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There are 19 pages in the booklet containing question no. 1 to 100 under 2 Parts i.e. Part-I & Part-II. b. Part-I contains total 20 questions of IQ (Mental 

Model Question Papers

28 Nov 2018 Programs. Page No. 1. Civil Engineering. CE1-CE14. 2. Computer Science and Engineering. CSE1-CSE29. 3.

Question Papers of Previous Years Examinations (2013-2017)- SO

April 2016. January 2016. November 2016. October 2016. March 2017. February 2017 On 1st April 2011 the P&M A/c stood in the books at 2

State Eligibility Test - Syllabus 2016

State Eligibility Test - Syllabus 2016. Unit VI. Communication Technology Research and Educational Administration. Module 1. Communication. • Communication and 


30 Apr 2016 Commerce. 17.Lakshmi Vilas. Bank. 6.PunMab National Bank. 1.State Bank of ... 24) You cannot leave exam room before submitting the paper. Please ...

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ALL SCL.xlsx

29 Aug 2015 ... 2016 27-12-2016


4. 4/9/2008-IR. 24/06/2008 Courteous behaviour with the persons seeking information under the RTI Act 2005. 5. 1/2/2016-IR. 17/8/2016 Placing details of 

Bill of Exchange

Briefly explain the benefits of maintaining a Bills Payable Book and state how is its posting is done in the ledger? Numerical Questions. 1. On Jan 01 2016 Rao 


I PUC (PCMC's). Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College Dudda. 1


04-Mar-2016 The Higher Secondary Examination of MARCH/APRIL 2016 will be ... (2) Question papers will be issued to candidates at 10.00 a.m. Ten minutes ...

Government of Karnataka Department of pre-University Education

First Year PUC Statistics. QUESTION PAPER PATTERN FOR I P.U.C ... Number of Questions. Th Pr Tot. VSA SA LA ET LA Tot. I. 7. -. 7. 8. 5. 1. 1. 1.


The question paper shall be broadly based on the following pattern. (III & IV semester). Q. No. 1: Multiple choice questions from both the texts.


Page 1. I PUC - STATISTICS. MODEL QUESTION PAPER-1 (FOR REDUCED SYLLABUS 2020-21) SECTION – A. I. Answer any ten of the following questions. 10x1=10. 1.

Financial Statements - II

statements for 2016-17 the expense on insurance premium that should be 1. Closing stock. 2. Outstanding/expenses. 3. Prepaid/Unexpired expenses.


08-Feb-2016 1. Time Table for the Second Year & First Year Higher Secondary Examination. March 2016. 27. 2. List of subjects with Practical Evaluation.

Model Question Papers

11-Dec-2018 Programs. Page No. 1. Civil Engineering. CE1-CE14. 2. Computer Science and Engineering. CSE1-CSE29. 3.


19-Jul-2016 (1) All the instructions/policy decisions taken by Haryana Government upto December 2015 have been incorporated and redundant/obsolete rules or ...

Bill of Exchange

Briefly explain the benefits of maintaining a Bills Payable Book and state how is its posting is done in the ledger? Numerical Questions. 1. On Jan 01 2016 Rao 



This is to certify that Mr. / Mrs. ....................................has satisfactorily completed the course of experiments in practicalCOMPUTER SCIENCEprescribed by thePre-University,BangaloreforFIRSTPUC (P.C.M.C)course in the laboratoryofthis college in the year 2018-19.Signature of the LecturerHead of the DepartmentDate:.......................Name of the Candidate:...................................Register Number:...................................Examination Centre:...................................Date of Practical Examination:..........................

PgmNoProgram NamePageNoSECTION-A (C++)01Write a program to interchange the values of two variablesa.Using a third variable.b.Without using a third variable.0102Write a program to find the area and circumference of a circle.0303Write a program to find the area of a triangle given three sides.0404Write a program to convert days into years, months and days.(Hint:Assume all months have 30 days)0505Write a program to find the largest, smallest and second largest of threenumbers usingsimple if statement.0606Write a program to input the total amount in a bill, if the amount is greater than 1000 thediscount of 8% is given otherwise no discount is given, output the total amount, the discountamount and the final amount,use simple if statement.0707Write a program to check whether a given year is a leap year or not using if-else statement.0808Write a program to input a character and find out whether it is a lower case or upper casecharacter using if-elsestatement.0909Write a program to input the number of units of electricity consumed in a house andcalculate the final amount using nested-if statement. Use the following data for calculationUnits ConsumedCost< 30Rs 3.50 / unit>=30 and <50Rs4.25 / unit>=50 and < 100Rs 5.25 / unit>=100Rs 5.85 /unit10

