[PDF] Lecture 4: Regular Expressions and Finite Automata

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Lecture 4: Regular Expressions and Finite Automata

L(F). (Kleene Closure). E∗ ∈ RegEx. L(E∗)=(L(E))∗. (Parenthetic Expression). (E) ∈ RegEx. L((E)) = L(E). Precedence Rules: ∗ >.> +. Example : 01∗ + 1∗0 

Converting Finite Automata to Regular Expressions

Example (2/5) 3 The regular expression corresponding to the NFA is the regular expression associated with the starting state. • The main problem is how to ...

ECE 468 Problem Set 1: Regular expressions and finite automata

Problem Set 1: Regular expressions and finite automata (Solutions). 1. For strings containing the letters 'a' 'b'

Symbolic Boolean Derivatives for Efficiently Solving Extended

For example consider the regular expression 01.* above. Classically

ECE 468 Problem Set 1 Solutions: Regular expressions and finite

Problem Set 1 Solutions: Regular expressions and finite automata. 1. Write a example“abbab” is a valid string


A language for specifying lexical analyzers Finite automata

Symbolic Boolean Derivatives for Efficiently Solving Extended

Two Example Symbolic Boolean Finite Automata. (SBFA) derived from the same finite automata and their regular expression counterparts are related; basic ...

Construction of an FA from an RE

16-Mar-2020 We can use Thompson's Construction to find out a Finite Automaton from a Regular Expression. ... The example DFA accepts the strings a b

Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions: Examples. If Σ = {a b

Examples Regular Expressions and Finite Automata Regular

CSE 322: Regular Expressions and Finite Automata. ? Last Time: Definition of a Regular Expression. ? R is a regular expression iff.

Lecture 4: Regular Expressions and Finite Automata

parenthesis. – Every tree has one more node than the edges. – Other examples. Ashutosh Trivedi. Lecture 4: Regular Expressions and Finite Automata 

Symbolic Boolean Derivatives for Efficiently Solving Extended

Regular expressions and finite automata play a fundamental role in many areas ranging from constraint is indeed satisfiable ? for example

Regular Expressions Regular Expressions

Capable of describing the same thing as a NFA. • The two are actually equivalent so RE = NFA = DFA. – We can define an algebra for regular expressions 

q1 q2 q3 a b b a a b

Definition: A language is regular if it is recognized by some DFA. CS 341: Chapter 1. 1-12. Examples of Deterministic Finite Automata.

1 Equivalence of Finite Automata and Regular Expressions 2

Given DFA M will construct regular expression R such that L(M) = L(R). 2 Regular Expressions to NFA Example demonstrating the problem.

Homework 3 Solutions

is a DFA D such that L(D) = L(M) = C. By problem 3 on Homework 2 we Give regular expressions that generate each of the following languages.

Symbolic Boolean Derivatives for Efficiently Solving Extended

Regular expressions and finite automata play a fundamental role in many areas combinations

Introduction to Theory of Computation

Oct 3 2012 2.2.2 A second example of a finite automaton . ... 2.8.2 Converting a DFA to a regular expression . ... it can be solved efficiently.

Ashutosh Trivedi { 1 of 23CS 208: Automata Theory and Logic Lecture 4: Regular Expressions and Finite Automata

Ashutosh TrivediAstartBb

8x(La(x)! 9y:(x ba

Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.Ashutosh TrivediLecture 4: Regular Expressions and Finite Automata

Ashutosh Trivedi { 2 of 23Recursive (Inductive) Denitions

Denition (Recursive Denitions.)


Dening an object using recursion.

2. Dening an object in terms of itself. {Exp ressionsover + and : Base case: Any numb erof a va riableis an exp ression. Indu ction:If EandFare expressions then so areE+F,EF, and (E).{Set of Natural numb ersN:

Base case: 0 2N.

Indu ction:If k2Nthenk+ 12N.{Denitions of the facto rialf unctionand Fib onaccisequence

Denition of a

singly-link edlist in Java: class List {

E value; \* Base case *\

List next; \* Induction *\ }

Denition of a

tree Ashutosh TrivediLecture 4: Regular Expressions and Finite Automata Ashutosh Trivedi { 2 of 23Recursive (Inductive) Denitions

Denition (Recursive Denitions.)


Dening an object using recursion.

2. Dening an object in terms of itself. {Exp ressionsover + and : Base case: Any numb erof a va riableis an exp ression. Indu ction:If EandFare expressions then so areE+F,EF, and (E).{Set of Natural numb ersN:

Base case: 0 2N.

Indu ction:If k2Nthenk+ 12N.{Denitions of the facto rialf unctionand Fib onaccisequence

Denition of a

singly-link edlist in Java: class List {

E value; \* Base case *\

List next; \* Induction *\ }

Denition of a

tree Ashutosh TrivediLecture 4: Regular Expressions and Finite Automata Ashutosh Trivedi { 2 of 23Recursive (Inductive) Denitions

Denition (Recursive Denitions.)


Dening an object using recursion.

2. Dening an object in terms of itself. {Exp ressionsover + and : Base case: Any numb erof a va riableis an exp ression. Indu ction:If EandFare expressions then so areE+F,EF, and (E).{Set of Natural numb ersN:

Base case: 0 2N.

Indu ction:If k2Nthenk+ 12N.{Denitions of the facto rialf unctionand Fib onaccisequence

Denition of a

singly-link edlist in Java: class List {

E value; \* Base case *\

List next; \* Induction *\ }

Denition of a

tree Ashutosh TrivediLecture 4: Regular Expressions and Finite Automata Ashutosh Trivedi { 2 of 23Recursive (Inductive) Denitions

Denition (Recursive Denitions.)


Dening an object using recursion.

