[PDF] The 2006 Military Takeover in Fiji: A Coup to End All Coups?

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The 2006 Military Takeover in Fiji: A Coup to End All Coups?

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aventures suivantes : Les perdrix La capuche du prévôt Le vilain mire Le vilain de Farbu Le vilain et la tarte II La morale Souvent l’auteur s’adresse également à son public dans une morale 1 Qu’est-ce que la morale dans les fabliaux ? Où la trouve-t-on ? Quels textes célèbres que vous

Quelle est la scène de la farce du pâté et de la tarte ?

La Farce du pâté et de la tarte » scène XV. - « Le Vilain et l'Oiselet » LE VILAIN MIRE LE VILAIN MIRE. l y avait jadis un paysan fort riche travailleur Azur et Asmar de Michel Ocelot Résumé : Il y a bien longtemps deux enfants étaient bercés par la même femme. La femme coupe une tarte ... Chapitre 4 : Le vilain pays (14 mn 35).

Qu'est-ce que le mot vilain ?

Telestprisquicroyaitprendre L’HISTOIRE DES MOTS « Vilain» (l. 33) vient du latin villa qui signifie «la ferme». Au Moyen Âge, le vilain, par opposition au serf, est un homme libre qui travaille la terre. Le paysan étant alors méprisé, le mot a pris le sens péjoratif de «personne mauvaise».

Pourquoi le vilain quitta là cour ?

C’est là richesse mauvaise qui n’honore pas son propriétaire. Quoi qu’il en soit, le vilain quitta la cour en emportant la robe du comte. Sur le chemin du retour, il songeait aux proverbes qu’on a coutume de dire: «Qui reste chez lui, se dessèche» et encore «Qui sort de chez lui obtient profit».

Qu'est-ce que le Vilain mire ?

Le Vilain mire Il était un riche vilain, extrêmement avare et chiche.. Il ne quittait pas sa charrue, qu'il menait lui-même, attelée d'une jument et d'un roncin.. Il avait pain et viande et vin toujours au gré de ses besoins.. Mais ses amis le blâmaient fort, et avec eux tout le pays, de ne pas avoir pris de femme.

The 2006 Military Takeover in Fiji: A Coup to End All Coups?

Published by ANU E Press

The Australian National University

Canberra ACT 0200, Australia

Email: anuepress@anu.edu.au

This title is also available online at:

National Library of Australia

Cataloguing-in-Publication entry


The 2006 military takeover in Fiji: a coup to end all coups? / editors, Stewart Firth, Jon Fraenkel, Brij V. Lal. ISBN:

9781921536502 (pbk.) 9781921536519 (pdf)


Includes index.


Government, Resistance to--Fiji.

Fiji--History--21st century.

Fiji--Politics and government--21st century.

Other Authors/Contributors:

Firth, Stewart, 1944-

Fraenkel, Jonathan.

Lal, Brij V.

Dewey Number:


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

Cover design by Annie Di Nallo Design

Copy editing by Wendy Tubman

Cover photograph of Colonel Sitiveni Rabuka: Ian Mackley [ca 29 May 1987], reference number: EP/1987/2601. Dominion Post Collection, Alexander Turnbull Library,

Wellington, New Zealand.

Cover photographs of George Speight and Commodore Frank Bainimarama: AAP/AFP/

Torsten Blackwood.