10Write a program to input the marks of four subjects, calculate the total percentage and outputthe result as either "First class", or "Second class", or "Pass class" or "Fails" usingswitchstatement.ClassRange %First ClassBetween 60 and 100%Second ClassBetween 50 and 59%Pass ClassBetween 40 and 49%FailsLess than 40%1111Write a program to find the sum of all the digits of a number using while statement.1312Write a program to input principal amount, rate of interest and time period and calculatecompound interest using while statement.(Hint:CI = P *(1 + R / 100) T).1413Write a program to check whether a given number is a power of 2.1514Write a program to check whether a given number is an Armstrong number using do-whilestatement (Hint:153 = 13 + 53+ 33).1615Write a program to find the factorial of a number using for statement.1716Write a program to generate the Fibonaccisequence up to a limit using for statement.1817Write a program to find the sum and average of "N" numbers.19

18Write a program to find the second largest of "N" numbers.2019Write a program to arrange a list of numbers in ascending order.2120Write a program to find the position of a given number in an array.2221Write a program to sum of all the rows and the sum of all the columns of a matrix separately.2322Write a program to find the sum of two compatible matrices.2423Consider an array MARKS[20][5] which stores the marks obtained by 20 students in 5subjects. Now write a program to:a)Find the average marks obtained in each subjectb)Find the average marks obtained by every studentc)Find the number of students who have scored below 50in their average2624Write a program to check whether a given string is a palindrome or not.2825Write a program to count the number of vowels and consonants in a string.2926Write a program to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers using functions.3027Write a program to find XYusing functions.3128Write a program to input the register number, name and class of all the students in a classinto a structure and output the data in a tabular mannerwith proper heading32SECTION-B (SPREADSHEET)


Eightsalesmensellthreeproductsforaweek.Usingaspreadsheetcreatea salesreport.Thereportshouldincludethenameofthesalesman, Amountof salesforeachproductandthesalesman"stotal salesintheformatgivenbelow.Sales for theMonthNameTotal Amt.for product1Total Amt.for product2Total Amt.forproduct3Totalsalesa)Typeinalltextandnumbersinthe spreadsheet.b)Formatallnumbersas acurrency.c)Centerthe spreadsheet headingsacross the spreadsheet.d)Formatalltext.e)Createformulas todisplay atotalfor eachsalesrep.f)Createformulas todisplay atotalfor eachproduct.g)Createaformulatocalculatethetotalsalesforallsalesrep'sforthemonth.


02Enterthefollowingdetailsfor10 employees Employee Code, Employee name,Basic salary,DA,HRA,Loans,TotalsalaryandTax.Salary for theMonthEmployeeCodeEmployeeNameBasicSalaryDAHRALoanTotalSalaryAnnualSalaryTaxa)TypetheEmployeeCode,EmployeeName,BasicSalaryandLoanamountdatafor10employeesinthe spreadsheet.b)Formatallnumbersas acurrency.c)Centerthe spreadsheet headingsacross the spreadsheet.d)Formatalltext.36

e)CreateaformulatocomputeDAas50%oftheBasicsalaryandcopythis toallthecells.f)CreateaformulatocomputeHRAas12%oftheBasicsalaryandcopy this toallthecells.g)Create aformulato compute Totalsalaryandcopythis toallthecells.h)IfTotalsalaryisgreater than500000,computeTaxas20%ofTotalsalary otherwise10%ofthe Totalsalary using aformula.


Enterthefollowingdetailsfor10StudentsRegisterNumber,Name,Subject1Marks,Subject2Marks,Subject3Marks,Subject4Marks,TotalMarksandPercentage.Test Marksdataof aClassRegisterNumberNameSubject1MarksSubject2MarksSubject3MarksSubject4MarksTotalMarksPercentagea)Type the RegisterNumber, Nameandmarks offoursubjectsfor10studentsinthespreadsheet.b)Formatalltextandnumericdataappropriately.c)Centerthespreadsheet headingsacross the spreadsheet.d)CreateaformulatocomputetheTotalmarksandcopythistoallthe cells.e)Create aformulato computePercentageandcopythis toallthecells.f)Createaformulatocomputethehighestandlowestscoreusinga libraryfunction.g)DrawabargraphforRegisterNumberagainsttotalmarks.h)DrawPie chartfor one studentshowinghismarksindifferentsubjectfromtotalscore


Ahousewifemaintainsthebudgetexpenditureinaspreadsheetunderthe headingsIncomeand Expenses.Income includeshusband"sandWife"sincomeseparatelyunderdifferentheadings. ExpensesincludeRent, Bills, Householdexpensesandmedicalexpenses.Budget fortheMonthIncomeExpensesTotalExpenditureSavingsHusbandWifeRentBillsHouseholdMedicala)TypetheIncomeandExpensesdatafortheentiremonthinthe spreadsheet.b)Formatallnumbersas currency.c)Centerthe spreadsheet headingsacross the spreadsheet.d)CreateaformulatocomputetheTotalexpenditureandcopythistoall the cells.e)Create aformulato computethe savingsandcopythis toallthecells.f)Drawabargraphto showexpenditureunder eachheading.g)DrawPie chart to showthedistribution ofsalary.


