[PDF] Group of Experts on Geographical Names

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Critical Habitat of the Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus

11 sept. 2022 de l'omble à tête plate. (Salvelinus confluentus) populations de la rivière. Saskatchewan et du fleuve. Nelson. SOR/2021-31. DORS/2021-31 ...

Truite fardée versant de louest Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi

Truite fardée versant de l'ouest - populations de la rivière Saskatchewan et du fleuve Nelson. Nom scientifique. Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi. Statut.

Esturgeon jaune Acipenser fulvescens

Populations de la rivière Saskatchewan et du fleuve Nelson - EN VOIE DE fleuve Nelson populations du sud de la baie d'Hudson et de la baie James et ...

Group of Experts on Geographical Names

Mackenzie River / Fleuve Mackenzie. Manitoba Lake / Lac Manitoba. ' "ehigan

La Seine en amont de Paris

Le pont de Villeneuve-Saint-Georges. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.Le franchissement du fleuve. Le pont de Conflans puis Nelson-Mandela 

Crapet du Nord Lepomis peltastes

Populations de la rivière Saskatchewan et du fleuve Nelson - NON EN PÉRIL. Populations des Grands Lacs et du haut Saint-Laurent - PRÉOCCUPANTE. 2016 

Aquatic Invasive Species Regulation amendment


Crown Lands Withdrawn from Disposal Regulation M.R. 542/88 R

Nelson River Water Power Reserve. 4. All those Townships of Townships. Fifty-four to Ninety-one Réserve d'énergie hydraulique du fleuve Nelson.

EAUX INTÉRIEURES 23 Les Grands lacs nont pas de marée mais

Saint-François fleuve Saint-Laurent. (total

Projet de centrale hydroélectrique Keeyask

partie inférieure du fleuve Nelson au Manitoba

Quelle est la dénivellation du fleuve Nelson ?

Avec une dénivellation d’environ 217 mètres entre le lac Winnipeg et la mer, le fleuve Nelson est devenu le plus important complexe hydroélectrique de la société d’État Manitoba Hydro.

Où se trouve le fleuve Nelson ?

Le fleuve Nelson coule sur une distance d'environ 660 km du lac Winnipeg vers la baie d'Hudson, près de l'ancien poste de traite des fourrures York Factory, Manitoba, Canada .

Où se trouve la région de Nelson ?

La région de Nelson (en maori de Nouvelle-Zélande : Whakat?) est une région de Nouvelle-Zélande située au nord de l' île du Sud. C'est la plus petite des régions avec ses 445 km2 2, mais aussi l'une des plus densément peuplées avec 50 880 habitants 3. Cela est dû à sa petite taille et au fait qu'on y trouve une grande ville, Nelson .

UNITEDNATIONSGroup of Experts onGeographical Names~~Tt ; WORKING PAPEREleventh SessionGeneva, 15-23 October 1984No. 25Item No, 5 oProvisional Agenda*OFFICIAL LAHGUASES AHD GEOGRAPHICAL HAMESOH FEDEEftL GQYEBHMEHT MAPS IS CAHADA(submitted by A. Raybura)* W? Ko. I

NATIONAL REPORT FOR CANADAActivities since 1982The Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names has heldthree annual meetings since the Group of Experts last met in 1982.Progress reports, discussion and resolution of issues of nationalimportance, and plans for future activities have been the main elementsof meetings held in Quebec (1982), Ottawa (1983) and Charlottetown(1984).MembershipDr. Jean-Paul Drolet, who has been chairman of the CPCGN since1964, retired from the public service of Canada in 1983. He was invitedby the Deputy Minister of the Department of Energy, Mines and Resourcesto continue to perform the functions of Chairman of the CPCGN, andto lay the groundwork for the Fifth UN Conference in Montreal in 1987.The CPCGN now has 23 members, with recent additions for the North-west Territories, Yukon Territory and Geological Survey of Canada.Policy DevelopmentThe long awaited policy on the language treatment of geographicalnames for federal maps and marine charts was released in November1983. The policy sets out a limited number (81) of names with equalrecognition in Eng_lis_h__and French. Otherwise, only the single officialFrench or English names are shown on federal maps. For prose texts,translation of generic terminology is still permitted. An interestingaspect of the policy is the recognition that the names of cities,towns and other municipalities should not be translated; only one muni-cipality in Canada has two official forms: Grand Falls/Grand-Sault, N.B.Guidelines have been developed for the official naming of small features,the commemorative naming of non-Canadians and the application of namesin mountain areas where there are several hierarchical levels of namedfeatures.PublicationsIn 1983 the CPCGN published the volume entitled Canada: GeographicalNames and the United Nations, 1982. Reproduced in the publication werethe papers presented by Canada at the Fourth UN Conference held inGeneva and the resolutions passed by the conference.The Secretariat of the CPCGN has continued to produce the semi-annual publication, CANOMA. In the two most recent issues there arearticles on Canada's role in the formulation and implementation of

