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Range Safety

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Range Safety

Department of the Army

Pamphlet 385-63


Range Safety


Department of the Army

Washington, DC

16 April 2014



DA PAM 385-63

Range Safety

This major revision, dated 16 April 2014-

o Provides clarification on the prohibition of using contractors as range officers in charge (para 1-5a). o Updates signage and flag requirements (paras 2-2a, 2-2g, and 8-4a). o Modifies Army requirements for use of batwing surface danger zone (paras 3-

2b(2) and 4-1c).

o Provides additional danger zones information, to include tabular data, for firing small arms (tables 4-9, 4-10, 4-11, 4-14, and 4-17). o Adds range safety information for small caliber dummy, drill, and inert ammunition (para 4-3). o Adds range safety warnings for nonlethal weapons used on operational training ranges (para 14-3). o Provides danger zone requirements for the Spider XM 7 Network Command Munition, M2 and M4A1 Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition, M3 Demolition Attack Munition, Grenade Rifle Entry Munition, and Rifle Launched Entry

Munition (paras 15-7e, 15-13, and 15-14).

o Provides clarification to procedural guidance for the institutional laser range safety authority (para 16-2). o Adds requirement for exercise emergency action plans (para 17-3b). o Updates and adds technical data in the text, figures, and tables (throughout). o Makes administrative changes (throughout).


Department of the Army

Washington, DC

16 April 2014


Range Safety

*Department of the ArmyPamphlet 385-63 H i s t o r y . T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s a m a j o r revision. S u m m a r y . T h e A r m y a n d t h e M a r i n e

Corps will use this pamphlet in conjunc-

tion with AR 385-63 and MCO 3570.1C to establish and maintain a comprehensive range safety program.

Applicability. The standards and proce-

dures in this pamphlet apply to all person- nel and range operations and activities on

Army or Marine Corps controlled prop-

erty or within Army or Marine Corps ju- risdiction. The provisions of this pamphlet apply in peacetime and contingency oper- ations and are advisory for actual combat

operations. Except for airspace and watert r a i c s a f e t y r e q u i r e m e n t s , t h e s e p r o v i -

sions do not apply to development, proof and function test ranges, or laboratories.

However, Army commands, Army Serv-

ice component commands, direct report- ing units, and Marine Corps installations having such ranges and laboratories are required to develop and apply alternate standards that are appropriate to the mis- sion and that ensure the preservation of life and property.

Proponent and exception authority.

The proponent of this pamphlet is the Di-

rector of Army Staff. The proponent has t h e a u t h o r i t y t o a p p r o v e e x c e p t i o n s o r waivers to this regulation that are consis- tent with controlling law and regulations.

The proponent may delegate this approval

authority, in writing, to a division chief within the proponent agency or its direct reporting unit or field operating agency, in the grade of colonel or the civilian equiv- alent. Activities may request a waiver to this regulation by providing justification that includes a full analysis of the ex- pected benefits and must include formal review by the activity"s senior legal offi- cer. All waiver requests will be endorsed by the commander or senior leader of the requesting activity and forwarded through t h e i r h i g h e r h e a d q u a r t e r s t o t h e p o l i c y proponent. Refer to AR 25-30 for specific guidance.Suggested improvements. Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recom- m e n d e d C h a n g e s t o P u b l i c a t i o n s a n d B l a n k F o r m s ) d i r e c t l y t o H e a d q u a r t e r s , D e p a r t m e n t o f t h e A r m y , D i r e c t o r o f A r m y S a f e t y O i c e ( D A C S - S F ) , 9 3 5 1

Hall Road, Building 1456, Fort Belvoir,

VA 22060-5860. Marine Corps users are

invited to submit comments and suggested improvements to the Commanding Gener- a l , M a r i n e C o r p s C o m b a t D e v e l o p m e n t

Command (C465), 2079 Barnett Avenue,

Quantico, VA22134-5001.

Distribution. This pamphlet is available

to Army users in electronic media only and is intended for command levels A, B,

C, D, and E for the Active Army, the

A r m y N a t i o n a l G u a r d / A r m y N a t i o n a l

Guard of the United States, and the U.S.

Army Reserve. Publication and distribu-

tion to authorized users for Marine Corps commands are indicated in the Table of

Allowances for Publications.

Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number)

Chapter 1

Introduction, page 1

Purpose 1-1, page 1

References 1-2, page 1

Explanation of abbreviations and terms 1-3, page 1

Deviations 1-4, page 1

Requirements for range safety certification programs 1-5, page 2

Chapter 2

Ranges, page 3

Restricting access to and activities on impact areas 2-1, page 3 *This pamphlet supersedes DA Pam 385-63, dated 30 January 2012.

