[PDF] UET Postgraduate Prospectus 2020-21

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UET Postgraduate Prospectus 2020-21

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T o produce highly qualified, well-rounded professionals thr ough education who play a leading role in the socie ty by powering and driving knowledge-based ec onomy and offer research services and innovation f or sustainable development.Vision T o be among the top ranking universities of the world thr ough Education, Research and InnovationPOSTGRADUATE PROSPECTUS



e from the


UET Postgraduate Prospectus 2020-21T

he University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar is the oldest seat of higher learning of K hyber Pakhtunkhwa with a vision to be the top ranked universities of the world through e ducation, research and innovation. Vital to such excellence is its commitment to diversity and i nclusiveness, and we all have to cultivate this rich diversity by allowing our core values to keep p roviding a learning environment where our youth could pursue their dreams. T he comprehensive curriculum in engineering and non-engineering disciplines composed of a wide ra nge of courses are offered within an environment that is conducive to your success and learning a bilities. At the same time, you will be challenged to strengthen your skills through vigorous t raining programs and time bound semesters. That's why, we will expect more from you than any o ther institution in your academic life thus far. I am satisfied that UET Peshawar has also worked commendably in coping COVID-19 situation t hrough real-time, interactive and remote online teaching as per its schedule. This has also marked t

he beginning of a huge transformation in teaching methodology. It is also satisfying that the University also extended its online


dmission services to the residents of remote areas - the manifestation of which is the intake of students and commencement

o f academic year 2020-21. W

hile welcoming you all as the new entrants, we assure you to provide every possible opportunity to achievement. I invite you


o explore carefully the information given in this Prospectus 2020-21 and become familiar with UET Peshawar about its

o fferings. . I wish you a good fortune, and huge success in all your endeavors.UET P ostgraduate Prospectus 2020-21 iiiMessag e from the Pr o-Vice ChancellorT he University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar has been successfully able to t ranslate the vision over the years of developing responsible future leaders who are c apable of facing the daunting realities and global challenges. Towards that end, the u niversity has not only opened new departments but adopted a robust teaching m ethodology more in line with the requirements of global world. As we know that Pakistan i s a signatory of the Washington Accord, UET Peshawar has made special efforts in the last fe w years to bring the engineering programs upto the International standards. We are able t o take a huge shift from conventional to the modern teaching system by getting all our m ajor engineering programs accredited under the Outcome Based Education Program. This a chievement, no doubt, is attributed to a strong faculty support. Our robust curriculum a lso serves as a base for the students to develop interpersonal and leadership skills while a cquiring academic knowledge. T

he University is promoting a policy of accessible and quality higher education for all the aspirants across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.


ur satellite campuses located in Bannu, Kohat, Jalozai and Abbottabad are a manifestation of this commitment where major


ngineering programs are taught to the students at their doorsteps. While we are committed to achieve our goals, we strongly


elieve that the next generation in leadership can only evolve if the students themselves put concerted efforts with their


eachers and parents to build strong career. With such inclusiveness, we are confident that UET Peshawar will turn out to be

o ne of the greatest places of learning in the world. J oin us and be proud of your alma mater! Prof. Dr . Qaisar Ali Pr o-Vice Chancellor, UET PeshawarS


G overnor, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


e from the


UET Postgraduate Prospectus 2020-21T

he University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar is the oldest seat of higher learning of K hyber Pakhtunkhwa with a vision to be the top ranked universities of the world through e ducation, research and innovation. Vital to such excellence is its commitment to diversity and i nclusiveness, and we all have to cultivate this rich diversity by allowing our core values to keep p roviding a learning environment where our youth could pursue their dreams. T he comprehensive curriculum in engineering and non-engineering disciplines composed of a wide ra nge of courses are offered within an environment that is conducive to your success and learning a bilities. At the same time, you will be challenged to strengthen your skills through vigorous t raining programs and time bound semesters. That's why, we will expect more from you than any o ther institution in your academic life thus far. I am satisfied that UET Peshawar has also worked commendably in coping COVID-19 situation t hrough real-time, interactive and remote online teaching as per its schedule. This has also marked t

he beginning of a huge transformation in teaching methodology. It is also satisfying that the University also extended its online


dmission services to the residents of remote areas - the manifestation of which is the intake of students and commencement

o f academic year 2020-21. W

hile welcoming you all as the new entrants, we assure you to provide every possible opportunity to achievement. I invite you


o explore carefully the information given in this Prospectus 2020-21 and become familiar with UET Peshawar about its

o fferings. . I wish you a good fortune, and huge success in all your endeavors.UET P ostgraduate Prospectus 2020-21 iiiMessag e from the Pr o-Vice ChancellorT he University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar has been successfully able to t ranslate the vision over the years of developing responsible future leaders who are c apable of facing the daunting realities and global challenges. Towards that end, the u niversity has not only opened new departments but adopted a robust teaching m ethodology more in line with the requirements of global world. As we know that Pakistan i s a signatory of the Washington Accord, UET Peshawar has made special efforts in the last fe w years to bring the engineering programs upto the International standards. We are able t o take a huge shift from conventional to the modern teaching system by getting all our m ajor engineering programs accredited under the Outcome Based Education Program. This a chievement, no doubt, is attributed to a strong faculty support. Our robust curriculum a lso serves as a base for the students to develop interpersonal and leadership skills while a cquiring academic knowledge. T

he University is promoting a policy of accessible and quality higher education for all the aspirants across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.


