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Acrosport Cycle 1

Le jour de la rencontre les élèves de cycle I participeront à une séance d'Acrosport animée par un conseiller pédagogique EPS. q. Page 3. î. QU'EST-CE QUE L 

Acrosport maternelle

Public : Cycle 1. La spécificité de l'acrosport et notamment des risques inhérents à cette pratique implique un véritable travail.

LACROSPORT A lécole maternelle

Acrosport à l'école maternelle circonscription d'Andolsheim. Page 1. Circonscription d'Andolsheim. D'après un document CP EPS 68. Catherine Metz

DANSE - cycle II - Unité dapprentissage sur le thème des statues

ACROSPORT - CYCLE I - Module d'apprentissage De 1 à 3 séances ... ACROSPORT. ENTREE DANS L'ACTIVITE. CYCLE I. Connaissance de son corps ...

ACROSPORT cycle 2 et 3

Eléments qui composent un enchaînement en acrosport : Ils sont de deux sortes : 1. Les éléments appartenant à la famille gymnique : •. Les portés c'est-à-dire 

Acrosport au cycle 3

Acrosport au cycle 3 – Sept. 2008. -1-. Equipe EPS 49 / IUFM 49. Equipe départementale EPS de Maine et Loire en collaboration avec les professeurs d'EPS.

Danse gymnastique rythmique

cirque - une approche ...

Un cycle dacrosport illustré

Salle de gymnastique sportive avec un praticable (condition non obligatoire quelques tapis suffisent). Page 4. Découpage du cycle : Séances 1

Classes 6B/6C 6A/6D CYCLE 1 CYCLE 2 CYCLE 3 CYCLE 4

Acrosport. Handball. Athlétisme. Ultimate. M.Godard/M.Palluaud. 4C/4F. Ultimate. Handball. Badminton. Acrosport. Athlétisme. CYCLE 1. CYCLE 2. CYCLE 3.

Ligue de l'enseignement de la Dordogne

Ligue de l'enseignement de la Dordogne

Searches related to acrosport cycle 1 PDF

“Acrosport or Acrobatic Gymnastic is an acrobatic sport practiced with a partner or with a group The exercises must include a harmonious combination of choreography collective acrobatic elements (buildings) and individual acrobatic elements (floor acrobatic series) all in perfect

What is Acrosport?

ACROSPORT Acrosport is an acrobatic and cooperative sport, practiced with partner or group, through a combination of: • Figures and human pyramids, • transitions between figures, • choreographic elements: dance, gymnastic skills and acrobatic jumps, which give the artistic character supported by music

When did the Acro Sport II take to the air?

On July 9, 1978, the Acro Sport II took to the air for the first time. The Acro Sport II is designed by an American aviator and aircraft designer Paul Poberezny in the 1970s for amateur construction, following the single-place Acro Sport I. It is a shortspan biplane larger than its antecedent.

What is the maximum takeoff thrust of the Acro Sport II?

The engine produces a maximum takeoff thrust of 180 horsepower. The Acro Sport II has an empty weight of 397 kg and a maximum takeoff weight of 690 kg. The maximum payload is 210 kg and the fuel tank capacity id 30 US gallons. It has a maximum speed of 132 knots, a cruise speed of 107 knots, and a stall speed of 46 knots.

How many students does Acrosports reach?

In total, we reach over 12,000 youth and adult students at all levels of experience every year. AcroSports reaches out to the community, working with schools, various city programs, and other non-profit organizations.


Curso: 2016/17 3º ESO (2ª Eval.)



The Word Acrobat comes from Greek Akrobatos that means Acrosport as the sport where an acrobat realize gymnastic exercises and abilities as jumps, balance, etc. We also find the tightrope or do any other gymnastic exercises in a public It is difficult to say exactly when and how this kind of exercises began, but we can say that perform acrobatics were part of humans since a long time ago. If we look back over archaeology, different cultures and text over the history, philosophers and poets, we can place the beginning and development of this kind of acrobatic exercises more than 4.000 years ago. So on at the ancient Egypt these acrobatic exercises occupied a special place in ceremonies and parties.


Gymnastic is an acrobatic sport practiced with a partner or with a group. The exercises must include a harmonious combination of choreography, collective acrobatic elements (buildings) and individual acrobatic elements (floor acrobatic series), all in perfect s an acrobat-choreographic sport, since there are three key elements incorporated into its exercises:

Figure formations or body pyramids.

Realization of floor gymnastic skills (jumps, turns and balances) which are used as transitions from one figure to another. Music, which supports the choreographic component of the combination of the previous elements.


This modern and artistic discipline is regulated by the Fédération Internationale de

Gymnastique FIG since 1999. In official competitions, Acrobatic Gymnastics offers five different possibilities of grouping to the athletes: - (video) - (video) - Mixed pairs (video) - video) - video) C. C. NTRA. SRA. DEL CARMEN DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA

Curso: 2016/17 3º ESO (2ª Eval.)

As a competitive sport, acrosport presents the following general characteristics: stunts make up the principal part of the exercise, forming a harmoniuos and rhythmic set with other gymnastic elements of flexibility and dance. meters and is accompained with music. and 30 seconds.


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