[PDF] Publications list 2005.indd 27 déc. 2005 New

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Livret 4_Je ne vivrai pas dans la peur.indd

Traducteur : Joyce Meyer Ministries-Francophonie au diable (1 Pierre 5 : 8-9). ... Pour tout chrétien la seule attitude envisageable.


T&D n°55.indd 1 premier opéra italien (livret de Campeggi musique de Giacobbi


SOUBIR_INT.indd 1 opposition) en adoptant vis-à-vis de lui une attitude permissive mais ... C'était important pour elle de répondre positive-.

La performance encore - Archive ouverte HAL

4 mar. 2017 MpPerformanceencore 2016 06 28.indd 1 ... 77) - Livret ... tordre » les Finnegans Wake de Joyce

Publications list 2005.indd

27 déc. 2005 New Zealand Architecture 1900-1918: a one day symposium edited by Christine McCarthy (Wellington

Rainy_BROSCH_35 bel» mail.indd

19 nov. 2017 On the one hand the cliché of being cerebral ... L'évolution de la technologie a-t-elle été selon vous uniquement positive ou bien y voyez-.

Sécurité et santé au travail

Workshop pour les coachs du réseau 12

Publications list 2005.indd



Staff and StudentResearch 2005Office of Research and Postgraduate Studies

Victoria University of Wellington

PO Box 600,



+64-4-463 5422
Email researchoffice@vuw.ac.nz


Staff and Student Research 2005

Staff and Student Research 2005 1


Faculty of Architecture and Design 2

Architecture 2

Design 9

Faculty of Commerce and Administration 14

Accounting and Commercial Law 14

Economics and Finance 25

Government 33

Information Management 45

Management 54

Marketing and International Business 67

Faculty of Education 76

Early Childhood Teacher Education 76

Education Faculty OfÞ ce 79

Education Studies 79

Primary and Secondary Teacher Education 92

Te Kura Maori 97

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 98

Art History, Classics and Religious Studies 98

Asian and European Languages and Cultures 108

English, Film, Theatre and Media Studies 115

History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations 124

Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 135

Maori Studies (Te Kawa a M

ui) 149

Music 150

Nursing, Midwifery and Health 157

Social and Cultural Studies 166


PasiÞ ka 174

Faculty of Law 177

Law 177

Faculty of Science 192

Biological Sciences 192

Chemical and Physical Sciences 214

Earth Sciences 231

Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science 249

Psychology 261

Centres and Institutes 274

International Institute of Modern Letters 274

Institute for the Study of Competition and Regulation 279

Stout Research Centre 280

Treaty of Waitangi Research Unit 280

University Teaching Development Centre 281

2Staff and Student Research 2005



Books and Scholarly Editions

Charleson A,

Structure as architecture

(Oxford, Architectural Press, Elsevier, 2005), 228pp.

Coyne-Jensen C,

Danish designers: Knud Holscher

(Kobenhavn K, Aschehoug Danish Publishing House Inc., (in collaboration with Louisiana Museum of Moder n Art, 2005), 84pp.

Coyne-Jensen C,

An analysis of the daylighting principles in two libraries designed by A lvar Aalto: when a daylight opening functions as a daylighting luminarie. Spe cial edition of full periodical publication of 'LP-NYT' for Louis Poulsen Lighting (Copenhagen, Denmark,

Louis Poulsen Lighting A/S, 2004).


Osterhaus W, ÔIm rechten Licht - SehkomfortÕ, in

Buerogebaeude mit Zukunft


Germany, TUEV-Verlag, 2005), March, pp. 24-27.

Storey J, Gjerde M, Charleson A, Pedersen M, ÔThe report 6 the state of deconstruction in

New ZealandÕ, in

Deconstruction and materials reuse-an international overview, edited by A Chini (Rotterdam, CIB and University of Florida, 2005), March, p. 92.
Taylor M, ÔProjected evolution: expanding self into the environsÕ, in Review 05, edited by Andrew Wilson (Brisbane, Australia, Queensland University of Technology, 2005), pp.


Wood P, ÔWatershed: of buildings and stories and elegant shedsÕ, in Exquisite apart: 100 years of architecture in New Zealand , edited by Charles Walker (Auckland, New Zealand, Balasoglou Books/New Zealand Institute of Architects, 2005), p p. 72-80.


Osterhaus W, ÔDiscomfort glare assessment and prevention for daylight applicatio ns on ofÞ ce environmentsÕ, Solar Energy, 79, 2, December (2005), pp. 140-158. Taylor M, Preston J, ÔInterior bowers: dormant wilderness in nineteent h century boudoirsÕ,

IDEA Journal

, 4 (2005), pp. 75-83. Thomas G, ÔNew Zealand Building Code and Þ re safety (In Japanese)Õ,

Journal of the Japan

Association for Fire Science and Engineering

, 55, 3 (2005), pp. 36-42. Wood P, ÔA woman asks her psychiatrist, ÔMy husband only seems to want to use the dining room table for sex. What should I do?Õ The psychiatrist responds, Ô

I would stop eating

in bedÕÕ, Tracey (Contemporary Drawing Research): Loughborough University School of

Art and Design

(2005), pp. 1-10. http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/ac/tracey/perf/ images/wood.pdf. Wood P, ÔArchitecture = building + value: exploring the social purpose of archite ctureÕ, Intersticies: a Journal of Architecture and Related Arts (2005), pp. 44-52.

