[PDF] Dynamic Multi-Context Attention Networks for Citation Forecasting of

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Dynamic Multi-Context Attention Networks for Citation Forecasting of

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Phrase - Exercices – Ce1 - Grammaire - PDF à imprimer

La phrase - Ce1 - Grammaire - Exercices • Barre les ensembles de mots qui ne forment pas une phrase • Remets les mots dans l'ordre pour écrire une phrase

  • Comment faire une phrase ce1 ?

    Une phrase est une suite de mots qui a un sens. la phrase a un début et une fin. La phrase écrite commence toujours par une majuscule et se termine par un point.
  • Comment mettre une phrase en ordre ?

    Pour remettre les mots d'une phrase dans l'ordre, tu dois respecter les étapes suivantes :

    1 Tu lis bien tous les mots pour comprendre de quoi parle la phrase.2 Tu repères le mot avec une majuscule pour trouver le début de la phrase.3 Tu repères le point pour trouver la fin de la phrase.
  • Comment écrire une phrase correcte ?

    Pour écrire une phrase, il faut :

    1Se dire la phrase dans sa tête. 2Compter le nombre de mots de la phrase. 3Faire une croix pour représenter chaque mot. 4Choisir le point et le placer à la fin de la ligne de croix. 5?rire le premier mot avec une majuscule.
  • Une phrase est constituée d'un ou plusieurs mots, de différentes natures et fonctions, reliés entre eux. Elle commence par une majuscule et se termine par une ponctuation forte (point final, point d'exclamation, point d'interrogation, points de suspension). La phrase est organisée selon les règles de la grammaire.
Dynamic Multi-Context Attention Networks for Citation Forecasting of Dynamic Multi-ContextAttention Networks forCitationF orecastingofScientic



1Nathan Self,1Kaiqun Fu,1Zhiqian Chen,2NarenRamakrishnan, 1

and Chang-TienLu 1 1 DiscoveryAnalyticsCenter ,V irginiaTech, Arlington,VA22203,USA

2Department ofComputer Scienceand Engineering,Mississippi StateUni versity ,MS 39762,USA



Forecastingcitations ofscientific patentsand publicationsis a crucial taskfor understandingthe ev olutionand development of technologicaldomains andfor foresightinto emerging technologies. Byconstruing citationsas atime series, thetask can becast intothe domainof temporalpoint processes.Most existingw orkonforecastingwith temporalpoint processes, both conventionalandneuralnetw ork-based,only performs single-step forecasting.In citation forecasting,howev er, the more salientgoa lisn-step forecasting:predicting thear - rivaltimeand thetechnology classof thene xtncitations. In thispaper ,weproposeDynamic Multi-Context Attention Networks(DMA-Nets), ano vel deeplearningsequence-to- sequence (Seq2Seq)model witha nov elhierarchical dynamic attention mechanismfor long-termcitation forecasting.Ex- tensiveexperiments ontworeal-w orlddatasets demonstrate that theproposed modellearns betterrepresentations ofcon- ditional dependencieso verhistoricalsequencescomparedto state-of-the-art counterpartsand thusachie ves significantper- formance forcitation predictions.


The evolutionoftechnologyis acoupling ofprior work with newinno vationsinincrementalordisrupti ve fashions. As such, asa paperor patentrecei ves citations,their frequency and provenancecanserve asa reflectionofthate volution- ary character.Citation-basedbibliometrics analysis,such as g-index(Egghe 2006)and H-index (Hirsch2005), havebe- come well-acceptedstandard measuresapplied toindi vid- uals, high-techcompanies, andinstitutions alike. Thetech- nological diversityofscientificdocuments, suchas general- ity andoriginality ,criticalfactors fordecision-mak ers,can be measuredviathe technologyclass ofthe citingdocu- ments (Bessen2008). Furthermore,patent citationstatis- tics havebeenwidelyused forthe tasksof technology im- pact analysis(Jang, Woo, andLee2017),patent qualityas- sessment (Bessen2008) (Leeet al.2018), andidentifying emergingtechnologies atan earlystage. Citationforecasting is afield ofgro wingimportance duetotheaccelerating pace of technologicalchange inincreasingly competitiv eindus- trial andacademic environments. Copyright© 2021,Association forthe Advancement ofArtificial Intelligence (www.aaai.org).Allrightsreserv ed.Manypre viousworks(Y anetal.2011; Acuna,Allesina, problems asfeature- drivenregressiontasks.Often,domain- specific, handcraftedfeatures (e.g.,domain ke ywords, top- ics, qualityindicators, authorinformation) arecollected to formulate adeterministic modelto predictthe future citation count. However,thesemodelscannotpredictthe technolog- ical categoriesofciting documentsand thusare incapable of technologicaldi versityassessment.Also,thesemodels require priordomain knowledge andarehardto extend to differentresearch areas.The performanceof suchmodels depends heavilyonthe qualityof collectedfeatures. But, in real-worlddatasets,features like authorlists andinstitu- tion information(Kim etal. 2014)are oftennoisy ,especially when consideringpapers frommultiple disciplines.Further - more, thi s cate gory of models treats features as an accumu- lated viewov erahistoricalwindow, andthus ignorescrucial patterns thate volveovertime.PID


















2018Figure 1:The citationchain for"The Essenceof Wildlife Management" fromthe MAG dataset.Thefirst4 citationsare shownalongthe timelinewith theirMA GID attachedby verticalline.

