[PDF] How to Use the graphicx Package

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Using EPS Graphics in LATEX 2? Documents Part 1: The graphics

The best reference for the graphics and graphicx packages is [1]. The graphicx package has five main commands: includegraphics[options]{filename}. otatebox{ 

The graphbox Package

graphbox is an extension for the LATEX 2? package graphicx to facilitate the The present extension graphbox adds the option align to includegraphics to ...

Packages in the graphics bundle

13 janv. 1999 The following driver options are declared in the packages. ... includegraphics is always used even if the graphicx package is loaded.).


19 juil. 2017 You can “switch off” the images by using the option drafteither with ... includegraphics[draft]{example-image-a}. caption{A}label{A}.

Intermediate Latex - Using Graphics in LaTeX

Package graphicx and its includegraphics[options]{filename} is the basic tool to include pictures produced by an external software: For pdf(La)fTeX 

MiKTeX and advanced LaTeX

14 mars 2005 LATEX will take the EPS file PDFLATEX will take the PDF file automatically. 2 The includegraphics command. includegraphics[options]{filename}.


You can “switch off” the images by using the option drafteither with documentclass[draft]{?class?} includegraphics[draft]{example-image-a}.

The adjustbox Package

The standard LATEX package graphicx (the extended version of graphics) provides the macro includegraphics[?options?]{?file name?} which can be used to 

Using Imported Graphics in LaTeX and pdfLaTeX

12 janv. 2006 (e.g. the bb option of includegraphics is used) then LATEX never even reads the eps file. In fact

How to Use the graphicx Package

Given the widely varying degrees of familiarity with LATEX of our authors we feel that the plotone

\includegraphics (LaTeX2e unofficial reference manual (January

This example puts a graphic in a figure environment so LaTeX can move it to the next page if fitting it on the current page is awkward (see figure )

Including graphics in LaTeX/PDF documents

Here we discuss how to include graphics in a LaTeX document intended to be later converted to PDF format paying special attention to how to maintain 

Insérer une image dans un document - LaTeX - Xm1 Math

Mais la commande \includegraphics inclut des options qu'il est souvent rapide de Texmaker doit-être réglé sur "LaTeX + dvips + ps2 pdf + View PDF"

LaTeX/Inclure des images - Wikilivres

Pour inclure une image il faut utiliser la commande \includegraphics{nom du (dans l'ordre suivant avec pdf latex : pdf png jpg mps jpeg)

pdflatex \includegraphics and multi-page PDF files - TeX

I am aware that there is a Latex package called pdf pages but it seems to be designed for something else: with pdf pages each page in the 

Inserting Images - Overleaf Online LaTeX Editor

The \includegraphics{universe} command is the one that actually included the image in the document Here universe is the name of the file containing the image 

[PDF] Strategies for including graphics in LATEX documents

Table 1 shows ways to convert the standard graphics formats to supported formats In particu- lar converting EPS graphics used with latex+dvips to PDF for 

Including graphics and positioning - learnlatexorg

You can include EPS PNG JPG and PDF files If you have more than one version of a graphic then you can write for instance example-image png

How to Include PDF Files in LaTeX Documents - Baeldung

10 déc 2022 · We can include pdf figures using the graphicx package and the \includegraphics command However sometimes we need to include a range of pages 

[PDF] How to Use the graphicx Package

Optional parameters—called “keys”—enable the figure to be resized rotated cropped trimmed etc These keys and their functions are listed below

This example puts a graphic in a figure environment so LaTeX can move it to the next page if fitting it on the current page is awkward (see figure ).Autres questions
  • How to includegraphics as pdf in LaTeX?

    The \\includegraphics command is part of the graphicx package and can import all the usual file formats including pdf, jpeg, png, etc. The command also accepts other options instead of scale such as rotation, height, width, bounding box, etc.
  • What are the options of includegraphics in LaTeX?

    Including images in your LaTeX document requires adding: \\usepackage{graphicx} to the beginning/preamble of your document. \\includegraphics{ } command tells LaTeX to insert the image. To upload an image, click the upload button, and upload your image file.
  • How to use includegraphics in LaTeX?

    It's really easy, just add the \\caption{Some caption} and inside the braces write the text to be shown. The placement of the caption depends on where you place the command; if it's above the \\includegraphics then the caption will be on top of it, if it's below then the caption will also be set below the figure.