Staff and Student Research 2005 3

Published Conference Papers

Baird G, ÔResponses to Sustainable Design - user perceptions of eight academic and library buildingsÕ, Proceedings of SB05 - The World Sustainable Building Conference , edited by S Murakami & T Yashiro (Tokyo, SB05 Tokyo National Conference Board, 2005). CD- ROM. Baird G, Stephenson I, Christie L, ÔEnvironmental Design and Performance of the

Paraparaumu Public LibraryÕ,

Proceedings of the Annual IRHACE Technical Conference (Auckland, Institute of Refrigeration, Heating and Air Conditioning Eng ineers of New

Zealand, 2005), pp. 1-10.

Charleson A, French M, ÔImproving seismic safety of adobe constructio n with used car-tyre strips: preliminary investigationsÕ, Proceedings of the conference of the NZ Society for Earthquake Engineering, 11-13 March 2005 (2005), Paper 32. Coyne-Jensen C, ÔTallum: a search for the authenticity of the groundÕ, XXIInd annual S.A.H.A.N.Z. conference (Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand) held in Napier, New Zealand, 24-27 September 2005 , edited by Andrew Leach and Gill

Matthewson (2005), pp. 85-91.

Gjerde M, ÔPrecast concrete as a sustainable cladding solution in New

ZealandÕ, Concrete

structures: the challenge of creativity (Avignon, France, 2004), April, pp. 318-319.

Gray J, ÔManaging a cold damp houseÕ,

Contexts of Architecture: Proceedings of the 38th

Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association ANZAScA, edited by Z

Bromberek (2004).

Holden G, Gjerde M, ÔComparative urban sustainability in WellingtonÕ, Fabricating sustainability: ANZScA 39th annual conference (Wellington, 2005). Holden G, Petrovic E, ÔEccentric excursions: apartments in WellingtonÕ, Conference proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New


(SAHANZ) , edited by A Leach & G Matthewson (2005). Marriage G, ÔLouis Hay: a celebration of lost workÕ, Celebration: SAHANZ 2005 - Proceedings of the 22nd annual conference of the Society of Architectural Historians , Australia and

New Zealand

(2005), pp. 237-241. Marriage G, ÔNo free Love: the dearth of media output from the Archit ectural Centre in the swinging sixtiesÕ, '...about as austere as a Dior gown...' New Zealand Architecture, the

1960s: a one day symposium

(2005), pp. 63-67. Osterhaus W, Davies M, Raynham P, Curtis S, ÔA different toolbox for glare studies - can new techniques improve our understanding of glare?Õ, Lighting for humans (Berlin,

Germany, 2005), LUX Europa, p. 8.

Osterhaus W, Madsen M, ÔExploring simple assessment methods for lighting quality with architecture and design studentsÕ, 'Fabricating Sustainability', proceedings of the 39th annual conference of the Australia and New Zealand Architectural Science


(ANZAScA) (Wellington, Victoria University of Wellington, 2005).

4Staff and Student Research 2005

Reich E, Charleson A, ÔPotential seismic resistant strategies from other Þ eldsÕ, Proceedings

of the conference of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering,

11-13 March

(2005), Paper 42. Skinner R, ÔÕ...scarcely suitable as standards on which to found our national tasteÕ , 'we have no style...' New Zealand Architecture 1900-1918: a one day symposium, edited by Christine McCarthy (Wellington, New Zealand, Centre for Building Performance research, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Victoria University, 2004), pp. 77-85.

Skinner R, ÔCelebrating the LordÕs Supper at OronaÕ, Celebration: XXIIth annual conference of

the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, edited by Andrew Leach and Gill Matthewson (Napier, New Zealand, Society of Architectural Historians,

Australia and New Zealand, 2005), pp. 329-334.

Southcombe M, Pettigrew W, ÔEuropean fruit; Tikitiki, A treaty signatories houseÕ, Celebration 2005 conference, Society of Architectural Historians of Aust ralia and New


(2005), pp. 341-346.

Storey J, ÔOnly 100% is good enoughÕ,

Sustainable building conference 2005

(Tokyo, Japan,

2005), p. 8.

Thomas G, ÔFire-Fighting and Rescue Operations after Earthquakes - Le ssons from JapanÕ, New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering Annual Conference (Wairakei, NZSEE,

2005). CD-ROM.

Thomas G, Cousins W J, Heron D W, ÔPost-earthquake Þ re and the 1855 Wairarapa earthquakeÕ, Proceedings, Wairarapa Sesquicentennial symposium, 8-10 September

2005, Te Papa

, compiled by J Townend, R Langridge, A Jones (Wellington, Greater

Wellington Regional Council, 2005), pp. 101-107.

