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Chapter 1 General introduction 7 Chapter 2 Do smokers devaluate smoking cues after Go/No-Go training? 25 Chapter 3

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Hanneke Scholten





Designing and Testing a Game Intervention

to Help Youth Quit Smoking

Hanneke Scholten

Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019PDF page: 1PDF page: 1PDF page: 1PDF page: 1

Designing and Testing a Game Intervention

to Help Youth Quit Smoking

Hanneke Scholten


This thesis was funded by the Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University and t



Cover design and layout

Koontz Interactive


Gildeprint - Enschede

ISBN: 9789464020076

© H. Scholten, 2020

Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019PDF page: 2PDF page: 2PDF page: 2PDF page: 2Funding

This thesis was funded by the Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University and t



Cover design and layout

Koontz Interactive


Gildeprint - Enschede

ISBN: 9789464020076

© H. Scholten, 2020

Designing and Testing a Game Intervention

to Help Youth Quit Smoking Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen op gezag van de rector magnificus prof. dr. J.H.J.M. van Krieken, volgens besluit van het college van decanen in het openbaar te verdedigen op donderdag 30 januari 2020, om 16.30 uur precies door

Hanneke Scholten

geboren op 4 juni 1991 te Winterswijk

Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019PDF page: 3PDF page: 3PDF page: 3PDF page: 3

Designing and Testing a Game Intervention

to Help Youth Quit Smoking Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen op gezag van de rector magnificus prof. dr. J.H.J.M. van Krieken, volgens besluit van het college van decanen in het openbaar te verdedigen op donderdag 30 januari 2020, om 16.30 uur precies door

Hanneke Scholten

geboren op 4 juni 1991 te Winterswijk


Prof. dr. I. Granic


Dr. M. Luijten


Prof. dr. R. W. Holland

Prof. dr. N. B. Allen (University of Oregon, Eugene, Verenigde Staten)

Prof. dr. J. M. Vink

Prof. dr. R. W. H. J. Wiers (Universiteit van Amsterdam)

Dr. ing. S. C. J. Bakkes (Universiteit Utrecht)

Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019PDF page: 4PDF page: 4PDF page: 4PDF page: 4Promotor

Prof. dr. I. Granic


Dr. M. Luijten


Prof. dr. R. W. Holland

Prof. dr. N. B. Allen (University of Oregon, Eugene, Verenigde Staten)

Prof. dr. J. M. Vink

Prof. dr. R. W. H. J. Wiers (Universiteit van Amsterdam)

Dr. ing. S. C. J. Bakkes (Universiteit Utrecht)


Chapter 1 General introduction 7 Chapter 2 Do smokers devaluate smoking cues after Go/No-Go training? 25 Chapter 3 Behavioral trainings and manipulations to reduce delay discounting: A systematic review 49 Chapter 4 Mechanisms of change in a go/no-go training game for young adult smokers 129 Chapter 5 When winning is losing: A randomized controlled trial testing a video game to train food-specific inhibitory control 181 Chapter 6 Use of the principles of design thinking to address limitations of digital mental health interventions for youth 233 Chapter 7 A randomized controlled trial to test the effectiveness of a peer-based social mobile game intervention to reduce smoking in youth 255

Chapter 8 General discussion 307

References 337

Publication list 403

Nederlandse samenvatting 409

Curriculum Vitae 419

Acknowledgements 423

Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019PDF page: 5PDF page: 5PDF page: 5PDF page: 5Contents

Chapter 1 General introduction 7 Chapter 2 Do smokers devaluate smoking cues after Go/No-Go training? 25 Chapter 3 Behavioral trainings and manipulations to reduce delay discounting: A systematic review 49 Chapter 4 Mechanisms of change in a go/no-go training game for young adult smokers 129 Chapter 5 When winning is losing: A randomized controlled trial testing a video game to train food-specific inhibitory control 181 Chapter 6 Use of the principles of design thinking to address limitations of digital mental health interventions for youth 233 Chapter 7 A randomized controlled trial to test the effectiveness of a peer-based social mobile game intervention to reduce smoking in youth 255

Chapter 8 General discussion 307

References 337

Publication list 403

Nederlandse samenvatting 409

Curriculum Vitae 419

Acknowledgements 423

General introduction



Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019PDF page: 6PDF page: 6PDF page: 6PDF page: 6General introduction



Chapter 1

General introduction

Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019PDF page: 7PDF page: 7PDF page: 7PDF page: 7