Toaddress theabo ve issues,pointprocessbasedcita-

tion predictionmodels (Leeet al.2012; Jang,W oo,and Lee 2017;Liu etal. 2017)ha ve drawn growingattention in recentyears. Assho wnin Figure1,thesequence ofci- tations thatreference agi ven paperisnaturallyatimese- ries. Consequently,itcan bemodeled asa temporalpoint process thatmodulates thetemporal patternin aseries of points. Intheory ,thetemporalpoint processis characterized by aconditional intensityfunction learnedfrom observing points alongthe timeline.Con ventional methodsconcen- trate ondesigning aspecific parametricform ofthe intensity 7953
cation (Mishra,Rizoiu, andXie 2016;Helmstetter andSor - nette2002).F orinstance,citationforecastingmethods(Xiao et al.2016; Liuet al.2017) usuallyfollo wthe paradigmof tensity spikeswhenev eranewcitation arriv es.Thisfeature is usedto simulatethat ahighly citedpaper ismore likely to receivemorecitations. Thesecon ventionalmethodsha ve twonotable drawbacks: (1)heuristicassumptionsmight not be ableto reectcomplicated temporaldependencies inreal datasets; and,(2) inpractice, thecomple xityof theintensity function ismathematically limited. Toaddress thechallenges conv entionalmodels havein modeling intensity,more recentapproachesuserecurrent neural networks(RNNs)( Duet al.2016;Meiand Eisner

2017) toapproximate morecomplicated conditionalinten-

sity functionswithout heuristicassumptions orprior knowl- edge ofdataset orapplication. Moste xistingRNN-based models (Wangetal. 2017;Xiao etal. 2019,2017) hav e shownimpro vedperformanceover conv entionalmethods on bothsynthetic dataand real-world datasets.RNN-based temporal pointprocess modelscan beclassied intotw o families:intensity-based modelsand end-to-endmodels. Intensity-based models(W angetal.2017; Duet al.2016) use theneural network toimplicitlymodulatethe condi- tional intensityfunction whichis thenused toobtain the conditional densityfunct ionformaximumlik elihoodesti- observationhistory but ispronetoforecasting errorpropa- gationfor thetask oflong-term prediction.The family of end-to-end models(Ji etal. 2019)combines theprocess of representing theintensity functionwith theprocess ofpre- diction. Theadv antageofend-to-endmodels isthat, with careful design,the modelcan befurther optimizedduring the predicationphase, insteadof onlyfrom theobserv ation sequence.

In thispaper ,weproposean RNN-based,end-t o- end

model forcitation forecasting.This modelintroduces ahi- erarchical dynamicattention layerwhich usestw otemporal attention mechanismsto enforcethe model's abilityto rep- resent complicatedconditional dependenciesin real-world datasets andallo wthemodelto automaticallybalance the learning processfrom theobserv ationside andprediction side. Furthermore,the temporalprediction layerguaran- tees thatthe predictedcitations aremonotonically increas- ing alongthe timedimension. Specically, thecontrib utions and highlightsof thispaper are: • Formulatingano vel frameworktoprovide long-termci- tation predictionsin anend-to-end fashion byinte grating the processof learningintensity functionrepresentations and theprocess ofpredicting futurecitations. • Designingtw onovel temporalattentionmechanismsto improvethemodel' sability tomodulatecomplicatedtem- poral dependenciesand toallo wthe modeltodynamically combine theobserv ationandpredictionsides duringthe learning process. • Conductinge xtensiveexperimentsontwo real-world datasets todemonstrate thatour modelis capableof cap-

turing thegeneral shapeof citationsequences andcan consistentlyoutperformothermodelsforthecitationfore-

casting task. • Curatingand releasingtw olar gedatasetsfromthe United

States PatentandT rademarkOf ce(USPTO)and Mi-

crosoft AcademicGraph (MAG), whichcanbeused for citation predictiontask andgeneralized pointprocess task.

ProblemF ormulation


i =1be aset ofcoll ectedcitation sequencesfor scientic documents(e.g. aset ofpapers orpatents). Theith sequence isdenoted byCi=f(ti;mi)gjCij i =0wheretiandmirefer tothe publisheddate andthe technologyclass ofthe i th citation,and the0th citationis thetar getdocument itself. The citationsequencecan alsobe representedin termsof the inter-citationduration betweentwosuccessi ve citations C i=f(i;mi)gjCij i =1wherei=titi1refers tothe time differencebetween theith citationand the(i1)th citation. These tworepresentationsare equiv alent.In thispaper,we use inter-citationdurationnotation becauseit makes iteas- ier toconstrain theend-to-end modelto forecastcitations correctly alongthe timedimension suchthat ti+1ti.

