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Sample Acknowledgement Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

Page 1. Sample Acknowledgement Page. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. This work would not have been possible without the financial support of the Vanderbilt Physician.


Page 1. [भाग II—खण्‍ड 3(i)]. भारत‍का‍राजपत्र‍ e-Filing Acknowledgement Number. T a x a ble In co me a nd. T a x deta ils. Current Year ...

Certificate of Acknowledgments

Page 1. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. State of California. County of. ) On. before me 

1 Index Acknowledgements 2 Introduction 3 1. Basic guidelines 4 2

Page 1. 1. Index. Acknowledgements. 2. Introduction. 3. 1. Basic guidelines. 4. 2. Rights and Ownership. 5. 3. Main aspects to be considered during the first 


Page 1. WRITING ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Saying “Thank You”. Foreign students often have trouble saying “thank you” in a way that sounds natural and sincere. They 

7. Acknowledgements and timestamp 7. Acknowledgements and timestamp

Users can track the acknowledgement messages of important filing events by opening the Details page of the filing and navigating to the Acknowledgements tab.

Sample Forms

This instrument was acknowledged before me on (date) by (name or names of person or persons acknowledging). (Personalized Seal). Notary Public's Signature. Page 

How to revise and ITR filed online _ Single Page.cdr How to revise and ITR filed online _ Single Page.cdr

Click on the 'e-File' menu and click. 'Income Tax Return' link. 4. On Income Tax Return Page: Acknowledgement Acknowledgement. Number of the. Number to be.

After filing Acknowledgement Page Q1. What should I do if I have left

06-Nov-2020 Acknowledgement Page? A3. You may check your submission against the “View Form IR21 Status” page. For successful submission the status will ...

Acknowledgement Page: For Annual Re-Enrollment and Provider

Page 1. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES. Division of Public Health. F-02455 (01/2023). ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PAGE: STATE OF WISCONSIN. Vaccines for Children Program.

After filing Acknowledgement Page Q1. What should I do if I have left

6 Nov 2020 You may retrieve the consolidated statement from the “View Form IR21 Status” page. Q2. What should I do if I have left the Acknowledgement ...

Frequently Asked Questions on online e-Filing of Section 45

An Acknowledgement Page with an acknowledgment number will be generated upon successful submission to IRAS. Back to top. Q13. After e-Filing do I need to save 


18 Apr 2022 acknowledgement page. • You may return to. myMOM Portal to put another application or log out of the e-Service. • After you have.

Sample Acknowledgement Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

Page 1. Sample Acknowledgement Page. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. This work would not have been possible without the financial support of the Vanderbilt Physician.


Many thanks to. Special thanks to. Created by Jane Chisholm for CETL 8723: Writing for International Graduate Students. Page 2. Thanks also to … Thanks should 

ICMS User Orientation Training

the trainee enrolment acknowledgement page automatically. ACKNOWLEDGE TRAINEE ENROLMENT. Acknowledgment Email for Trainee Enrolment. Action:.

File S45 Form via online e-Filing User Guide

29 Nov 2021 Submission to approver is not considered as a submission to IRAS. Filing New Withholding Tax Form by Preparer. (Acknowledgement Page) ...

User Guide - Thank You - View/ Amend S45 Form

10 Jan 2022 A submission to the approver is not considered as a submission to IRAS. Amending S45 Form by Preparer. - Acknowledgment Page ...


4 May 2022 Acknowledgment Page. You will receive an acknowledgement upon successful submission. 1. Click on Save as PDF/ Print to save a.

Central Provident Fund Board (CPFB) Last updated in May 2021

After successful submission you will be shown CPF EZPay Acknowledgement page. Figure 37. You will also receive an email acknowledgement from CPFB. Please 

Certificate of Acknowledgments - California

ACKNOWLEDGMENT notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached and not the truthfulness accuracy or validity of that document State of California County of _____________________________)

How to Write an Acknowledgement – A Complete Guide

When you write your acknowledgements write an exhaustive list of all the people you wish to thank for helping or collaborating with you on your thesis; then organize them beginning with those who helped you with the product (the actual writing of the dissertation itself) the most

SampleAcknowledgementPage ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - Graduate School

Title: Microsoft Word - GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION OF THESES AND DISSERTATIONS (show final markups) doc Created Date: 4/14/2015 3:54:02 PM

What is the best way to write an acknowledgement page?

