[PDF] NSA Coordination Platform Guidelines on Interoperability Oversight

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NSA Coordination Platform Guidelines on Interoperability Oversight

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NSA Coordination Platform

Guidelines on Interoperability




Edition number: 1.0

Edition date: 28 June 2012

Status: Released Issue

Category: NCP Advisory Material

NSA Coordination Platform Guidelines on Interoperability Oversight

Edition: 1.0 Released Issue Page 1




Guidelines on Interoperability Oversight

Produced by the NSA Coordination Platform Working Group on Interoperability

Publications Reference:-

Edition Number:1.0

Edition Date:28/06/2012


The objective of this document is to guide national supervisory authorities in the execution of the supervision of air navigation service providers' compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 552/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council of 10 March 2004 on the interoperability of the European Air Traffic Management network (the interoperability Regultion), as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1070/2009 and the implementing rules adopted under the interoperability Regulation.


NSA Interoperability SES Conformity Assessment

EATMN systems and constituents Oversight DoC


Contact Person(s) Tel Organisation/Unit

Eduardo Morere-Molinero +32 2 29 56343 EC/DG MOVE Bodo Heinzl +49 6103 8043 300 Bundesaufsichtsamt für



Status Intended for Accessible via

Working Draft General Public Internet

Draft Restricted

Proposed Issue

Released Issue


These guidelines have been produced by the NSA Coordination Platform. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the official opinion or policy of the European


NSA Coordination Platform Guidelines on Interoperability Oversight

Edition: 1.0 Released Issue Page 3

Table of Contents

1. Introduction............................................................................................................ 5

1.1. Objective and purpose of this document........................................................ 5

1.2. Scope of the document .................................................................................. 5

2. Definition and use of terms.................................................................................... 6

3. Principles of interoperability supervision................................................................ 8

3.1. Regulatory framework.................................................................................... 8

3.1.1. Introduction ............................................................................................. 8

3.1.2. IOP Regulation........................................................................................ 8

3.1.3. IOP Implementing Rules ......................................................................... 8

3.1.4. Community Specifications....................................................................... 9

3.2. Supervision of compliance ............................................................................. 9

3.2.1. NSA role.................................................................................................. 9

3.2.2. Verification of constituents and IOP documentation................................ 9

3.2.3. Verification of systems and IOP documentation.................................... 10

3.2.4. Associated procedures.......................................................................... 10

3.2.5. ANSPs' capability to conduct verification tasks..................................... 10

3.2.6. Notified bodies ...................................................................................... 10

3.2.7. Submission of EC DoV and TF to the NSA........................................... 11

3.2.8. NSA verification of IOP documentation................................................. 11

3.3. Safeguards................................................................................................... 11

3.3.1. Tasks of NSAs...................................................................................... 12

3.3.2. Tasks of Member States ....................................................................... 12

3.3.3. Tasks of the European Commission..................................................... 12

3.4. Interoperability and safety supervision......................................................... 13

4. Interoperability supervision - a recommended process....................................... 14

4.1. Introduction .................................................................................................. 14

4.2. Allocation of responsibilities ......................................................................... 14

4.3. Cooperation between NSAs and ANSPs...................................................... 14

4.3.1. Role of manufacturers........................................................................... 15

4.3.2. Notified bodies ...................................................................................... 15

4.4. ANSPs' capability to conduct verification activities....................................... 15

4.5. Monitoring of IRs/CSs/technical standards................................................... 16

4.6. Monitoring of planned medium-term changes.............................................. 17

4.7. ESSIP/LSSIP and IOP compliance and supervision .................................... 17

4.8. Supervision of compliance ........................................................................... 18

4.8.1. EATMN representation.......................................................................... 18

4.8.2. Baseline for conformity assessment...................................................... 19

4.8.3. Use of Community Specifications.......................................................... 19

4.8.4. No Community Specifications ............................................................... 20

4.8.5. Coordination for submission of the EC DoV and TF.............................. 20

4.8.6. Structure and content of the DoV and Technical File............................ 21

4.8.7. Supervision of IOP documentation and notification of changes ............ 22

4.8.8. Assessment of the IOP documentation................................................. 23

4.8.9. Identification of shortcomings in the IOP documentation ...................... 23

4.8.10. Safeguard measures......................................................................... 23

4.8.11. Maintenance of IOP documentation .................................................. 24

4.8.12. Verification of associated procedures................................................ 25

4.8.13. On-site audits and on-site inspections............................................... 25

5. Case studies........................................................................................................ 27

5.1.1. DoC/DSU not available ......................................................................... 27

NSA Coordination Platform Guidelines on Interoperability Oversight

Edition: 1.0 Released Issue Page 4

5.1.2. Multiple-location systems...................................................................... 27

5.1.3. Same system installed at different locations ......................................... 27

5.1.4. Multiple service providers for one system............................................. 27

5.1.5. Supervision of systems operated by the military................................... 28

5.1.6. Non-certified service providers.............................................................. 28

5.1.7. Pan-European services and functions................................................... 29

5.1.8. Systems for the use of meteorological information................................ 29

5.1.9. Restricted use of constituents............................................................... 30

Annex A - Acronyms.............................................................................................. 31

Annex B - References............................................................................................ 33

Annex C - Web Resources..................................................................................... 35

Annex D - IOP Implementing Rules ....................................................................... 37

Annex E - Check List for NSA................................................................................ 39

Annex F - Templates ............................................................................................. 45

Annex G - Processes ............................................................................................. 57

Annex H - Acknowledgements............................................................................... 60

NSA Coordination Platform Guidelines on Interoperability Oversight

Edition: 1.0 Released Issue Page 5

1. Introduction

1.1. Objective and purpose of this document

The objective of this document (referred to hereinafter as the NSA IOP Guidelines or Guidelines) is to guide national supervisory authorities (NSAs) in the execution of the supervision of ANSPs' compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 552/2004 [1] as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1070/2009 [2] (referred to hereinafter as the IOP Regulation) and the implementing rules adopted under the IOP Regulation [3-11] (referred to hereinafter as the IOP IRs). These Guidelines have been developed by the Interoperability Working Group (IOP WG) of the NSA Coordination Platform in accordance with its terms of reference (objectives and tasks of the Platform) under the sponsorship of the European Commission with support from EUROCONTROL. The document is based on the single European sky (SES) regulatory requirements and national practices applied by NSAs. The "EUROCONTROL Guidelines on conformity assessment for the interoperability Regulation of the single European sky" Ed. 3.0 (20/02/2012) (CA Guidelines) [12] are used as a baseline for these NSA guidelines. For that purpose, terms used in the CA Guidelines have the same meaning as in this document. This document is strictly advisory in nature and does not carry or imply any obligations to be followed. Any application by NSAs is voluntary.

1.2. Scope of the document

This document contains guidance for the NSAs on the process of supervision of compliance with the IOP Regulation and its IRs. It covers the mandatory requirements laid down in the legislation combined with a recommended process. This document is split into 5 sections, supported by annexes. Section 2 provides an explanation of terms that are used in this document but are not defined in the legislation. Section 3 describes the principles of the IOP supervision based on the mandatory requirements specified in the SES legislation 1 [see Annex B] explaining the key requirements and responsibilities in relation to IOP supervision. Section 4 contains the steps of a recommended process that NSAs may follow to ensure the required supervision of the IOP Regulation and IOP IRs. The process isquotesdbs_dbs7.pdfusesText_5
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