[PDF] Translate Toolkit Documentation

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Guide dutilisation de la version 2.0 dAudacity logiciel de montage

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3. Après l'avoir installé lancez le programme Audacity 2.1.0. 4. Dans la partie supérieure


Encodeur LAME. L'encodeur servant à compresser ou décompresser les sons au format mp3 n'est pas inclu nativement dans le logiciel Audacity.

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Translate Toolkit Documentation

This will create a set of POT files in fr-pot that have French as your source Localizing Android Applications tutorial ... Translate Toolkit 2.1.0.

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Investigating the phonetic and linguistic features used by speakers

18 sept. 2018 These data were recorded directly in Audacity software (Ash et al. ... Version 2.1.0. ... In: ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop (ITRW) on.

Translate Toolkit Documentation

31 août 2022 This will create a set of POT files in fr-pot that have French as your source language. ... Localizing Android Applications tutorial.

Infants perception of sound patterns in oral language play

was done using Praat (5.3.49 (Boersma & Weenink

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Audacity Manual

Audacity Reference Guide · Audacity Fundamentals · How-Tos and Tutorials for Audacity · Audacity Tracks

  • Comment bien configurer Audacity ?

    II) Paramétrage d'Audacity :
    Cliquez « ?itions » (en haut à gauche), puis « Préférences » et enfin « E/S audio ». Sélectionnez « Mixage stéréo » dans la liste déroulante du « périphérique » d' « enregistrement » et validez votre choix. Vous pouvez désormais enregistrer une source sonore depuis internet
  • Comment faire un enregistrement avec Audacity ?

    - Cliquez sur le bouton d'enregistrement d'Audacity : - Démarrez la lecture du lecteur multimedia. Audacity enregistre, vous voyez alors apparaître les spectres audio droite et gauche (l'un au dessus de l'autre) qui sont capturés.
  • Quel est le format qui n'est pas accepté par Audacity ?

    Par défaut, l'encodage d'une musique en MP3 n'est pas supporté par l'éditeur audio Audacity. Vous pouvez facilement installer l'encodeur MP3 gratuit LAME pour l'utiliser avec Audacity et exporter ainsi vos fichiers en MP3.
  • Installer Audacity sur PC
    Rendez-vous sur audacityteam.org. Cliquez sur le lien « Audacity 3.1.3 Programme d'installation 64 bits ». Lancez le fichier et suivez les instructions données. Notons qu'Audacity sur Windows est désormais une application 64 bits.
Translate Toolkit Documentation

Translate Toolkit Documentation

Release 3.10.1


Sep 26, 2023


1 User"s Guide3

1.1 Features


1.2 Installation


1.3 Converters


1.4 Tools


1.5 Scripts


1.6 Use Cases


1.7 Translation Related File Formats


2 Developer"s Guide173

2.1 Translate Styleguide


2.2 Documentation


2.3 Building


2.4 Testing


2.5 Command Line Functional Testing


2.6 Contributing


2.7 Reporting Bugs


2.8 Translate Toolkit Developers Guide


2.9 Making a Translate Toolkit Release


2.10 Deprecation of Features


3 Additional Notes205

3.1 Release Notes


3.2 History of the Translate Toolkit


3.3 License


4 API Reference275

4.1 API


Python Module Index951



Translate Toolkit Documentation, Release 3.10.1

Welcome to Translate Toolkit"s documentation. This documentation covers both user"s and programmer"s perspective.


Translate Toolkit Documentation, Release 3.10.1




This part has the user"s documentation for the tools included in the Translate Toolkit. 1.1

F eatures

•Work withONE localisation format. You"ll no longer be editing DTD files in one tool, .properties in another,

OpenOffice GSI in a third. Simply do all your localisation in a PO or XLIFF editor

•Convertersfor a number offormats

-OpenOffice.org SDF/GSI -Mozilla: .properties, DTD, XHTML, .inc, .ini, etc -Others: Comma Separated Value, TMX, XLIFF, TBX, PHP, WordFast TXT, Qt .ts, txt, .ini, Windows .rc, ical, subtitles, Mac OS X strings

•File access to localization filesthrough the format API in all the above formats, as well as .qph, .qm, .mo

•Outputvalid target filetypes. We make sure that your output files (e.g. .properties) contain all comments from

the original file and preserves the layout of the original as far as possible. If your PO entry is marked as fuzzy we

use the English text, not your half complete translation. The converters for OpenOffice.org and Mozilla formats

will also perform simple checks and corrections to make sure you have none of those hard to find localisation


•Our checker has over42 checksto find errors such as: missing or translated variables, missing accelerator keys,

bad escaping, start capitalisation, missing sentences, bad XML and much more.

•Language awareness, taking language conventions for capitalisation, quotes and other punctuation into account

•Find conflicting translationseasily, cases where you have translated a source word differently or used a target

word for 2 very different English concepts

•Extract messagesusing simple text or a regular expression allowing you to quickly find and extract words that

you need to fix due to glossary changes. •Merge snippetsof PO files into your existing translations.

•Create word, string and filecountsof your files. Making it much easier to budget time as string counts do not

give you a good indication of expected work.

•CreateasetofPOfileswithdebuggingentriestoallowyoutoeasilylocatethesourceoftranslations. Veryuseful

in OpenOffice.org which provides scant clues as to where the running application has sourced the message.

