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AngularJS Notes for Professionals

GoalKicker.com – AngularJS Notes for Professionals. 1. About. Please feel free to share this PDF with anyone for free latest version of this book can be 

Angular 2+ Notes for Professionals

28-Aug-2016 GoalKicker.com – Angular 2+ Notes for Professionals. 1. About. Please feel free to share this PDF with anyone for free latest version of this ...


Warnings or important notes appear like this. Tips and tricks appear like PDF version of that book at no cost. Read anywhere any place

A little bit of angular momentum Notes on Quantum Mechanics

03-Dec-2004 http://quantum.bu.edu/notes/QuantumMechanics/ALittleBitOfAngularMomentum.pdf ... terms of operators for the squared angular momentum and the ...

Chapter 19 Angular Momentum

19-May-2014 were used. Example 19.2 Angular Momentum and Circular Motion. A particle of mass m moves in a circle of radius r at an angular speed ω about the ...

Download AngularJS Tutorial (PDF Version)

AngularJS is a very powerful JavaScript library. It is used in Single Page Application. (SPA) projects. It extends HTML DOM with additional attributes and 

Learn Angular 8 in 15 Easy Steps Learn Angular 8 in 15 Easy Steps

18-Oct-2019 We'll see how to use the new ng deploy feature in Angular 8.3+ to easily deploy your Angular application from the command-line to Firebase ...

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20-Jun-2020 Every angular application is made up of one more Angular Component. It is basically a plain JavaScript / Typescript class along with a HTML ...

Angular 7 i

18-Oct-2018 Angular 7 is an open source JavaScript framework for building web applications and apps in JavaScript html

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Then you launch the app by bootstrapping the root module. Angular takes over presenting your application content in a browser and responding to user 

Angular 7 i

Angular 7 is an open source JavaScript framework for building web applications and apps in JavaScript html


Angular 8 is an open source TypeScript based frontend web application framework. Angular 8 has been released by Google's Angular community. This tutorial 

Learn Angular 8 in 15 Easy Steps

18-Oct-2019 A local development machine with Node 8.9+ together with NPM 5.5.1+ installed. Node is required by the Angular CLI like the most frontend tools ...


You can share this PDF with anyone you feel could benefit from it downloaded the latest version from: angular. It is an unofficial and free Angular ebook 


24-Nov-2017 Sample code and plunkers updated to Angular 5.0.4. • The signatute and usage of CurrencyPipe changed the book has been updated to the ...

AngularJS Notes for Professionals

GoalKicker.com – AngularJS Notes for Professionals. 1. About. Please feel free to share this PDF with anyone for free latest version of this book can be 

PDF AngularJS - Tutorialspoint

AngularJS i. About the Tutorial. AngularJS is a very powerful JavaScript library. It is used in Single Page Application. (SPA) projects.


You can share this PDF with anyone you feel could benefit from it downloaded the latest version from: angularjs. It is an unofficial and free AngularJS 

Angular 2+ Notes for Professionals

22-Jun-2016 Please feel free to share this PDF with anyone for free ... This Angular 2+ Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow.

Angular Momentum

27-Nov-2021 MIT 8.01 Course Notes: ... When torque about S is zero angular momentum is constant ... Angular Momentum of a Point Particle.




Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Getting started with AngularJS2




Getting Started9

Showcasing all common Angular constructs11

The importance of scope12

The Simplest Possible Angular Hello World.14



Minification in Angular15

AngularJS Getting Started Video Tutorials16

Chapter 2: $http request19


Using $http inside a controller19

Using $http request in a service20

Timing of an $http request21

Chapter 3: Angular $scopes23



Basic Example of $scope inheritance23

Avoid inheriting primitive values23

A function available in the entire app24

Creating custom $scope events25

Using $scope functions25

How can you limit the scope on a directive and why would you do this?26

Chapter 4: Angular MVC28



The Static View with controller28

mvc demo28

Controller Function Definition28

Adding information to the model28

Chapter 5: Angular Project - Directory Structure29


Directory Structure29

Sort By Type (left)29

Sort By Feature (right)30

Chapter 6: Angular promises with $q service32


Using $q.all to handle multiple promises32

Using the $q constructor to create promises32

Deferring operations using $q.defer34

Using angular promises with $q service34

Using Promises on call35


Wrap simple value into a promise using $q.when()37 $q.when and its alias $q.resolve37

Avoid the $q Deferred Anti-Pattern37

Avoid this Anti-Pattern37

Chapter 7: AngularJS bindings options (`=`, `@`, `&` etc.)39



@ one-way binding, attribute binding.39 = two-way binding.39 & function binding, expression binding.40

Available binding through a simple sample40

Bind optional attribute41

Chapter 8: AngularJS gotchas and traps42


Two-way data binding stops working42


Things to do when using html5Mode43

7 Deadly Sins of AngularJS44

Chapter 9: angularjs with data filter, pagination etc49



Angularjs display data with filter, pagination49

Chapter 10: Built-in directives50


Angular expressions - Text vs. Number50

ngRepeat50 ngShow and ngHide54 ngOptions55 ngModel57 ngClass58 ngIf58



DOM If currentUser Is Not Undefined59

DOM If currentUser Is Undefined59

Function Promise59

ngMouseenter and ngMouseleave60 ngDisabled60 ngDblclick61

Built-In Directives Cheat Sheet61

ngClick62 ngRequired63 ng-model-options64 ngCloak65 ngInclude65 ngSrc65 ngPattern66 ngValue66 ngCopy67

Prevent a user from copying data67

ngPaste67 ngHref67 ngList68

Chapter 11: Built-in helper Functions69


angular.equals69 angular.isString69 angular.isArray69 angular.merge70 angular.isDefined and angular.isUndefined70 angular.isDate71 angular.isNumber71 angular.isFunction72 angular.toJson72 angular.fromJson72 angular.noop73 angular.isObject73 angular.isElement74 angular.copy74 angular.identity75 angular.forEach75

Chapter 12: Components77




Basic Components and LifeCycle Hooks78

What's a component?78

Using External data in Component:78

Using Controllers in Components79

Using "require" as an Object80

Components In angular JS80

Chapter 13: Constants82



Create your first constant82

Use cases82

Chapter 14: Controllers85



Your First Controller85

Creating Controllers87

Creating Controllers, Minification safe87

The order of injected dependencies is important87

Using ControllerAs in Angular JS88

Creating Minification-Safe Angular Controllers89

Nested Controllers90

Chapter 15: Controllers with ES691



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