SECTION-C(HTML)01Create aWebpagetodisplayyourdetailsusingdifferenttags.4402Create amodelWeb siteforyourcollegemakingusingdifferenttags.46

C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda1|P a g e

PROGRAM 1(a):Write a C++ program tointerchange the values of two variables using athird variable.#include#includevoid main(){int a, b, temp;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter the two numbers";cin>>a>>b;cout<<"Before Interchanging : a = " < Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda2|P a g e

PROGRAM 1(b):Write a C++ program tointerchange the values of two variableswithoutusing third variable.#include#includevoid main( ){int a, b;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter the two numbers:"<>a>>b;cout<<"Before Interchanging : a = " < Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda3|P a g e

PROGRAM 2:Write a C++ program tofind the area andcircumference of a circle.#include#includevoid main( ){float rad, area, circum;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter the radius:";cin>>rad;area = 3.142 * rad * rad;circum = 2 * 3.142 * rad;cout<<"Area of circle = "< Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda4|P a g e

PROGRAM 3:Write a C++ program tofindthe area of triangle given three sides.#include#include#includevoid main( ){floats1, s2, s3, s, area;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter the length of three sides:";cin>>s1>>s2>>s3;s = (s1 + s2+ s3)/2;area = sqrt( s* (s-s1) * (s-s2) * (s-s3));cout<<"Area of triangle = "<

C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda5|P a g e

PROGRAM 4:Write a C++ program toconvert days into years, months and days.(Hint: Assume all months have 30 days)#include#includevoid main( ){int totaldays, days, year, month;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter the total days:";cin>>totaldays;year = totaldays/365;totaldays = totaldays % 365;month = totaldays/30;days = totaldays % 30;cout<<"Years = "<< years< Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda6|P a g e

PROGRAM 5:Write a C++ program to find the largest, smallest and second largest ofthree numbers using simple if statement.#include#includevoid main( ){int a, b, c;int largest, smallest, seclargest;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter thethree numbers"<>a>>b>>c;largest = a;//Assume first number as largestif(b>largest)largest = b;if(c>largest)largest = c;smallest = a;//Assume first number as smallestif(b Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda7|P a g e

PROGRAM 6:Write a C++program to input the total amount in a bill, if the amount isgreater than 1000, a discount of 8% is given. Otherwise, no discount is given.Output the total amount, discount and the final amount. Use simple if statement.#include#includevoid main( ){float TAmount, discount, FAmount ;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter the Total Amount"<>TAmount;discount = 0;//Calculate Discountif(TAmount>1000)discount = (8/100.0) * TAmount;FAmount = TAmount-discount;//Calculate Final Amountcout<<"Total Amount = "< Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda8|P a g e

PROGRAM 7:Write a C++ program to check whether a given year is a leap year not,Using if-else statement.#include#includevoid main( ){int year ;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter the Year in the form YYYY"<>year;if(year%4 ==0 && year%100!=0 || year%400 ==0)cout<

C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda9|P a g e

PROGRAM 8:Write a C++ program to accept a character. Determine whether thecharacter is a lower-case or upper-case letter.#include#includevoidmain( ){char ch ;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter the Character"<>ch;if(ch>= 'A' && ch <='Z')cout<= 'a' && ch <='z')cout<

C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda10|P a g e

PROGRAM 9:Write a C++ program to input the number of units of electricityconsumed in a house and calculate the final amount using nested-if statement.Use the following data forcalculation.Units consumedCost< 30Rs. 3.50 / Unit>= 30 and < 50Rs.4.25 / Unit>= 50 and < 100Rs.5.25 / Unit>= 100Rs.5.85 / Unit#include#includevoid main( ){int units ;float Billamount;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter thenumber of units consumed:"<>units;if(units < 30)Billamount = units * 3.50 ;elseif(units < 50)Billamount = 29 * 3.50 + (units-29) * 4.25 ;elseif(units < 100)Billamount = 29 * 3.50 + 19 * 4.25 + (units-49) * 5.25 ;elseBillamount = 29 * 3.50 + 19 * 4.25 + 49 * 5.25 + (units-99) * 5.85 ;cout<<"Total Units Consumed ="< Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda11|P a g e

