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PATTERNS for College Writing

Since it was first published Patterns for College Writing has been used by millions of PDF format that can be downloaded from the companion Web site at.


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Patterns for College Writing


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Patterns for College Writing


Laurie G. Kirszner

Stephen R. Mandell


Boston New York


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For Peter Phelps (1936-1990), with thanks

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Since it was �rst published, Patterns for College writing has been used by millions of students at colleges and universities across the United States. We have been delighted by the overwhelmingly positive response to the �rst eleven editions of Patterns, and we continue to be grati�ed by positive feedback from the many instructors who �nd Patterns to be the most ac- cessible and the most pedagogically sound rhetoric-reader they have ever used. In preparing this twelfth edition, we have worked hard to �ne-tune the features that have made Patterns the most popular composition reader available today and to develop new features to enhance the book's useful- ness for both instructors and students.

Patterns for College Writing

An Emphasis on Critical Reading

The Introduction, "How to Use This Book," and Chapter 1, "Reading to Write: Becoming a Critical Reader," prepare students to become ana- lytical readers and writers by showing them how to apply critical reading strategies to a typical selection and by providing sample responses to the various kinds of writing prompts in the book. Not only does this mate- rial introduce students to the book's features, but it also prepares them to tackle reading and writing assignments in their other courses.

Extensive Coverage of the Writing Process

The remaining chapters in Part One, "The Writing Process" (Chapters 2 through 5), comprise a "mini-rhetoric," offering advice on drafting, writ- ing, revising, and editing as they introduce students to activities such as freewriting, brainstorming, clustering, and journal writing. These chapters also include numerous writing exercises to give students opportunities for immediate practice.

Detailed Coverage of the Patterns of Development

In Part Two, "Readings for Writers," Chapters 6 through 14 explain and illustrate the patterns of development that students typically use in their college writing assignments: narration, description, exempli�cation,

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viii Preface process, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, classi�cation and divi- sion, de�nition, and argumentation. each chapter begins with a compre- hensive introduction that presents a de�nition and a paragraph-length example of the pattern to be discussed and then explains the particular writing strategies and applications associated with it. next, each chapter analyzes one or two annotated student essays to show how the pattern can be used in particular college writing situations. Chapter 15, "Combining the Patterns," illustrates how the various patterns of development dis- cussed in Chapters

6 through 14 can work together in an essay.

Varied in subject, style, and cultural perspective, the sixty-nine profes- sional selections engage students while providing them with outstanding models for writing. we have tried to achieve a balance between classic au- thors (George orwell, Jessica Mitford, e. B. white, Martin Luther King Jr.) and newer voices (Sherman Alexie, Amy Chua, Amanda Brown) so that in- structors have a broad range of readings to choose from. To provide students with realistic models for improving their own writing, we include sixteen sample student essays (one new to this edi- tion). These essays are available as transparency masters so that instructors can use them more effectively in the classroom. They can also be downloaded from the Patterns for College Writing companion web site, bedfordstmartins .com/patterns Grammar in Context boxes in chapter introductions offer speci�c ad- vice on how to identify and correct the grammar, mechanics, and punctua- tion problems that students are likely to encounter when they work with particular patterns of development. Practice exercises for mastering these grammar skills are available on Re:Writing , a comprehensive online exercise collection accessible at the


companion web site. each professional essay in the text is followed by four types of questions. These questions are designed to help students assess their understanding of the essay's content and of the writer's purpose and audience; to recog- nize the�stylistic and structural techniques used to shape the essay; and to become sensitive to the nuances of language. each essay is also accompa- nied by a Journal entry prompt, writing workshop topics (suggestions for full-length writing assignments), and Thematic Connections that identify

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Preface ix

related readings in the text. Also following each essay is a Combining the Patterns feature that focuses on different patterns of development used in the essay and possible alternatives to these patterns. each chapter ends with a list of writing Assignments and a Collaborative Activity. Many of these assignments and activities have been updated to re�ect the most current topics as well as the most up-to-date trends and sites available on the web. in addition to a biographical headnote, each reading is preceded by a headnote containing essential background information to help students make connections between the reading and the historical, social, and eco- nomic forces that shaped it. every rhetorical chapter includes a visual text - such as a photograph, a piece of �ne art, or panels from a graphic novel - that provides an acces- sible introduction to each rhetorical pattern. Apparatus that helps stu- dents discuss the pattern in its visual form follows each image. "Part Three: working with Sources" takes students through the pro- cess of writing a research paper and includes a model student paper in MLA style. (The Appendix addresses APA style and includes a model APA paper.)

What's New in This Edition

The twenty-seven new professional essays treat topics of current in- terest. deborah L. Rhode discusses "why Looks Are the Last Bastion of discrimination," Paul h. Rubin makes a surprising case for "environmen- talism as Religion," and Maria hinojosa, in "A Supreme Sotomayor: how My Country has Caught Up to Me," shows how one judicial appointment has rami�cations for all Latinas. in all cases, readings have been carefully selected for their high-interest subject matter as well as for their effective- ness as teachable models for student writing. The argumentation chapter now includes two new debates ("Are in- ternships fair to Students?" and "Should American Citizenship Be a Birth- right?") and two new casebooks ("how Can we Address the Shortage of organ donors?" and "Should Government Tax Sugary drinks?").

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x Preface

More Support for Critical Reading

More help with Research

You Get More Digital Choices for

Patterns for College Writing

Patterns for College Writing

sales_support@bfwpub.com bedfordstmartins.com Companion web Site for Patterns for College writing bedfordstmartins.com/patterns Free and open resources for Patterns for College Writing

Research and Documentation Online Chicago,

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Preface xi

a tool for collecting source information and making a bibliography in MLA, APA, and styles


is a growing collection of videos for the writing class that captures real-world, academic, and student writers talking about how and why they write. can be packaged for free with . An activation code is required. To order packaged with the print book, use ISBN 978-0-312-53975-7.