Walden R, ÔDynamism in Architecture: CalatravaÕs Wings over Milwaukee Art MuseumÕ, Proceedings of International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Hawaii, January 13- 16 (2005). Wood P, ÔPoles apart: a reading of New ZealandÕs suburban lanscape in the 1960sÕ, Celebration: XXII annual conference of the Society of Architectural Hist orians Australia and New Zealand, SAHANZ , edited by Andrew Lach and Gill Matthewson (2005), pp.


Other Academic Publications

Cook D, Gjerde M, Kirby A, Norgate K,

NPCAA/CIA precast concrete handbook & commentary

for New Zealand users (Wellington, Precast New Zealand & CCANZ, 2004), March,


Gjerde M,

Information bulletin (IB) 18: concrete nishes (Wellington, Cement & Concrete

Association of New Zealand, 2005).

Hand J, Donn M, Crawley D, Lawrie L, ÔImproving the data available to simulation programsÕ, in Proceedings of International Building Performance Simulation Association biennial conference (2005). (Abs).

Staff and Student Research 2005 5

Heron D W, Thomas G, Cousins W, Lukovic B, Schmid R, ÔFire follows earthquake in urban areas - GIS modelling in New ZealandÕ,

29th annual hazards research and applications

workshop (Boulder, Colorado, USA, July 2004). (Poster).

Keith-Brown J, ÔLiving stone architectureÕ,

New Zealand Architecture

, January (2005), p. 6.

Marriage G, ÔDoing each otherÕs thingÕ,

Architecture New Zealand

, Jan/Feb (2005), pp. 78- 79.

Marriage G, ÔGoing downtownÕ,

Architecture New Zealand

, Sept/Oct (2005), pp. 55-64. Marriage G, ÔPlace, spirit, and getting the layers right - a review o f architectus AucklandÕs design for a NZIA supreme award winning residential projectÕ, Indesign, 21 (2005), pp.


Marriage G, ÔWestwood ho, a review of Jasmax design for WestpacÕ,

Indesign Magazine

, 16 (2004), pp. 146-153.

Osterhaus W,

Daylighting buildings for the 21st century: summary document for the project literature database (International Energy Agency SHC Task 31 Research Project, 2004), 8pp.

Skinner R, ÔHanky-panky at ParliamentÕ,

Architecture New Zealand

, Mar/Apr (2005), pp. 86- 88.
Skinner R, ÔThe New Zealander Illustrated: London exhibitions in the

1840sÕ, in Sixteenth

Paci c History Association conference, Noumea, 6-10 Dec 2004 (2004), p. 27. (Abs).

Wood P, ÔHalf-baked: eating architectureÕ,

Architecture New Zealand (Sept/Oct)

, 5 (2004), pp. 120-122.

Wood P, ÔNaki ornamentalismÕ,

Architecture New Zealand (July/Aug)

, 4 (2005), pp. 96-97. Wood P, ÔReview: ÔRethinking Australian ArchitectureÕÕ,

Cross Section: NZIA News

(September) (2005), pp. 9-10.

Wood P, ÔThe quiet hunterÕ,

Architecture New Zealand (May/June)

, 3 (2005), pp. 104-106.

Wood P, ÔReview of

Durand, Durand

Architecture New Zealand

, 4 (2005), p. 112.

Wood P, ÔReview of

Situational morality

Architecture New Zealand

, 3, May/June (2004), pp.


Wood P, ÔReview of

The art of making

Cross Section: NZIA News (July)

(2004), pp. 8-9.


Ashdown I, Bedocs L, Carroll W, De Boer J, Dehoff P, Donn M, Erhorn H, Escaffre L, Fontoynont M, Greenup P, Hirata M, Jongewaard M, Koga Y, Koster J, Lillelien E, Maamari F, Mardaljevic J, Mitanchey R, Pezzana S, Slater A, Stockmar A, Tsangrassoulis

A, Uetani Y, Zonneveldt L,

Test cases to assess the accuracy of lighting computer programs (Wien, Commission International dÕEclairage (CIE) Technical Committee

TC3.33, 2005), 99pp.

McDonald C, et al.,

New Zealand urban design protocol

, A report for Ministry for the

Environment (Wellington, March, 2005), 48pp.

6Staff and Student Research 2005

McDonald C, McIndoe G,

National urban design training curriculum

, A report for New Zealand Planning Institute/Ministry for the Environment (2005), 29pp. McIndoe G, Chapman R, McDonald C, Holden G, Howden-Chapman P, Bray Sharpin A, The value of urban design. the economic, environmental and social bene ts of urban design A report for New Zealand Ministry for the Environment (Wellington, June, 2005),

Publication No 606, 89pp.

McIndoe G, Chapman R, McDonald C, Holden G, Howden-Chapman P, Bray-Sharpin A,

Summary of the value of urban design

(Wellington, Ministry for the Environment,

2005), Publication No 605, 28pp.

McIndoe G, Chapman R, McDonald C, Holden G, Howden-Chapman P, Bray-Sharpin A, The value of urban design (Wellington, New Zealand Ministry for the Environment, 2005),

606, 85pp.

McIntosh J,

Economic analysis of thermal building performance

, A report commissioned by NZ Defence Force (Auckland, Wellington, Waiouru and Ohakea, 2004), 35pp.

McIntosh J,

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