[PDF] CAT(0) cubical complexes Exercice 1 (M). Prove that a CAT(0

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ACTIF. PASSIF. N-1. N. Amortissements. Amortissements et Provisions et Provisions. Immobilisations Corporelles. 16 500. 12 450. 4 050. 28 900. 14 350.

Exercices corrigés

1 i! Pour cela définissez la fonction factorielle et

N 6344 28 joumada 11436 (19-3-2015) BULLETIN OFFICIEL 1047

Dahir n° 1-15-26 du 29 rabii 11 1436 (19 février 2015) portant promulgation de la loi n° 131-13 relative à l'exercice de la médecine. LOUANGE A DIEU SEUL !

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Exemples : Si je n'étais pas arrivé en retard j'aurais vu le début du film. Exercice 1. Exemples : Ce matin

CAT(0) cubical complexes Exercice 1 (M). Prove that a CAT(0

Exercice 2 (M). partitions of n points where n = 1

University of Plymouth

Feb 12 2006 1. Introduction (Summation). Proof by induction involves statements which depend on the natural numbers

Fiche n°1 : Le calendrier budgétaire

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Exercices Corrigés Statistique et Probabilités

Correction de l'exercice 1. Correction de l'examen N°1 . ... Calculer la probabilité de N2 . déduire de ce qui précède que P (N1/N2) = P (N2/N1).

CAT(0) cubical complexes Exercice 1 (M). Prove that a CAT(0

CAT(0) cubical complexes

Exercice 1(M).Prove that a CAT(0) cubical complex whose links are all complete bi-partite graphs is a product of two trees. Exercice 2(M).Show that a product of two trees does not embed in R

3, even locally.

Exercice 3(E).Square a surface group.

Exercice 4(E).Show that the triple space of a group is empty if and only if the group is elementary. Exercice 5(M).Show that if a groupGacts cocompactly on a CAT(0) cube complexX, then every hyperplane is acted on cocompactly by its stabilizer. Exercice 6(E/O).Draw the CAT(0) cube complex associated to all partitions ofnpoints, wheren= 1;2;3 and 4. Can you give a descrip- tion for the general case? Exercice 7(M).LetLbe a discrete collection of lines which has nitely many parallelism classes (for example, think of the plane tri- angluated by unit isosceles triangles). Consider the setS=R2L. What is the cube complex associated to this space with walls (S;L)? Exercice 8(M/H).LetLbe a transverse collection ofnlines inH2, withn >1. Then, there exists a numberR=R(L)>0 such any line intersecting all the lines inL, intersects the ball of radiusRabout the origin. Exercice 9(M).The Coxeter groupPGL2(Z) acts by isometries on the upper half-plane preserving a hyperbolic tessellation by isometric triangles, each with one ideal vertex as illustrated on gure 1. This gives the plane a wall space structure, where the walls are the mirrors for the re ections. Describe the associated CAT(0) cube complex. Exercice 10(M/H).Show that a codimension one subgroupHin a discrete groupGgivesGa structure of space with walls. Exercice 11(M/H).LetXbe a CAT(0) cube complex,g2Aut(X) andhbe a half-space. (1) Ifgskewersh, thengis hyperbolic and any axis forgcrosses ^h. (2) Ifgis hyperbolic and the axis ofgcrossesh, then for some n2Z, we have thatgnskewersh. 1 2 The


complex for the group PGL CZ embedded inthe hyperbolic plane upper half plane modelFigure 1.The Coxeter complex for the groupPGL2(Z) embedded in the upper half plane model of the hyperbolic space Exercice 12(H).LetXbe a CAT(0) cube complex,g2Aut(X), let gbe a hyperbolic isometry ofXand lethbe a halfspace. Then one of the following holds. (1) Some power ofgskewersh. (2) Some power ofg ipsh. (3) Some power ofgstabilizes^h. The rst of the above possiblities is when the axis ofgmeets^hand the last is when the axis forglies in a bounded neighborhood of^h. Exercice 13(O).LetGact properly and cocompactly on a product of two trees, doesGcontainF2Z? What aboutZ2Z? E=easy, M=medium, most of those are taken from Sageev's course and require to apply the theory, H=hard, O=open,quotesdbs_dbs29.pdfusesText_35
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