[PDF] Techniques of Integration so. ? 2x cos(x2) dx =

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FORMULAS TO KNOW Some trig identities: sin2x + cos 2x = 1 tan2x

sin 2x = 2 sin x cos x cos 2x = 2 cos2x − 1 tan x = sin x cos x sec x = 1 cos x cot x = cos x sin x csc x = 1 sin x. Some integration formulas:.


Third double-angle identity for cosine. Summary of Double-Angles. • Sine: sin 2x = 2 sin x cos x. • Cosine 

Example:limit sin^2 x cos^ 2 x dx

1 - cos(2x). 1 + cos(2x). 2. 2. 1 - cos2(2x). = 4. We still have a square so we're still not in the easy case. But this is an.


sin(2x) = 2 sinxcosx cos(2x) = (cosx). 2 - (sinx)2 cos(2x) = 2(cosx). 2 - 1 cos(2x)=1 - 2(sinx). 2. Half angle formulas. [sin(1. 2 x)]. 2. = 1. 2. (1 - cosx). [ 


sin(2x)=2sin(x) cos(x) cos(2x) = cos 2(x) - sin2(x). = 2 cos2(x) 1. = 1 - 2 sin2. -. (x). 2 tan(x) tan(2x) = 1 - tan2(x). HALF-ANGLE IDENTITIES r. ⇣ ⌘ x. 1 

MATH 1010 University Mathematics 2014-15.jnt

• √(& Sin²³2x) ( 1 + cos2x) de. 2. = + √ sin² 2x dx + + √ sin² 2x cos 2x dx. case 3 again. =76f1-cas 4x dx + √ √ sin²2x + d sin 2x. -7- Sin 4x+. =7-sinu.

Techniques of Integration

∫ -3 cos 2x dx = -32 sin 2x are easy. The cos3 2x integral is like the previous -x2 cos x + 2x sinx + 2 cosx + ∫ 0 dx = -x2 cos x + 2x sin x + 2 cos x + C.

show differential equation 1. If y = x sin 2x prove that x dx2

2018年1月19日 = (2x cos 2x + 2xcos2x − 4x2 sin2x) − (2sin 2x + 4xcos2x) +. 2x sin ... √sin u(− sin u)−cos u cos u. 2√sin u sin u. = 1. 4. −2sin2 u−cos2 ...

1 Trigonometric formula

The cos3(2x) term is a cosine function with an odd power requiring a substitution as done before. We integrate each in turn below. ∫ cos(2x) dx = 1. 2 sin(2x) 

Exercise on Integration - Substitution

- sin 2x - cos 2x + C. 13. (sin(ln x) — cos (ln x)) + C. 2. 14. sin 4x1x cos 4x + C. 16. + sin. 1 x x√1-x2. 4. + C. 2x. 5. (2x² + 2x + 1) + C. 15. x2 cos. 2. X.

FORMULAS TO KNOW Some trig identities: sin2x + cos 2x = 1 tan2x

sin 2x = 2 sin x cos x cos 2x = 2 cos2x ? 1 tan x = sin x cos x sec x = 1 cos x cot x = cos x sin x csc x = 1 sin x. Some integration formulas:.

Double-Angle Power-Reducing


Techniques of Integration

204 Chapter 10 Techniques of Integration. EXAMPLE 10.1.2 Evaluate ? sin. 6 x dx. Use sin2 x = (1 - cos(2x))/2 to rewrite the function:.

Techniques of Integration

so. ? 2x cos(x2) dx = sin(x2) + C. Even when the chain rule has “produced” a certain derivative it is not always easy to see. Consider this problem:.

Method of Undetermined Coefficients (aka: Method of Educated

yp(x) = A cos(2x) + B sin(2x) where A and B are constants to be determined. Plugging this into the differential equation:.

Example:limit sin^2 x cos^ 2 x dx

Example: sin2 x cos 2 x dx. To integrate sin2 x cos2 x we once again use the half angle formulas: cos 2 ? = 1 + cos(2?). 2 sin2 ? = 1 - cos(2?).

Trigonometric equations

cos x x. Figure 2. A graph of cosx. Example. Suppose we wish to solve sin 2x = ?3. 2for 0 ? x ? 360?. Note that in this case we have the sine of a 


sin(2x) = 2 sinxcosx cos(2x) = (cosx). 2 - (sinx)2 cos(2x)=1 - 2(sinx). 2. Half angle formulas. [sin(1. 2 x)]. 2. = 1. 2. (1 - cosx). [cos(1.