Printed by University Printing Services, ANU

This edition © 2009 ANU E Press


Table of Contents

Acronyms and abbreviations


Authors' biographies



1. The enigmas of Fiji's good governance coup


Jon Fraenkel and Stewart Firth

The coup

2. 'Anxiety, uncertainty and fear in our land': Fiji's road to 21

military coup, 2006, Brij V. Lal

3. Fiji's December 2006 coup: Who, what, where and why?, 43

Jon Fraenkel

4. 'This process of political readjustment': The aftermath of the 67

2006 Fiji Coup, Brij V. Lal


5. The changing role of the Great Council of Chiefs, Robert Norton 97

6. The Fiji military and ethno-nationalism: Analyzing the paradox, 117

Stewart Firth and Jon Fraenkel

7. Swim or sink: The post-coup economy in limbo, Satish Chand 139

8. The great roadmap charade: Electoral issues in post-coup Fiji, 155

Jon Fraenkel


9. Religion and politics: The Christian churches and the 2006 coup 187 in Fiji, Lynda Newland

10. The good, the bad and the faithful: The response by Indian 209

religious groups, Jonathon Prasad


11. Heading for the scrap heap of history? The consequences of 237 the coup for the Fiji labour movement, Vijay Naidu

12. The Fiji nurses' strike, Kuini Lutua 253

vi Media

13. The Fiji coup six months on: The role of the media, 267

Samisoni Pareti

14. State control and self-censorship in the media after the coup, 277

Russell Hunter

Law and the constitution

15. The impact of the coup on Fiji"s judiciary, Graham Leung 291

16. The erosion of judicial independence, Graham Leung 301

17. The rule of law and judicial independence amidst the coups 311

and attempted coups in Fiji since 1987, Tupou Draunidalo

18. The coup d"état and the Fiji Human Rights Commission, 321

Noel Cox


19. The People"s Charter: For or against?, Wadan Narsey 339

20. ‘Democracy" versus good governance, Mahendra P. Chaudhry 343

21. From fear and turmoil to the possibilities of hope and 353

renewal once again, Laisenia Qarase

22. Resolving the current crisis in Fiji - a personal perspective, 375

Jioji Kotobalavu

23. Mythic constitutionalism: Whither Fiji"s course in June 2007?, 385

Joni Madraiwiwi

24. Creating a stable Fiji, Joni Madraiwiwi 393

25. Making votes count: The need for electoral reform, 397

Rev. Akuila Yabaki

26. The impact of Fiji"s 2006 coup on human and women"s rights, 405

Virisila Buadromo

27. Reections on Fiji"s ‘coup culture", Sandra Tarte 409

28. Fijian Ethno-Nationalism, Jone R. Baledrokadroka 415

29. Ethno-Nationalism and the People"s Charter, Jone Dakuvula 419


30. One hand clapping: Reections on the rst anniversary of 425

Fiji"s 2006 coup, Brij V. Lal

31. Fiji"s Coup Syndrome, Jon Fraenkel and Stewart Firth 449

Index 459

Fiji's 2006 Military Takeover

Assembly of Christian Churches in FijiACCF

Asian Development BankADB

Agricultural Landlord and Tenant ActALTA

Agricultural Landlord and Tenant OrdinanceALTO

Asia-Pacific Economic CooperationAPEC

Arya Prathinidi SabhaAPS

Alternative voteAV

Bose Levu Vakaturaga (Great Council of Chiefs ± GCC)BLV

Conservative Alliance±Matanitu VanuaCAMV

Citizens© Constitutional ForumCCF

Chief Executive OfficerCEO

Cost of Living AllowanceCOLA

Confederation of Public Service UnionsCPSU

Counter Revolutionary Warfare UnitCRW

Duavata Initiative LimitedDIL

Ecumenical Centre for Research, Education and AdvocacyECREA

Eminent Persons GroupEPG

European UnionEU

Fiji Council of ChurchesFCC

Fiji Cane Growers AssociationFCGA

Foreign Direct InvestmentFDI

Fiji Human Rights CommissionFHRC

Forum Island CountryFIC

Fiji Independent Commission Against CorruptionFICAC

Fiji Islands Council of Trade UnionsFICTU

Fiji Islands Revenue and Customs AuthorityFIRCA

Fiji Labour PartyFLP

Fiji Law SocietyFLS

Fiji Muslim LeagueFML

Fiji Nursing AssociationFNA

Fijian Nationalist PartyFNP

Fiji National Provident FundFNPF

Fiji Public Employees UnionFPEU