PROGRAM 10:Write a C++ program to input the marks of four subjects.Calculate thetotal percentage and output the result as either "First Class" or "Second Class"or "Pass Class" or "Fail" using switch statement.ClassRange (%)First ClassBetween 60% to 100%Second ClassBetween 50% to 59%Pass ClassBetween 40% to49%FailLess than 40%#include#includevoid main( ){int m1, m2, m3, m4, total, choice;float per;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter the First subject marks:";cin>>m1;cout<<"Enter the Second subject marks:";cin>>m2;cout<<"Enter theThird subject marks:";cin>>m3;cout<<"Enter the Fourth subject marks:";cin>>m4;total = m1 + m2 + m3 + m4;per = total / 4.0;cout<<"Total Marks = "<

C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda12|P a g e

case 9:case 8:case 7:case 6:cout<<"First Class "<


C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda13|P a g e

PROGRAM 11:Write a C++ program to find sum of all the digits of a number using whilestatement.#include#includevoid main( ){int num, sum, rem;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter the Number"<>num;sum = 0;while(num!=0){rem = num % 10;sum = sum + rem;num = num/10;}cout<<"Sum of the digits is "<

C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda14|P a g e

PROGRAM 12:Write a C++ program to input principal amount, rate of interest and timeperiod. Calculate compound interest using while statement.(Hint: Amount = P * (1 + R/100)T, Compound Interest = Amount-P)#include#includevoid main( ){float pri, amt, priamt, rate, ci;int time, year;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter the Principal amount, rate of interest and time:"<>pri>>rate>>time;year = 1;priamt = pri;while(year <= time){amt = pri * (1 + rate/100);pri=amt;year ++;}ci = amt-priamt;cout<<"Compound Interest = "< Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda15|P a g e

PROGRAM 13:Write a C++ program to check whether the given number is power of 2.#include#includevoid main( ){int num, m, flag;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter the Number"<>num;m = num;flag = 1;while(num>2)if(num % 2 ==1){flag = 0;break;}elsenum = num/2;if(flag)cout<

C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda16|P a g e

PROGRAM 14:Writea C++ program to check whether the given number is anArmstrong Number using do-while statement.(Hint: 153 = 13+ 53+ 33)#include#includevoid main( ){int num, rem, sum, temp;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter the three digit number"<>num;temp = num;sum = 0;do{rem = temp % 10;sum = sum + rem * rem * rem;temp = temp / 10;}while(temp!=0);if(sum == num)cout<

C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda17|P a g e

PROGRAM 15:Write a C++ program to find the factorial of a number using forstatement.(Hint: 5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120)#include#includevoid main( ){int num, fact, i;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter thenumber"<>num;fact = 1;for( i = 1; i<= num; i++)fact = fact * i;cout<<" The factorial of a "<

C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda18|P a g e

PROGRAM 16:Write a C++ program to generate the Fibonacci sequence up to a limitusing for statement.(Hint: 5 = 01123)#include#includevoid main( ){int num, first, second, count, third;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter the number limit forFibonacci Series"<>num;first = 0;second = 1;cout< Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda19|P a g e

PROGRAM 17:Write a C++ programto find the sum and average of n number of thearray.#include#include#includevoid main( ){int a[50], i, n, sum;float avg;clrscr();cout<<"How many elements?"<>n;cout<<"Enter the elements:"<>a[i];sum = 0;for(i=0; i Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda20|P a g e

PROGRAM 18:Write a C++ programtofind the second largest of n number in the array.#include#include#includevoid main( ){int a[50], i, n, largest, secondlar;clrscr( );cout<<"How many elements?"<>n;cout<<"Enter the elements:"<>a[i];if(a[0] > a[1]){largest = a[0];secondlar = a[1];}else{largest=a[1];secondlar=a[0];}for(i=2; i largest){secondlar = largest;largest = a[i];}elseif(a[i] > secondlar)secondlar = a[i];cout<<"Largest = "< Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda21|P a g e

PROGRAM 19:Write a C++ program toarrange a list of numbers in ascending order.Sorting:The process of arrangement of data items in ascending or descending order is calledsorting.#include#include#includevoid main( ){int a[50], i, temp, j, n;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter the number of elements:"<>n;cout<<"Enter the elements:"<>a[i];for(i=1; i a[j+1]){temp = a[j];a[j] = a[j+1];a[j+1] = temp;}}cout<<"The sorted elements are:"<

