[PDF] The portrayal of women in hip hop videos can influence peoples

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Feb 22 2010 rap and/or hip-hop videos has called attention to the male gaze1 and the ways in which young African-American women negotiate their sexuality.

The portrayal of women in hip hop videos can influence peoples

The influence of these video clips on male's ideas about female gender roles A female watching these hip hop videos might get the impression that it is.


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  • Quels sont les 5 fondamentaux du hip-hop ?

    Elle se caractérise par cinq éléments distincts, desquels découlent les différents aspects de la culture : le human beatbox, le rap (oral), le turntablism ou « DJing » (musical), b-boying (physique) et graffiti artistique (visuel).
  • Quelles sont les 4 disciplines du hip-hop ?

    La culture Hip Hop articule quatre grandes disciplines que sont la danse, le rap (ou MC'ing), le graffiti et DJ'ing auquel est venu s'ajouter le beatbox (qui de nos jours est associé au rap).
  • Quelles sont les 6 disciplines du hip-hop ?

    Avec six disciplines ( locking, popping, hip-hop, new style, house, expérimental et dance-hall), Juste Debout est la plus grande compétition mondiale de danses hip-hop (hormis le breakdance).
  • La culture hip-hop connaît 5 disciplines : le Rap (ou MCing), le DJing, le Break dancing (ou b-boying), le Graffiti, le Beatboxing.
The portrayal of women in hip hop ǀideos can influence people's ideas about gender. The sexual object to be admired by men. We see this in the behaviour - women are Tancing VeTucWively anT proǀocatiǀely. The women seem an easy target for men's sedžual desires and they live to give men pleasure. This is also evident in the appearance of the women - TreVVeT in bikiniV or very liWWle cloWUingH Vlim buW curvy wiWU large breaVWV (UourglaVV figureV)H make-up anT jewellery worn. TUeVe imageV VUow WUe culWural aWWiWuTeV Veen in WUe Uip Uop industry. This portrayal puts ideas in people's heads that this is what is important to the opposite sex and what is expected as a gender role. TUe influence of WUeVe viTeo clipV on male's ideas about female gender roles [1] iV WUaW WUey may expecW all femaleV Wo be Vexually inWereVWeT in WUemH anT eaVy Wo geW. Pomen will To anyWUing WUaW a man aVkV of WUemH in orTer Wo fiW in anT pleaVe Uer man. ÓaleV will expecW girlV Wo look perfecW in relaWion Wo WUeir boTyH cloWUingH make-up anT Uair. Since iW iV ofWen Veen on muVic viTeoV WUaW UeWeroVexualiWy iV normal for everyoneH a male or female waWcUing WUeVe viTeo clipV will believe WUiV iV wUaW iV expecWeT (WUiV linkV Wo influence on Vexual iTenWiWy). A female waWcUing WUeVe Uip Uop viTeoV migUW geW WUe impreVVion WUaW iW iV expecWeT for Uer Wo VUow off Uer boTy. SUe may alVo pick up iTeaV abouW Uow VUe VUoulT beUave in orTer Wo be Veen aV aWWracWive Wo WUe oppoViWe Vex. SUe will Vee WUaW iW iV accepWable in VocieWy for women Wo uVe WUeir VexualiWy Wo aWWracW maleV anT pleaVe a parWner. TUe viTeo clipV alVo VuggeVW WUaW biVexualiWy iV accepWeT in femaleV. TUiV iV Veen in ScUoolboy Y's ǀideo where the females are Tancing provocaWively wiWU eacU oWUer. One oWUer influence relating to Schoolboy Y's ǀideo is that being polygamous, haǀing many partners, is tied down to one parWner. TUe valueV of Vocial juVWice are noW being encourageTH eVpecially in relaWion Wo genTer roleV for women in VocieWy. A way incluViveneVV iV noW being encourageT iV WUrougU WUe limiWeT imageV Veen of women in WUe viTeo clipV. TUeVe imageV To noW incluTe everyone anT very few women acWually look anT acW like WUiV in real life (WUiV iV unrealiVWic anT fake). TUe porWrayal of women in Uip Uop viTeoV iV alVo unfair Tue Wo WUe limiWeT imageV VUown anT TiVcriminaWory in relaWion Wo women being Veen aV Vexual objecWV. AnoWUer value WUaW WUe viTeo clipV fail Wo encourage iV reVpecW for femaleV. Personal attitudes, ǀalues and beliefs related to sedžual orientation can influence people's ideas about sexual identity. Harry is attracted to the same sex buW Ue iTenWifieV UimVelf aV heterosedžual. He is uncomfortable and ashamed of being gay, possibly because he doesn't see homosexuality being accepted or encourageT in UiV peer groupH family or VocieWy. Harry iV inWo WUe Wypical male inWereVWVH like VpenTing Wime wiWU UiV frienTVH VkaWeboarTing anT VporWV. Harry iV confuVeT becauVe WUe gay maleV Ue VeeV on TV are inWo beauWyH faVUion anT porWray WUemVelveV aV more feminine. Harry iV noW like WUiVH anT UiV Vexual iTenWiWy iV he goes off with girls. TUeVe beliefV influence oWUer young UomoVexual maleV in a Vimilar way [2]. HeWeroVexualiWy iV Veen aV WUe normH anT if you are male aWWracWeT Wo WUe Vame VexH you are VofW anT makeV iW UarTer for gay people Wo come ouW Wo oWUerV anT accepW WUeir own Vexual iTenWiWy. If people Uave WUe aWWiWuTe WUaW being UomoVexual iV wrongH iW woulT inTicaWe WUaW iW iV expecWeT WUaW people are UeWeroVexualH wUicU iV confuVing anT TiVWreVVing for people like Harry who are trying to figure out who they are. The beliefs not only come from individuals, buW from WUe influence of oWUerV (frienTVH familyH VcUool maWeV) anT from VocieWy iWVelf. Ńor example WUe meTia iV ofWen very VWereoWypical wiWU Uow iW preVenWV people of TifferenW sedžualities and this has the ability to influence people's ǀiews. If someone like Harry has been brought up around mainly (or only) VWraigUW maleV anT Ue only VeeV imageV of UomoVexual maleV in WUe meTiaH iW can become confuVing wUen WUe limiWeT imageV porWrayeT in WUe meTia ToeV noW maWcU realiWy for young gay people. IW iV imporWanW for WeenagerV Wo feel aV WUougU WUey fiW inH anT WUe WUougUW of noW being accepWeT or being excluTeT makeV WUe fear worVe for WUoVe wUo are VcareT of coming ouW. TUiV meanV WUey will be influenceT Wo conWinue Wo preVenW WUemVelveV aV VWraigUWH like Harry. TUe valueV of Vocial juVWice are noW being VUown in relaWion Wo Harry. One of WUe WUingV WUaW Harry perVonally feelV iV unfair iV WUaW UomoVexualV Uave Wo come ouW wUereaV UeWeroVexualV To noW. TeenagerV juVW wanW Wo be normal anT accepWeTH Vo Uaving Wo go WUrougU WUiV different. The resource refers to Harry feeling this way and this is making his decision to come ouW even UarTer. AnoWUer way Vocial juVWice iV noW being promoWeT relaWeV Wo lack of incluVive porWrayal of UomoVexualiWy in WUe meTia. TUe limiWeT repreVenWaWion of gay maleV in the media as feminine does not match people like Harry who don't haǀe these tendencies and aside from sexual preference are like other guys. This makes them feel WUaW WUey woulT noW fiW in wiWU eiWUer group. A VocieWal VWraWegy involveV equal opporWuniWieV anT policieV WUaW make UomoVexualiWy aV equally accepWeT aV UeWeroVexualiWy. Ńor exampleH in NR we now Uave marriage equaliWy. AnoWUer acWion WUaW relaWeV Wo WUiV woulT be more incluVive porWrayal of TiverVe Vexual iTenWiWieV in WUe meTiaH for example in popular TV VUowV anT aV UoVWV anT preVenWerV of newV anT VporWV VUowV. Moing WUiV will Uelp Wo Wake WUe VWigma arounT being gay anT VenT a VWrong meVVage WUaW people are WreaWeT aV equalVH no maWWer wUaW WUeir Vexual iTenWiWy. PiWU marriage equaliWyH WUiV will aTTreVV WUe unfairneVV anT TiVcriminaWion WUaW can be VUown Wo UomoVexualV becauVe WUeir relaWionVUip can be recogniVeT legally. TUiV will Uelp Wo change people's attitudes towards relationships and what defines a family. With inclusiǀe portrayal in the media, this will make it seem less unusual for someone to be homosexual and it can show that, just because they are gay, it doesn't mean that they dress or act any

