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Calculus and Its Applications (2-downloads)

1.4 Differentiation Using Limits 2.4 Using Derivatives to Find Absolute Maximum ... inclusion of real-world applications detailed art pieces

Learning calculus concepts through interactive real-life examples

(using real-life examples) support students' understanding of calculus concepts and time to some of history's great ideas like limits and derivative.


18 thg 4 2018 To evaluate the limits of trigonometric functions


Applications of derivatives: rate of change increasing/decreasing functions

US Curriculum-CA

mathematics to real-world situations. Working on projects and learning to use technology appropriately are integral parts of the course.

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1 thg 9 2021 Applications of derivatives: rate of change

2.7 Applications of Derivatives to Business and Economics

1(b) we can use the tools of calculus to study it. A typical cost function is analyzed in Example 1. y x. Cost. 1. Production level.

Program Cover Document --- MAT 127: Calculus A

Be able to apply mathematics to real-life applications; Solving problems involving applications of limits and derivatives including related rates.

On Certain Applications of the Differential and Integral Calculus in

calculus to the theory and practice of life contingencies by assuming a contin- Certain elementary mortality functions involving derivatives and.

Applications of Derivatives: Displacement Velocity and Acceleration

Kinematics is the study of motion and is closely related to calculus. Physical quantities describing motion can be related to one another by derivatives. Below 

13.1 Overview

13.1.1 Limits of a function

Let f be a function defined in a domain which we take to be an interval, say, I. We shall study the concept of limit of f at a point 'a' in I.

We say -lim ( )

x af x → is the expected value of f at x = a given the values of f near to the left of a. This value is called the left hand limit of f at a.

We say lim ( )

x af x+→ is the expected value of f at x = a given the values of f near to the right of a. This value is called the right hand limit of f at a. If the right and left hand limits coincide, we call the common value as the limit of f at x = a and denote it by lim ( )x af x→.

Some properties of limits

Let f and g be two functions such that both

lim ( )x af x → and lim ( )x ag x→ exist. Then (i) lim[ ( ) ( )] lim ( ) lim ( ) x ax a x af x g x f x g x →→→+ = +(ii) lim[ ( ) ( )] lim ( ) lim ( ) x ax a x af x g x f x g x →→→- = -(iii)For every real number α lim ( )( ) lim ( ) x ax af x f x→→α = α(iv) lim[ ( ) ( )] [lim ( ) lim ( )] x ax a x af x g x f x g x lim ( )( )lim ( ) lim ( ) x a x a x af xf x g x g x →=, provided g (x) ≠ 0Chapter 13



Limits of polynomials and rational functions

If f is a polynomial function, then lim ( )

x af x → exists and is given by lim ( ) ( )x af x f a→=An Important limit An important limit which is very useful and used in the sequel is given below:

1limn nn

x ax anax a- →-=-Remark The above expression remains valid for any rational number provided ' a' is positive.

Limits of trigonometric functions

To evaluate the limits of trigonometric functions, we shall make use of t he following limits which are given below: (i) 0 sinlim xx x→ = 1(ii)0limcos 1 xx →=(iii)

0limsin 0

xx →=13.1.2 Derivatives Suppose f is a real valued function, then f ′(x) = 0 ( ) ( )lim hf x h f x h→ + -... (1) is called the derivative of f at x, provided the limit on the R.H.S. of (1) exists. Algebra of derivative of functions Since the very definition of derivatives involve limits in a rather direct fashion, we expect the rules of derivatives to follow closely that of limits as given below: Let f and g be two functions such that their derivatives are defined in a common domain. Then : (i)Derivative of the sum of two function is the sum of the derivatives of t he functions.