DA PAM 385-63 16 April 2014 i


Contents - Continued

Posting warning signs, markers, and flags 2-2, page 4

Controlling other range usage 2-3, page 5

Coordinating use of special use airspace 2-4, page 5

Small Arms Range Safety Area (Army) 2-5, page 6

Coordinating use of navigable waterways 2-6, page 7 Army safety requirements for indoor firing ranges and shoothouses 2-7, page 7 Marine Corps safety requirements for indoor firing ranges 2-8, page 10

Recreational ranges 2-9, page 10

Ammunition and explosive items on ranges 2-10, page 10 Range personal protective equipment requirements 2-11, page 12

Army requirements for areas known to contain improved conventional munitions and sub-munitions 2-12, page 12

Chapter 3

Danger Zones, page 14

General 3-1, page 14

Types of danger zones 3-2, page 14

Authorization for personnel within danger zones 3-3, page 24

Chapter 4

Small Arms, page 25

Firing conditions 4-1, page 25

Surface danger zones 4-2, page 25

Small caliber dummy, drill, and inert ammunition 4-3, page 45

Chapter 5

Grenades and Grenade Launchers, page 45

Hand grenades 5-1, page 45

Grenade launchers and grenade machine guns 5-2, page 49

Chapter 6

Antitank Rockets, page 54

Firing conditions 6-1, page 54

Surface danger zone 6-2, page 54

Chapter 7

Antitank Guided Missiles, page 65

BGM-71 and BTM-71 series tube launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided missiles 7-1, page 65

FGM-148 Javelin guided missile 7-2, page 73

Chapter 8

Tank/Fighting Vehicle Gunnery, page 79

Tank/fighting vehicle firing conditions 8-1, page 79

Surface danger zone 8-2, page 79

Fighting vehicles 8-3, page 88

Firing vehicle status designations 8-4, page 99

Sub-caliber tank/fighting vehicle gunnery devices 8-5, page 100

Grenade launchers 8-6, page 100

Close support of ground personnel 8-7, page 104

Weapons effect signature simulator 8-8, page 104

Hazardous impulse noise exposure 8-9, page 104

Chapter 9

Mortars, page 107

Firing conditions 9-1, page 107

Surface danger zones 9-2, page 107

ii DA PAM 385-63 16 April 2014

Contents - Continued

Chapter 10

Field Artillery, page 110

Procedures and precautions 10-1, page 110

Safety certification program 10-2, page 110

Field artillery cannons 10-3, page 110

Field artillery cannon surface danger zones 10-4, page 111

Bunkers and fighting vehicles 10-5, page 112

Overhead fire 10-6, page 113

Expeditionary Fire Support System M327 120mm rifled towed mortar 10-7, page 113

Anti-personnel ammunition (Army) 10-8, page 115

M712 Copperhead cannon-launched guided projectile (Army) 10-9, page 117 Flight corridors (refer to chapter 11 for aviation range safety) 10-10, page 119

Improved conventional munitions 10-11, page 123

Multiple Launch Rocket System and High Mobility Artillery Rocket System 10-12, page 124

Multiple Launch Rocket System/High Mobility Artillery Rocket System reduced range practice rocket 10-13,

page 128

Chapter 11

Aviation Range Safety, page 135

General 11-1, page 135

Firing operations, general requirements 11-2, page 136 Firing conditions, general procedures 11-3, page 137 Firing conditions, specific requirements 11-4, page 138 Unmanned aircraft systems considerations 11-5, page 141 Weapon danger zone program methodology 11-6, page 141

Weapon danger zone tool 11-7, page 142

Applying the weapon danger zone tool 11-8, page 142

Rotary wing surface danger zones 11-9, page 143

HELLFIRE missile (semi-active laser) designation criteria 11-10, page 144 AGM-114 A/F and AGM-114 K/N HELLFIRE missile weapon danger zones/surface danger zones 11-11, page 145

AGM-114 P/P+/R HELLFIRE missile 11-12, page 145

HELLFIRE missile maximum altitude 11-13, page 145

Chapter 12

Air Defense Artillery Weapon Systems, page 155

General 12-1, page 155

Firing conditions-general requirements 12-2, page 155 FIM-43 Redeye guided missile (Army) 12-3, page 156

FIM-92 Stinger guided missile 12-4, page 157

MIM-72 Chaparral guided missile 12-5, page 159

MIM-104 PATRIOT guided missile 12-6, page 161

MIM-23B Improved Hawk guided missile (Army) 12-7, page 162

Trajectory corridor 12-8, page 166

Chapter 13

Chemical Agents and Smoke, page 166

Chemical agents 13-1, page 166

Riot control agents 13-2, page 166

Smoke 13-3, page 168

Smoke pots 13-4, page 168

Oil smoke candles 13-5, page 168

iiiDA PAM 385-63 16 April 2014

Contents - Continued

Chapter 14

Non-Lethal Weapons, page 168

Definition 14-1, page 168

General 14-2, page 169

Surface danger zones 14-3, page 169

12-gauge shotgun, M1012 (AA51), M1013 (AA52), and bean bag (AA29) projectiles 14-4, page 169