Students Solutions Manual

(e) If y = c1 sin 2x + c2 cos 2x then y = 2c1 cos 2x ? 2c2 sin 2x and y = ?4c1 sin 2x ? 4c2 cos 2x = ?4y so y + 4y = 0. (f) If y = c1e2x +c2e?2x

C3 Trigonometry - Trigonometric equations.rtf

sin x + ?3 cos x = 2 sin 2x. (3). (c) Deduce from parts (a) and (b) that sec x + ?3 


Techniques of Integration

Over the next few sections we examine some techniques that are frequently successful when seeking antiderivatives of functions. Sometimes this is a simple problem, since it will be apparent that the function you wish to integrate is a derivative in some straightforward way. For example, faced with? x 10dx we realize immediately that the derivative ofx11will supply anx10: (x11)?= 11x10. We don"t want the "11", but constants are easy to alter, becausedifferentiation "ignores" them in certain circumstances, so d dx111x11=11111x10=x10. From our knowledge of derivatives, we can immediately writedown a number of an- tiderivatives. Here is a list of those most often used: x ndx=xn+1 n+ 1+C,ifn?=-1 x -1dx= ln|x|+C e xdx=ex+C sinxdx=-cosx+C 163

164Chapter 8 Techniques of Integration

cosxdx= sinx+C sec

2xdx= tanx+C

secxtanxdx= secx+C ?1

1 +x2dx= arctanx+C

?1 ⎷1-x2dx= arcsinx+C Needless to say, most problems we encounter will not be so simple. Here"s a slightly more complicated example: find?


This is not a "simple" derivative, but a little thought reveals that it must have come from an application of the chain rule. Multiplied on the "outside" is 2x, which is the derivative of the "inside" functionx2. Checking: d dxsin(x2) = cos(x2)ddxx2= 2xcos(x2), so

2xcos(x2)dx= sin(x2) +C.

Even when the chain rule has "produced" a certain derivative, it is not always easy to see. Consider this problem:? x 3?


There are two factors in this expression,x3and?

1-x2, but it is not apparent that the

chain rule is involved. Some clever rearrangement reveals that it is: x 3?


(-2x)? -12? (1-(1-x2))?1-x2dx. This looks messy, but we do now have something that looks likethe result of the chain rule: the function 1-x2has been substituted into-(1/2)(1-x)⎷ x, and the derivative

8.1 Substitution165

of 1-x2,-2x, multiplied on the outside. If we can find a functionF(x) whose derivative is-(1/2)(1-x)⎷ xwe"ll be done, since then d dxF(1-x2) =-2xF?(1-x2) = (-2x)? -12? (1-(1-x2))?1-x2 =x3? 1-x2

But this isn"t hard:



-12(x1/2-x3/2)dx(8.1.1) =-1 2?


+C ?1




So finally we have

x 3?


(1-x2)3/2+C. So we succeeded, but it required a clever first step, rewriting the original function so that it looked like the result of using the chain rule. Fortunately, there is a technique that makes such problems simpler, without requiring clevernessto rewrite a function in just the right way. It sometimes does not work, or may require more than one attempt, but the idea is simple: guess at the most likely candidate for the "inside function", then do some algebra to see what this requires the rest of the function to look like. One frequently good guess is any complicated expression inside a square root, so we start by tryingu= 1-x2, using a new variable,u, for convenience in the manipulations that follow. Now we know that the chain rule will multiply by the derivative of this inner function:du dx=-2x, so we need to rewrite the original function to include this: x 3?




Recall that one benefit of the Leibniz notation is that it often turns out that what looks like ordinary arithmetic gives the correct answer, even if something more complicated is

166Chapter 8 Techniques of Integration

going on. For example, in Leibniz notation the chain rule is dy dx=dydtdtdx.

The same is true of our current expression:

?x2 -2⎷ududxdx=?x2-2⎷udu. Now we"re almost there: sinceu= 1-x2,x2= 1-uand the integral is -1


It"s no coincidence that this is exactly the integral we computed in (8.1.1), we have simply renamed the variableuto make the calculations less confusing. Just as before: -1




Then sinceu= 1-x2:

x 3?


(1-x2)3/2+C. To summarize: if we suspect that a given function is the derivative of another via the chain rule, we letudenote a likely candidate for the inner function, then translate the given function so that it is written entirely in terms ofu, with noxremaining in the expression. If we can integrate this new function ofu, then the antiderivative of the original function is obtained by replacinguby the equivalent expression inx. Even in simple cases you may prefer to use this mechanical procedure, since it often helps to avoid silly mistakes. For example, consider again this simple problem:


Letu=x2, thendu/dx= 2xordu= 2xdx. Since we have exactly 2xdxin the original integral, we can replace it bydu:


cosudu= sinu+C= sin(x2) +C. This is not the only way to do the algebra, and typically thereare many paths to the correct answer. Another possibility, for example, is: Sincedu/dx= 2x,dx=du/2x, and

8.1 Substitution167

then the integral becomes



2x=? cosudu. The important thing to remember is that you must eliminate all instances of the original variablex.

EXAMPLE 8.1.1Evaluate?

(ax+b)ndx, assuming thataandbare constants,a?= 0, andnis a positive integer. We letu=ax+bsodu=adxordx=du/a. Then? (ax+b)ndx=?1 aundu=1a(n+ 1)un+1+C=1a(n+ 1)(ax+b)n+1+C.

EXAMPLE 8.1.2Evaluate?

sin(ax+b)dx, assuming thataandbare constants and a?= 0. Again we letu=ax+bsodu=adxordx=du/a. Then? sin(ax+b)dx=?1 asinudu=1a(-cosu) +C=-1acos(ax+b) +C.

