences of our greed and sorry stupidity. And to conclude, dear colleagues, I was harsh, but I am convinced that we across the political groups, together with the Member States and the Commission, can move forward towards implementation of the report's recommendations with utmost urgency. And I would like warmly to thank all my shadows, chair of the Committee and Secretariat and our councillors.

2-013-0000 Josep Borrell Fontelles, Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for

Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, on behalf of the Council. - Mr President, dear members of the committee, dear Members of the European Parliament attending this debate, we are witnessing how the Russian assault on Ukraine continues, and this assault painfully highlights why we need to pay more attention to foreign interference and, in particular, to foreign disinformation and information manipulation.

This poses a clear threat to our democracy, to our stability, to our security, and we need to address

it. So I therefore much welcome your report and the work of the Special Committee on Foreign


Information manipulation and interference is something that Russia's propaganda machine is actively using. Accompanying their military campaign in Ukraine, Russia is spreading false information among their own population about why this invasion has taken place and which is the situation in Ukraine. Over weeks, much before the invasion started, the Kremlin outlets had been preparing the ground by reversing the cause and consequences of this aggression and portraying Russia and Russian

people as a kind of a victim, saying 'Ukraine is committing genocide', 'Zelenskyy is a criminal, is a

puppet on the hands of the Western people', and when they come to Kyiv, they will do a second Nuremberg in order to clean Ukraine of the Nazis who are committing genocide against the

Russian people.

These are the kind of things that they are systematically spreading far and wide, undermining the legitimacy of the democratically elected Ukrainian Government, presenting them as a result of a

coup d'état. It came to power, not through elections, but through a coup d'état. He's a criminal, is a

war criminal, is a Nazi, is a dictator and also distorting historical facts. Well, history can be interpreted in very different ways. But to consider that Zelenskyy is a war criminal, a Nazi who is committing genocide against the Russian people, is not a matter of historical interpretation. The Kremlin and its outlets are systematically lying about the situation, about the military situation and about the suffering of the Ukrainian population. They claim systematically that the Ukrainian authorities are bombing their own citizens or provoking nuclear incidents in order to blame Russia systematically. This kind of news is widespread. Also, the alleged Russia-phobia that the state-affiliated media report is another thing that people in Russia listen to. Let me say once again, that measures are against the Russian leadership, not

08-03-2022 31 against the Russian people and the current situation is a result of President Putin's actions. And, if

he wants, he can solve it by just stopping the war. The state media and the ecosystem around them are being used as an instrument to push this narrative, to manipulate and mislead, and they are an integral part of the aggression. It's not just bombing the houses, the infrastructure, the bodies of the people. they are bombing their minds, they are bombing their spirits. And the Russian leadership is cracking down on independent media, on civil society, it has banned Twitter, it has banned Facebook and a number of foreign media from operating in Russia. The Kremlin has introduced a law criminalising what they call 'fake information' about the war in Ukraine. It can cause you 15 years' jail, targeting also international journalists, which are doing their vital work in Russia. As a consequence it has deprived of Russian citizens of any access to independent media, independent information about what's happening in Ukraine and how the Russian armed forces are behaving. So Russia is moving towards complete isolation of its citizens from information coming from the outside world. They are putting them in a bubble, isolating in order not to allow them to know what's happening. The international community has come together in response to President Putin's senseless war in a coordinated and active manner, and I am very proud to see that the European Union has been able to show its capacity to deliver on this file also, and we have been able to do that because we are not coming from scratch, it comes to 2015 when leaders of the European Union recognised the threat, offering information and misinformation streaming from Russia.

2015 is seven years ago. And then they specifically tasked the High Representative to address this

challenge. And we created in the External Action Service teams of people, capacities and expertise

that have been developed in the last seven years, allowing us to take today's decisive steps to tackle

this issue. We have built a strong StratCom team, which is doing, I think, an excellent work - you will judge it - has been praised in your report, thank you for that. We have been strengthening our proactive public communication to provide actual information, not least through our European Union versus disinformation website, which exposes the Kremlin narrative. Go to this website, use our EU versus disinformation website and you will find there registered hundreds of misinformation cases in countries, European, in Germany, in the UK, in France, in Italy and Spain, targeting a variety of issues like elections, vaccines, about Brexit or about the secessionist movement in some European Member States. We have increased our cooperation with partners like NATO and the G7 to understand how the Kremlin destabilises and manipulates information, weakening Ukraine and our Western resolve. We have a rapid-alert system that has proven its importance, allowing to swiftly share with European Union institutions, with my colleagues from the Commission - with whom we are working closely and positively, thank you - with our Member States and also partners, finding analysis and debunking material. I insist, please, widespread existence of this web where hundreds of cases can be found. We have intensified our work to help our partners in the region to tackle the issue of interference and

08-03-2022 32 information manipulation, especially in the Western Balkans, which are currently being targeted

systematically by these campaigns. And most importantly, we have imposed costs on the perpetrators, including through banning Russia Today and Sputnik from broadcasting in the European Union because they are not independent media. They are assets. They are weapons in the Kremlin's manipulation ecosystem. And I want to stop here because there has been criticism saying that we are attempting against the freedom of information. Let's consider what is information and what these outlets are. Let me take a moment to underline the essence of this issue. We are not trying to decide what is true and what is false. I am not the minister of the truth. We don't have ministers of the truth. What we have to focus on is foreign actors who intentionally, in a coordinated manner, try to manipulate that information environment, to advance their own purposes and to harm us.

Allow me to say that in Spanish because it will be more direct to your mind. La democracia es un sistema que funciona con base en la información. La información es el

combustible de la democracia. Los ciudadanos actúan como ciudadanos basándose en la información que reciben. Basándose en lo que saben, interpretan la realidad, juzgan a sus gobernantes y deciden su voto. La democracia es un sistema cuyo combustible es la información. Si la información es mala, la democracia es mala. Si la información está sistemáticamente sesgada y contaminada por la

mentira, los ciudadanos no pueden tener cabal conocimiento de la realidad y su juicio político está


Por eso tenemos que defender que la información sea un bien protegido. Cuando usted va a comprar carne en un supermercado, tiene garantías sobre la calidad de ese

producto para evitar que consumirlo le produzca una enfermedad. Tiene que haber, también, alguna clase de garantía para que la información no sea un elemento que contamine las mentes. La democracia funciona con la información y por eso Rusia ha creado Sputnik. Sputnik no es un inocente medio que tiene una determinada visión de la realidad. Sputnik is not a media that understands things, in a way. Sputnik was created by a Russian presidential decree with the aim to report on the state policy of Russia abroad. And according toquotesdbs_dbs44.pdfusesText_44
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