Generally, the acknowledgements should be put right after the title page for academic writings such as school projects, reserach papers, theses, dissertations and the like. For term papers, you can also write your acknowledgement at the end, after the conclusion, and before the reference section.

What are the important elements of an acknowledgement page?

The acknowledgment section is dedicated to thanking the people that helped the author put together the writing. For example, in a thesis, the acknowledgment page will recognize the efforts of lecturers, lab assistants, and librarians that helped the writer research their findings.

Who can be acknowledged in an acknowledgement page?

The acknowledgment section is dedicated to thanking the people that helped the author put together the writing. For example, in a thesis, the acknowledgment page will recognize the efforts of lecturers, lab assistants, and librarians that helped the writer research their findings.

How can you best express gratitude in an acknowledgement page?

• Writing in the first person (‘I’ for a single author or ‘we’ for two or more) to offer concise but sincere acknowledgements of specific contributions to your research. • Maintaining formal language, complete sentences and a professional tone to give specific and thorough information about contributions and convey collegial gratitude.

Last updated: 16 March 2023





Navigation tips for new e-Service

Page 1 of 69


1. Getting Started ................................................................................................................................ 3

2. Log-in: Corppass and myMOM Portal ............................................................................................. 4

3. Apply for Employment Pass (EP) & S pass ...................................................................................... 5

3.1 How to apply for an Employment Pass (EP) or S Pass............................................................. 5

3.2 Application (Stage 1) ............................................................................................................... 6

3.3 Application (Stage 2) ............................................................................................................. 10

3.4 Summary ............................................................................................................................... 19

3.4.4 Payment & Acknowledgement ............................................................................................. 20

4.2 Stage: Identification of main pass holder ............................................................................. 23

4.3 Stage: Application ................................................................................................................. 24

4.4 Summary ............................................................................................................................... 26

4.5 Payment & Acknowledgement ............................................................................................. 27

5. Apply for a Letter of Consent ........................................................................................................ 29

5.1 How to apply for a Letter of Consent .................................................................................... 29

5.2 Stage 1: Identification ........................................................................................................... 30

5.3 Stage 2: Application .............................................................................................................. 31

5.4 Summary ............................................................................................................................... 33

5.5 Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................ 36

6. Renewal Request for Employment Pass (EP) & S pass .................................................................. 37

6.1 How to renew an Employment Pass (EP) or S Pass ............................................................... 37

6.2 Renewal Request (Stage 1) ................................................................................................... 37

6.3 Renewal Request (Stage 2) ................................................................................................... 38

6.4 Summary ............................................................................................................................... 43

6.5 Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................ 44

7. Retrieving Drafts ........................................................................................................................... 45

8. Checking Application Status & Outcome ...................................................................................... 46

9. Issue a pass ................................................................................................................................... 49

9.1 How to get a pass issued ....................................................................................................... 49

9.2 Issuance form ........................................................................................................................ 51

9.3 Summary ............................................................................................................................... 53

9.4 Payment & Acknowledgement ............................................................................................. 54

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9.5 Checking Issuance Request & Payment ................................................................................ 55

10. Cancel a pass ............................................................................................................................. 59

10.1 How to cancel a pass ............................................................................................................. 59

10.2 Cancellation form .................................................................................................................. 60

10.3 Acknowledgement of cancellation........................................................................................ 63

10.4 Withdraw Advance Cancellation Request ............................................................................. 64

10.5 Request for Short-Term Visit Pass (STVP) ............................................................................. 65

10.6 Payment & Acknowledgement of STVP ................................................................................ 67

10.7 Check Cancellation and STVP Request .................................................................................. 68

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1. Getting Started

1.1 When

The eService for users to perform transactions in myMOM Portal are as shown below.

Transaction When you can use myMOM Portal for it

Apply for an Employment Pass, S Pass,

Renew an Employment Pass or S Pass

Issue or Cancel a pass (for all pass types,

except Work Permit)


Other transactions (e.g. renew a



1.2 What must be done

referring to this onboarding guide.