EXAMPLE 8.1.3Evaluate?

4 2 xsin(x2)dx. First we compute the antiderivative, then evaluate the definite integral. Letu=x2sodu= 2xdxorxdx=du/2. Then? xsin(x2)dx=?1

2sinudu=12(-cosu) +C=-12cos(x2) +C.

Now ?4 2 xsin(x2)dx=-1

2cos(x2)????42=-12cos(16) +12cos(4).

A somewhat neater alternative to this method is to change theoriginal limits to match the variableu. Sinceu=x2, whenx= 2,u= 4, and whenx= 4,u= 16. So we can do this:?4 2 xsin(x2)dx=? 16 41

2sinudu=-12(cosu)????164=-12cos(16) +12cos(4).

An incorrect, and dangerous, alternative is something likethis: 4 2 xsin(x2)dx=? 4 21

2sinudu=-12cos(u)????42=-12cos(x2)????42=-12cos(16) +12cos(4).

This is incorrect because

4 21

2sinudumeans thatutakes on values between 2 and 4, which

is wrong. It is dangerous, because it is very easy to get to thepoint-1

2cos(u)????42and forget

168Chapter 8 Techniques of Integration

to substitutex2back in foru, thus getting the incorrect answer-1

2cos(4) +12cos(2). A

somewhat clumsy, but acceptable, alternative is somethinglike this: 4 2 xsin(x2)dx=? x=4 x=21



EXAMPLE 8.1.4Evaluate?


1/4cos(πt)sin2(πt)dt. Letu= sin(πt) sodu=πcos(πt)dtor

du/π= cos(πt)dt. We change the limits to sin(π/4) =⎷

2/2 and sin(π/2) = 1. Then



sin2(πt)dt=? 1 ⎷2/21π1u2du=? 1 ⎷2/21πu-2du=1πu -1-1????1⎷2/2=-1π+⎷ 2

Exercises 8.1.

Find the antiderivatives or evaluate the definite integral in each problem. 1.? (1-t)9dt?2.? (x2+ 1)2dx? 3. x(x2+ 1)100dx?4.?1


5. sin




7. ?x2 ⎷1-x3dx?8.? cos(πt)cos? sin(πt)? dt? 9. ?sinx cos3xdx?10.? tanxdx? 11. 0 sin5(3x)cos(3x)dx?12.? sec




0 xsec2(x2)tan(x2)dx?14.?sin(tanx) cos2xdx? 15. 4 31


0 (cos2x-sin2x)dx? 17. ?6x (x2-7)1/9dx?18.? 1 -1(2x3-1)(x4-2x)6dx? 19. 1 -1sin7xdx?20.? f(x)f?(x)dx?

8.2 Powers of sine and cosine169

Functions consisting of products of the sine and cosine can be integrated by using substi- tution and trigonometric identities. These can sometimes be tedious, but the technique is straightforward. Some examples will suffice to explain the approach.

EXAMPLE 8.2.1Evaluate?


5xdx. Rewrite the function:



sinxsin4xdx=? sinx(sin2x)2dx=? sinx(1-cos2x)2dx.

Now useu= cosx,du=-sinxdx:

sinx(1-cos2x)2dx=? -(1-u2)2du -(1-2u2+u4)du =-u+2




EXAMPLE 8.2.2Evaluate?


6xdx. Use sin2x= (1-cos(2x))/2 to rewrite the

function: sin




8dx 1 8?

1-3cos2x+ 3cos22x-cos32xdx.

Now we have four integrals to evaluate:

1dx=x and -3cos2xdx=-3


170Chapter 8 Techniques of Integration

are easy. The cos

32xintegral is like the previous example:?

-cos32xdx=? -cos2xcos22xdx -cos2x(1-sin22x)dx -1


=-1 2? u-u33? =-1 2? sin2x-sin32x3? And finally we use another trigonometric identity, cos

2x= (1 + cos(2x))/2:


22xdx= 3?1 + cos4x



So at long last we get




sin2x-sin32x3? +316?
x+sin4x4? +C.

EXAMPLE 8.2.3Evaluate?


2xcos2xdx. Use the formulas sin2x= (1-cos(2x))/2

and cos

2x= (1 + cos(2x))/2 to get:



2·1 + cos(2x)2dx.

The remainder is left as an exercise.

Exercises 8.2.

Find the antiderivatives.

1.? sin


sin 3xdx? 3. sin




5. cos




7. cos


sinx(cosx)3/2dx? 9. sec




8.3 Trigonometric Substitutions171

So far we have seen that it sometimes helps to replace a subexpression of a function by a single variable. Occasionally it can help to replace the original variable by something more complicated. This seems like a "reverse" substitution, but it is really no different in principle than ordinary substitution.

EXAMPLE 8.3.1Evaluate??

1-x2dx. Letx= sinusodx= cosudu. Then



We would like to replace

cos2uby cosu, but this is valid only if cosuis positive, since⎷ cos2uis positive. Consider again the substitutionx= sinu. We could just as well thinkquotesdbs_dbs19.pdfusesText_25
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