Fiji Public Service AssociationFPSA

Fiji Teachers AssociationFTA

Fiji Teachers UnionFTU

Fiji Trade Union CongressFTUC

Great Council of Chiefs (

Bose Levu Vakaturaga


Gross Domestic IncomeGDI

Gross Domestic ProductGDP

Information and Communications TechnologyICT

International Confederation of Free Trade UnionsICFTU

International Labor OrganizationILO

Industrial Relations FrameworkIRF

Judicial Services CommissionJSC

Multi-Fibre ArrangementMFA

Multinational Forces and ObserversMFO

Member of ParliamentMP

Melanesian Spearhead GroupMSG

National Alliance Party of FijiNAPF

National Council for Building a Better FijiNCBBF

National Federation PartyNFP

National Farmers UnionNFU

Non-Governmental OrganizationNGO

Pacific Islands ForumPIF

Public Service CommissionPSC

Native Land Trust BoardNLTB

Queen Elizabeth BarracksQEB

Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon IslandsRAMSI

Republic of Fiji Military ForcesRFMF

Reserve Bank of FijiRBF

Promotion of Reconciliation, Tolerance and Unity BillRTU Bill

Special Air ServiceSAS

Soqosoqo Duavata ni LewenivanuaSDL

Sugar Cane Growers CouncilSCGC

South Pacific Trade and Economic Cooperation AgreementSPARTECA

Shree Sanatan Dharm Pratinidhi SabhaSSDPS

Soqosoqo ni Vakavulewa ni TaukeiSVT

Textiles, Clothing and FootwearTCF

Transparency InternationalTI

United Generals PartyUGP

United NationsUN

United Nations Interim Force in LebanonUNIFIL

Value Added TaxVAT

United Nations Assistance Mission for IraqUNAMI

Viti Civil Servants AssociationVCSA

Veitokani ni Lewenivanua VakarisitoVLV

Throughout this book, in accordance with common usage, the term `the Promotion of Reconciliation, Tolerance and Unity Bill' has been abbreviated to `the RTU Bill'. Note also that, throughout this book, different authors use different terms to describe those descended from the Indian subcontinent. No attempt has been made to standardize usage. Colonel Jone Baledrokadrokais a long-serving officer in the Republic of Fiji Military Forces. He has a Masters in Strategic Studies from Deakin University Australia and a post graduate diploma in Strategic and Defence Studies from University of Malaya. He has served overseas on United Nations peacekeeping missions and commanded the troops which put down the attempted mutiny of November 2000. He was promoted to Acting Land Forces Commander in January

2006, but was subsequently relieved of his command after urging the RFMF

Commander to halt confrontation with the Qarase government. He comes from Naitasiri on Viti Levu and attended the Marist Brothers School in Suva.

Virisila Buadromo

is Executive Director of the Fiji Women's Rights Movement. She was formerly a journalist working for the FM96 radio station.

Satish Chand

is a Professor of Economics at the Australian Defence Force Academy. He is also the Director of the Pacific Policy Project, which undertakes policy-relevant research on Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands. Originally from Fiji, Satish has a PhD in Economics from the ANU and has published on international trade, economic growth, labour markets, and development.

Mahendra Chaudhry

is leader of the Fiji Labour Party. He was Fiji's first Prime Minister of Indian descent, until being overthrown in the coup of 19 May 2000 and kept in captivity for 56 days. Upon appointment of the interim government in January 2007, he became Minister of Finance, Sugar Reform, Public Enterprise and National Planning, but he and his labour colleagues resigned from the government in August 2008.

Noel Cox

is Professor of Constitutional Law and Head of the Department of Law at the Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, and a Barrister of the High Court of New Zealand. His main fields of research are public law, and technological challenges to the law.quotesdbs_dbs31.pdfusesText_37
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