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mathworks.com/help/matlab. MATLAB® Basic Functions Reference. MATLAB Environment Save your function in a function file or at the end.

Fibonacci Numbers

02-Oct-2011 The following MAtlAB function stored in a file fibonacci.m with a .m suffix

MATLAB Programming Style Guidelines

05-Oct-2002 Advice on writing MATLAB code usually addresses efficiency concerns ... There are two other function name conventions commonly used.


For example suppose that we were looking for a function to take the inverse of a matrix. Since MATLAB does not have a function named inverse

Symbolic Math Toolbox: Quick Reference Sheet - Symbolic Variables

Gradient vector of scalar function: syms x y z; Plot implicit symbolic equation or function: syms x y; ... MATLAB function block for Simulink:.

Exponential Function

02-Oct-2011 The function ez. I hope you have a live MAtlAB and the exm functions handy. Enter the statement expgui. Click on the blue line ...

Supported and Compatible Compilers – Release 2020a

MATLAB Product Family – Release 2020a. Compiler. MATLAB. MATLAB Coder 13. MATLAB Function Blocks are not supported with Intel Parallel Studio.


The derivation of the quadrature rule used by our Matlab function begins with two of the basic quadrature rules shown in Figure 6.2: the midpoint rule and 

Supported and Compatible Compilers – Release 2021a

MATLAB. Coder. GPU Coder. SimBiology. Fixed-Point. Designer. HDL Coder MATLAB Function Blocks are not supported with Intel Parallel Studio.

Supported and Compatible Compilers – Release 2019b

MATLAB Product Family – Release 2019b. Compiler. MATLAB. MATLAB Coder. GPU Coder. SimBiology. Fixed Point. Designer mode and MATLAB. Function blocks.

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