How to Use thegraphicxPackage

T. J. Mahoney

Instituto de Astrof´ısica de Canarias, E-38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, SpainAbstract.This guide explains how to import and manipulate graphics into your article for inclusion in a volumeof proceedings in the ASP Conference


1. Introduction

Given the widely varying degrees of familiarity with L AT

EX of our authors, we

feel that the\plotone,\plottwo,and\plotfiddlecommands will serve most purposes. However, those who are moreau faitwith L A


thegraphicxpackage. This package enables the user to wield far greater control over the importation of graphics into a.texfile and, apart from the usual sizing and rotational facilities, also enables the user to crop or trim an image as desired (e.g., to get rid of surrounding blank margins). Thegraphicxpackage is useful if you need to use only a part of a complete image. This guide will take you through the various parameter ("keys") of the package and applying them to the sample figuredemo.eps(copied from Kopka & Daly 1999).

2. Invokinggraphicx

The first step to take is to ensure that you have the command \usepackage{graphicx} in the preamble of your article. Importing a graphic is then done by usingthe command \includegraphics[key1=...,key2 =...,etc.]{filename} Optional parameters-called "keys"-enable the figure to be resized, rotated, cropped, trimmed, etc. These keys and their functions are listed below. scale =number- a magnification factor width = length- the width to which the figure should be scaled1 1 If the height is not given, it too is scaled by the same amount. 1


height =length- the height to which the figure should be scaled 2 totalheight =length- height plus depth of figure (to be used if figure is rotated) keepaspectratio = true/false- maintains the height/width ratio angle =number- angle (in degrees) by which the figure is to be rotated counterclockwise origin =location 3 - the point about which rotation is to occur draft = true/false- prevents figure from being imported, but created a named box with the dimensions of the figure (this option is used to speed up processing) clip = true/false- excludes whatever is outside the bounding box bb =llxllyurxury- enters the bounding box coordinates, which are given by default in points (1/72 inch), manually (the bounding box might be missing or you might want to alter it) viewport =llx lly urx ury- specifies bounding box w.r.t. bottom left of existing bounding box; used withclipto select a part of the image (or to clear unwanted margins. trim =dllx dlly durx dury- reduces the bounding box by the amount specified hiresbb = true/false- reads the bounding box information from the line%%HiResBoundingBoxin figure file

3. Experimenting withgraphicx

Figure 1 shows the default image produced by the graphics filedemo.eps, called using the command \includegraphics{demo} (note that none of the keys is used). Figure 2 shows the same figure scaled by a factor of three and rotated by

60 degrees anticlockwise and using the command

\includegraphics[scale = 3, angle = 60]{demo} 2 If the width is not given, it too is scaled by the same amount. 3 bl= bottom left,c=center,t=top,r=right,B= baseline, or any meaningful combination thereof.


Figure 1. Here is ademo.epsto play with.

Figure 2. Here isdemo.epsagain rescaled to three times its original size and rotated counterclockwise through 60 degrees. Figure 3 shows the default image with a different aspect ratio, created by varying the height and width with the command \includegraphics[width = 400pt, height = 200pt]{demo} In Figure 4 we plot the filefamily demo2.eps, which has a larger bounding box but using the default keys (\includegraphics{demo2}). We see that the relevant part of the figure has been forced down to the lower left of the figure in


Figure 3. Here isdemo.epswith a different aspect ratio. spite of our efforts to center it. There are three ways of rectifying this situation.

We can:

1. Force a new bounding box manually with thebbkey (keying in the original


2. Use theviewportkey

3. Use thetrimkey

We can force a new bounding box by using:

\includegraphics[bb = 169 158 233 242]{demo2} We have used the bounding box values fordemo.epsfordemo.eps2.The result is shown in Figure 5. We chose these values for the new bounding box because we already knew them fromdemo.eps; in practice we would need to experiment with various values in order to find something that works.

We get identical results if we use the command

\includegraphics[viewport = 0 0 64 84]{demo2.eps} (see Figure 6) or \includegraphics[trim = 0 0 300 300]{demo2.eps} (see Figure 7). (Note that the key takes the bottom left corner of the existing bounding box as its origin.)


Figure 4. Here isdemo2.eps,whichisdemo.epswith a different bounding box; this creates wide margins at the top and to the right of the original figure and causing the relevant part of the figure into the bottom left corner. Figure 5. We set a new bounding box manually with the keybbto eliminate the unwanted margins and restore the figure to its central position.


Figure 6. Elimination of unwanted margins using theviewportkey (note that the origin, (0,0), is now the bottom left corner of the original bounding box. Figure 7. Elimination of unwanted margins usingtrimkey.quotesdbs_dbs13.pdfusesText_19
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