Givendataas describedabo ve, ourproblem isasfol-

lows:for ascient icdocument, usingtherst lcitations f (i;mi)gl i =1as observations,canwe forecastthe sequence of thene xtncitationsf(j;mj)gl+n j=l+1? Whenn= 1, the problem isa one-stepforecasting problem,which issim- pler sincelearning thetemporal pointprocess dependsonly on theobserv ationsideandthere isno errorpropag ationon the predictionside. Becausepredicting onlythe next cita- tion doesnot hav emuchpracticalvalue,we focusonly on the taskwhen n >1. Inthe casewhere n >1, thereare twochallenges forthe taskof forecastingthe next ncita- tions. First,there isa trade-off oflearning fromtheobser- vationside orfrom theprediction side.On theone hand, observationsare groundtruth but they maybetoofe wto provideenough informationto modulatethe temporalpoint process. Onthe otherhand, predictionsare lesstrustw orthy butcan provide extrainformationto themodelforlearning the temporalpoint process.Also, errorsthat occurearly in dictions. Thesechallenges motiv ateustoadoptasequence- to-sequence structurewhich takes intoaccountboththe ob- servationside andprediction sideduring thetraining.


By consideringthe arriv alofacitationasan instantpoint on the timeline,we canstudy theentire citationsequence asa point processwhose jointdensity functionis representedas f((1;m1);(2;m2);:::) =Y if(i;mijHi)(1) where thedensity functionat ith stepis conditionedby the information ofhistorical citationsup topoint i, denotedby H i. Inpoint processtheory ,this densityfunctionisusually learned throughthe conditionalintensity function,which is used topredict futurecitations througha generativ eprocess. 7954 Figure 2:The architecture ofDMA-Nets.L1is theinput layer.L2 isthe recurrentrepresentation layer. L3refers to the localtemporal attention(L TA) layerandL4totheglobal multi-contexttemporal attention(GMT A)layer .Together, these comprisethe dynamichierarchical attentionlayer .L5 is theprediction layer. In thispaper ,weproposea nov elframe work thatintegrates the taskof representingthe conditionalintensity function and predictingthe arriv altimeanddocumentclassof the nextncitations. Figure 2presents theo verall encoder-decoderarchitec- ture ofDMA-Nets wherethe encoderis suppliedwith the sequence ofobserv edcitationse=f(i;mi)gl i =1and the decoderaims torecurrently predictthe sequenceof the nextncitationsd=f(^j;^mj)gl+n j=l+1. Theinput layer (L1 inFig. 2)encodes temporaland category information into densev ectors.Therecurrentrepresentation layer(L2 in Fig. 2)captures thehidden dependenciesof thecurrent cita- tions overallprevious citations.The learnedrepresentations enter theattentionlayer (L3and L4in Fig.2) whichconsists of twomodules.The localtemporal attentionlayer compiles the historydependences betweeneach pairof historicalci- tations andgenerates intra-encoderstates andintra-decoder states. Next,onthe decoderside, theglobal temporalatten- tion layerfuses multipleconte xtsobtained byattendingto differentqueries onthe informationembedded bythe inner states ofboth encoderand decoder. Finally, theprediction layer (L5in Fig2) makes thetime-a warepredictionfor the nextncitations.

Seq2Seq Structurefor CitationPrediction

Giventheobserv ationsequence e, ateach step,the en- coder aimsto encodeand tocompile thehidden dependen- cies acrossobserv edhistoricalcitations,thus generatinga sequence ofhidden stateshe=fhe1;:::;helg;hei2Rdh. The calculationof theith hiddenstate heiis denedin Equa- tion 2: h ei=g(aei;hei1);aei=femb(i;mi)(2) wheregis arecurrent unit,such asLSTM (Hochreiterand which capturesthe dependency structureofthecurrent input

overthehidden stateat thepre vioussteps, andfembis theembedding layerconcatenating theembedding ofiandmito ademb-dimension densev ector.Inparticular,for theith

input(i;mi),iis rstdiscretized onyear ,month, andday, and thenis embeddedinto Rdspace, andmiis embedded into aRdmspace. Likewise,ateachstep, thedecoder takes as inputthe previous hiddenstateandthe predictionfrom the previousstep h di=g(adi;hdi1);adi=femb(^l+i;^ml+i);(3) and predictsthe waiting timeandthedocument classof next citation: ^l+i+1;^ml+i+1=p(hdi);(4) wherep()is afunction thatpredicts thene xtcitation based on thecurrent hiddenstate. Inthis work weuse anLSTM recurrent unitand employ d=dm= 32,demb=d+ d m= 64anddh= 256.

HierarchicalDynamic AttentionLay er

Though recurrentneural networks havebeen successfully used inv arioustimeseriesprediction tasks (Duet al.2016), the factthatthe lasthidden stateholds theentire memory of thesequence posesa bottleneckin learning conditional dependencies acrossa longsequence oftemporal points.As a result,we proposea hierarchicaldynamic attention layer that explorespairwisetemporal dependenciesfrom bothlo- cal andglobal perspectiv esandfromtheviewpoint ofbothquotesdbs_dbs29.pdfusesText_35
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