ur satellite campuses located in Bannu, Kohat, Jalozai and Abbottabad are a manifestation of this commitment where major


ngineering programs are taught to the students at their doorsteps. While we are committed to achieve our goals, we strongly


elieve that the next generation in leadership can only evolve if the students themselves put concerted efforts with their


eachers and parents to build strong career. With such inclusiveness, we are confident that UET Peshawar will turn out to be

o ne of the greatest places of learning in the world. J oin us and be proud of your alma mater! Prof. Dr . Qaisar Ali Pr o-Vice Chancellor, UET PeshawarS


G overnor, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa UET P ostgraduate Prospectus 2020-21 vD irectorate of Media and Publications T

he Directorate of Media and Publications is responsible for media activities and in-house publications. It runs an


xtensive admission publicity campaign; circulates admission schedules, important information, announcements,

n ews releases and advertisements. C ontact: (+92-91) 9222147, E-mail: dirmedia@uetpeshawar.edu.pk C ampus Management Solutions (CMS) / IT Center U

ET Peshawar with its core mandate to provide "quality education" is on a continuous path to bring new


echnologies in the academic processes. In 2006, UET Peshawar under the auspices of HEC took an initiative and

e stablished an advanced network infrastructure through the Campus Management Solutions (CMS) software s

ervices. The CMS, a web-based portal was officially launched in 2008 at UET Peshawar with an aim to provide


culty/staff and the students with immediate access to real-time information that helps to streamline the


rocesses, reduce manual handling and building a database that effectively manages student accounts. In 2012,


MS was transformed into Information Technology Center by adding a wide spectrum of services to its domain.


hese services are offered across the campus which include CMS software services; providing 24/7 internet


ervices on campus and hostels; official email services; VPN to access HEC Digital Library for the students and


culty/staff; video conferencing; issuance of Microsoft licensed softwares to the departments; managing the


fficial website: www.uetpeshawar.edu.pk with the latest information on academic and research programs, and IT


elp Desk Support. The University also started the Smart Campus (Eduroam), a world-wide education roaming


ervice in 2019 which has further enhanced the internet connectivity for the students and faculty/staff across


ampus. Over the years, the integration of information technology into academic and administrative processes

h as completely transformed the learning environment and student lifestyle on campus. C ontact: (+92-91) 9222141, Email: cmshelp@uetpeshawar.edu.pkiv UET Postgraduate Prospectus 2020-21Admission Enquires Admission Enquires w ww.uetpeshawar.edu.pkU

ET strives to provide admission related information to potential students. The following departments respond to


arious queries regarding selection of academic disciplines, admission schedule and important dates etc.

D irectorate of Postgraduate Studies T

he Directorate of Postgraduate Studies (DPGS) deals with admissions of postgraduate students in coordination


ith Directorate of Admissions. The Directorate also looks after the processing of postgraduate programmes and

e nforcement of regulations approved by the Academic Council and Syndicate. C ontact: (+92-91) 922 2151, Email: khanshahzada@uetpeshawar.edu.pk D irectorate of Admissions T

he Directorate of Admissions is responsible for student admissions; provides specific and general information to

p rospective students round the year. C ontact: (+92-91) 9216784, E-mail: admission@uetpeshawar.edu.pk w ebsite: www.enggentrancetest.pk UET P ostgraduate Prospectus 2020-21 vD irectorate of Media and Publications T

he Directorate of Media and Publications is responsible for media activities and in-house publications. It runs an


xtensive admission publicity campaign; circulates admission schedules, important information, announcements,

n ews releases and advertisements. C ontact: (+92-91) 9222147, E-mail: dirmedia@uetpeshawar.edu.pk C ampus Management Solutions (CMS) / IT Center U

ET Peshawar with its core mandate to provide "quality education" is on a continuous path to bring new


echnologies in the academic processes. In 2006, UET Peshawar under the auspices of HEC took an initiative and

e stablished an advanced network infrastructure through the Campus Management Solutions (CMS) software s

ervices. The CMS, a web-based portal was officially launched in 2008 at UET Peshawar with an aim to provide


culty/staff and the students with immediate access to real-time information that helps to streamline the


rocesses, reduce manual handling and building a database that effectively manages student accounts. In 2012,


MS was transformed into Information Technology Center by adding a wide spectrum of services to its domain.


hese services are offered across the campus which include CMS software services; providing 24/7 internet


ervices on campus and hostels; official email services; VPN to access HEC Digital Library for the students and


culty/staff; video conferencing; issuance of Microsoft licensed softwares to the departments; managing the


fficial website: www.uetpeshawar.edu.pk with the latest information on academic and research programs, and IT


elp Desk Support. The University also started the Smart Campus (Eduroam), a world-wide education roaming


ervice in 2019 which has further enhanced the internet connectivity for the students and faculty/staff across


ampus. Over the years, the integration of information technology into academic and administrative processes

h as completely transformed the learning environment and student lifestyle on campus. C ontact: (+92-91) 9222141, Email: cmshelp@uetpeshawar.edu.pkiv UET Postgraduate Prospectus 2020-21Admission Enquires Admission Enquires w ww.uetpeshawar.edu.pkU

ET strives to provide admission related information to potential students. The following departments respond to


arious queries regarding selection of academic disciplines, admission schedule and important dates etc.