Chapter 1

General introduction

The most important

lesson I have learned from playing HitnRun is that the craving to smoke only lasts a few minutes and Im strong enough to get through those few minutes"

Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019PDF page: 8PDF page: 8PDF page: 8PDF page: 8

The most important

lesson I have learned from playing HitnRun is that the craving to smoke only lasts a few minutes and Im strong enough to get through those few minutes"

General introduction

9 Smoking is a major cause of worldwide morbidity and mortality; each year killing about seven million people worldwide (WHO, 2018), and 20,000 people in the Netherlands alone (RIVM, 2016a). Despite a decrease in the number of Dutch smokers under 16 years, a small increase has been observed in the number of young smokers between the ages of 16 and 25 (CBS, 2016; 2017; international smoking prevalence rates for this age group show similar patterns: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,

2014). Regardless of many very important efforts to prevent youth from smoking uptake

(e.g., Carson-Chahhoud et al., 2017; Coppo et al., 2012; MacArthur, Harrison, Caldwell, Hickman, & Campbell, 2016; Thomas, McLellan, & Perera, 2013; Scott-Sheldon et al.,

2016), it is also critical to invest in smoking cessation interventions for youth.

Unfortunately, smoking youth have been largely overlooked in smoking cessation research and policy building (McClure, Arheart, Lee, Sly, & Dietz, 2013; Villanti, McKay, Abrams, Holtgrave, & Bowie, 2010), because the major burden of smoking-related diseases falls on the adult population (Fanshawe et al., 2017). However, most smokers (98%) acquire the habit of smoking during adolescence (Fanshawe et al., 2017; HSCIC,

2012; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012; 2014), and smoking at a

younger age is a significant predictor of nicotine dependence in adulthood (Mermelstein,

2003; Van de Ven, Greenwood, Engels, Olsson, & Patton, 2010). In addition, smoking

health (Mermelstein, 2003; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012), and has been related to mental health problems (Chang, Sherritt, & Knight, 2005; Goodman & Capitman, 2000; Moylan, Jacka, Pasco, & Berk, 2013; Treur et al., 2019). Finally, the percentage of effective self-initiated quit attempts among youth is extremely low; without intervention very few adolescent and young adult smokers quit (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2006; Fritz, Wider, Hardin, & Horrocks, 2008; Lane, Leatherdale, & Ahmed, 2011; Mermelstein, 2003). Crucially, quitting smoking before the age of 30 reduces more than 97% of the lifelong health consequences related to smoking (Pirie et al., 2013; Thun et al., 2013). This focus on the adult population has also had a significant influence on smoking cessation research: for a long time, intervention researchers assumed that youth just did not need smoking cessation programs (Backinger, Fagan, Matthews, & Grana, 2003), or that evidence-based adult smoking cessation interventions, such as nicotine replacement therapy or pharmacotherapy, would be equally effective for youth (Fanshawe et al., 2017; Lamkin, Davis, & Kamen, 1998; Milton, Maule, Backinger, & Gregory, 2003). Crucially, most recent research demonstrates that adult-based interventions are not effective for youth, and that different mechanisms are thought to underly the initiation and continuation of smoking among youth specifically (Bader, Travis, & Skinner, 2007; Colby &

Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019Processed on: 30-12-2019PDF page: 9PDF page: 9PDF page: 9PDF page: 9General introduction

9 Smoking is a major cause of worldwide morbidity and mortality; each year killing about seven million people worldwide (WHO, 2018), and 20,000 people in the Netherlands alone (RIVM, 2016a). Despite a decrease in the number of Dutch smokers under 16 years, a small increase has been observed in the number of young smokers between the ages of 16 and 25 (CBS, 2016; 2017; international smoking prevalence rates for this age group show similar patterns: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,

2014). Regardless of many very important efforts to prevent youth from smoking uptake

(e.g., Carson-Chahhoud et al., 2017; Coppo et al., 2012; MacArthur, Harrison, Caldwell, Hickman, & Campbell, 2016; Thomas, McLellan, & Perera, 2013; Scott-Sheldon et al.,

2016), it is also critical to invest in smoking cessation interventions for youth.

Unfortunately, smoking youth have been largely overlooked in smoking cessation research and policy building (McClure, Arheart, Lee, Sly, & Dietz, 2013; Villanti, McKay, Abrams, Holtgrave, & Bowie, 2010), because the major burden of smoking-related diseases falls on the adult population (Fanshawe et al., 2017). However, most smokersquotesdbs_dbs29.pdfusesText_35
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