[PDF] Context-Free Grammars (CFG) Context-Free Grammars. (CFG). SITE :

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Introduction to Theory of Computation

Introduction to Automata Theory Languages


Automata theory. In theoretical computer science automata theory is the study of abstract machines (or more appropriately

Introduction To The Theory Of Computation - Michael Sipser

Remember finite automata and regular expressions. Confronted with a problem that seems to re- quire more computer time than you can afford? Think back to what 

Introduction to Automata Theory Languages


Introduction to the Theory of Computation 3rd ed. Introduction to the Theory of Computation 3rd ed.

You are about to embark on the study of a fascinating and important subject: the theory of computation. It comprises the fundamental mathematical proper 

Theory of Computation- Lecture Notes

27-Aug-2019 ... automata theory computability theory

Introduction to the Theory of Computation

The theories of computability and complexity require a precise defi- nition of a computer. Automata theory allows practice with formal definitions of.

Introduction to the Theory of Computation 3rd ed. Introduction to the Theory of Computation 3rd ed.

You are about to embark on the study of a fascinating and important subject: the theory of computation. It comprises the fundamental mathematical proper 


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Lecture Notes - Theory of Computation

Computability Theory: Chomsky hierarchy of languages Linear Bounded Automata and. Context Sensitive Language

Introduction to Theory of Computation

Introduction to Automata Theory Languages

Introduction to the Theory of Computation 3rd ed.

Preface to the Third Edition xxi. 0 Introduction. 1. 0.1 Automata Computability

Introduction To The Theory Of Computation - Michael Sipser

Preface to the Second Edition. 0 Introduction. 0.1 Automata Computability


Automata theory. In theoretical computer science automata theory is the study of abstract machines (or more appropriately

Theory of Computation

Schedule Chapter I defines models of computation Chapter II covers unsolvability

Mathematical Foundations of Automata Theory

by finite automata) coincides with the class of rational languages

Automata Theory and Languages

Automata theory : the study of abstract computing devices or ”machines”. Before computers (1930)


Theory: Alphabets Strings Languages

Introduction to Automata Theory Languages


Context-Free Grammars (CFG)

Context-Free Grammars. (CFG). SITE : http://www.sir.blois.univ-tours.fr/˜mirian/. Automata Theory Languages and Computation - M?rian Halfeld-Ferrari – p.

Context-Free Grammars (CFG)

Context-Free Grammars(CFG)

SITE : http://www.sir.blois.univ-tours.fr/˜mirian/ Automata Theory, Languages and Computation - M´ırian Halfeld-Ferrari - p. 1/26

An informal example

Language of palindromes:Lpal

A palindrome is a string that reads the same forward and backwardEx:otto,madamimadam,0110,11011,?

Lpalis not a regular language (can be proved by using the pumping lemma)We considerΣ ={0,1}. There is a natural, recursive definition of when a string

of0and1is inLpal.

Basis:?,0and1are palindromes

Induction:Ifwis a palindrome, so are0w0and1w1. No string is palindrome of

0and1, unless it follows from this basis and inductive rule.A CFG is a formal notation for expressing such recursive definitions of languages

Automata Theory, Languages and Computation - M´ırian Halfeld-Ferrari - p. 2/26

What is a grammar?

A grammar consists of one or more variables that represent classes of strings (i.e., languages)There are rules that say how the strings in each class are constructed. The construction can use :

1. symbols of the alphabet

2. strings that are already known to be in one of the classes

3. or both

Automata Theory, Languages and Computation - M´ırian Halfeld-Ferrari - p. 3/26

A grammar for palindromes

In the example of palindromes, we need one variablePwhich represents the set of palindromes;i.e., the class of strings forming the languageLpalRules:





P→1P1The first three rules form thebasis.

They tell us that the class of palindromes includes the strings?,0and1None of the right sides of theses rules contains a variable, which is why

they form a basis for the definition The last two rules form theinductivepart of the definition. For instance, rule 4 says that if we take any stringwfrom the classP, then0w0 is also in classP. Automata Theory, Languages and Computation - M´ırian Halfeld-Ferrari - p. 4/26

Definition of Context-Free Grammar

A GFG (or just a grammar)Gis a tupleG= (V,T,P,S)where

1.Vis the (finite) set of variables (or nonterminals or syntactic categories).

Each variable represents a language,i.e., a set of strings

2.Tis a finite set of terminals,i.e., the symbols that form the strings of the

language being defined

3.Pis a set of production rules that represent the recursive definition of the


4.Sis the start symbol that represents the language being defined.

Other variables represent auxiliary classes of strings that are used to help define the language of the start symbol. Automata Theory, Languages and Computation - M´ırian Halfeld-Ferrari - p. 5/26

Production rules

Each production rule consists of:

1. A variable that is being (partially) defined by the production. This variable is often

called theheadof the production.

2. The production symbol→.

3. A string of zero or more terminals and variables. This string, called thebodyof

the production, represents one way to form strings in the language of the variable of the head. In doing so, we leave terminals unchanged and substitute foreach variable of the body any string that is known to be in the language of that variable Automata Theory, Languages and Computation - M´ırian Halfeld-Ferrari - p. 6/26

Compact Notation for Productions

We often refers to the production whose head isAas "productions forA" or "A-productions"Moreover, the productions


can be replaced by the notation


Automata Theory, Languages and Computation - M´ırian Halfeld-Ferrari - p. 7/26

Examples: CFG for palindromes

Gpal= ({P},{0,1},A,P)

whereArepresents the production rules:






We can also write:P→?|0|1|0P0|1P1

Automata Theory, Languages and Computation - M´ırian Halfeld-Ferrari - p. 8/26 Examples: CFG for expressions in a typicalprogramming language

Operators:+(addition) and?(multiplication)

Identifiers: must begin withaorb, which may be followed by any string in{a,b,0,1}?

We need two variables:

E: represents expressions. It is the start symbol. I: represents the identifiers. Its language is regular and is the language of the regular expression:(a+b)(a+b+0+1)? Automata Theory, Languages and Computation - M´ırian Halfeld-Ferrari - p. 9/26

Exemples (cont.): The grammar

GrammarG1= ({E,I},T,P,E)where:T={+,?,(,),a,b,0,1}andPis the set of productions: 1











Automata Theory, Languages and Computation - M´ırian Halfeld-Ferrari - p. 10/26

Derivations Using a Grammar

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