[PDF] 8085 instruction set pdf

  • What is 8085 instruction set?

    The 8085 instruction set is classified into 3 categories by considering the length of the instructions. In 8085, the length is measured in terms of “byte” rather than “word” because 8085 microprocessor has 8-bit data bus. Three types of instruction are: 1-byte instruction, 2-byte instruction, and 3-byte instruction.
  • How many instructions does 8085 have?

    Since the 8085 is an 8-bit device it can have up to 28 (256) instructions. However, the 8085 only uses 246 combinations that represent a total of 74 instructions. Each instruction has two parts. The first part is the task or operation to be performed.
  • What is 8-bit instruction in 8085?

    In 8085 Instruction set, XRI is a mnemonic that stands for “eXclusive OR Immediate with Accumulator” and “d8” stands for any 8-bit data. This instruction is used to Ex-OR 8-bit immediate data with the Accumulator. The result of Ex-ORing will be stored in the Accumulator overwriting its previous content.
  • In 8085 Instruction set, RC is a mnemonic, which stands for “Return if Carry”. This instruction is used to return to the main program, only if Cy flag value is 1. If Cy flag value is 0, program flow continues in the subroutine sequentially. It is a 1-Byte instruction.
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While copying the contents of source are not modified. Page 5. Data Transfer Instructions. Opcode. Operand. Description.

Unit-II Instruction Set and Programs for Intel 8085 • Following major

20-Oct-2020 The instruction set of a microprocessor is the collection of the instructions ... Classification of Intel 8085 Instructions:.

Instruction Set

? 8085 registers and main memory e.g. LDA STA

Appendix A: 8085 Instruction Set by Opcode

Meaning. Accumulator. } One of the internal registers. Represents the flag register. The 16-bit memory address currently held by the register pair Hand L.


8085 INSTRUCTION SET. INSTRUCTION DETAILS. DATA TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS. Opcode Operand. Description. Copy from source to destination.

8085 Microprocessor Instruction Set

instructions the last two byte present address or 16-bit data. MP & MC APPLICATIONS. Lecture 4 – 8085 Microprocessor Instruction Set.

PDF Microprocessors - Tutorialspoint

8085 Microprocessor – Functional Units . 8085 – Instruction Sets . ... Comparison between 8085 &8086 Microprocessor.

Unit 2 Instruction Set and Addressing modes

instruction in the memory.8085 instructions are of following sizes: ?One-byte or oneword Instructions: opcode and operand in 8 bits only i.e. one byte.


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