[PDF] Hepatitis B Facts: Testing and Vaccination

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Interpretation of Results of Tests for Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection

No current HCV infection. No further action required in most cases. If distinction between true positivity and biologic false positivity for HCV antibody is 

Interpretation of Hepatitis B Serologic Test Results

Hepatitis B serologic testing involves measurement of several hepatitis B virus (HBV)-specific antigens and antibodies. Different serologic “markers”.


? Interprétation. - La présence de l'ARN viral du VHC signe l'existence d'une réplication virale. - L'absence de l'ARN avec une sérologie VHC positive peut 

Diagnostic virologiques des hépatites virales B et C

Algorithme du dépistage de l'hépatite C. Résultat: anticorps anti-VHC négatifs. Interprétation: Absence de contact avec le VHC sauf si infection récente.

Stratégies de dépistage biologique des hépatites virales B et C

l'ARN VHC pour le virus de l'hépatite C (VHC) alors que les anticorps anti-HBc et Interprétation des résultats du dépistage de l'hépatite B chez une ...

Training workshop on screening diagnosis and treatment of

Training workshop on screening diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis B and C Clinical interpretation. HBsAg. (hepatitis B surface antigen).

Hepatitis B Facts: Testing and Vaccination

mediate endemic hepatitis B; people with hepatitis C infection; chronic liver disease including but not limited to people with cirrhosis

Hépatite C : prise en charge simplifiée chez ladulte

12-Sept-2019 France. Bilan initial : charge virale du VHC antigène HBs

Analyses de laboratoire recommandées pour le dépistage de l

15-Dec-2014 infectées par le virus de l'hépatite C. ... Algorithme C – sérologie anti-VHC positive documentée dans le ... Interprétation des profils ...

Interpretation of Hepatitis Test Results Hepatitis A Tests - - - + + + +/-

Anti HAV IgG can be detected ~8-12 weeks after HAV infection and remains positive. Hepatitis C Tests. Anti HCV. HCV RNA. Possible Interpretation / Stage of 


? Interprétation - La présence de l'ARN viral du VHC signe l'existence d'une réplication virale - L'absence de l'ARN avec une sérologie VHC positive peut 

[PDF] Virus de lhépatite C (VHC) - Société Française de Microbiologie

Tableau 3 : Interprétation des marqueurs biologiques Marqueurs Infection ancienne Infection aiguë Infection chronique Anticorps totaux anti-VHC Positifs

Hépatite C : prise en charge simplifiée chez ladulte

Le bilan sanguin initial doit comprendre : NFS plaquettes glycémie à jeun ASAT ALAT GGT bilirubine débit de filtration glomérulaire (et antigène HBs 

Principaux repères sur lhépatite C

24 jui 2022 · La réalisation d'un test sérologique pour rechercher les anticorps dirigés contre le VHC permet d'identifier les personnes qui ont été infectées 

[PDF] Analyses de laboratoire recommandées pour le dépistage - INSPQ

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Connaître pour chaque virus des hépatites la cinétique des marqueurs virologiques et sérologiques 2 Savoir interpréter les résultats des examens 

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Cet examen effectué une seule fois lors du bilan initial ainsi que votre stade de fibrose et vos spécificités (co-infection VIH/VHC surpoids diabète 

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8 jui 2012 · Si les anticorps anti-VHC sont positifs il est d'abord recommandé de contrôler cette sérologie avec un test immuno-enzymatique différent et sur 


Atteinte hépatique : cytolyse hépatique (transaminases 5 à 10 fois la normale) • Sérologie : séroconversion retardée de 15 à 30 jours • Tests de dépistage : 

[PDF] Guide national de prise en charge de lhépatite virale C

Tableau 4 Modalités et lieu du dépistage du VHC Tableau 5 Interprétation des résultats des tests de dépistage et de diagnostic de l'HVC Tableau 6

  • Comment interpréter Serologie hépatite C ?

    Si l'ARN du VHC est indétectable, le patient est considéré en réponse virologique soutenue, c'est-à-dire guéri. Si l'ARN du VHC est détectable, le patient doit être orienté vers une prise en charge spécialisée. Les patients doivent être informés de la persistance des anticorps anti-VHC après guérison virologique.
  • Comment interpréter la charge virale de l'hépatite C ?

    Si la recherche du virus est négative deux fois à plus de trois mois d'intervalle, cela signifie que votre organisme s'est débarrassé du virus : vous êtes guéri. Si cette recherche est positive, le virus est toujours présent. Un bilan complet et un suivi médical adapté sont indispensables.
  • Quel est le taux normal de l'hépatite C ?

    Environ 30 % (15 % à 45 %) des personnes infectées éliminent spontanément le virus dans les six mois qui suivent l'infection sans aucun traitement. Pour les 70 % restants (55 % à 85 %) des personnes infectées, l'infection évoluera vers la forme chronique de la maladie.24 jui. 2022
  • Les tests de diagnostic de l'hépatite C
    Lorsqu'un médecin suspecte une hépatite C, il demande une recherche d'anticorps anti-VHC (sérologie) à l'aide d'une simple prise de sang : si ce test est positif, cela signifie que la personne a été en contact avec le VHC, mais elle a pu toutefois éliminer le virus spontanément.