C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda22|P a g e

PROGRAM 20:Write a C++ program tofind position of a given number in the array.Searching:The process of finding the position of a data item in the given collection of data items iscalled searching.#include#include#includevoid main(){int a[50],i,pos,ele,n;clrscr();cout<<"Enter the number ofelements:"<>n;cout<<"Enter the elements:"<>a[i];cout<<"Enter thesearch element:"<>ele;pos=-1;for(i=0;i=0)cout<

C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda23|P a g e

PROGRAM22:Write a C++ programto sum of all the row and sum of all the column inmatrices separately.#include#includevoid main( ){int a[5][5], r, c, i, j, rsum, csum;clrscr( );cout << "Enter the order of matrix: ";cin >> r>>c;// Storing elements of matrix entered by user.cout << "Enter elements of the matrix: " << endl;for (i = 0; i < r; i++)for (j = 0; j < c; j++)cin >> a[i][j];for(i = 0; i < r; i++){rsum = 0;for(j = 0; j < c; j++)rsum = rsum + a[i][j];cout<<"Sum of row no "< Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda24|P a g e

PROGRAM23:Write a C++ programto find the sum of twocompatiblematrices:#include#includevoid main( ){int a[5][5], b[5][5], sum[5][5], r1, c1, r2, c2, i, j;clrscr( );cout << "Enter the order of first matrix: ";cin >> r1>>c1;cout << "Enter the order of second matrix: ";cin >> r2>>c2;// Storing elements of first matrix entered by user.cout << "Enterelements of 1st matrix: " << endl;for (i = 0; i < r1; i++)for (j = 0; j < c1; j++)cin >> a[i][j];// Storing elements of second matrix entered by user.cout << "Enter elements of 2nd matrix: " << endl;for(i = 0; i < r2; i++)for(j = 0; j < c2;j++)cin >> b[i][j];if ( (r1 == r2) && (c1==c2)){for(i = 0; i < r1; i++)for(j = 0; j < c1; j++)sum[i][j] = a[i][j] + b[i][j];// Adding Two matricescout << "Sum of two matrix is: " << endl;for(i = 0; i < r1; i++){for(j = 0; j < c1;j++)cout << sum[i][j] << "\t";// Displaying the resultant sum matrix.cout << endl;

C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda25|P a g e }}elsecout<<"Matrices are not compatible..."<OUTPUT2:

C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda26|P a g e

PROGRAM 24:Consider an array MARKS[20[5] which storesthe marks obtained by 20students in 5 subjects. Now write a program to:a)Find the average marks obtained in each subject.b)Find the average marks obtained by every studentc)Find the number of students who have scored below 50 in theiraverage.#include#includevoid main( ){int marks[20][5], n, s, total, count=0, i, j;float average;clrscr( );cout << "Enter the number of students: ";cin >> n;cout << "Enter the number of subjects: ";cin >> s;cout << "Enter the marks: " << endl;for (i = 0; i < n; i++)for (j = 0; j < s; j++)cin >> marks[i][j];cout<

C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda27|P a g e


C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda28|P a g e

PROGRAM25:Write a C++ program todetermine whether the string is a palindrome.#include#include#includevoid main( ){char s[100], r[100];//s is the string and r is the reserved stringclrscr();cout<<"Enter the String:";cin.getline(s,100);strcpy (r, s);// Copy the characters of the string s to rstrrev (r);// Reverse the characters of the string rif(strcmpi(s, r) == 0)cout<<"It is palindrome"<

C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda29|P a g e

PROGRAM26:Write a C++ programtocount the number of vowels and consonants in astring.#include#include#include#includevoid main( ){char s[100];int len, i, cons=0, vow=0;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter the string:";cin.getline(s,100);len=strlen(s);for(i=0;i

C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda30|P a g e

PROGRAM27:Write a C++ programto find the GCD and LCM of two numbers usingfunctions.#include#includevoid main( ){int gcd(int, int);//Function Prototypeint a, b,g, lcm;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter two number:"<>a>>b;g = gcd(a,b);lcm = (a * b)/g;cout<<"GCD of "<

C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda31|P a g e

PROGRAM28:Write a C++ programto find Xyusing functions.#include#includevoid main( ){float power(float,int);float x;int y;clrscr( );cout<<"Enter the Base and Exponent:"<>x>>y;cout< Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda32|P a g e

PROGRAM30:Write a C++ programto input the register number, name and class of allthe students in a class into a structure and output the data in a tabular mannerwith properheading.#include#includestruct student{intregno;charname[15];charsection[4];};void main( ){student s[50];int i, j, n;clrscr( );cout<<"How many students?"<>n;for(i=0; i>s[i].regno;cout<<"Enter the Name of the Student "<>s[i].name;cout<<"Enter the Class of the Student "<>s[i].section;}cout<<"REG_NO\t NAME\t CLASS\t"<

