[PDF] architecture marocaine maison

French Architecture in North France: Maison à Colombage

Maisons à Colombage(half-timbered houses) are found mainly in northern France and particularly in Normandy, Champagne and Alsace (where the French architecture style is German influenced). These are regions where timber was plentiful and the method of building simple using a main wooden framework. The panels between the wooden beams were filled wit...

French Architecture in Provence: Mas

These traditional stone properties fill the countryside in the south of France, and particularly in Provence. A mas is less elegant than a bastide (see below) and smaller than a regular farm. In the past they had enough land attached for the owners to be self sufficient. Fruit trees filled the orchards, vegetables grew in neatly laid out potagers; ...

French Architecture in The South and West: Bastide

Bastides were originally fortified medieval towns of the 13th and 14th century. Planned and built on a grid pattern by one founder, they often had a central market place surrounded by arcades (couverts), effectively streets that interconnected. Later bastide came to mean a large, detached stone-built manor house surrounded by land. Posher than a ma...

French Architecture on The West Coast: Charentaise

Built of stone and of a substantial size, Charentaise houses are found in the Charente and throughout the Poitou-Charente region in west France on the Atlantic coast. Typically rectangular in shape they have uniform features and are similar to a bastide in layout. You walk through the central doorway into a hallway. Large, identical rooms fan off o...


A farmhouse can be large and impressive, or small and less impressive. It might have a yard in front and a milking shed to one side, with various other outbuildings dotted around. At least that’s what the farmhouse looks like in my village in the Auvergne. The one aspect differentiating my Auvergne neighbour from a farmhouse in the north is the bui...

French Architecture in The Mountains: Ski Chalet

You might not guess it from the elegant chalets that make up the mountain resorts in France, but chalets were originally the small and primitive huts of animal herders. Come the spring when the transhumance started and the herders took their animals up to the lush high Alpine pastures they needed somewhere to sleep for the night. Once up on the pla...


The term manoir is now often used instead of château to describe a building. But a manoir was a real style of French architecture, starting life in the Middle Ages as a maison-forte(fortified house). During the 14th and 15th century Hundred Years War life was precarious, particularly if you were well off. So those who could built themselves a manoi...

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Larchitecture marocaine : Cest toute une longue histoire de styles P

27 août 2019 Le zellige habille les murs et les sols de toutes les maisons marocaines et qui rentre également dans la construction des maisons des mosquées

Maroc: un habitat occidentalisé subverti par la tradition

1 mars 2013 et tradition engrammée » in Maghreb

LES MAISONS À PATIO Continuités historiques adaptations

De très grandes maisons marocaines peuvent dispo- Au Maroc le patio disparait physiquement


Maison Marocaine Moderne Nassim. Immeubles logements sociaux R+5 l'architecture bioclimatique

ATELIER 212 / conception SOPHIA SEBTI A R C H I T E C T E

3ème prix Concours Maison de l'Architecture Tanger [avec Yasmine El Kasri Architecte] 2015. Aménagement Stand Aluminium du Maroc & Alucoil

rendu final option.indd

Anthropologie de la religion. I. Approche sociologique de la maison traditionnelle marocaine. Il est récurent lorsqu'on s'intéresse à l'architecture.

Les matériaux de construction locaux un appui pour une

Le Maroc se distingue par une architecture vernaculaire riche En général

Epreuves Concours ENA-2018

Concours commun d'accès aux Ecoles Nationales d'Architecture. 15 Juillet 2018. Epreuve : QCM L'espace polyvalent d'une maison Marocaine est :.

Architecture moderne La modernité au Maroc architecture et

Le moderne au Maroc : Projets et bonnes intentions. • La trame 8x8 Verticale (à l'avant centre) entourée par la succession des maisons et le bidonville ...