The Translate Toolkit is also apowerful APIfor writing translation and localisation tools, already used by our own

and several other projects. See thebase classsection for more information.3

Translate Toolkit Documentation, Release 3.10.1


Inst allation

This is a guide to installing the Translate Toolkit on your system. If the Translate Toolkit is already packaged for your

system, this is probably the easiest way to install it. For several Linux distributions, the package might be available

through your package manager. On Windows, we recommend using a virtual environment.

If your system already has the toolkit prepackaged, then please let us know what steps are required to install it.



For build instructions, see theBuildingpage.


Do wnload

Download a stable

released v ersion . Or if you have a python environment, runpip install translate-toolkit. For those who need problems fixed, or who want to work on the bleeding edge, get the latest source fromGit.

If you install through your distribution"s package manager, you should automatically have all the dependencies you

need. If you are installing a version from Version Control, or from a source release, you should check the README

file for information on the dependencies that are needed. Some of the dependencies are optional. The README file

documents this. 1.2.3

Inst allingpac kagedv ersions

Get the package for your system:RPMIf you want to install easily on an RPM based system .tar.gzfor source based installing on Linux .debfor Debian GNU/Linux (etch version) The RPM package can be installed by using the following command: $rpm-Uvh translate-toolkit-1.0.1.rpm To install a tar.bz2:$tarxvjf translate-toolkit-1.1.0.tar.bz2 $cdtranslate-toolkit-1.1.0 $su $./setup.pyinstall On Debian (if you are on etch), just type the following command:$aptitudeinstall translate-toolkit

If you are using an old Debian stable system, you might want to install the .tar.bz2 version. Be sure to install python

and python development first with:$apt-getinstall python python-dev Alternatively newer packages might be in testing.4Chapter 1. User"s Guide

Translate Toolkit Documentation, Release 3.10.1


Inst allingon Windo ws

On Windows we recommend that you install Translate Toolkit using a virtual environment. This makes installation

clean and isolated.

Use the latest Python 3.9. Install

vir tualenvwrapper-win to simplify handling of vir tualenvs. 1.

Ins talllates t

Python 3.9


Open cmd.e xeor similar

3.pip install virtualenvwrapper-win

4.mkvirtualenv ttkwhere "ttk" is the name for the new virtualenv

5.pip install translate-toolkit[recommended]to install latest stable orpip install -pre translate-

toolkit[recommended]to try a pre-release

6.po2prop -versionto double check you have the right version

Next times you need to use Translate Toolkit just remember to: 1.

Open cmd.e xeor similar

2.workon ttkto enable the virtualenv again


R unthe T ranslateT oolkitcommands y ouw ant


Inst allingfrom Git

If you want to try the bleeding edge, or just want to have the latest fixes from a stabilising branch then you need to use

Git to get your sources:$gitclone https://github.com/translate/translate.git This will retrieve themasterbranch of the Toolkit. Further Gitins tructionsare also a vailable. Once you have the sources you have two options, a full install:$su $./setup.pyinstall or, running the tools from the source directory:$su $pipinstall -e . 1.2.6

V erifyinst alledv ersion

To verify which version of the toolkit you have installed run: $ prop2po --version prop2po Installation5

Translate Toolkit Documentation, Release 3.10.1


Cleaning up e xistinginst allation

To remove old versions of the toolkit which you might have installed without a virtual environment or without your

package manager. The following advice only applies to manual installation from a tarball. 1.

F indlocation of y ourp ythonpac kages:$python-c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())


Delete toolkit pac kagefrom y ourPython site-pac kagesdirector ye.g.: $rm-R /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/translate


Con verters


Gener alUsag e

The tools follow a general usage convention which is helpful to understand.

Input & Output

The last two arguments of your command are the input and output files/directories:moz2po< input>< output>

You can of course still use the-iand-ooptions which allows you to reorder commandsmoz2po- o< output>- i< input>

Error Reporting

All tools accept the option--errorlevel. If you find a bug, add this option and send the traceback to the developers.moz2po< other-options>- -errorlevel=traceback


If you are working with any file format and you wish to preserve comments and layout then use your source file as a

template.po2dtd- t< source-file>< input>< output>

This will use the files inas a template, merge the PO files in, and create new DTD files in

If you ran this without the templates you would get valid DTD files but they would not preserve the layout or all the

comments from the source DTD file The same concept of templates is also used when you merge files.6Chapter 1. User"s Guide

Translate Toolkit Documentation, Release 3.10.1

pomerge t old fixes new

This would take thefiles merge in theand output new PO files, preserving formatting, into.

You can use the same directory forandif you want the merges to overwrite files in. source2target

The converters all follow this convention:

•source=theformatfromwhichyouareconvertinge.g. inoo2poweareconvertingfromOpenOffice.orgSDF/GSI •target = the format into which you are converting e.g. inoo2powe are converting to Gettext PO

Getting Help

The--helpoption will always list the available commands for the tool.moz2po- -help 1.3.2 android2po Converts Android resource files to Gettext PO format.

Usageandroid2po [options]< android>< po>

Where:is a valid Android resource file or directory of those filesquotesdbs_dbs29.pdfusesText_35
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