[PDF] Joint report of the German Presidency for the Joint Board of

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EXAMEN DU BACCALAUREAT. SESSION 2015. Section: Sciences expérimentales. Exercice 1: (5 points). Epreuve : MATHEMATIQUES. Durée : 3 H. Coefficient: 3. Session 

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Joint report of the German Presidency for the Joint Board of

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Reference: 2017-11-D-20-en-2

Orig.: DE

Joint report of the German Presidency for the Joint Board of Inspectors and the Joint Pedagogical Committee for the school year 2016-2017 Approved by the Board of Governors on 5, 6 and 7 December 2017 in Brussels

Schola Europaea

Office of the Secretary General

Unit for Pedagogical


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Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3

1. The structural and pedagogical priorities of the German presidency (results - up to July 2017) .. 7

a) Structural priorities ......................................................................................................................7

b) Pedagogical priorities ...................................................................................................................7

2. Work results of the Boards of Inspectors ................................................................................. 17

3. Nursery and Primary Board of Inspectors ................................................................................ 22

a) New inspectors .......................................................................................................................... 22

b) New teaching plans and attainment descriptors ...................................................................... 22

4. Secondary Board of Inspectors ................................................................................................ 22

a) New inspectors as well as subject responsibilities .................................................................... 22

b) New teaching plans and attainment descriptors ...................................................................... 22

5. Meetings of the work groups .................................................................................................. 23

6. Appointment of directors as well as associate directors ........................................................... 32

7. Recognised European schools: Decisions of the Board of Governors ......................................... 33

8. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................ 35

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The school year 16/17 under the German presidency was marked by many changes in European schools and in the general secretariat both on a pedagogical and on a personal and administrative level. During the 2016 summer holidays the Office of the Secretary General moved into its new premises at rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels. In August the previous deputy Secretary General, Mr Giancarlo Marcheggiano, was appointed as the new Secretary General, with his predecessor Mr Kari Kivinen departing in October. The previous head of the HR department, Mr Andreas Beckmann, was appointed as the new deputy Secretary General in December 2016. In April 2017 László Munkácsy was appointed to the newly created post of head of the unit for unit for pedagogical development, a role previously filled by the deputy Secretary General. Finally it became known in spring 2017 that the head of the baccalaureate department, Mr Manuel Bordoy, would succeed My Wulf Schlabe as director of the European School, Brussels IV and would take on this post on

01/09/2017, creating another management position in the Office of the Secretary General.

With that, all pedagogical leadership positions in the Office of the Secretary General had become vacant or had been advertised and newly filled. At this point we would like to offer our explicit and heartfelt thanks to Mr Giancarlo Marcheggiano and his deputy Mr Andreas Beckmann, whose great engagement and immense experience has helped to steer us through this difficult time of many changes and transitions, and to make it a success. An event which had a great shock effect just before the beginning of the German presidency of the European Union and long after was the result of a referendum in Great Britain. A slim from the European Union, which is supposed to occur European schools which raise a great number of questions. These questions are the task of a work group with contributions from the troika (in the school year 2018/19: Germany, Estonia and Greece) and other stakeholders. The opening of the system of European schools for schools in national sponsorship by member states has developed significantly: In the year of German presidency seven accredited European schools have already taken part in the European baccalaureate. The new school year 2018/2019 will bring with it thirteen accredited European schools, the same number as traditional European schools, and in the future this number will continue to grow strongly. This presents great challenges to the system of European schools, which could not all be foreseen

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and considered. This is another reason why the Board of Governors decided on the establishment of a work group on accredited schools at its April 2017 meeting in Berlin. There was also another whole series of changes at management level in European schools with many schools receiving new directors and/or associate directors. Details on this can be found in the corresponding section of this report. On a pedagogical level the work of the German presidency was intended to carry forward the priorities set by previous presidencies, but also to set its own emphases. Details on all of these may be found in the next chapter, which lists German priorities with the corresponding measures and results. examples. 1. The Board of Governors has charged the work group with checking the proposals made up to this point on three main levels and to develop them further into a coherent suggestion taking into account the various conditions and interests. The languages programme of the European schools, the implementation of the eight key competencies as well as curriculum reform in the organisation of subjects and timetables. After the languages programme was already developed far under the Danish presidency and agreement was already reached on important questions between the various stakeholders, the implementation of the eight key competencies took centre stage for was brought in to participate in several task force meetings and present the process as well as the state of affairs at the stakeholder meeting in May 2017.

