[PDF] Marxian Economics: A Reappraisal

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Travail valeur et prix : une critique de la théorie de la valeur

Hahn (1975) G. Faccarello et Ph. de Lavergne (1977). ix. Page 3 


FACCARELLO Gilbert (1983) Travail

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Marxian Economics: A Reappraisal

tions include: Theories of Political Economy (1992) Wealth and Free- Faccarello

La richesse la valeur et linestimable



ments de la théorie économique de Marx et rappeler les asp question dite de la transformation des valeurs en prix de production. Co.


l'économie comportementale la théorie des jeux et les la valeur informative des prix. ... Gilbert Faccarello and Heinz D. Kurz E. Elgar (2012)

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Marxian Economics: A Reappraisal

Marxian Economics:

A Reappraisal

Essays on Volume HI of Capital

Volume 1: Method, Value and Money

Edited by

Riccardo Bellofiore

Department of Economics


of Bergamo Italy

First published in Great Britain 1998 by


Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS and London Companies and representatives throughout the world

A catalogue record for this book

is available from the British Library. ISBN


First published in the United States of America 1998 by


Scholarly and Reference Division,

175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y.


ISBN 0-312-17664-3

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data


economics: a reappraisal/edited by Riccardo Bellofiore. p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.


v. 1. Essays on volume III of "Capital": method, value, and money -v. 2. Essays on volume

III of "Capital" : profits,

prices, and dynamics. ISBN

0-312-17664-3 (vol. I). -ISBN 0-312-17665-1 (vol. 2)

1. Marxian economics. 2. Marx, Karl, 1818-1883. Kapital.


1. Bellofiore, R. (Riccardo)

HB97.5.M33426 1997

335.4'I-dc21 97-17608

Selection and editorial matter © Riccardo Bellofiore 1998 Text

© Macmillan Press Ltd 1998

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Notes on the Contributors

Introduction by Riccardo Bellofiore


Part I Method and Value

1 Engels, Logic and History

Christopher J. Arthur

2 The Structure of Marx's Argument in Capital


P. Levine

3 Some Reflections on Marx's Theory of Value

Gilbert Faccarello

4 Capital, Labour and Time: The Marxian Monetary

Labour Theory of Value as a Theory of Exploitation

Riccardo Bellofiore and Roberto Finelli

5 Land Rent and the Logic of Capital


E. L. Guidi

6 The (Dis)Orderly Process of Capitalist Competition

Jack Amariglio and David F. Rucdo

7 Towards a General Theory of Capitalism: Suggestions

from Chapters

23 and 27

Ernesto Screpanti

Part II Money

8 The Relationship between the Rate of Profit and the

Rate of Interest: A Reassessment after the Publication of Marx's Manuscript of the Third Volume of Das


Bertram Schefold

v VB xi xxvi 3 16 29
vi Contents

9 The Emergence of Credit Money

Heiner Ganssmann

10 Money, Form and Determination of Value

Carlo Benetti and Jean Cartelier

Comment on 'Money, Form of Value and Value

Determination' by Carl. Benetti and Jeun. Cartelier 145

Augusto Graziani 172

11 Money, Interest and Finance in Marx's Capital 176

Suzanne de Brunhoff

12 Fictitious Capital and Crises 189

Ferdinanda Meacci

Marx's Theory of Money and Credit Revisited:


Comment on the chapters by Suzanne de

Brunhoff and Ferdinanda Meacci

Riccardo Bellofiore 205

13 Finance Capital Revisited 216

Nelson Prado Alves Pinto

14 Marx on the Natural Rate of Interest: Did Marx Hold

a Monetary Theory of Income Distribution? 233

H enk W P lasmeijer

15 Asset Speculation in Marx's Theory of Money 254

Duncan K. Foley

16 Marx's Theory of Money and Interest: A

Reconsideration in the Light

of Robertson and Keynes 271

Claudio Sardoni

17 Preliminaries to a Monetary Theory of Production:

the Labour Theory of Value, Liquidity Preference, and the Two

Price Systems 286

L. Randall Wray

Index 301

Notes on the Contributors

Jack Amariglio teaches economics at Merrimack College. He is the Editor of Rethinking Marxism. He has published widely on Marxian economics, the history and philosophy of economics, and and post modernism; with

David Ruccio, he is writing a book on postmodern

ism and economics. Christopher J. Arthur taught philosophy for many years at the Uni versity of Sussex. He is the author of Dialectics of Labour: Marx and his Relation to Hegel (1986). He has also edited Marx's Capital: A

Student Edition

(1992), and Engels Today: A Centenary Appreciation (1996). Riccardo Bellofiore is Associate Professor at Bergamo University, where he teaches monetary economics and macroeconomics. He has contributed to John Maynard Keynes. Language and Method, Elgar, Aldershot 1994 and has written essays in academic journals about Marxian value theory, Schumpeterian theory of economic development, Wicksell's and Keynes' circuit theory of money, and Sraffa's theory of prices. He has also published a biography of the

Marxist scholar Claudio Napoleoni in Italian.

Carlo Benetti is Professor at Paris X-Nanterre University. His main fields of research are: money and price theory, history of economic thought. Jean Cartelier is Professor at Paris X-Nanterre University. His main fields of research are: money and price theory, history of economic thought (Physiocracy, Keynes). Suzanne de Brunhoff is Honorary Research Director, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris. She is author of Marx on Money (1976), The State, Capital and Economic Policy (1978), L'Heure du marche, critique du liberalisme (1986) and 'L'instabilite monetaire inter nationale' in F. Chesnais (ed) (1996)

La Mondialisation Financiere.

Gilbert Faccarello is Professor at Ecole Normale Superieure de Fonte nay/Saint-Cloud, France.

He has published extensively on the history

Vll viii Notes on the Contributors of economic thought: classical and Marxian economics; seventeenth and eighteenth-century French political economy. He is a co-founder and co-managing editor of The European Journal of the History of

Economic Thought.

Roberto Finelli is Associated Professor at the Department of Philoso phical Sciences, University of Bari (Italy), and teaches history of philosophy. He has published in italian a Commentary to Marx's Critique of Hegel's Doctrine of the State and various books about

Hegel and Marx.

In English he has published 'Some Thoughts on the

Modern in the Works

of Smith, Hegel and Marx' in Rethinking


(Summer 1989) and 'Production of Commodities, and pro duction of Images: Reflections on Modernism and Postmodemism' in

Rethinking Marxism (Spring 1992)

Duncan ·Foley is Professor of Economics at Barnard College of Columbia University. He is the author of Understanding Capital: Marx's Economic Theory, Money, Accumulation and Crisis, and many papers on Marxian and neoclassical economic theory. Heiner Ganssmann is Professor of Sociology at the Freie Universitat Berlin. His main research interests are in economic sociology, political economy and social policy. Recent books are Geld und Arbeit (1996) and Lohn und Beschiiftigung (with M. Hass, 1996). Augusto Graziani is Professor of Economics at the University of Rome 'La Sapienza'. He is also visiting Professor at the Universities of Birmingham, Ann Arbor, Michigan, and Paris III. He has contributed a number of articles in several journals, mainly on mone tary theory and problems concerning the development of the Italian economy. Marco E.L. Guidi is Researcher at Teramo University, Italy, where he teaches History of Economic Thought. He also teaches at Brescia

University. His main field

of research is the history of utilitarianism. In 1991 he published a book on Bentham's political economy, in Italian, and hes edited (with N. Buccilli) the first Italian translationquotesdbs_dbs29.pdfusesText_35
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