- 2 -United Nations resolutions, names associated with Jacques Cartier'svoyages in the 1530s and names relating to land occupancy in the Mac-kenzie Valley of the Northwest Territories.On behalf of the CPCGN, the Department of Fisheries and Oceanspublished the Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names in 1983.In the Gazetteer of Canada series, a new volume for Newfoundlandwas produced in 1983. A new volume for British Columbia will be issuedin 1985.In 1983 the publishers of the Canadian Geographic, which has a cir-culation of 125,000, started a new series on Canadian places and names.The articles published to date, written by the Executive Secretaryof the CPCGN, have been devoted to Canadian acronyms and to the originsof Flin Flon, Miramichi, Medicine Hat and names in the Yukon.A new three-volume Canadian Encyclopedia will be published in1985. The Secretariat contributed a 2000-word article on Canada'splace names and a 300-word article on the CPCGN.

I*Treasury Board of CanadaSecretariatOttawa. CanadaK1AQR5Conseil du Tresor du CanadaSecretariatCircular No.: 1983-58Our File No.: 4678-11-6Date: November 23, 1983To: Deputy Heads of Departments andHeads of Agencies and CrownCorporationsSubject: Official Languages andGeographical Nantes onFederal Government MapsCirculaire n : 1983-58Notre reference: 4678-11-6Date: le 23 novembre 1983Aux: Sous-ministres et chefs d'organisraeset de soeietes de la CouronneSujet: Les langues officielles et lestoponymes - application a lacartographie federalePurposeTo set out guidelines on the use ofthe official languages in Canadiangeographical names on federal govern-ment maps and charts.ApplicationThese guidelines apply to all depart-ments and agencies in Part I ofSchedule I of the Public Service StaffRelations Act, as well as CrownCorporations listed in Schedules *B*and 'C' of the Financial AdministrationA

- 2 -consistent manner. The use of nameson federal maps and charts is also animportant element in creating anational image, one that portraysCanada as a country whose heritage isshared by members of both officiallanguage groups.Names on federal maps ought generallyto conform to the names found inlegal documents, on highway signs,etc., that is, the names chosen byprovincial authorities in theirterritories, and by federal authoritiesI in areas under their jurisdiction.]> addition, the names of cities,, tbwiis and municipalities that havej been incorporated provincially have aj legal status which should be recognized.The federal policy approach mustfinally take into account the require-ments for effective and cost-efficientpresentation of information on maps.Present naming practices in Canadarecognize the official languages tosome extent; however, current federalmaps do not consistently show boththe English and French names of majorCanadian geographical entities.Guidelines on official languages andgeographical names which achieve thisg 1 and meet the requirementsdiscussed above have been developedfollowing consultation with theCanadian Permanent Committee onGeographical Names, composed ofrepresentatives from the ten provinces,the two territories, and the majorfederal institutions concerned,including the Translation Bureau.For purposes of these guidelines,geographical entities of pan-Canadiansignificance with well-known forms inboth official languages have beenlisted, including the largest entitieslorsqu'ils utilisent les cartes federales,soient servis de fagon coherente. Latoponymie utilisee sur les cartes fede-rales est egalement 1'un des elementsqui contribuent a creer 1'image nationaled'un Canada ou les deux communautes delangues officielles partagent un patri-moine commun.Les noms inscrits sur les cartes federalesdoivent etre, autant que possible,conformes aux noms utilises dans lesdocuments juridiques, sur les panneauxde signalisation routiere, etc., c'est-a-dire les noms adoptes par les autoritesprovinciales et federales dans lesterritoires sous leur juridictionrespective. En outre, les noms desvilles, villages, et municipalites quiont ete incorpores par les provinces ont.un statut juridique qu'il importe dereconnaltre. L'administration federaledoit enfin, dans le cadre de sa politique,tenir compte de la necessite de produire,au moindre cout, des cartes bien lisibles.Les pratiques toponymiques qui ontactuellement cours au Canada tiennentcomptent des langues officielles dansune certaine mesure; cependant, lescartes federales les plus recentesn'indiquent pas uniformement les nomsfrancais et anglais des principalesentites geographiques canadiennes. Deslignes directrices concernant le traite-ment linguistique des noms geographiquesqui permettent d'atteindre cet objectifet de repondre aux exigences susmen-tionnees ont ete elaborees en collabora-tion avec le Comite permanent canadiendes noms geographiques, forme de repre-sentants des dix provinces, des deuxterritoires et des principaux organismesfederaux concemes, dont le Bureau destraductions.Aux fins de ces lignes directrices, uneliste d'entites d'interet pancanadiendont les noms sont bien connus dans lesdeux langues officielles a ete etablie;elle englobe tant les principales entites