D irectorate of Postgraduate Studies T

he Directorate of Postgraduate Studies (DPGS) deals with admissions of postgraduate students in coordination


ith Directorate of Admissions. The Directorate also looks after the processing of postgraduate programmes and

e nforcement of regulations approved by the Academic Council and Syndicate. C ontact: (+92-91) 922 2151, Email: khanshahzada@uetpeshawar.edu.pk D irectorate of Admissions T

he Directorate of Admissions is responsible for student admissions; provides specific and general information to

p rospective students round the year. C ontact: (+92-91) 9216784, E-mail: admission@uetpeshawar.edu.pk w ebsite: www.enggentrancetest.pk N ational Institute of Urban Infrastructure Planning (NIUIP) Na tional Institute of Urban Infrastructure Planning (NIUIP), established in 2008 with Higher E ducation Commission (HEC) funding, is committed to promote sustainable urban dev elopment in Pakistan, and apply research in combating challenges facing rapidly growing urban centers in the country.


es: n To develop it into a center of excellence for teaching, research and training in urban infr astructure planning in Pakistan. n To train and educate Maters' and Doctoral level students with hands-on opportunities f or research in an applied and problem-solving environment. n To conduct research in emerging trends in urban planning and development. n To identify and disseminate global best practices in urban planning and management. n To develop national and international strategic partnerships for collaborative research. n

To train in-service professionals in government and non-government organizations in urban infrastructure planning.

Con tinuing Engineering Education Center (CEEC) CEE

C ensures need-based trainings to the engineering community as a part of continuing engineering education to in-serive engineers. The

Cen ter has been established with following objectives: n Capacity building of engineers to engage effectively in the global economy. n Development of indigenous capacity to ensure effective utilization of international aid. n

Promote quality of teaching and research.

n Improve project management and financial management skills.


serving the engineering community in general, CEEC regularly offers Teachers T raining courses in collaboration with HEC for its freshly inducted faculty. T echnology Incubation Center (TIC) T echnology Incubation Center established with the help of HEC is aimed to spur economic dev elopment and job creation through technology business incubation. The Center offers support services for start-up entrepreneurs in starting and running their businesses. Besides, it also f acilitates the faculty and students in obtaining Intellectual Property Rights as well as CENTER S OF EXCELLENCE & SKILL DEVELOPMENT CENTERS CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE & SKILL DEVELOPMENT CENTERS vi

UET Postgraduate Prospectus 2020-21c

ommercialization of their research. The center is fully equipped with allied facilities, offers one roof solutions including, phone, internet


onnectivity, video conferencing and trainings on IP and legislative matters under the qualified faculty and staff. It also aims to attract young


ains to commercialize their innovative ideas and for this purpose the Center incubates small companies, selected through a supervisory

c ommittee. Gems and Jewelry Center of Excellence (GJCoE) The

Gems and Jewelry Center of Excellence Center is a state-of-the-art facility in gem cutting and polishing. The center with its qualified


eaching faculty and laboratories offers five month diploma in gemology and lapidary. The Center has been upgraded to Gems and Jewelry


ter of Excellence that will not only provide training in gemology and lapidary, but value gems and precious stones.

E arthquake Engineering Center (EEC) UET

Earthquake Engineering Center is a multi-disciplinary research and education Center, established with the aim to mitigate the seismic


ter risk in the province in particular and country, in general. The center has made tremendous progress so far in the last few years. It has


upgraded to the National Institute of Earthquake Engineering with the funding of Rs. 487.219 million by HEC. The center has developed


esearch collaborations with renowned international organizations, research centers and universities for human resource development,

r esearch and development activities.


Enhancement Cell (QEC)


Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), is aimed to assist the university in improving the student learning by continuously enhancing and


taining the academic standards under the HEC guidelines. At present, the QEC efforts are mainly focused on coordination between the

univ ersity and HEC, and implementation of the HEC quality assessment procedures. Since

its establishment in February 2007, QEC has focused on gathering information and data about the facilities, finances, research, students,


faculty of each department and, has incorporated the collected information in the HEC ranking performa as per HEC requirements.


of Research, Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC) UET

Peshawar has developed the Office of Research Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC). This office is aimed at transforming pure


e into products and services with the perspective of ultimate community welfare. Its main role is to strengthen University's research


knowledge creation process by providing strategic and operational support through promoting entrepreneurship, technology-transfer


commercialization activities to energize local and national economy. It also aims at strengthening University-Industry relationships by


cross-cutting and multi-disciplinary research initiatives for the up gradation of local and national industries. In general it aspires to

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