[PDF] APA 7th referencing guide If the book has a

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APA 7th referencing guide

If the book has a DOI this can be included at the end of the reference. 1.02 Two authors. Author

OU Harvard guide to citing references

Oct 4 2014 Sacred text except for Bible. Book and chapter/Surah: verse

APA Referencing Guide

(2010). Publication manual of the American. Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington DC: Author. Book chapter. (Juslin

APA 7 – Paraphrasing and Citation Examples

May 26 2020 As the 7th edition APA manual explains


This guide to APA referencing provides a number of examples of print electronic and media sources. If you cannot find the specific source you wish to reference 


The Reference List. Similar to other referencing styles APA requires detailed publication information


If the information has been recorded (e.g. book audio

APA 7th Edition Guide

The use of colour below is for learning purposes; your references should be in black font. Source Type. Reference and In-Text Citation Examples. Book with 1 

APA Citation Style Guide 7th Ed.

Jul 21 2021 If there are only two editors

APA Dissertation Guidelines:

APA Dissertation Guidelines: Prepared by The Graduate School Book Reference. Basic Reference Format ... https://www.scribbr.com/apa-citation-generator/ ...

This document is a guide designed to help you

reference quickly and simply.

APA 7th

referencing guide

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Part 1Part 2

Click on a line to jump to the section

of your choice. 03

Whole booksOther booksEdited books

Electronic books

1. Books 04 Tips:

If there is more than one publisher, make

sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (“;").

If the book has a DOI, you can also include

this at the end of the reference. 1.01

One author

Author, A. (Year). Title. Publisher.


Siirtola (2007)

(Siirtola, 2007) (Siirtola, 2007, p. 16)


As stated in Siirtola (2007, p. 16) ...

Reference List:

Siirtola, H. (2007).

Interactive visualization of multidimensional data . Tampere

University Press.

05 Tips:

For a work with two authors you need to

write both of their names.

When you write the author names outside

of the brackets, connect the last and second last authors" names with “and", but when using them inside the brackets use

If there is more than one publisher, make

sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (“;").

If the book has a DOI, this can be included

at the end of the reference. 1.02

Two authors

Author, A., & Author, B. (Year).

Title . Publisher.


Oshima and Hogue (2004)

(Oshima & Hogue, 2004) (Oshima & Hogue, 2004, p. 24)


... this point is further examined in Oshima and Hogue (2004).

Reference List:

Oshima, A., & Hogue, A. (2004).

Writing academic English.

Pearson Longman.

06 Tips:

For works with three or more authors

include the name of the first author only, plus “et al." in all in-text citations (including the first one).

When there are 21 or more authors, include

the names of the first 19 authors in your reference list, followed by “..." and then the name of the final author.

If there is more than one publisher, make

sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (“;").

If the book has a DOI, this can be included

at the end of the reference. 1.03

Three or more authors

Author, A., Author, B., & Author, C. (Year).

Title . Publisher.


Alysen et al. (2003)

(Alysen et al., 2003) (Alysen et al., 2003, p. 32)


Alysen et al. (2003, p. 32) make the point that ...

Reference List:

Alysen, B., Patching, R., Oakham, K. M., & Sedorkin, G. (2003 ). Reporting in a multimedia world . Allen & Unwin. 07 Tips:

If the organisation name is very long, you

can abbreviate it. To do this, write the name out once in full followed by the abbreviation in brackets (see examples).

After that you can use the abbreviated

name in your writing.

You must always write out the organisation

name in full in the reference list.

If there are two organizational authors do

not place a comma between their names.

You don"t need to include the publisher

in this example, as the author and the publisher are the same.

If there is more than one publisher, make

sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (“;").

If the book has a DOI, this can be included

at the end of the reference. 1.04

Organisation as author

Organisation. (Year).

Title . Publisher.


American Psychological Association (APA, 2019).

(American Psychological Association [APA], 2019)

APA (2019)

(APA, 2019)


The American Psychological Association (APA, 2019, p. 101), states that ...

Reference List:

American Psychological Association. (2019).

Publication manual of the American

Psychological Association (7th ed.).

08 Tips:

The title is moved to the author position.