- 3 - in and around Canada, as well asthose with national historical signi-ficance. These names are consideredpart of the Canadian national heritage.The guidelines refer only to federalgovernment maps and charts. Regardingthe related question of the use ofgeographical names in prose texts, itis to be noted that inquiries concer-ning the treatment of such names intexts in the other official languageshould continue to be addressed tothe Translation Bureau's Terminolo-gical Information Service (997-4363).Guidelines1. These guidelines come into forceimmediately for new maps; formaps now in print or beingprinted, they are to be imple-mented when other revisions arerequired.2. Names of geographical entitiesof pan-Canadian significancehaving well-known forms in bothofficial languages have beenestablished by the President ofthe Treasury Board on the recom-mendation of the Canadian Perma-nent Committee on GeographicalNames, and are listed in theappended Schedule. They are toappear in both their forms on abilingual map, or, in the caseof separate English and Frenchversions of a map, in the formappropriate to the language ofthe map.geographiques S 1'intirieur et auxenvirons du Canada, q.ue celles d1 interesthistorique a 1'echelle nationale. Onconsidere que ces noms font partie dupatrimoine national canadien.Les lignes directrices ne s'appliquentqu'aux cartes topographiques et marinesdu gouvernement federal. En ce qui atrait a 1'utilisation des noms geographi-ques dans les textes suivis, il fautnoter que les demandes de renseignementsconcernant le traitement linguistiquedes toponymes mentionnes dans les textesrediges dans 1'autre langue officielledevraient continuer a etre transmises auService de renseignements terminologiquesdu Bureau des traductions (997-4363).Lignes directrices1. Ces lignes directrices entrentimmediatement en vigueur pour lesnouvelles cartes. Quant aux cartesdeja imprimees ou en cours d*impres-sion, il faudra en tenir comptelors de revisions ulterieures.2. Le president du Conseil du Tresor aetabli, sur la recommandation duComite permanent cana'dien des nomsgeographiques, la liste, jointe enannexe, des entites geographiquesd'interet pancanadien qui ont uneforme bien connue dans les deuxlangues officielles. Ces nomsdoivent figurer dans les deuxlangues officielles sur les cartesbilingues et dans la langue appro-priee sur les versions anglaise etfrangaise d'une carte.

- 4 -All other geographical names,including the names of cities,towns and municipalities whichhave been incorporated provin-cially, are to appear on federalgovernment maps in the formsadopted by the provincial orfederal authorities in whosejurisdiction the entities lie;as far as federal institutionsare concerned, such names areauthorized for official use bythe Canadian Permanent.Committeeon Geographical Names..Existing official languagepolicies regarding publishedmaterials continue to apply (seeAdministrative Policy Manual,Chapter 335 and Official LanguagesCircular 1982-58). Consequently,among other requirements, mapsare to be available in bothofficial languages if they arefor use by members of bothofficial language groups; forbilingual maps, all informationcontained in titles, legends,explanatory notes and descriptivelabels is to be displayed inboth official languages; thequality of the content- and ofthe format is to be the same inboth versions.InquiriesInquiries concerning geographicalnames in these guidelines may bedirected to:SecretariatCanadian Permanent Committee onGeographical NamesEnergy, Mines and ResourcesCanada3. Tous les autres toponymes, notammentle nom des villes, villages etmunieipalites qui ont ete incorporespar les provinces, doivent figurersur les cartes federales sous laforme adoptee par les autoritesfederales ou provinciales ayantjuridiction dans chaque cas precis;en ce qui concerne les institutionsfederalesj I1utilisation de cestoponymes a des fins officiellesest autorisee par le Comite permanentCanadian des noms geographiques.4. Les politiques concernant 1'utili-sation des langues officielles dansles publications demeurent envigueur (voir le chapitre 335 duManuel de la politique administrativeet la circulaire ayant trait auxlangues officielles 1982-58). Parconsequent, les cartes doiventnotamment etre disponibles dans lesdeux langues officielles si elles• sont destinees aux membres des deuxgroupes de langues officielles;dans le cas des cartes bilingues,tous les renseignements contenusdans les titres, legendes, notesexplicatives et epithetes descriptivesdoivent figurer dans les deuxlangues officielles; la qualite ducontenu et de la presentation doitStre la mime dans les deux versions.Deaandes de renseignementsLes demandes de renseignements concernantles noms geographiques qui decoulent despresentes lignes directrices peuventItre adressees au:SecretariatComite permanent canadien des nomsgeographiquesEnergie, Mines et RessourcesCanada

