[PDF] master 2 paris1-fudan double degree master

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LICENCE AES – Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne

2021. 6. 30. LICENCE AES – Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. Administration Economique et sociale. BACHELOR of Arts SEAL – Pondicherry University ...

Université Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne)

PARIS 1. PANTHÉON-SORBONNE. UNIVERSITY. Precise name of the institution pantheon-sorbonne/degrees-modules- english. Registration fees/year.

Geoffrey Teyssier

Panthéon-Sorbonne. Specialization: Quantitative Economics Development Economics (English B.A. in Economics – Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.


(Magister Legum) is a University Paris 1. Panthéon-Sorbonne post-graduate degree open to young lawyers jurists and recent law graduates

Erasmus+ Programme F PARIS001 Université Paris 1 Panthéon

2014. 9. 8. Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. 58 boulevard d'Arago 75013 Paris - France ... English. French. B2 FRENCH (for courses in French).


UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 1. PANTHEON SORBONNE. Frequently asked questions (FAQ). Can I spend a semester at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne as a << free mover »?

Exchange Destinations

2021. 11. 16. Finland. English. UG/PhD. Université de Montpellier III. France. French. UG/PhD. Université Paris 1 - Panthéon. Sorbonne.

Aya Elewa Academic Positions Education Teaching experience

2017-2019 Assistant Professor of Economics The British University in Licence of Economics

master 2

paris1-fudan double degree master in globalization and world economy. The faculties of the University of Paris 1. Pantheon-Sorbonne and Fudan University 

Overleaf Example

Statistical Reasoning (Graduate English). Lecturer. Sept. 2014 - June 2014. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University - Paris School of Economics.

master 2 master 2 paris1-fudan double degree master in globalization and world economy

The faculties of the University of Paris 1

Pantheon-Sorbonne and Fudan University, which

are among the leading Economics Departments in their respective countries, have joined their efforts to organize an innovative international Double-Degree

Masters Program in Economics, specialized in

Globalization and World Economy

. This program aims to provide cutting-edge education in Econo

-mics at the master level. Since 2008 this program has trained both Chinese and non-Chinese economists who will become key experts in Euro-Chinese econo-cultures and study environments as they will spend the 1st year in Paris and the 2nd year in Shanghai with classmates from around the world.

presentation upon completionpartners program, admission criteria, terms of admission and contacts

Graduates will be well-equipped

to pursue a PhD or to begin

A PhD is particularly relevant

for those intending to have a top level career as an economist in an international organization or a career in academics.

Past students hold titles such

as economist, manager, consultant or researcher.

Employers include research

centers, country risk evaluation departments in banks development agencies, and international organizations.

Université Paris 1 Panthéon


target audience

International, English-

speakers who have completed the 1st year in the PSME program tuition

1st year: 3 semesters

at Paris 1 University = 7 580 euros

2nd year: 2 semesters

at Fudan University = 80 000 RMB class size: 30 students academic year: Sept-June language : English

UFR d'Economi

E master research program a bachelor's degree in Economics or related coursework may apply. For French students, is required. No GMAT or GRE required.

Application for this M2 program is required

at the time you apply for the M1 PSME.

You must apply to both Paris 1 and Fudan

University. Chinese nationals must apply directly

through Fudan University School of Economics.

Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne


Centre Pierre Mendès-France

C2202 PSME

90 rue de Tolbiac 75013 Paris France

psme@univ-paris1.frFudan University

School of Economics

600 GuoQuan Road

Shanghai 200433 China


All applications should be sent by e-mail to:

psme@univ-paris1.fr and fudan-paris1@fudan.edu.cn AND by regular CV in English, cover letter, transcripts, Bachelor's

2 recommendation letters, copy of passport.

PSME application form downloadable at:


Chinese applicants must pass Fudan graduate

entrance exams and interview. International applicants must meet Fudan admission requirements. admission criteriaterms of admission paris1-fudan double degree master in globalization and world economy contacts

Core courses (1st and 2nd semester)

Hours ECTS


39 7


39 7

Economic Growth

39 7

Econometric Theory and Applications

39 7

Principles of Finance

39 4

Globalization and European Economics

39 4

Developement and Transition Economics

39 4

Labor Economics

39 4

Political Economy

39 4

Industrial Organization

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