Re:Writing Plus

gathers all of Bedford/St. Martin's premium digital content for composition into one online collection. It includes hundreds of model documents, the �rst ever peer review game, and . can be purchased separately or packaged with the print book at a signi�cant discount. An activation code is required. To order packaged with the print book, use ISBN 978-0-312-53982-5.

A Variety of E-Book Options

An electronic edition of is available in a variety of e-book formats that can be downloaded to a computer, tablet, or e-reader. Your students get the content you want in a convenient for- mat - for about half the cost of a print book. We give you two options: our Bedford/St. Martin's e-book is optimized for reading and studying on- line, available from bedfordstmartins.com/patterns. Our CourseSmart e-book can be downloaded or used online, whichever is more convenient for your students. See bedfordstmartins.com/ebooks for details.

Instructor Resources

You have a lot to do in your course. Bedford/St. Martin's wants to make it easy for you to �nd the support you need - and to access it quickly. Resources for Instructors Using Patterns for College Writing is available in PDF format that can be downloaded from the companion Web site at bedfordstmartins.com/patterns . In addition to chapter overviews and teaching tips, the Instructor's Manual includes sample syllabi and sugges- tions for classroom activities. TeachingCentral (bedfordstmartins.com/teachingcentral) offers the entire list of Bedford/St. Martin's print and online professional resources in one place. You'll �nd landmark reference works, sourcebooks on ped- agogical issues, award-winning collections, and practical advice for the classroom - all free for instructors. Bits (bedfordbits.com) collects creative ideas for teaching a range of composition topics in an easily searchable blog. A community of teach- ers - leading scholars, authors, and editors - discuss revision, research, grammar and style, technology, peer review, and much more. Take, use, adapt, and pass the ideas around. Then, come back to the site to comment or share your own suggestion.

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xii Preface

Content cartridges

Patterns for College Writing

, bedfordstmartins.com/patterns /catalog


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Preface xiii

Mississippi Community College; Cheli J. Turner, Greenville Technical Col- lege; Janet M. willman, hillsborough Community College. Special thanks go to Jeff ousborne for his help with some of the appa- ratus and for revising the headnotes and the

Through twelve editions of

we have enjoyed a wonderful working relationship with Bedford/St. Martin's. we have always found the editorial and production staff to be ef�cient, cooperative, and generous with their time and advice. As always, we appreciate the encour- agement and advice of our longtime friend, nancy Perry. in addition, we thank Joan feinberg, president of Bedford/St. Martin's, for her support for this project and for her trust in us. during our work on this edition, we have bene�ted from our productive relationship with John Sullivan, our editor, who helped us make this edition of the best it could be. we are also grateful to Jessica Gould, project editor, and Shuli Traub, manag- ing editor, for their work overseeing the production of this edition; Lucy Krikorian and Brian Salisbury for the new interior design; donna denni- son for the attractive new cover; Shannon walsh, associate editor, for her help throughout the project; and editorial assistant Alyssa demirjian, for her invaluable help with tasks large and small. we are fortunate to have enjoyed our long and ful�lling collabora- tion;�we know how rare a successful partnership like ours is. we also know how lucky we are to have our families help keep us in touch with the things that really matter.

Laurie G. Kirszner

Stephen R. Mandell

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Preface vii

Thematic Guide to the Contents


Introduction: How to Use This Book 1

"What's in a Name?"2

Responding to an Essay 4

PART ONE: The Writing Process 11

� Reading to Write: Becoming a Critical Reader 13

Understanding Critical Reading 13

determining Your Purpose 14

CHECKLIST: Questions about Your Purpose 14


15 highlighting 16

Cutting and Pasting: A Senior Thesis by (Insert

Name) 17

A Supreme Sotomayor: How My Country Has Caught

Up to Me




CHECKLIST: Questions for Critical Reading 23

Cutting and Pasting: A Senior Thesis by (Insert Name) 24

Reading Visual Texts


CHECKLIST: Reading Visual Texts 26

� Invention 29

Understanding Your Assignment 29

Setting Limits 30








xvi Contents

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occasion 32



Setting Limits 32

Moving from Subject to Topic 34

Questions for Probing


Questions for Probing 34

freewriting 36 a student

Writer: Freewriting 37

Finding Something to Say 38


a student

Writer: Brainstorming 39

Journal writing

a student

Writer: Journal Writing 39

Grouping Ideas 41


a student

Writer: Clustering 42

Making an informal outline

a student

Writer: Making an Informal Outline 42

Understanding Thesis and Support 43

Developing a Thesis 44

de�ning the Thesis Statement 44
deciding on a Thesis 45

Stating Your Thesis

implying a Thesis 47
a student

Writer: Developing a Thesis 47

Stating Your Thesis 47

� Arrangement 51

Recognizing a Pattern 51

Recognizing a Pattern 52

Understanding the Parts of the Essay 52

The introduction


What Not to Do in an Introduction 55

The Body Paragraphs


E�ective Support 58

The Conclusion


What Not to Do in a Conclusion 62

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Contents xvii

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Constructing a Formal Outline 62

Constructing a Formal Outline 62

A Student

Writer: Constructing a Formal Outline 63

� Drafting and Revising 65

Writing Your First Draft 65

Drafting 65

A Student

Writer: Writing a First Draft 66

Revising Your Essay 67

Revising with a Checklist


Revising 68

Revising with an outline


Revising in a Peer editing Group


Guidelines for Peer Critiques 70

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