- 5 -Inquiries concerning other aspectsof these guidelines may bedirected to:Policy DivisionOfficial Languages BranchTreasury Board SecretariatToute autre demande de renseignementsconcernant les presentes lignes direc-trices peut etre adressee a la:Division des politiquesDirection des langues officiellesSecretariat du Conseil du TresorLe Sous-secretaire,Direction des langues officiellesE.G.Deputy SecretaryOfficial Languages Branch

SCHEDULEANNEXENames of Pan-CanadianSignificanceNotns d'interet pancanadienAbitibi, Lake / Lac AbitibiAnticosti Island / lie d'AnticostiAppalachian Mountains /Les Appalacfa.esArctic Ocean / Ocean ArctiqueAthabasca, Lake / Lac AthabascaAthabasca River / Riviere AthabascaAtlantic Ocean / Ocean AtlantiqueBaffin Bay / Baie de BaffinBaffin Island / lie de BaffinBeaufort Sea / Her de BeaufortBelle Isle, Strait of /Detroit de Belle IsleBritish Columbia /Colombie-BritanniqueCabot Strait / Detroit de CabotCape Breton Island /lie du Cap-BretonChaleur Bay / Baie des ChaleursChamplain, Lake / Lac ChamplainChurchill River (Man.) /Riviere Churchill (Man.)Churchill River (Nfld.) /Fleuve Churchill (T.-N.)Coast Mountains / Chaine CotiereColumbia River / Fleuve ColumbiaDavis Strait / Detroit de DavisEllesmere Island / lie d'ElleszaereErie, Lake / Lac trieFranklin, District of /. District de FranklinFraser River / Fleuve FraserFundy, Bay of / Baie de FundyGeorgian Bay / Baie GeorgienneGreat Bear Lake / Grand lac de 1'QursGreat Slave Lake /Grand lac des EsclavesAbitibi, Lac / Lake AbitibiAnticosti, lie d' / Anticosti IslandAppalaches, Les / Appalachian MountainsArctique, Ocean / Arctic OceanAthabasca, Lac / Lake AthabascaAthabasca, Riviere / Athabasca RiverAtlantique, Ocean / Atlantic OceanBaffin, Baie de / Baffin BayBaffin, lie de / Baffin IslandBeaufort, Mer de / Beaufort SeaBelle Isle, Detroit de /Strait of Belle IsleBois, Lac des / Lake of the WoodsCabot, Detroit de / Cabot StraitCap-Breton, lie du / Cape Breton IslandChaleurs, Baie des / Chaleur BayChamplain, Lac / Lake ChamplainChurchill, Fleuve (T.-JT.) /Churchill River (Nfld.)Churchill, Riviere (Man.) /Churchill River (Man.)Colombie-Britannique / British ColumbiaColumbia, Fleuve / Columbia RiverCotiere, Chaine / Coast MountainsDavis, Detroit de / Davis StraitEllesmere, lie d' / Ellesmere Island£rie, Lac / Lake ErieEsclaves, Grand lac des /Great Slave LakeFranklin, District de /District of FranklinFraser, Fleuve / Fraser RiverFundy, Baie de / Bay of FundyGeorgienne, Baie / Georgian BayHudson, Baie d1 / Hudson BayHudson, Detroit d' / Hudson StraitHuron, Lac / Lake Huron