Who Should Be Vaccinated

The following people should receive hepatitis B vaccination, accord ing to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

Routine vaccination

All newborns within 24 hours of birth

All children and teens ages 0 through 18 years

All adults through age 59 years

Risk-based vaccination for people age 60 years or older who are at risk for hepatitis B virus infection due to Sexual exposure (e.g., sex partners of hepatitis B surface antigen [HBsAg]-positive people; sexually active people not in monogamous relationships; people seeking treatment for a sexually-transmitted infection; men who have sex with men Percutaneous or mucosal exposure to blood (e.g., current or recent injection-drug use; household contacts of HBsAg-positive people; healthcare and public safety workers with anticipated risk of exposure dialysis, home dialysis, and predialysis patients; patients with dia- betes at the discretion of the treating clinician) Other factors (e.g., anticipated travel to countries with high or inter mediate endemic hepatitis B; people with hepatitis C infection; chronic liver disease, including but not limited to people with cirrhosis, fatty liver disease, alcoholic liver disease, autoimmune hepatitis, alanine aminotransferase [ALT] or aspartate aminotransferase [AST] level greater than twice upper limit of normal; HIV infection; incarcerationAny adult age 60 years or older who does not meet the risk- based recommendations above may still receive hepatitis B vaccine, if desired. Refugees, immigrants, and adoptees from countries where HBV infection is endemic should have hepatitis B testing. They should discuss their test results and need for hepatitis B vaccine with their healthcare prov ider. For certain people at risk, postvaccination testing is recommended. Postvaccination testing, when it is recommended, should be performed

1-2 months after the last dose of vaccine. Infants born to HBsAg-posi

tive mothers should be tested for HBsAg and anti-HBs after completion of at least 3 doses of a hepatitis B vaccination series, at age 9-18 months. Consult ACIP recommendations for details (see references on page 2).

Hepatitis B Lab Nomenclature


Hepatitis B surface antigen

is a marker of current infection. Its presence indicates either acute or chronic HBV infection.


Antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen is a marker of immunity. Its presence indicates an immune response to HBV infection, an immune response to vaccination, or the presence of passively acquired antibody. (It is also known as HBsAb, but this abbreviation is best avoided since it is often confused with abbreviations such as HBsAg.)

Anti-HBc (total):

Antibody to hepatitis B core antigen

marker of acute, chronic, or resolved HBV infection. It is not a marker of vaccine-induced immunity. It may be used in prevaccination testing to determine previous exposure to HBV infection. (It is also known as HBcAb, but this abbreviation is best avoided since it is often con fused with other abbreviations.)

IgM anti-HBc:

IgM antibody subclass of anti-HBc. Positivity indicates recent infection with HBV (within the past 6 mos). Its presence indi cates acute infection.


HBV deoxyribonucleic acid

is a measure of viral load and Serologic testing prior to vaccination may be done based on your assess ment of your patient's level of risk and your or your patient's ne ed needed, based on the results of the tests. If you are not sure who needs hepatitis B testing, consult your state or local health department (see www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/hepb/hcp/perinatal-contacts.html).

Hepatitis B Facts:

Testing and Vaccination


May be distantly immune, but the test

may not be sensitive enough to detect a very low level of anti

HBs in serum.


May be susceptible with a false positive


HBc.3 May be chronically infected and have

an undetectable level of HBsAg present in the serum. 4

Passive transfer of antibody following

HBIG administration or from an HBsAg-

positive mother to her newborn.testresultsinterpretationvaccinate? HBsAg anti-HBc anti-HBSnegative negative negativesusceptiblevaccinate if indicated HBsAg anti-HBc anti-HBsnegative negative positive with >10mlU/mLimmune due to vaccination (or may represent passive transfer of antibodies from receipt of HBIG) no vaccination necessary HBsAg anti-HBc anti-HBs

IgM anti-HBcnegative

positive positive negativeimmune due to natural infectionno vaccination necessary HBsAg anti-HBc

IgM anti-HBc

anti-HBsnegative positive positive positiveacute resolving infectionno vaccination necessary HBsAg anti-HBc

IgM anti-HBc

anti-HBspositive positive positive negativeacutely infectedno vaccination necessary HBsAg anti-HBc

IgM anti-HBc

anti-HBspositive positive negative negativechronically infectedno vaccination necessary (may need treatment) HBsAg anti-HBc anti-HBsnegative positive negativethere are four possible interpretations (see below)use clinical judgment for professionals / for the public www.immunize.org/catg.d/p2110.pdf

Item #P2110 (4/22)continued on the next page

Hepatitis B Facts: Testing and Vaccination (continued) page 2 of 2

Managing Chronic HBV Infection

People chronically infected with HBV need medical evaluation every

6-12 months to assess their liver health and need for antiviral therapy,

and screen for liver cancer. Consultation with a specialist knowledge able in the treatment of liver disease is recommended. Household members and sex partners of HBsAg-positive people should be tested for HBV infection (HBsAg and anti-HBs or anti-HBc) and (Vaccinating a patient who has already been infected will do no harm). If testing indicates HBV susceptibility, complete the hepatitis B vacci- nation series. If testing indicates HBV infection, refer for medical car e and consultation with a liver disease specialist.references

Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in

the United States: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization




Public Health Management of Persons with

Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection.


2008;57(RR-8):1-20.Universal Hepatitis B Vaccination in Adults

Aged 19-59 years - Updated Recommenda

tions of the Advisory Committee on Im munization Practices - United States, 2022. MMWR


for professionals / for the public www.immunize.org/catg.d/p2110.pdf

Item #P2110 (4/22)

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