For books this will be in italics (as the book

title should be recorded in italics); in any other case it should be contained within double quotation marks.

Capitalise all major words in your in-text

citations, as in the example. The title in your reference list should be capitalised normally, as in the example.

If the author of the work is credited as

“Anonymous", you can use this as the

author name. In this case you would cite it as a

If there is more than one publisher, make

sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (“;").

If the book has a DOI, this can be included

at the end of the reference. 1.05

No author

Title . (Year). Publisher.


Maximum Linux Security


Maximum Linux Security

, 1999)

Maximum Linux Security

, 1999, p. 3)


Maximum Linux Security

(1999) looks at protecting your server and workstation ...

Reference List:

Maximum Linux security: A hacker's guide to protecting your Linux server and workstation . (1999). Sams. 09 Tips:

If there is more than one publisher, make

sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (“;").

If the book has a DOI, this can be included

at the end of the reference. 1.06

No date

Author, A. (n.d.). Title. Publisher.


White (n.d.)

(White, n.d.)


In Colonial New South Wales ... (White, n.d.).

Reference List:

White, J. (n.d.). Recollections of colonial New South Wales. Debrett. 10 Tips:

When referencing a book with different

editions, you use the referencing template that is most appropriate to that book (e.g. one author, more than one author, no date, etc.) and then include the edition number in brackets after the title.

If the book is a first edition, you should not

include the edition number.

If there is more than one publisher, make

sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (“;").

If the book has a DOI, this can be included

at the end of the reference. 1.07

Different editions

Author, A. (Year). Title (Edition Number). Publisher.


Chissick and Kelman (2000)

(Chissick & Kelman, 2000)


Chissick and Kelman (2000, p. 47) introduce the idea that ...

Reference List:

Chissick, M., & Kelman, A. (2000).

Electronic commerce: Law and practice

(2nd ed.).

Sweet & Maxwell.

11 Tips:

If the book is a first edition, you should not

include the edition number.

If there is more than one publisher, make

sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (“;").

If the book has a DOI, this can be included

at the end of the reference. 1.08

Edited book

Editor, A. (Ed.). (Year).

Title (Edition Number). Publisher.


Hamilton (2005)

(Hamilton, 2005)


Hamilton (2005, p. 83) further explores this idea ...

Reference List:

Hamilton, P. (Ed.). (2005).

Visual research methods

(4th ed.). Sage. 12 Tips:

If the book is a first edition, you should not

include the edition number.

If there is more than one publisher, make

sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (“;").

If the book has a DOI, this can be included

at the end of the reference. 1.09

Edited book with more

than one editor

Editor, A., & Editor, B. (Eds.). (Year).

Title (Edition Number). Publisher.


Burley and Harris (2008)

(Burley & Harris, 2008)


Burley and Harris

(2008) make the argument that ...

Reference List:

Burley, J., & Harris, J. (Eds.). (2008).

A companion to genetics

(2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons. 13 Tips:

If the book is a first edition, you should not

include the edition number.

If there is more than one publisher, make

sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (“;").

If the book has a DOI, this can be included

at the end of the reference. 1.10

Chapter in an edited book

Author, A. (Year). Chapter Title. In A. Editor (Ed.), Title (Edition

Number, Page Range). Publisher.


Coleman (2003)

(Coleman, 2003)


Coleman (2003) discusses the importance of ...

Reference List:

Coleman, S. (2003). Democracy in an e-connected world. In R. Davidson (Ed.), The e-connected world: Risks and opportunities (2nd ed., pp. 125-132). McGill

Queens University Press.

14 Tips:

If the book has a DOI, this can be included

at the end of the reference.

If the book has no DOI, but has a free link

on the web, use the URL instead.

If the book is found online in a library

database, treat it as a print book.

If there is more than one publisher, make

sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (“;").

You do not need to put a full stop at the

end of the DOI/URL. 1.11

Online book

Author, A. (Year). Title. Publisher. DOI/URL


Pridham et al. (2018)

(Pridham et al., 2018)


In order to grow a dynamic community, Pridham et al. (2018, p. 105) state that you must ...

Reference List:

Pridham, K. F., Limbo, R., & Schroeder, M. (Eds.). (2018).