2. The introduction of the new grading system for the secondary cycle was another

important aspect. Further attainment descriptors for almost all subjects and at least years S1-S6 were prepared and accepted by the responsible committees. The preparation of the new grading system on a school level was begun by the work group department with half-day workshops. Most of the teaching staffs at the European schools took part in these workshops. At the suggestion of the Joint Pedagogical Committee the Board of Directors decided in its April 2017 meeting in Berlin that additional further implementation measures should be taken, especially the preparation

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of written handouts for teaching staff and further introduction and training events at the schools, including subject-specific ones. In addition the Board of Directors decided that a further school year should be used for these additional measures before the new grading system comes into effect. It will be introduced for S1-S5 on 01/09/2018, for S6 in 2019 and for S7 on 01/09/2020, the first baccalaureate will be marked with the new grading system in 2021.

3. The introduction of the online marki

very successfully last school year with great engagement from the baccalaureate department. The chairman of the European baccalaureate goes into more detail regarding this very positive process in his report. Two processes set into motion by the German presidency and/or which require further development beyond that are the revision of the profile and the selection process for management roles in the Office of the Secretary General and in the schools (directors/associate directors), an aspect which has both general and specifically pedagogical aspects. In addition the new statute for local teachers has created the challenge of having local teachers assessed starting immediately on a regular basis and on particular occasions by management and by inspectors. A work group on this topic has made structural suggestions within a very short time and already tried these in practice in two pilot schemes, but this process

too will be carried further by Estonia in its presidency, like so much else, such as the

preparation and initial implementation of the new Festival for Arts and Music of the European Schools (FAMES) in February/March 2018 in Frankfurt and Bad Vilbel. The troika construction has proven particularly useful in this regard: The great experience of the Danish presidency is still having an effect on the German presidency, and at the same time it was important for us to involve our Estonian colleagues in the most important processes as early as possible and to be ready now to provide further support and to welcome and involve the Greek presidency in the school year 2019/20. In the end even the troika is no more than a representative of the Boards of Inspectors. k groups can be readily seen in the attached overview, which lists all activities. But in the end the high point of this introduction is not what a German presidency may have initiated and partially achieved. We wish to thank all those who promote this great and unique system of European schools day by day, firstly the Secretary General Giancarlo Marcheggiano and his deputy Andreas Beckmann, all the employees of the Office of the Secretary General, all the inspectors whose indefatigable participation in countless work groups and initiatives

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ensures that the pedagogical coherence of their activities always stays in line with current developments in the European schools, and who constantly work to promote this end. Because what finally decides what happens in the European schools themselves is the great and engaged work done there every day by school management, teaching staff and other employees, which ultimately leads to the education and further development of our pupils, making them into the Europeans which this continent so urgently needs now and in the future. For all of this we say a heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone!

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1. The structural and pedagogical priorities of the German presidency

(results - up to July 2017)

A. Overview

a) Structural priorities

Topics Committee/level

1 Revision/implementation of the statute for local teachers (esp.

evaluation of local teachers)



2 Development of procedural rules for information and follow-up

regarding the implementation of ORES decisions BGSES

3 Revision of the selection process and profile for functional

roles in ES and BGSES



4 Revision of the financial rules of the ES BGSES, AG, HA,


5 Revision and development of the rules for accredited

European schools with regard to harmonisation and




b) Pedagogical priorities

Topics Committee/level

1 Promotion of cross-curricular competencies in all curricula of

the European schools (ES), among other things with regard to

ICT competencies.

Continuing development of standards for teaching and teacher assessment

Actions taken:

- Document regarding training courses for teachers: Planned framework for the organisation of continuous professional development in the European schools (2016-01-D-40-en-2) BGSES

2 Digitalisation in European schools in teaching and on an

administrative level (2017-02-D-20-en-1)

Actions taken:

- ICT report on the administrative situation - Report of current situation on digitalisation in the pedagogical area (media competence, use in

ORES in December 2017




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- Office 365 training for inspectors in cooperation with Mr Pirnay from the IT department of the Office of the Secretary General) at Café Europa in October 2016 - All inspectors have an access code for Office 365 - Lunch debate in February 2017 with the responsible