2. Dening an object in terms of itself. {Exp ressionsover + and : Base case: Any numb erof a va riableis an exp ression. Indu ction:If EandFare expressions then so areE+F,EF, and (E).{Set of Natural numb ersN:

Base case: 0 2N.

Indu ction:If k2Nthenk+ 12N.{Denitions of the facto rialf unctionand Fib onaccisequence

Denition of a

singly-link edlist in Java: class List {

E value; \* Base case *\

List next; \* Induction *\ }

Denition of a

tree Ashutosh TrivediLecture 4: Regular Expressions and Finite Automata

Ashutosh Trivedi { 3 of 23Structural Induction

Denition (Principle of Structural Induction)

Prove an assertion about a setSrecursively dened using a setXgiven in the basis, and a set of rules usings1;s2;:::;sk2Sfor producing new members of the set. (Base case): Prove the assertion fo reve ryelement in X. (Induction): Assume that the asse rtionholds fo ra rbitrarilychosen s

1;s2;:::;skand using this fact prove that all elements ofSproduced

using the recursive denition ands1;s2;:::;sksatisfy the assertion.Examples:

F orall n0 we have thatPn

i=0i=n(n+ 1)=2. Every ex pressiondened has an equal numb erof left and right parenthesis.

Every tree has one mo reno dethan the edges.

Other examples

Ashutosh TrivediLecture 4: Regular Expressions and Finite Automata Ashutosh Trivedi { 4 of 23What are Regular Languages?

An alphab et = fa;b;cgis anite set of letters,

The set of all

strings (ak a,w ords) over an alphabet can be recursively dened as: as :

Base case: "2(empty string),

Indu ction:If w2thenwa2for alla2.

A language Lover somealphab et is a set of strings , i.e.L.

Some exam ples:

{Leven=fw2:wis of even lengthg {Lab=fw2:wis of the formanbmforn;m0g {Lanbn=fw2:wis of the formanbnforn0g {Lprime=fw2:whas a prime number ofa0sg

Deterministic nite state automata

dene languages that require nite resources (states) to recognize.Denition (Regular Languages)

We call a language

regula r if it can b e accepted b ya deterministic nite state automaton. Ashutosh TrivediLecture 4: Regular Expressions and Finite Automata Ashutosh Trivedi { 4 of 23What are Regular Languages?

An alphab et = fa;b;cgis anite set of letters,

The set of all

strings (ak a,w ords) over an alphabet can be recursively dened as: as :

Base case: "2(empty string),

Indu ction:If w2thenwa2for alla2.

A language Lover somealphab et is a set of strings , i.e.L.

Some exam ples:

{Leven=fw2:wis of even lengthg {Lab=fw2:wis of the formanbmforn;m0g {Lanbn=fw2:wis of the formanbnforn0g {Lprime=fw2:whas a prime number ofa0sg

Deterministic nite state automata

dene languages that require nite resources (states) to recognize.Denition (Regular Languages)

We call a language

regula r if it can b e accepted b ya deterministic nite state automaton. Ashutosh TrivediLecture 4: Regular Expressions and Finite Automata

Ashutosh Trivedi { 5 of 23Why they are \Regular"

A numb erof widely dierent and equi-exp ressivefo rmalismsp recisely capture the same class of languages:

Deterministic nite state automata

Nondetermin isticnite state automata (also with "-transitions)

Klee ne's

regula rexp ressions , also appeared as

T ype-3langu ages


Chomsky's hierarchy [Cho59].

Monadic second-o rderlogic

denable languages [B

60, Elg61, Tra62]

Certain Algeb raicconnection (acceptabilit yvia nite semi-group) [RS59] We have already seen that: Theorem (DFA=NFA="-NFA)A language is accepted by adeterministic nite automaton if and only if it is accepted by a non-deterministic nite automaton .In this lecture we introduceRegula rExp ressions, and prove:

Theorem (REGEX=DFA)

A language is accepted by a

deterministic nite automaton if and only if it is accepted by a regula rexp ression Ashutosh TrivediLecture 4: Regular Expressions and Finite Automata

Ashutosh Trivedi { 5 of 23Why they are \Regular"

A numb erof widely dierent and equi-exp ressivefo rmalismsp recisely capture the same class of languages:

Deterministic nite state automata

Nondetermin isticnite state automata (also with "-transitions)

Klee ne's

regula rexp ressions , also appeared as

T ype-3langu ages


Chomsky's hierarchy [Cho59].

Monadic second-o rderlogic

denable languages [B

60, Elg61, Tra62]

Certain Algeb raicconnection (acceptabilit yvia nite semi-group) [RS59] We have already seen that: Theorem (DFA=NFA="-NFA)A language is accepted by adeterministic nite automaton if and only if it is accepted by a non-deterministic nite automaton .In this lecture we introduceRegula rExp ressions, and prove:

Theorem (REGEX=DFA)

A language is accepted by a

deterministic nite automaton if and only if it is accepted by a regula rexp ression Ashutosh TrivediLecture 4: Regular Expressions and Finite Automata

Ashutosh Trivedi { 5 of 23Why they are \Regular"

A numb erof widely dierent and equi-exp ressivefo rmalismsp recisely capture the same class of languages:

Deterministic nite state automata

Nondetermin isticnite state automata (also with "-transitions)

Klee ne's

regula rexp ressions , also appeared as

T ype-3langu ages


Chomsky's hierarchy [Cho59].

Monadic second-o rderlogic

denable languages [B

60, Elg61, Tra62]

Certain Algeb raicconnection (acceptabilit yvia nite semi-group) [RS59] We have already seen that: Theorem (DFA=NFA="-NFA)A language is accepted by adeterministic nite automaton if and only if it isquotesdbs_dbs9.pdfusesText_15

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