Guided participation in

pediatric nursing practice: Relationship-based teaching and learning with parents, children, and adolescents . Springer Publishing Company. http://a. co/0lAiVgt 15 Tips:

Do not use Kindle location numbers in

your in-text references; just use the page numbers. 1.12

Kindle or eReader

Author, A. (Year). Title [Format]. Publisher.


Martin (2003)

(Martin, 2003)


... this can be seen again in Martin (2003) through ...

Reference List:

Martin, G. R. R. (2003).

Game of thrones

[Electronic book]. Harper Voyager. 16 Tips:

If the audiobook was released in a

different year to the text version of this book, you must include the original publication date in brackets at the end of the reference (as seen in the example provided). This original publication date should also appear in the in-text reference.

If there is more than one publisher, make

sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (“;").

If the book has a DOI, this can be included

at the end of the reference.

To quote directly from the audiobook,

provide a time stamp in the in-text reference in place of a page number (as seen in the example). 1.13


Author, A. (Year). Title (A. Narrator, Narr.) [Audiobook]. Publisher. (Year original work was published)


Rowling (2015/1997)

(Rowling, 2015/1997)


As Hagrid says, “I should not have said that" (Rowling, 2015/1997, 5:36).

Reference List:

Rowling, J. K. (2015).

Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone

(J. Dale, Narr.) [Audiobook]. Pottermore Publishing. (Original work published 1997) 17 Tips:

If the book has been translated, you can

use the or book format to reference it.

If there is more than one publisher, make

sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (“;").

If the book has a DOI, this can be included

at the end of the reference.

If any element of the reference is written

in characters, you should use an English transliteration, for example Pinyin for

Chinese characters.


Book in a language other than


Author, A. (Year). Title [Title in English]. Publisher.


Piaget and Inhelder (1966)

(Piaget & Inhelder, 1966)


... as established by Piaget and Inhelder (1966, p. 87).

Reference List:

Piaget, J., & Inhelder, B. (1966).

La psychologie de l'enfant

[The psychology of the child]. Quadrige. 18 Tips:

Include the original year of publication

as well as the year of the translated work in the in-text reference (as seen in the example).

If there is more than one publisher, make

sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (“;").

If the book has a DOI, this can be included

at the end of the reference. 1.15

Translated book

Author, A. (Year). Title (A. Translator, Trans.). Publisher. (Year original work was published)


Piaget and Inhelder (1966/1969)

(Piaget & Inhelder, 1966/1969)


This concept was first introduced in Piaget and Inhelder (1966/1969, p. 100).

Reference List:

Piaget, J., & Inhelder, B. (1969).

The psychology of the child

(H. Weaver, Trans.; 2nd ed.). Basic Books. (Original work published 1966) 19 Tips:

If there is more than one publisher, make

sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (“;").

If the book has a DOI, this can be included

at the end of the reference.

If the republished work has been edited

or translated from the original, you must include the name of the translator/editor after the title in brackets. (Examples of this can be seen under and 1.16

Republished book

Author, A. (Year). Title. Publisher. (Year original work was published)


Jordan (2019/1995)

(Jordan, 2019/1995)


“They cannot put their stamp upon your soul" (Jordan, 2019/1995, p. 17).

Reference List:

Jordan, S. (2019).

Winter of fire

. Scholastic New Zealand. (Original work published 1995)
20 Tips:

If there is more than one publisher, make

sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (“;").

If the book has a DOI, this can be included

at the end of the reference (as seen in the example).

The date refers to the date the anthology

was published.

For this type of reference, the editor"s

name goes in the place of the author. 1.17


Editor, A. (Ed.). (Year).




Gold (1999)

(Gold, 1999)


This is covered extensively in Gold (1999).

Reference List:

Gold, M. (Ed.). (1999).

The complete social scientist: A Kurt Lewin reader.


Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/10319-000 21

When citing a specific section, use the

name of the book, chapter, verse, line, and/ or canto instead of page number where applicable.

In the Shakespeare example, 1.3.36-37

refers to Act 1, Scene 3, Lines 36 and 37.

For ancient Greek or Roman works, include

the copyright date of the version used and the date of the original (ancient) publication in brackets at the end of the entry.

When you only have an approximate

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