[PDF] Le contrat de concession commerciale et le libre marché

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C : la valeur nominale ou le montant inscrit sur l'effet de commerce. ? i : le taux d'intérêt de l'escompte. ? n : le nombre de jours qui sépare la date de 

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29 janv. 1990 development of the financial market thus leading to more economic growth. ... non escompté peut trouver sa source soit dans.

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5 sept. 2005 (Article 4) These parts of the Treaty thus set out the goal of free and undistorted competition for the Community's internal market.

Le contrat de concession commerciale et le libre marché

market. Thus the Combines Investigation Act was amended in 1976 to allow d'équipement l'octroi d'escompte

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6 mars 2006 Thus it is not useful to limit one's conception of entry barriers to behaviour or market traits that

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7 déc. 2004 through the market for corporate control which SOEs face to a much more limited extent. Hence

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12 sept. 2010 As entry into the market is so difficult competition amongst the ... qui n?ont pas appliqué Bâle II et le guichet d?escompte de la Fed.

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17 janv. 2001 may be unable to bring competition to the market over the long run. ... In general prices are predatory when they are so low that they can ...

Le contrat de concession commerciale et le libre marché Tous droits r€serv€s Facult€ de droit de l'Universit€ Laval, 1980 Ce document est prot€g€ par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. l'Universit€ de Montr€al, l'Universit€ Laval et l'Universit€ du Qu€bec " Montr€al. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche.

https://www.erudit.org/fr/Document g€n€r€ le 26 sept. 2023 23:09Les Cahiers de droitLe contrat de concession commerciale et le libre march€Claude Samson

Samson, C. (1980). Le contrat de concession commerciale et le libre march€. Les

Cahiers de droit

(3-4), 787...823. https://doi.org/10.7202/042411ar

R€sum€ de l'article

This paper deals with the exclusive sale contract or solus agreement. Its first part identifies some characteristic features of this type of agreement, which quite often is not only aimed at regulating the exercise of trade, but also serves as a technique of market organization and economic power concentration. The impact of the increasing currency of such commercial practices on the free market justifies consideration of the various forms of control that can be exercised by public authorities in order to preserve free competition. Control can be achieved through the judiciary applying concepts such as public order in civil law or public policy at common law. However, in view of the courts' reluctance to interfere with such instances of private economic power and their indifference towards the economic inequities inherent in such agreements for the distributor, legislative intervention has become necessary to protect the free market. Thus the

Combines Investigation Act

was amended in 1976 to allow regulation of commercial practices such as refusal to deal, consignment selling, exclusive dealing, market restriction and tied selling.

Le contrat de concession commerciale

e t le libre marché Claud e


This paper deals with the exclusive sale contract or solus agreement. Its first part identifies some characteristic features of this type of agreement, which quite often is not only aimed at regulating the exercise of trade, but also serves as a technique of market organization and economic power concen tration. The impact of the increasing currency of such commercial practices on the free market justifies consideration of the various forms of control that can be exercised by public authorities in order to preserve free competition. Control can be achieved through the judiciary applying concepts such as public order in civil law or public policy at common law.


in view of the courts' reluctance to interfere with such instances of private economic power and their indifference towards the economic inequities inherent in such agreements for the distributor, legislative intervention has become necessary to protect the free market. Thus the




n Ac t was amended in 1976 to allow regulation of commercial practices such as refusal to deal, consignment selling, exclusive dealing, market restriction and tied selling. Pages


n 788 1 . Le contrat de concession commerciale exclusive 793 1.1 La concession commerciale: une entente visant à réglementer l'exercice du commerc e 79
3 1.2 L a concessio n commercial e exclusive un e techniqu e d'organisatio n de s marché s e t d e concentratio n d u pouvoi r


e 79
6 1.2.1 L e statu t d'acheteu r revendeu r d u concessionnair e 79
7 1.2.2 . La réciprocité dans l'exclusivité 798

L a claus e d e fournitur e exclusiv e 79

. La clause d'approvisionnement exclusif 799 1.2.3 . Le contrôle du concédant sur le réseau de distribution 800 Avoca t e t professeu r l a


d e droi t d e l'Universit Laval (1980 2 1 Les


de Droit 78

788 Les Cahiers de Droit (1980) 21 c. de D. 787

Pages 2 . Le contrôle de la concession commerciale 802 2.1 . La conformité des concessions exclusives à l'ordre public ou à la public policy 804 2.1.1 . L'affaire Esso Petroleum 805 2.1.2



Stephens v. Gulf Oil Canada Ltd 807

. La décision de première instance 808

L a décisio n d e l a Cou r d'appe l 80
8 2.2 . La conformité des concessions commerciales exclusives à l'ordre public


e : la Loi relative aux enquêtes sur les coalitions 810 2.2.1 . Définition législative de ces pratiques 813

. L'exclusivité 813

L a limitatio n d u march 81
5 2.2.2


e d u pouvoi r d u contrôl e d e l a


n su r le s pratique s restrictive s d u commerc e 81
6 2.2.3 . Les conditions nécessaires à l'émission d'une ordonnance par la


n 81
8 2.2.4 Le s exemption s statutairequotesdbs_dbs29.pdfusesText_35
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