TifferenWly from anyone elVe.

An inWerperVonal VWraWegy WUaW connecWV Wo WUe VocieWal acWion iV Wo communicaWe wiWU oWUer increaVe WUe cUanceV of equal opporWuniWieV anT accepWance of UomoVexualiWyH WUen people are likely Wo feel more comforWable in VupporWing oWUerV arounT WUem wUo are gay or are coming ouW. TUiV may involve VupporWing WUem Wo Well oWUer peopleH being a gooT frienT anT aTvocaWe. Social juVWice will be encourageT aV people like Harry will feel more likely Wo be incluTeTH anT leVV likely Wo be TiVcriminaWeT againVWH wUen Ue comeV ouW. A perVonal acWion WUaW linkV Wo WUe above iV Wo be reVponVible for your own learning abouW Vexual iTenWiWy Wo Tevelop a beWWer unTerVWanTing of WUeir own Vexual iTenWiWy buW alVo deǀelop more tolerance and openness to other people's sedžual identities. This links to the inWerperVonal VWraWegy if WUiV learning iV VUareT wUen communicaWing wiWU oWUerVH anT linkV Wo WUe VocieWal VWraWegy [3]H aV Vome of WUiV learning iV likely Wo come from a beWWer unTerVWanTing of equal opporWuniWy policieV anT porWrayal of gay people in WUe meTia. TUiV furWUer VupporWV Vocial juVWice aV people will be more likely Wo be incluVive anT reVpecWful of other people's sedžuality ΀4΁.quotesdbs_dbs16.pdfusesText_22
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