1.3 Browser Requirements

For the best user experience, please use any of these browsers and enable JavaScript:

ͻ Chrome version 81 or higher (recommended)

ͻ Firefox version 75 or higher

ͻ Safari version 13.1 or higher

ͻ Edge version 81 or higher

1.4 Getting Help and Giving Feedback

If you encounter problems or navigation issues while using the new e-Service, please refer to the FAQs at www.mom.gov.sg/eservices/services/apply-for-a-new-ep-and-s-pass. If you are unable to find the answers you need, you may contact us at

To troubleshoot your issues quickly, please:

o Take a screenshot of the error or page in question; o State the login user, company UEN and date/time when error or issue occurred; and o Provide the URL of the page when the error or issue occurred

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2. Log-in: Corppass and myMOM Portal

2.1 Log in to myMOM Portal

2.3 Do not open concurrent sessions using the same Corppass ID as you may be logged out from

all sessions.

Illustrations and Highlights Remarks

Log in with Corppass to

myMOM Portal.

Upon successful log in,

you will be directed to myMOM Portal. tab or icon on the left- hand menu

Select the organisation

that you are transacting for.

Employment Agencies

(EAs) can select to transact for themselves organisation.

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3. Apply for Employment Pass (EP) & S pass

3.1 How to apply for an Employment Pass (EP) or S Pass

Illustrations and Highlights Remarks

Make sure you get

these done before starting the application process:

Use the self-

assessment tool (SAT) to ensure that the candidate is eligible for an

Employment or S


Update your

particular, the turnover and contact information). Please wait for at least 30 minutes before returning to this page to submit the application.

Prepare the required

documents you need to upload

Docs for EP

Docs for S Pass

Click when

you are ready to start.

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3.2 Application (Stage 1)

3.2.1 You must answer all questions in Stage 1 before you can proceed to Stage 2.

3.2.2 You cannot save draft while at Stage 1.

3.2.3 A copy of the application will be auto-saved when you proceed to Stage 2.

Sample Questions / Fields Remarks

(only for Employment Agencies acting on behalf of client)

This is the first question in

Application (Stage 1) ʹ Let us

know if the candidate has ever studied, worked or stayed long-term (not as a tourist) in Singapore.

You can use the

breadcrumbs at the top of the page to return to myMOM Portal.

For Employment Agencies,

you will also be prompted to enter your client

After each question is

answered, you will be shown a summary view.

You will be shown the next

question to be answered.

FIN or Work Permit number

is mandatory if the candidate is currently working/studying/staying in


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If the candidate had

previously worked/studied/stayed in

Singapore but is unable to

recall the FIN or Work

Permit number, you can

You must declare the

already been issued.

If the candidate is a partner,

sole-proprietor or director of a company registered in

Singapore, you can only

submit an EP application (see information in the blue banner).

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If you are applying for an S

Pass, you will not be able to

select CPF submission numbers if the business activity has not yet been declared.

Pass duration must be

between 1 month and 5 years.

If you see an error message,

please rectify the error before you can continue.

You can mouse over the

for useful information or tips related to the question.

If you are applying for an EP

or S Pass, you need to provide a Job posting ID as part of the Fair

Consideration requirements.

The job ad details displayed

are from your job ad in portal.

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Indicate if the candidate is

currently working for an overseas branch/ affiliate or subsidiary of the employing company. If you required to submit an organisation chart later in

Application (Stage 2).

You will see a warning

message on Fair


requirements while applying for an EP or S Pass, if: o You do not have a valid job posting ID. o The candidate is not transferring from a branch/affiliate or subsidiary.

You may edit previous

questions by clicking

You are at the last question

of Stage 1 when you see the

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3.3 Application (Stage 2)

3.3.1 You can fill up the questions and sections in Stage 2 in a non-sequential manner

3.3.2 You may be asked to upload relevant documents in the respective sections. Please note that:

a. Documents should be clear and correct. If not, you may be asked to resubmit them. b. Each document upload should be less than 2MB in file size. c. Documents that are not in English should be submitted together with an official

English translation.

3.3.3 You can save draft when in Stage 2

Sample Questions / Fields Remarks

You will see up to a total

of 7 sections in Stage 2.