- 2 -Hudson Bay / Bale d' HudsonHudson Strait / Detroit d' HudsonHuron, Lake / Lac HuronJames Bay / Baie JamesKeewatin, District of /District de KeewatinLabrador Sea / Her du LabradorLaurentian Mountains /Les LaurentidesMackenzie, District of /District de MackenzieMackenzie River / Fleuve MackenzieManitoba, Lake / Lac Manitoba' "ehigan, Lake / Lac Michiganactually in Canada)Nelson River / Fleuve NelsonNew Brunswick / Nouveau-BrunswickNewfoundland / Terre-NeuveNiagara Falls / Chutes NiagaraNipigon, Lake / Lac NipigonNipissing, Lake / Lac NipissingNorth Saskatchewan River /Riviere Saskatchewan NordNorthumberland Strait /Detroit die NorthumberlandNorthwest Territories /Territoires du Nerd-QuestNova Scotia / Nouvelle-ficosseOntario, Lake / Lac Ontariof t.awa River / Riviere des OutaouaisPacific Ocean / Ocean PacifiquePeace River / Riviere de la PaixPrince Edward Island /J le-du-Priace-£doua rdQuebec / Quebec (province)Queen Charlotte Islands /lies de la Reine-CharlotteQueen Elizabeth Islands /lies de la Reine-E~lisabethlle-du-Prince-£douard /Prince Edward IslandJames, Baie / James BayKeewatin, District de /District of KeewatinLabrador, Mer du / Labrador SeaLaurentides, Les / Laurentian MountainsMackenzie, District de /District of MackenzieMackenzie, Fleuve / Mackenzie RiverManitoba, Lac / Lake ManitobaMichigan, Lac / Lake Michigan(entite situee hors du Canada)Nelson, Fleuve / Nelson RiverNiagara, Chutes / Niagara FallsNipigon, Lac / Lake NipigonNipissing, Lac / Lake NipissingNord-Ouest, Territoires du /Northwest TerritoriesNorthumberland, Detroit de /Northumberland StraitNouveau-Brunswick / New BrunswickNouvelle-Ecosse / Nova ScotiaOntario, Lac / Lake OntarioOurs, Grand lac de 1' / Great Bear LakeOutaouais, Riviere des / Ottawa RiverPacifique, Ocean / Pacific OceanPaix, Riviere de la / Peace RiverPluie, Lac a la / Rainy LakePluie, Riviere a la / Rainy RiverQuebec / Quebec (province)Reine-Charlotte, lies de la /Queen Charlotte IslandsReine-lilisabeth, lies de la /Queen Elizabeth IslandsRistigouche, Riviere / Restigouche RiverRocheuses, Montagnes / Rocky MountainsRouge, Riviere / Red River

- 3 -Rainy Lake / Lac a la PluieRainy River / Riviere a la PluieRed River / Riviere RougeRestigouche River /Riviere RistigoucheRocky Mountains / Montagnes RocheusesSable Island / lie de SableSaguenay River / Riviere SaguenaySt. Clair, Lake / Lac Sainte-ClaireSaint John River / Riviere Saint-JeanSt. Lawrence, Gulf of /Golfe du Saint-LaurentSt. Lawrence River /Fleuve Saint-LaurentSaskatchewan River /Riviere SaskatchewanSouth Saskatchewan River /Riviere Saskatchewan SudSuperior, Lake / Lac SuperieurTimiskaming, Lake / Lac TemiscamingueUngava Bay / Baie d'UngavaVancouver Island / lie de VancouverWinnipeg, Lake / Lac WinnipegWinnipegosis, Lake / Lac WinnipegosisWinnipeg.River / Riviere WinnipegWoods, Lake of the / Lac des BoisSable, lie de / Sable IslandSaguenay, Riviere / Saguenay RiverSainte-Claire, Lac / Lake St. ClairSaint-Jean, Riviere / Saint John RiverSaint-Laurent, Fleuve /St. Lawrence RiverSaint-Laurent, Golfe du /Gulf of St. LawrenceSaskatchewan Nord, Riviere /North Saskatchewan RiverSaskatchewan, Riviere / Saskatchewan RiverSaskatchewan Sud, Riviere /South Saskatchewan RiverSuperieur, Lac / Lake SuperiorTemiscamingue, Lac / Lake TimiskamingTerre-Neuve / NewfoundlandUngava, Baie d' / Ungava BayVancouver, lie de / Vancouver IslandWinnipeg, Lac / Lake WinnipegWinnipegosis, Lac / Lake WinnipegosisWinnipeg, Riviere / Winnipeg RiverYukon, Fleuve / Yukon RiverYukon, Territoire du / Yukon TerritoryYukon River / Fleuve YukonYukon Territory / Territoire du Yukon

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