C++ ManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda33|P a g e


SpreadsheetManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda34|P a g e

PROGRAM 1:Eightsalesmensellthreeproductsforaweek.Usingaspreadsheetcreatea salesreport.Thereportshouldincludethenameofthesalesman, Amountof salesforeachproductandthesalesman"stotal salesintheformatgivenbelow.Sales for theMonthNameTotalAmt. forproduct1TotalAmt. forproduct2TotalAmt. forproduct3Totalsalesa)Typeinalltextandnumbersinthe spreadsheet.b)Formatallnumbersas acurrency.c)Centerthe spreadsheet headingsacross the spreadsheet.d)Formatalltext.e)Createformulas todisplay atotalfor eachsalesrep.f)Createformulas todisplay atotalfor eachproduct.g)Createaformulatocalculatethetotalsalesforallsalesrep'sforthemonth.Solution:Click on StartProgramsMicrosoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Excel 2007.This will open a new excel workbook displaying a blank Excel worksheet.a)ToTypeinalltextandnumbersinthe spreadsheet.Now enter data of eightsalesmen in the worksheet.b)ToFormat all numbers as a currency.i.Select the range B3:D10ii.HomecellsFormatFormat Cellsor Right click on the range, select Format cellsfrom the short-cut menu, a Format cells window appears on the screen.iii.Select theNumbertab and choose properCurrencyfrom the category list box.iv.Click onOK.c)ToCenter the spreadsheet headings across the spreadsheet.Select the range A1:E1 then choose HomeAlignmentMerge & Center.d)ToFormat all text.i.Select the range.ii.HomecellsFormatFormat Cellsor Right click on the range, select Format cellsfrom the short-cut menu, a Format cells window appears on the screen.iii.Select theAlignmenttab and chooseCenterfrom theHorizontallist box. SelectCenterfrom theverticallist box.

SpreadsheetManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda35|P a g e

iv.Click onOK.e)Create formulas to display a total for each sales rep.i.Enter the formula into cell E3.= B3 + C3+ D3or= SUM(B3:D3)ii.Copy the formula (=B3 + C3+ D3) to cells fromE4 to E10.f)Create formulas to display a total for each product.i.Enter the formula into cellB12.= SUM (B3:B10)ii.Copy the formula (=B3 + C3+ D3) to cells fromC10 to D10.g)Create a formula to calculate the total sales for all sales rep's for the month.i.Enter the formula into cellC13.= SUM (B3:D10)OUTPUT:

SpreadsheetManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda36|P a g e

PROGRAM 2:Enterthefollowingdetailsfor10 employees Employee Code, Employee name,Basicsalary,DA,HRA,Loans,TotalsalaryandTax.Salary for theMonthEmployeeCodeEmployeeNameBasicSalaryDAHRALoanTotalSalaryAnnualSalaryTaxa)TypetheEmployeeCode,EmployeeName,BasicSalaryandLoanamountdatafor10employeesinthe spreadsheet.b)Formatallnumbersas acurrency.c)Centerthe spreadsheet headingsacross the spreadsheet.d)Formatalltext.e)CreateaformulatocomputeDAas50%oftheBasicsalaryandcopythis toallthe cells.f)CreateaformulatocomputeHRAas12%oftheBasicsalaryandcopy this toallthe cells.g)Create aformulato compute Totalsalaryandcopythis toallthecells.h)IfTotalsalaryisgreater than500000,computeTaxas20%ofTotalsalary otherwise10%ofthe Totalsalary using aformula.Solution:Click onStartProgramsMicrosoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Excel 2007.This will open a new excel workbook displaying a blank Excel worksheet.a)ToTypetheEmployeeCode,EmployeeName,BasicSalaryandLoanamountdatafor10employeesinthe spreadsheet.Now enter10 employees" datain the worksheet.b)ToFormat all numbers as a currency.i.Select the range C3:112ii.HomecellsFormatFormat Cellsor Right click on the range, select Format cellsfrom the short-cut menu, a Format cells window appears on the screen.iii.Select theNumbertab and choose properCurrencyfrom the category list box.iv.Click onOK.c)ToCenter the spreadsheet headings across the spreadsheet.Select the range A1:I1 then choose HomeAlignmentMerge & Center.d)ToFormat all text.i.Select the range.ii.HomecellsFormatFormat Cellsor Right click on the range, select Format cellsfrom the short-cut menu, a Format cells window appears on the screen.

SpreadsheetManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda37|P a g e

iii.Select theAlignmenttab and chooseCenterfrom theHorizontallist box. SelectCenterfrom theverticallist box.iv.Click onOK.e)Createa formula to compute DA as 50% of the Basic salary and copy this to all the cells.i.Enter the formula into cellD3.= C3 * 50%ii.Copy the formula (== C3 * 50%) to cells fromD4 toD12.f)Create a formula to compute HRA as 12% of the Basic salary and copy thisto all thecells.i.Enter the formula into cellE3.= C3 *12%ii.Copy the formula (= C3 *12%) to cells fromE4 TO E12.g)Create a formula to compute Total salary and copy this to all the cells.i.Enter the formula into cellG3.= C3 + D3 + E3-F3ii.Copy the formula (= C3 + D3 + E3-F3) to cells fromG4 to G12.i)If Total salary is greater than 500000, compute Tax as 20% of Total salary otherwise10% of the Total salary using a formula.i.Enter the formula into cellH3.= G3 * 12ii.Copy the formula (= G3 * 12) to cells fromH4 to H12.iii.Enter the formula into cellI3.iv.=IF(H3>=500000, H3*20%, H3*10%)v.Copy the formula (=IF(H3>=500000, H3*20%, H3*10%)) to cells fromI4 to I12.

SpreadsheetManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda38|P a g e

PROGRAM 3:Enterthefollowingdetailsfor10StudentsRegisterNumber,Name,Subject1Marks,Subject2Marks,Subject3Marks,Subject4Marks,TotalMarksandPercentage.Test Marksdataof aClassRegisterNumberNameSubject1MarksSubject2MarksSubject3MarksSubject4MarksTotalMarksPercentagea)Type the RegisterNumber, Nameandmarks offoursubjectsfor10studentsinthe spreadsheet.b)Formatalltextandnumericdataappropriately.c)Centerthe spreadsheet headingsacross the spreadsheet.d)CreateaformulatocomputetheTotalmarksandcopythistoallthe cells.e)Create aformulato computePercentageandcopythis toallthecells.f)Createaformulatocomputethehighestandlowestscoreusinga libraryfunction.g)DrawabargraphforRegisterNumberagainsttotalmarks.h)DrawPie chartfor one studentshowinghismarksindifferentsubjectfromtotalscore.Solution:Click onStartProgramsMicrosoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Excel 2007.This will open a new excel workbook displaying a blank Excel worksheet.a)ToType the Register Number, Name, Marks of four subjects for10studentsinthespreadsheet.Now enter10 students" datain the worksheet.b)ToFormat alltext and numeric data appropriatelyas a currency.i.Select the rangeB3:J12ii.HomecellsFormatFormat Cellsor Right click on the range, select Format cellsfrom the short-cut menu, a Format cells window appears on the screen.iii.Select theAlignmenttab and choose properalignmentfrom the category list box.iv.Click onOK.c)ToCenter the spreadsheet headings across the spreadsheet.Select the range A1:j1 then choose HomeAlignmentMerge & Center.d)Create a formula to compute the Total marksand copy this to all the cells.i.Enter the formula into cellG3.=SUM (C3:F3)ii.Copy the formula (=SUM (C3:F3))to cells fromG4 to G12.

SpreadsheetManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda39|P a g e

e)Create a formula to compute Percentage and copy this to all the cells.i.Enter the formula into cellH3.=AVERAGE(C3:F3)ii.Copy the formula (=AVERAGE (C3:F3))to cells fromH4 toH12.f)Create a formula to compute the highest andlowest score using a library function.i.Enter the formula into cellI3.=MAX (C3:F3)ii.Copy the formula (=MAX (C3:F3)) to cells fromI4 TO I12.iii.Enter the formula into cellJ3.=MIN (C3:F3)iv.Copy the formula (=MIN (C3:F3)) to cells fromJ4 TO J12.

g)Todraw a bar graph for Register Number against total marks.i.Select the range of cells containing the data that you want to display in a chart. G3:G12ii.Select the chart type form theInsertChartsBar.iii.Adding Chart Title:LayoutLabelsChart Title.iv.Adding Axes Title:LayoutLabelsAxesTitle.a.X-Axis Title:Register Numberb.Y-Axis Title:Total Marksv.Change Legend Series Name:a.To add series name, chooseDesignSelect Data. Select the series name and clickthe edit button. In Edit Series Dialogbox, type the series name as Total Marks.b.To add register numbers to the chart chooseDesignSelect Data.To Select Axislabel range, click on the cell A1 and drag the cell pointer to A12.

SpreadsheetManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda40|P a g e

j)ToDraw Pie chart for one student showing his marks in different subject from totalscore.i.Select the range of cells containing the data that you want to display in a chart. C3:E3ii.Select the chart type form theInsertChartsPie.iii.Select the appropriate chart title and other chart components.


SpreadsheetManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda41|P a g e

PROGRAM 4:Ahousewifemaintainsthebudgetexpenditureinaspreadsheetunderthe headingsIncomeand Expenses. Income includeshusband"sandWife"sincomeseparatelyunderdifferentheadings. ExpensesincludeRent, Bills, Householdexpensesandmedicalexpenses.Budget fortheMonthIncomeExpensesTotalExpenditureSavingsHusbandWifeRentBillsHouseholdMedicala)TypetheIncomeandExpensesdatafortheentiremonthinthe spreadsheet.b)Formatallnumbersas currency.c)Centerthe spreadsheet headingsacross the spreadsheet.d)CreateaformulatocomputetheTotalexpenditureandcopythistoall the cells.e)Create aformulato computethe savingsandcopythis toallthecells.f)Drawabargraphto showexpenditureunder eachheading.g)DrawPiechart to showthedistribution ofsalary.Solution:Click onStartProgramsMicrosoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Excel 2007.This will open a new excel workbook displaying a blank Excel worksheet.a)ToTypetheDay Number,Husband and wife salaries, expenses for 7 days inthespreadsheet.Now enter7 days income the expenses datain the worksheet.b)ToFormat all numbers as a currency.i.Select the range B4:111ii.HomecellsFormatFormat Cellsor Right click on the range, select Format cellsfrom the short-cut menu, a Format cells window appears on the screen.iii.Select theNumbertab and choose properCurrencyfrom the category list box.iv.Click onOK.c)ToCenter the spreadsheet headings across thespreadsheet.Select the range A1:I1 then choose HomeAlignmentMerge & Center.d)Create a formula to compute the Total expenditure and copy this to all the cells.i.Enter the formula into cellH3.=SUM(D4:G4)This formula gives you the expenses of the Day1.

SpreadsheetManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda42|P a g e

ii.Copy the formula (=SUM(D4:G4)) to cells fromH5 to H10.iii.Enter the formula into cell B11=SUM(B4:B10)iv.Copy the formula (=SUM(B4:B10)) to cells fromC11to H11.e)Create a formula to compute the savings and copy this to all the cells.i.Enter the formulainto cellI11.=B11 +C11-H11ii.Copy the formula (= C3 *12%) to cells fromE4 TO E12.f)Create a formula to compute Total salary and copy this to all the cells.i.Enter the formula into cellG3.= C3 + D3 + E3-F3

g)To draw acolumngraph to show expenditure under each heading.i.Select the range of cells containing the data that you want to display in a chart. D4:G10ii.Select the chart type form theInsertChartsColumn.

SpreadsheetManualI PUC (PCMC"s)

Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College, Dudda43|P a g e

h)Draw Pie chart to show the distribution of salary.i.Select the range of cells containing the data that you want to display in a chart.Range 1 is D11:G11 and to select Range 2 hold the Ctrl Key and click on the cell I11ii.Select the chart type form theInsertChartsPie.iii.Select the appropriate charttitle and other chart components.



Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College,Dudda44|P a g e

PROGRAM 1:Create a web page to display your details using different tags. 1ST PUC CS STUDENTS


COMPUTER SCIENCE with C++is a major subject at PUC level with an aim ofcreating Computer-qualified graduates later on. This subject focuses on concepts of computerFundamentals, Programming Methodology, and Programming in C++, OOP"s, Word Processor, ElectronicSpread Sheet, and Web Programming.

This text book promises to guide you for the preparation of any exam on these topics. This book coversthe manual which are worked on with the samples.


  1. Computer Fundamentals
  2. Programming Methodology
  3. Data Representation
  4. Programming in C++
  5. Word Processor
  6. Electronic Spread Sheet
  7. Web Programming


Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College,Dudda45|P a g e



Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College,Dudda46|P a g e

PROGRAM 2:Create a MODEL Web site for your college making using different tags.Filename: Introduction.htmMDRPUC HASSAN




MDRPU COLLEGE, Hassan most prestigious institutions in Karnataka.
Has been apioneer in the field of education for many years, Excellency in imparting quality knowledge.

Click on one of the following to get additional information


Admission for the Eligible Students Filename: Course.htmMDRPUC HASSAN-COURSES INFORMATION


Part-I is Compulsory for all Students
Language 1-Kannada


Morarji Desai Residential Pre-University Science College,Dudda47|P a g e

Language 2-English

PCMB- Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology
PCMC- Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science
PCME- Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Electronics
Medium of Instruction-English OUTPUT

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