The first section will be

expanded for you.

You may save draft in

Stage 2 by clicking the

top right-hand corner of the page.

At any time, you may

return to myMOM Portal by clicking at the link on the top left-hand corner of the page, under the MOM logo.

If you are applying for an

EP or S Pass, you need to

tell us your recruitment efforts (even if you are exempted from the job ad requirement, e.g. your candidate is an intra- corporate transferee).

Click after you

have completed this section.

The next section (top-

down order) will be expanded for you once you have successfully completed any section in

Stage 2.

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Each section will be

marked with a when it is successfully completed.

Occupation: You need to

select an occupation from the drop-down list (choose the closest match if you cannot find it on the list).

Occupation will be pre-

populated if you had indicated a valid job posting ID in Stage 1. This information is taken from job ad at

MyCareersFuture.sg portal

Fixed monthly salary: you

need to enter a number from 0 ʹ 999,999.

Basic monthly salary will

be displayed after you have indicated a Fixed monthly salary (similarly, enter a number from 0 ʹ


Fixed monthly allowances

will be computed.

Work location: Enter the

postal code of the

The address will be

retrieved automatically (Building name may not be shown) and you can enter the floor and unit number, if applicable.

Tell us whether the

workplace is a food establishment (you may be required to upload the

NEA/SFA licence).

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Agency support:

Healthcare professionals,

lawyers, football players or coaches will need supporting documents from the respective professional bodies.

You will see a document

upload feature if we require you to upload a document.

Each agency can only be

selected once.

Deployment details:

please let us know if the candidate will be deployed to another company to supplement its manpower.

Employment agency

recruitment: if the services of an EA* was used in the hiring process, tell us the * this includes introduction or recommendation of the applicant, recruitment of the foreigner and application of the work pass of the foreigner

Click after you

have completed this section.

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Fill in the details as stated

in the travel document.

Please refer to the actual

document when doing so.

Name should be entered

in full (including surname) and in the same sequence as stated in the travel document

Date of Birth: You can

either select a date from the date picker or input in

DD MMM YYYY format.

You may need to provide

additional information, such as the Malaysian,

Chinese, or Bangladeshi

identity card number depending on the nationality/citizenship.

You will also need to

indicate the

State/Province* when

Nationality/Citizenship is

Chinese, Malaysian, or


* Refers to the State/Province the person was residing in when he acquired citizenship of that country completed this section ʹ the system will then check if you need to upload a travel document.

A second set of questions

will be asked after you

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Country/Region of Birth or

Country/Region of Origin

is United Kingdom, China,

Malaysia, or India, you

need to indicate the

State/Province of


͞Country/Region of

Origin͟ refers to the place

where the person obtained his first citizenship (by birth or parentage).

You need to provide more

information if the candidate is married and his/her spouse is a

Singapore Citizen, PR, or

work pass holder. personal contact details and click to proceed.

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You can add up to 2 sets of

You can skip this part if

the candidate does not have any work experience

ʹ click

If you have a work

experience to add, click

You will need to indicate

total and relevant work experience, if you are adding a work experience. delete details of a work experience that you have added.

If the candidate is

currently still working in the company, tick date. proceed.

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If you have declared

(Stage 1) that the candidate is currently working for an overseas branch/affiliate or subsidiary of the employing company, you will need to fill in his/her current employment details and upload an organisation chart.

Read the guidelines before

you fill in this section (see bullet points just under the header)

You can skip this section

by clicking if you do not wish to declare any qualifications.

If you cannot find the

awarding institution on the list, click on ͞No use what you had keyed in instead.

Your input will be

displayed once you have

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You will be required to

upload relevant documents, such as the educational certificate and verification proof. delete a qualification that you have added. candidate has another qualification to declare.

Where applicable, tell us if

the candidate is currently serving a Tuition Grant bond with MOE.

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You can declare up to 2

professional memberships with organisations/societies.

You can skip this section if

it is not applicable. delete the details added. the candidate has more than 1 membership or professional position to declare. proceed.

You are at the last section

of Stage 2 when you see

Ensure that you check

with the applicant before answering the questions in this section. any of the declarations, you must providequotesdbs_dbs12.pdfusesText_18
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