EU Commissioner for Digitalisation (former) and


- Takeover of AG ICT PEDA by the new head of pedagogical unit

3 Reform of the secondary level/pedagogical reform

Regular meetings of the AG, the reform process has since been extended to the whole teaching structure of the ES (2017-03-D-30-fr-1)

Actions taken:

- Further work on embedding the 8 key competencies - Continuation of the concept for language policies/language programme of the ES

AG pedagogical

reform, BGSES

4 Support with the introduction of structural changes:

Training courses on the introduction of the new assessment system at the secondary level (2017-01-D-84-fr-1)

Actions taken:

- Decision: Completion of additional training courses to ensure successful implementation of the new grading system in the school year 2017/2018 as well as a new timetable for its introduction

Introduction of online marking (2016-01-D-31)

- Close support for online marking - Very good baccalaureate results for 2017 Revision/re-development of teaching plans in the sciences and mathematics (2017-04-D-2-en-1)

Actions taken:

- Agreement with a university consortium to prepare new teaching plans in mathematics and all natural sciences and start of work

AG secondary

evaluation, GIA, BGSES

Ass. Sec. AG

Inspectors (IAS)


Inspectors (IAS)


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5 Harmonisation of annual and periodic planning

Actions taken:

- Presentation of objectives in all schools (deputy heads and directors) starting from the model of formulas from the German L1 primary level teaching plan - Presentation of forms in training courses on the introduction of the new German L1 primary level teaching plan - Development of a final form for annual and periodic planning - Presentation in IAP October 2017 - Start of the pilot phase in all language sections


- Introduction of an optional instrument 2018/2019 (2016-09-D-52-de-1)



Actions taken:

- Presentation and approval of the project in the pedagogical committees (2016-10-D-3-de-1/2017-01-D-54-en-3) as well as in the Board of Directors (ORES) - Planning of the first festival for 2018 in Frankfurt and

Bad Vilbel: 28/02/2018 - 03/03/2018


B. Statements

a. The structural priorities i. Revision/implementation of the statute for local teachers (esp. evaluation of local teachers) A great step forward with regard to the clarification and definition in the role of local teachers was the adoption of the EU Staff Regulation for Local Teachers at the European Schools under the Danish presidency (2016-05-D-11-en-1. This document leads in various respects to legal security and a consolidation of the position of local teachers. A great challenge results from the new regulations with regard to the evaluation of local teachers, who will be regularly inspected from now on by both directors and national inspectors. As this will cause the number of prescribed evaluations to increase significantly in the next few years, the Board of Governors has decided to charge a work group with investigating the planning and structuring of these evaluations and to make suggestions as to how they can be carried out in the most effective and appropriate way possible. In this context the work group suggested piloting team evaluations, which were carried out as early as spring 2017 at the European school,

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Luxembourg 1 and will continue in autumn 2017 with a team evaluation at the European

school, Mol. The initial interim results of this pilot are promising, but several important

questions remain open, such as how, that is by whom and when these additional evaluations will be planned and carried out in the future and also how large the additional costs will be and how they will be financed. ii. Development of procedural rules for information and follow-up regarding the implementation of ORES decisions In a large and extremely complex supranational organisation like the system of European schools it is extremely important that the resolutions and decisions of the Board of Governors are documented and communicated in a way that makes clear regulations and provisions for all questions addressed and answered in them, which must also be consistent. As the European schools have existed for more than sixty years, numerous such decisions have been made and published, and it is a particular and particularly important challenge to make these documents accessible in a coherent and simple manner. The further development of the European schools website and the document platform DOCEE plays a large role here. By e applications in the future, is intended to improve this coherent and easy access on an ongoing basis. Relaunching the website in the year of the German presidency has already led to clear progress and will also lead to clearly organised information and documentation in the next few years as implementation continues. Of course, this further development must be actively designed for all levels of the European schools - especially for the Office of the Secretary General and for the schools themselves - in order to contribute to better and better communication between everyone involved in school life. iii. Revision of the selection process and profile for functional roles in ES and BGSES The profile and selection process as well as the regulation of evaluation and other aspects relating to management staff at the European schools and in the Office of the Secretary General, are an element of quality, quality development and quality assurance of the system of European schools which should not be underestimated. The relevant documents offer many important regulations and procedures which will now be inspected by a work group specially deployed for this purpose by the Board of Governors to see whether they meet the present and future challenges of managing the schools and the whole system in the best possible way,quotesdbs_dbs50.pdfusesText_50
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