40mm M1006 (BA06) sponge grenade 14-5, page 170

40mm grenade foam rubber baton (BA07), rubber ball grenade (BA08), and M1029 (BA13) 14-6, page 171

Rubber ball grenade (GG04) 14-7, page 172

M5 modular crowd control munition (WA97) 14-8, page 174

M84 stun grenade (GG09) 14-9, page 175

M98 (FZ16) and M99 (FZ17) 66mm non-lethal grenade 14-10, page 176

Launched electrode stun device 14-11, page 178

M104 non-lethal bursting hand grenade 14-12, page 179 Non-lethal/tube launched munition system 14-13, page 179 Special Effects Small Arms Marking System (Marine Corps) 14-14, page 181 Close combat mission capability kit (Army) 14-15, page 182

Chapter 15

Mines, Firing Devices, Trip Flares, Simulators, and Explosive Charges, page 182

General 15-1, page 182

Firing devices 15-2, page 185

Shaped charges 15-3, page 185

Bangalore torpedoes 15-4, page 185

Mine-clearing line charge 15-5, page 185

Cratering charges 15-6, page 189

Mines 15-7, page 189

Firing devices 15-8, page 196

M48 and M49 trip flares 15-9, page 196

Simulators 15-10, page 196

Safety requirements for firing aerial pyrotechnics (Marine Corps only) 15-11, page 198 Training conducted in explosive entry techniques 15-12, page 198

M2 and M4A1 Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition and the M3 Demolition Attack Munition 15-13, page 198

Rifle Launched Entry Munition and Grenade, Rifle Entry Munition 15-14, page 199

Chapter 16

Laser Range Safety, page 203

General 16-1, page 203

Procedural guidance 16-2, page 204

Laser range certification 16-3, page 207

Laser range design 16-4, page 207

Other safety considerations 16-5, page 207

Laser accident/incident reporting 16-6, page 208

Chapter 17

Live-Fire Exercises, page 208

Safety during live-fire exercises 17-1, page 208

Information for commanders 17-2, page 208

Exercise planning 17-3, page 209

Firing precautions 17-4, page 209

Fire control 17-5, page 211

Maneuver in temporary impact areas 17-6, page 211

Air support 17-7, page 211

Appendix A.References, page 213

iv DA PAM 385-63 16 April 2014

Contents - Continued

Table List

Table 1-1: Officer In Charge and Range Safety Officer appointment requirements, page 2 Table 2-1: Breathing zone exposure limits for intermittent atmospheric lead exposures (Army), page 9

Table 2-2: Personal protective equipment, page 12

Table 4-1: Surface danger zone data for 12-gauge ammunition small arms direct-fire weapons, page 34

Table 4-2: Surface danger zone data for all small arms blank ammunition with blank firing adapter, page 34

Table 4-3: Surface danger zone data for .22 caliber ammunition small arms direct-fire weapons, page 34

Table 4-4: Surface danger zone data for 9mm small arms direct-fire weapons, page 35 Table 4-5: Surface danger zone data for .38 caliber small arms direct-fire weapons, page 35 Table 4-6: Surface danger zone data for .45 caliber small arms direct-fire weapons, page 35 Table 4-7: Surface danger zone data for 5.56mm small arms direct-fire weapons, page 36 Table 4-8: Surface danger zone data for 5.56mm M855A1 enhanced performance round (ball), page 36 Table 4-9: Surface danger zone data for 5.56mm Cartridge, M856A1 Tracer, page 37 Table 4-10: Surface danger zone data for 5.56mm Cartridge, MK301 Dim Tracer, page 38

Table 4-11: Surface danger zone data for 5.56mm Cartridge, M1037 Short Range Training Ammunition, page 38

Table 4-12: Surface danger zone data for 7.62mm small arms direct-fire weapons, page 39 Table 4-13: Surface danger zone data for M993 7.62mm armor piercing, page 39 Table 4-14: Surface danger zone data for 7.62mm Cartridge, M276 Dim Tracer, page 40

Table 4-15: Surface danger zone data for M973 Ball and M974 Tracer 7.62mm short range training ammunition,

page 41 Table 4-16: Surface danger zone data for MK 248 MOD 0 .300 Winchester Magnum small arms direct-fire ammunition, page 41 Table 4-17: Surface danger zone data for MK 248 MOD 1 .300 Winchester Magnum small arms direct-fire ammunition, page 42quotesdbs_dbs29.pdfusesText_35
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