[ ]( ) ( )df x g xdx+ =( ) ( )d df x g xdx dx+(ii)Derivative of the difference of two functions is the difference of the d

erivatives of the functions. [ ]( ) ( )df x g xdx- =( ) ( )d df x g xdx dx-


(iii)Derivative of the product of two functions is given by the following product rule.[ ]( ) ( )df x g xdx? =( ) ( ) ( ) ( )ddf x g x f x g xdxdx ? + ? This is referred to as Leibnitz Rule for the product of two functions. (iv)Derivative of quotient of two functions is given by the following quotient rule (wherever the denominator is non-zero). d f x dx g x =()2 ( )d d f x g x f x g xdxdx g x ? - ? 13.2 Solved Examples

Short Answer Type

Example 1 Evaluate

3 22

1 2(2 3)lim23 2xx

xx x x→- - -- + Solution We have 3 22

1 2(2 3)lim23 2xx

xx x x→- - -- + =21 2(2 3)lim2 ( 1) ( 2xx x x x x 2 ( 1) 2(2 3)lim( 1)( 2)xx x x x x x 2

25 6lim( 1)( 2)xx x

x x x 2 ( 2) ( 3)lim( 1)( 2)xx x x x x - - [x - 2 ≠ 0] 2

3 1lim( 1) 2xx

x x


Example 2

Evaluate 0

2 2lim

xx x →+ -Solution Put y = 2 + x so that when x → 0, y → 2. Then 0

2 2lim

xx x 1 1 2 2 2



111221 1 1(2) 22 22 2

--= ? =Example 3 Find the positive integer n so that

33lim 1083n n

xx x

Solution We have

3 3lim3 n n xx x - =n(3)n - 1

Therefore,n(3)n - 1 =108 = 4 (27) = 4(3)4 - 1

Comparing, we getn =4

Example 4 Evaluate

2 lim (sec tan ) xx xπ→-Solution Put y =

2xπ-. Then y → 0 as x → 2

π. Therefore

2 lim (sec tan ) xx xπ→- =

0lim[sec( ) tan ( )]2 2yyy

0lim (cosec cot )yy y→-=


1 coslimsin sin

yy y y→ 0

1 coslimsinyy



= 2 02sin 2lim

2sin cos2 2

y y y y→

21 cossince, sin2 2

sin 2sin cos

2 2y y

y yy-

02lim tan2y

y → = 0

Example 5 Evaluate

0 sin (2 ) sin(2 )lim xx x x→ + - -Solution (i) We have 0 sin (2 ) sin(2 )lim xx x x→ 0 (2 2 ) (2 2 )2cossin22limxx x x x x→ 0

2cos 2sinlim

xx x→=2 cos 2

0sinlim 2cos 2

xx x →= 0sinas lim 1 xx x = Example 6 Find the derivative of f(x) = ax + b, where a and b are non-zero constants, by first principle.

Solution By definition,

f′(x) = 0 ( ) ( )lim hf x h f x h→ 0 ( ) ( )lim ha x h b ax b h→ 0lim h bh h→ = b

Example 7

Find the derivative of f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, where a, b and c are none-zero constant, by first principle.

Solution By definition,

f′(x) = 0 ( ) ( )lim hf x h f x h→



0( ) ( )lim

ha x h b x h c ax bx c h→ 2

02limhbh ah axh

h→+ + =0limh→ ah + 2ax + b = b + 2ax Example 8 Find the derivative of f(x) = x3, by first principle.

Solution By definition,

f′(x) = 0 ( ) ( )lim hf x h f x h→ 3 3

0( )limh

x h x h→ 3 33

03 ( )lim

h x h xh x h x h→+ + + -=

0limh→(h2 + 3x (x + h)) = 3x2

Example 9 Find the derivative of f(x) =

1 x by first principle.

Solution By definition,

f′(x) = 0 ( ) ( )lim hf x h f x h→ 0

1 1 1lim

hh x h x→

0lim( )hhh x h x→

+ = 2 1- x. Example 10 Find the derivative of f(x) = sin x, by first principle.

Solution By definition,

f′(x) = 0 ( ) ( )lim hf x h f x h→


=0 sin ( ) sinlim hx h x h→ 02

2cos sin2 2lim

x h h h→+ 00 sin(2 )2lim cos lim2 2 hh h x h h→→+?=cos x.1 = cos x Example 11 Find the derivative of f(x) = xn, where n is positive integer, by first principle.quotesdbs_dbs8.pdfusesText_14
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